Rewritten Destiny ✒ Emmett Cu...

By sweetuner

500 9 1

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cast <3.


188 3 1
By sweetuner



Cheryl paced through her room looking for anything she forgot to pack. She sighed softly and sat down putting her earphones on.
Forks, Washington. She was going to stay with her cousin, Bella. And Bella's dad, Charlie.

She couldn't wait to go to forks. She'd be able to see Jacob again. Cheryl had always had a huge crush on Jacob. But she knew, Jacob liked Bella. She thought Bella liked him too, but she never said anything.

You see, Cheryl loves Bella. She's do anything for her dear cousin. But Bella, she was always picky. If Cheryl wanted to go shopping, Bella wouldn't want to, and Cheryl would get mad. But she knew her cousin. She knew Bella's attitude and her motivation.

Cheryl stood up and walked downstairs when her aunt Renee called her. She held her bag, and walked down the stairs. Her aunt stood by the front door, waiting to lock it. She then smiled at her aunt and fixed her hair a bit then walked out and got in the car.

Cheryl looked outside watching as they drove to the airport. She played music on her phone and hummed softly. When they got to the airport, they hugged Renee and Her boyfriend Phil. The two girls then said their goodbyes, and walked onto the plane walkway.

Bella and Cheryl sat next to each other, both stayed quiet and both watched a movie on the screen in front of them. Bella soon fell asleep but Cheryl stayed up. She thought about certain subjects and looked out the window of the plane.

The next day, Bella woke up Cheryl telling her they were in Washington, and that Charlie was gonna pick them up. They grabbed their stuff and walked to gate 345, where Charlie was. Charlie pulled both of them into a hug.

They walked to the car and got in putting their belongings in the trunk. Their conversation was short. It was awkward. They drove over a bridge before Cheryl saw a sign that said the population: 3, 120 people.

Charlie is the chief of police.
"Y'alls hair grew longer." Charlie said looking at Bella who was in the front seat, then the mirror looking at Cheryl.
"I cut it since the last time I saw you." Bella said, messing with her hair curls.

"Oh... Guess it grew out again." Charlie sighed softly before driving again. The rest of the car ride was silent and awkward. Until they reached home.

The house was a two bedroom. But Cheryl had a room. In the back yard, near the forest a little, was a medium size shed. It was alright. It had Cheryl's old stuff and her blankets. It even had her old laptops and Ipods. It had her queen size bed, and her shelf and drawers. It even had her desk.

She was excited, I mean, they were moving in. Which meant, Cheryl got to decorate her shed and she got to clean it out. She would have it all to herself and privacy. Finally some privacy.

Charlie parked at the house and helped the girl carry their stuff. Cheryl carried hers to the back yard while Charlie followed with her stuff. After all the stuff was in the shed, Charlie went to go help Bella.

Cheryl sat on the bed of her room and smiled softly to herself. She admired the old pictures of her and Jacob, Seth, Leah and her old friends. But what made her sad, was a picture of her parents. Her eyes got teary, but she tried to keep the tears in.

Her parents passed away before she turned fifteen. That was 2 years ago. No body knows how they died. People said it was a creature. A bear maybe. But Cheryl knew, it wasn't a bear, or some creature. In her gut feeling, she knew.

She wiped her tear and then started unpacking. She plugged in her laptop and her phone before plugging up her camera to her computer. She then put her sheets on the bed along with her blankets and pillows, fixing the bed up nice and neat. 

She fixed her curtains and put her clothes in her drawers. She put her under clothes in her drawer. She smiled and put her old Christmas lights up making the room look fancy but cute. She then heard a car honk and she looked out the window to see Billy Black and Jacob outside along with Charlie and Bella.

She grabbed her phone and fixed her hair and walked outside to them. She smiled at Jacob. Over the years, she kinda lost interest in Jacob. Mainly because of Jacobs crush on Bella.

"Bella, Cheryl, you remember Billy Black." Charlie said standing by the light of a old Chevy truck.

"Hey, you're looking good." Bella said shaking his hand.

"Still dancing, but I'm glad you're finally here, Charlie here hasn't shut up about you, since you told him you were coming." Billy said to Bella and Charlie rolled his eyes.

"Alright, keep exaggerating, I'll roll you into the middle of the mud." He said walking around. Bella chuckled quietly.

"Before I ram you in the ankle!" Billy said moving towards Charlie.

Cheryl became annoyed at the lack of introduction she was getting. She sighed and looked around seeing her old bike.

"Charlie! Mind if i ride it around town?" She said walking towards the bike.

"Be home before dark, and be careful Cheryl, i still remember when you fell." Charlie said smiling at Cheryl. Jacob looked at her and watched her. Cheryl shared one last glance at Jacob before getting on the bike and riding to the hospital.

She stopped at a corner and plugged her earphones in. She listened to Melanie Martinez before looking around. She saw a red convertible next to her. She looked at the people in it and saw three teenager's. One - a boy- very muscular with black hair. A girl with blonde light hair, almost doll looking. And a thin boy with brown ruffled hair.

The two boys looked at her. She pulled her red curls back into a ponytail before getting on the bike and rode to her trails. She noticed the red convertible behind her and she sighed. She didn't care. She kept going and she finally pulled into the hospital. The red convertible parked next to her. She put her bike near the bike holders and walked inside taking her earphones out.

She ran into a male doctor. "I'm so sorry, forgive me." He said.

"No, no, no, it's okay!" Cheryl said backing up a little so she wasn't really close.

"I'm doctor Carlisle Cullen, Can i help you with anything?" The doctor, Carlisle asked.

"Um, do you know where Winter Hallewell's room is?" Cheryl asked smiling softly.

"Room.. 34 on this level. Actually these three are about to go see her, they can show you the way." He smiled and looked up to see the three teenager's then looked back at Cheryl.

"Thank you so much. I'm Cheryl, by the way. Cheryl Valdez." She sighed softly and saw his reaction to her name then smiled softly at her. She smiled back and then looked back and saw the muscular looking one staring at her. She sighed and walked to the room, the three following after her.

"Cheryl!" Winter stood up and ran to Cheryl. Cheryl hugged her tightly and smiled.

"Hey, I've missed you!" Cheryl said, still hugging Winter.

"I've missed you too! Oh, Cheryl, this is Emmett," She pointed to the muscular one, "And that's Rosalie," She pointed to the girl, "And that's Edward. They visit me everyday." Winter smiled and sat on the bed.

Cheryl smiled and nodded at them before sitting on the chair. "Have you seen my brother anywhere?"

Winter sighed and shook her head, "He only comes in every month. It's to hard for him here. Just the memories for him."

Cheryl nodded sitting back, "I haven't talked to him in months. Last time i saw him, was Christmas last year."

Winter nodded, "It's okay, he's pulling through. He's strong, i know it."

Cheryl smiled softly and let her hair down, "Do you go to the high school? I'm supposed to go tomorrow but I'm just nervous because it's already the middle of the semester." She looked at Winter then Emmett, Rosalie and Edward, who were sitting down on the couch.

"I don't go to school, i can't yet. But they go, maybe they can show you around." Winter said and looked at them.

"I mean, i can show her around. My schedule is pretty free tomorrow." Emmett said sitting up.

Cheryl nodded and smiled slightly, "Thanks, my cousin has a tour guide but I don't. I'll meet you at the school at 6:40. I like being early." Cheryl said and Emmett nodded.

Rosalie and Edward stood up and said bye to Winter then to Cheryl. Emmett stayed. Emmett, Winter and Cheryl talked for about 3 hours before Cheryl realized it was already ten o'clock.

"Crap, i have to go. Charlie will kill me if I'm not home soon." Cheryl said standing up and putting on her coat. Emmett stood too.

"Come back after school tomorrow and tell me all the tea! Okay?" Winter said and hugged Cheryl and Emmett.

"I can walk you home. If you want." Emmett said while Cheryl walked out of the room. She nodded and smiled before walking with him and holding her bike by the steering handles.

"So, what brings you to Forks?" Emmett asked looking at Cheryl.

"My cousin and I moved here. She's moving in with her dad while I'm gonna stay at my little place." She smiled walking with him.

Emmitt smiled and walked with her. The walk was quiet. But they seem to enjoy it. They enjoyed each others company. Cheryl led him to the back of Charlies house and smiled in front of her door.

"This is my stop." She smiled softly then put her bike on the side of the shed.

"Can i have your number? Um, so that i know what time you're going to be at school." He smiled nervous.

She smiled and nodded putting her hand out. He gave her his phone and she put her number in. "Text me tonight so that i can save it." She smiled and he nodded.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled at her. She nodded and blushed softly before walking into her shed. "Oh my god." She whispered and laughed softly at herself.

She took a shower and got dressed in her sleeping clothes, and layed down.

Her phone buzzed.

Unknown number:
Hey, it's Emmitt. This is my number.

She smiled and texted back:
hey, it's cheryl, i just saved the number!

Emmett :)
Okay! Get some sleep, text me tomorrow morning, good night ✨.

She texted back smiling:
see you tomorrow! :) <3.

He read the text and smiled at the little heart. She smiled and fell asleep slowly.

Emmett looked tough. But he was a big softie. He liked the way she would put her hair in a ponytail when she walked. He liked her smile and her small laugh. He was gaining feelings.

Edward walked towards Emmett and patted his shoulder, "Good luck man."

"Get out of my head Edward." Emmett moved away and put his phone in his pocket.

"You like her." Edward chuckled softly and sat back.

"Emmett likes who?" Carlisle asked the two boys chuckling softly.

"He likes the Cheryl girl that was at the hospital." Rosalie smiled and laughed softly.

"Be careful with her. Her parents were killed two years ago. By our kind." Carlisle said and Emmett straightened his face. He noticed Cheryl's lack of laughter. He also noticed a really deep scar on her shoulder that was stitched up.

He never thought, the girl he was in love with, would be broken. He didn't know he was in love with her. At least not yet.

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