City Life. {Katakuri x Reader}

By KiraReno

120K 6.9K 2.7K

So, this fic started out as a random - unconfirmed who it'd be about but I eventually settled on Katakuri. G... More

City Life.
Attack Of The Rogue Mop.
Hey Neighbour.
A Rough Night.
Rough Morning.
Evening With Bonney.
The Sister.
A Sudden Change.
Drinks At The Bar.
Home Time.
Daddy Dearest.
A Stiff Drink.
Slightly Broken's Just What I Need.
Life's Little Pleasures.
Pure Bliss.
A Hopeful Request.
The First Date.
Nightly Shenanigans.
A Noticeable Absence.
He's Home.
The Engagement.
A Charlotte Wedding.
The Reception. {Extended Ending}

Bonney's Date.

4.3K 262 149
By KiraReno

You're suddenly pulled from the sweet embrace when a loud and persistent banging sounds, your eyes snapping open as you jolt a little in your bed, the sunlight filling the room and causing you to wince. 

"Ugh! Too bright!"

It's morning already? But I haven't been asleep long!

"[F/N]~!!" Bonney's muffled shouting reaching your ears as the banging continues, it's only now that you realize the noise was somebody pounding at your door and that somebody is clearly your pink-haired friend. 

Shit! If she wakes Kid, he'll wring my neck!

Throwing yourself out of bed, you rush through to the living room and to the door, unlocking it as quickly as you can before pulling it open and successfully getting smacked in the face by a still-knocking Bonney in the process. 


"Oh!" The girl simply blurts as you hold your sore and now-bleeding nose, shooting her a glare that only has her smiling sheepishly, it's in this moment you notice Katakuri is stood behind her too. "My bad, I didn't mean to hit you! Also uh, I might've accidentally hit the wrong buzzer and woke your neighbour up...sorry, sorry."

Why?! Thatch did the same damn thing! 

"I live on the second floor, Bonney..." Your voice is a little muffled as you feebly try to catch the blood from your nose into your palm, completely ignoring Katakuri while he simply bypasses you, inviting himself into your home and grabbing a dish towel that you had left on the back of your sofa after cleaning yesterday. "So, the button that sets off my buzzer is the second one from the bottom of the panel."

"Oooh, right!" She doesn't seem too bothered by her mistake though, a giggle escaping her lips as she nods her head, her purple eyes watching closely as your neighbour carefully presses the dish cloth to your face. "I'll remember that next time!"


Please do, Thatch has already pissed off the clown that lives upstairs.

You don't miss the slight wiggle of her brows as she carelessly strolls inside also, setting a shopping bag down and checking out your outfit with a cheeky smirk. 

"Nice pyjamas." 

Screw you, Bonney.

Her comment leaves you feeling extremely self-conscious considering the fact that you wear a pair of shorts and a flimsy vest top to bed, no bra underneath and your hair is also a total mess. 

You won't even touch the subject of your morning breath. 

Kill me. Kill me now.

"Your nose doesn't look broken so it should stop bleeding on it's own soon, just keep soaking up the blood." Katakuri calmly murmurs, drawing your gaze to his and honestly, the second you notice his eyes and how close they are to your face, your heart just about bursts inside your chest. 

Your stare rapidly shifting down as your cheeks begin burning up like mad, you can see them turning red in the corner of your eye as you fix your attention on his bicep instead, a voice inside your head only screeching when you see that he has a large pink tattoo there. 

I dreamt about him?! Of course it was him! How did I not notice that?! I guess I didn't care at the time?? Okay, that's fucking fine! He's just looking right at your damn face and everything, oh goodie!

At some point between the nosebleed and the miniature heart attack in your chest, you forgot how to breathe, your orbs helplessly shifting to Bonney but of course, she's just grinning at you which makes everything feel worse.

Don't say a word, damn it! 

Your neighbour soon pulls away though, backing up into the hallway with a bit of pink dusting his own cheeks, you hadn't even realized that before. 

But then, until this moment, you hadn't realized that he's also in his pyjamas either. 

And how you missed something like that, you don't even know considering the fact that he's only wearing black loose pants, other than those and his scarf (you're not even curious right now) - he's naked. 

And buff as hell, you can feel your eyes threatening to leap from your skull as they take in his abs, he has an 8-pack for heaven's sake! 

Is it just me or is this nosebleed getting worse?

"I' below if you need anything." And he's gone again, seemingly at lightning speed too before you could even utter a reply, something you're pretty grateful about though since you doubt you'd know what the hell to say anyway.

Your brain was gone the second you saw his tattoo. 

Shit, shit, shit! What has gotten into me?!

"The hell was that, huh~?" Bonney essentially singing the question with a smug smirk as he closes the apartment door for you, eagerly grabbing her shopping bag before skipping into your living room, allowing you to sluggishly follow behind with the bloodied cloth still pressed to your blushed face.

When it isn't a hangover you're forced to deal with in the morning, it's a surprise nosebleed from your friend, it would seem that lady luck really isn't on your side this week. 

"I could ask you the same question! Typically, people stop pounding on the door when they hear it's being unlocked!"

"Well, I didn't hear it!"

"Probably because you were knocking so loud!"

She's one of your oldest and dearest friends but sometimes, you could kill this woman.

"Alright, my bad~!" With that, she sets the bag down on the coffee table, beginning to take out many different products from it with a big grin on her face, setting them down neatly on the table's wood. "So, wanna help me with a mission~?"

"If I say no, would you hit me again?"

The girl merely giggles at your remark which begrudgingly brings a smile to your own lips as she shakes her head. "Not immediately, I'll give you a chance to change your mind first." The pinkette still wearing a bright smile as she plucks some wax strips from her little bag and holds them up to you. "I'm going on a date tonight and I need you to wax my downstairs!"

"Huh?! WHAT?!"

I must have misheard that!

"C'mon, we're both girls here and I can't see what's going on down there! You know I'd do the same for you!" Her purple eyes are now looking more pleading than anything, a pout plastered across her face as she holds her palms together almost as if she's praying. "Pleeeease [F/n]~! I have a really promising date later and I don't wanna look like I have a rain forest growing down theeere!"

Oh, hell!

"...Fine." You simply cannot resist being puppy-dog-eyed and begged at the same time, you're not a complete monster. A sigh escaping your lips as you snatch the box of wax strips from her grasp, beginning to read the instructions on the back. "Get yourself half-naked and lay might wanna gag yourself too, it's gonna hurt."

The things girls do for their dates... 

Before you know it, the pinkette is naked from the waist down and laying on your living room floor with a rolled up t-shirt stuffed into her mouth, a slight cringe already displaying itself on your face as you grab the strip attached to her lower region firmly.


And with one nod of her head, you rip it clean off, a muffled scream escaping her throat as her entire body jolts. 

Ouch, that looked nasty!

"Okay, that's one!" The poor pinkette's watery eyes stare up at you almost pleadingly as you grip the next strip, your teeth clamping onto your tongue nervously. "Take a deep breath!" 

You barely give her a chance to do so before ripping the next strip off, earning yourself another scream as her limbs spasm once again, her leg kicking your coffee table. 

She's being loud!

"Alright, alright! Shush! SHUSH!" You're not quite sure what she says in response due to the t-shirt in her mouth but you're pretty sure she's blurting every swearword in existence at you. "Alright, last one!" 

All you gain in response is a whale-like noise, taking that as acceptance before you tear off the last strip, another loud cry blasting from her throat as you awkwardly smile to yourself. 

"And there we go! You're now looking as smooth as a newborn--"

"I COULD FUCKING CRY!" too, Bonney. Me too. 

At least you're on better terms now, a knock at the door alerts your poor friend, the girl immediately slipping back into her panties before shuffling into her shorts also, a pained hiss leaving her throat in the process.

"Damn, that hurts!"

I bet it does!

Once she is decent, you rush over to the door, opening it to find Thatch. 

Much to your surprise. 

"How the hell did you--"

"Buzzed the clown by accident." The brunette causing you to roll your eyes as you invite him inside the apartment, poor Bonney is hastily still trying to dispose of the wax strips as discreetly as possible. "Katakuri said he wanted me to check on you also, said something about screaming?"

A snort escaping your throat instantly as you shoot the older male a grin but Bonney speaks before you even have the chance to. 

"He wishes she was screaming! Screaming his name! It was nothing to do with me and my womanly parts, Thatch! Why do you even care, you pervert?!" Even you had trouble keeping up with what she was saying there so you can only imagine how confused poor Thatch is right now.

The brunette staring at her blankly before his dark orbs skim the room roughly. "Well...looks like everything is fine here?" The bewildered darling slowly mutters, before smiling sheepishly. "I should let Katakuri know on my way out...I was actually coming over to speak to you about him, [F/n]."

"Oh, good..." 

Another lecture...

"But I didn't think I'd see you, Bonney! I thought you had a date tonight~?"

Wait, how did he know? Please, don't tell me it's with Thatch!

"Sh-Shut up!"

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