
By the_impssible_girl

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Victoria Stilinski never knew that her long time crush would even look at her let alone hook up with her. Jus... More

New Version
Unexpected Cast
Part 2 Aesthetic
Short Q&A
Cover Contest
Cover Contest Results
Part 3 Aesthetic
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
Bonus Chapter 3


11.7K 268 38
By the_impssible_girl

Chapter Eleven

"Kind of, yeah."

Like the child I am, I ignored Scott the rest of the bus ride. Not that he tried to talk to me much, other than the occasional sigh and apology to which I ignored with an eye roll. In my defense, I was pissed, as I'm sure anyone else would be... or maybe it's just the hormones? 

After what seemed like days, which in reality was only a couple hours, of sitting in that bus uncomfortably, we finally arrived at a hotel. I was so happy when I was able to get out of the bus and stretch my legs. My neck hurt from awkwardly sleeping against the window and I had to pee really bad, I swear my bladder was about to explode. 

I refused to sleep on Scott even though he said I could multiple times. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of having me in the palm of his hand, even though he does and I know I'll forgive him the instant he acts all sweet to me. Ugh, I'm pathetic.

"Listen up! The meet's been pushed till tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up. Chose wisely. And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves."

I rolled my eyes at Coaches little speech and turned to my brother and Scott. "I'm rooming with you two. I don't feel safe with the other werewolves here..." I mumbled while I felt a shiver run down my back. I have a really bad feeling about tonight. 

Stiles nodded at me, as did Scott. Probably agreeing that the other's couldn't be trusted. Especially after their fight at the rest stop earlier. I tuned out the boys as they went into their own discussion I could feel it happening. I haven't had a vision since I shook hands with the new teacher. 

Images flashed in my mind. Scott drenched in gasoline with a flame in his hand, Boyde drowning in a bathtub with a safe on his chest, blood covering walls and a loud gunshot rang in my ears. 

I gasped, coming back into reality, I stumbled back and realized that Scott and Stiles were shaking me and trying to gain my attention. I could feel the wet tears on my face. "Victoria...Are you okay?" 

I brought my gaze up to Scott. "You're going to burn." I mumbled, I'm unsure as to why I said this...or why everytime I have a vision someone is dying or getting hurt. I felt darkness overcome me, and along with it a nightmare. 


"Scott!" My scream pierced through the otherwise quiet room. My eyes snapped open and I couldn't remember where I was. All I knew was what I saw in my dream. Scott dead in the bathtub, next to my brother and Allison.

My brother and Scott ran over, looking at me worriedly, but I couldn't focus on that yet. I need it. "My book, I need my book!" I yelled over their questions, every new question hurt my head. I just want it all to stop. I grabbed my locket, running it along the chain as I tried to calm myself.

Stiles left my side, I assume to get me my book, while Scott brushed my hair off of my face. Any other time I would swoon at this act of affection but, right now I need to get these pictures out of my head. 

Stiles handed me my book and I began to sketch what I saw in my vision earlier and the dream. All of it scared me, why does this keep happening to me? Why do I see these things? What does it mean? 

I ripped the pages out of the book, the moment they were finished. I could feel all the anger in me, all the pain I've went through with these pictures. I crumpled up the paper and tossed it aside. I didn't stop their. Every drawing represented everything wrong with me, and I wanted it gone. 

I tore each page out angrily, almost two years of nightmares piled up in this book. Every drawing was a new image that I despised. I could tell I was crying, my cheeks were wet and my face was hot with anger. 

I finally got to the first page of my book, the first thing I ever drew. It was of Scott and Derek, both in wolf form. Scott had been shot by someone with an arrow and was bleeding. This was the first nightmare I ever had. The one that started it all.

I tore it out like the others, but began to rip it into pieces. "Ugh!" I yelled out as I threw the pieces to the side. I flinched at the feeling of a hand on my shoulder. "Tori, are you okay?" It was Stiles. 

I shook my head furiously. "I don't know what's wrong with me." He brought me into his arms, holding me against him, I could feel the sobs leaving my body. It felt so good to cry, to let it all out. It felt good to rip up those pages that held all my pain. It was about time I got rid of them, I hope I did the right thing. "Nothing's wrong with you." 

After I finished crying I told the boys what I saw in my visions and I explained to them how this has been happening since sophomore year. I told them what happened when they first began and how much pain they caused me. They took all the torn out pages and stacked them together, probably to look at later.

After we talked the boys left the room and said I needed to rest, I agreed. I feel so exhausted from crying and yelling and my head, it's so clear. I fell asleep soundlessly, without a thought in my mind. 


I woke up when I heard a yell from down the hall. It sounded like Boyde. Instantly I got out of bed, realizing that both the boys were gone. Where did they go? They should've been back by now. I looked at the time. 1:28 AM. 

My feet hit the carpeted floor, ew. The carpet felt weird, dirty even. I shuddered and began to look for my shoes. Where did they go? They had to of been in here somewhere. "AGH!" Another yell sounded from down the hall. Isaac? Screw the shoes.

I opened the hotel room door and walked out, the pavement was cold against my feet and sent chills over my body. I hugged my arms around my body, trying to create some form of warmth. Where is everyone? I could see a faint glow near the bus, it was faint but stood out against the dark night. I felt myself moving to the staircase, making my way toward the bus. 

My vision was right. I could feel my heart drop at the thought and a lump form in my throat. I gulped as I made it to the bottom of the stairs and to the parking lot. Scott was soaked in gas and in his hand was a flame. "Scott?" I asked, barely above a whisper. It was enough that he heard it, I know he did. 

His head raised slightly, a sad look passed over his features. What is he doing? I padded over to him, avoiding the puddle of gasoline that surrounded him. "What are you doing?" I whispered still, as if even the slightest sound would cause him to drop the flame and encase himself in fire. 

"Scott?" Allison, Stiles, and Lydia walked over. Allison sounded freaked out, and Stiles looked like he was about to have a panic attack. "There's no hope." I bit my lip at Scott's words, this wasn't him... why was he saying this? 

"Of course there's hope, Scott. There's always hope..." I trailed off as the others joined me, standing in front of Scott. Scott shook his head, he looked so sad and depressed. "Not for me. Not for Derek."

I held back my tears and swallowed the lump in my throat. "Derek-" I cut off Allison without meaning too, at the moment I'm just desperate to save him. The idea of him leaving.... "Derek didn't die because of you, that wasn't your fault." I could feel Allison's eyes on me while I spoke but, I ignored her. 

"Every time I try to fight back, it gets worse." His voice broke, "People keep getting hurt. People keep getting killed." I looked over to Stiles, who looked almost as scared as me. I don't know what to do, I don't know how to save him or what to say. I just know that I can't lose him. 

Stiles stepped forward slightly. "Scott, listen to me, okay? This isn't you, alright? This is someone inside of your head, telling you to do this. Okay? Now-" Scott looked at Stiles with boken features. My heart broke to see him like this. 

"What if it isn't? What if it is just me? What if doing this is actually the best thing that I could do for everyone else?" I could feel my anger rise, which probably was the worse thing that could happen at the moment. Best thing for everyone? What about us? What about his babies?

"It all started that night, the night I got bitten. You remember the way it was before that? You and me, we were....we were....we were nothing. We weren't popular. We weren't good at lacrosse. We weren't important. We were no one. Maybe I should just be no one again. No one at all."

I stepped forward. "You weren't no one to me, Scott. You never were... How can you say that you were nothing, when you meant--mean, everything to so many people." I felt myself move forward, my bare feet touching the cold liquid that surrounded Scott...and now Stiles and I. 

"Before you were bit, you were just as important as you are now. Scott, you can't do this, okay? You can't just leave us like this. What will I tell them?" I was talking about the babies now, I don't know if Stiles picked up on it, but he looked confused and worried. "That you decided to die because, you felt like nothing? Like you had nothing? How will that make them feel Scott?"

I stood in front of him now, my eyes looking into his. "Listen to their hearts, and tell me that you could leave them." I whispered this last part, not wanting Stiles or the girls to hear. This was just for him, just for his ears. 

"Scott, listen to us. You're not no one okay? You're someone, you're...Scott, you're my best friend. Okay? And I need you. Scott you're my brother." Stiles stood by me, hesitantly he looked at Scotts hand. "So...so if you're gonna do this, then...I think you're just gonna have to take me with you. All right?" 

"No!" Lydia yelled, but it was okay, Scott let go of the flame and I could feel relief wash over me as Stiles threw it far away. The three of us shared a group hug, and it was nice. I could hear Scott's heartbeat, and I knew everything was going to be okay. 

I'm not sure what was wrong with him, or what made him do that but, I do know that I'm happy he didn't. I couldn't do this without him, and I think he knows that. When everyone went and piled into the bus, refusing to sleep in the hotel, Scott pulled me aside. 

I hit him instantly, slapping him across the face. "I hate you for doing that." I growled out in a whisper-yell. Scott frowned and looked at me with sad eyes. "I know, and...I'm sorry, Tori." I sighed and looked down. "I know."

His hand cupped my cheek and my eyes met his again. Is he going to kiss me right now, while anyone could see us...including my brother. "Victoria, I--I want to be there for you...For them." I bit my lip, was he serious? Does he really mean that?

Without saying anything I got on my toes and grabbed his shirt, pulling him to me. Our lips met and I can't even begin to describe how much I needed him. The kiss was short and sweet, nothing like the others we've shared. This one meant something different. I don't know what it means yet but, I know there is something there. 

"What?" I broke apart from Scott and looked over his shoulder at Allison, who was standing there wearing a confused look. I bit my lip and felt my heart pound. Oh no. Scott turned around and put his arm around my shoulders. 

"Uh, hey, Allison. Whats up?" Allison's eyes went to me, then back to Scott. She looked lost, almost like she wanted Scott to deny her next question. "Are you two...together?"

I laughed nervously and went to deny it immediately but, Scott spoke before I could get a word out. "Kind of, yeah." My heart stopped, and I'm sure he noticed the skip in it's beat. "W-we...we are?" I asked, shocked at this sudden straight forwardness. Our eyes met and he smiled slightly at me. "Yeah." A grin plastered itself onto my face. Needless to say, that night I fell asleep smiling. 


The meet got cancelled, Derek is apparently alive, and the boys were poisoned by the wolfsbane in Coach's whistle. Yet still, none of this could kill the smile on my face. Last night Scott admitted his feelings for me and we outed ourselves to Allison. 

"Why are you smiling like that?" Stiles poked my cheek and I slapped his hand away. "Because, I'm happy. Can I not be happy?" I could see Scott smirking out of the corner of my eye. "You can be happy, just not...creepily happy. Did someone drug you? Are you on drugs right now?" 

I rolled my eyes, smiling a little less now but, still smiling. "Shut up you doof. I'm not on drugs. I'm just happy." Stiles gave me a skeptical look after that, but let me and my smile be. He went on to talking with Lydia, who sat right next to him. 

I turned to Scott, who was also smiling a little. I bumped his shoulder with mine. "What are you so happy about?" I asked, knowing that I probably already knew the answer to that question. Scott met my eyes and smiled a little wider. 

"I'm sure it's the same reason as you." I fake widened my eyes. "You're excited for the new episode of the bachelor tonight?" Scott laughed, amused. "I'm kidding." He nodded and with that, we fell into a peaceful silence.

"So, are you going to tell Stiles or should I?" I asked, musing the question I know both of us were thinking. Scotts breath hitched in his throat, maybe he wasn't thinking about that. Oops. After a beat of silence he responded. "I will. I think he'll take it better coming from me." I nodded in agreement. 

I know he won't take it well either way, I mean he's pretty protective over me. But, what if Danny's right...I mean he did say that Stiles would already approve of Scott. I turned to Scott. "I'll be right back." 

I got up from my seat and moved a few rows forward, to where Danny and Ethan were sitting. They were both smiling as they talked. "Hey, Ethan. Can I borrow Danny for a minute?" I asked politely, I know that Ethan and his brother are apart of the Alpha pack and I am not trying to make him mad. 

Danny turned to Ethan and gave him a smile, signaling him that it was okay. "Sure." Ethan stood up and moved to a different seat, allowing me to sit next to Danny. "What's up?" I smiled. "Last night Scott kind of told Allison that we were kind of dating." I whispered, hoping that it would stop Scott and Ethan from listening in. 

Danny smiled at me. "That's great!" I shook my head and bit my lip. "It's not?" I sighed. "What about Stiles?" I need Danny's opinion on it, I need to know what he thinks I should do. Danny sighed as well. "Listen, Vic. You shouldn't worry about what Stiles will think or say. He might be mad at first but, at the end of the day you deserve to be happy. And no one makes you happier than Scott."

I thought it over for a second. Danny was right, I shouldn't feel bad for being happy and Stiles will accept it eventually, I mean he can't stay mad forever. I gave Danny a smile and a pulled him into a hug that he gladly returned. "Thanks Danny. Means a lot." I could feel him nod before I pulled away and went back to my seat with Scott. 

He texting someone. "Who you texting?" I asked, he turned his phone off and pocketed it, turning to me. "My mom. How was your talk with Danny?" I smiled. "It was great."


I updated! I hope you guys like this chapter, I like it. I'm unsure of how I want Stiles to react to the news of his sister and best friend kind of dating. What do you guys think? Should he be mad, sad, or unfazed? Give me ideas! 

I will update sometime this coming week, hopefully soon! Please comment and vote, I really appreciate it!-XO

Edit: 4/3/2020

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