Blondie Wannabe: A Billy Harg...

By Xpen7777

221K 5.3K 693

"Deborah Harrington, like Debbie Harry?" I rolled my eyes, never heard that one before. More

Playlist for Part 1
Part 1: The Body
Back Home
Dirty Dancing
Sloppy Sex
Mornings Suck
Peppermint Bark
Job Listings
Mrs. M
Playlist for Part 2
Part 2: The Mind
Shirts and Skins
This is Not Wonderland
Can You Feel It?
Libra and Leo
Taking a Pulse
Did I?
I Don't Hate You
Playlist for Part 3
Part 3: The Heart
A Goddamn Spark
The Importance of Light
Hard Work
The Unicorn Cafe
Not a Dream
Family Values
Just Have Fun
Taking Flight
A Different Pain
Rich Girl
Breakfast in Bed
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Playlist for Part 4
Part 4: The Soul
Sal's Party
A Brief, Abrupt Reunion
To Be Needed
A Real Date
Bad Winners and Sore Loser
The Painting
F*** Me
Playlist for Part 5
Part 5: The Spirit
Some Boy's Ego
Jenny and Donald
The Absinthe Drinker
The Cure
Que Sera Sera
The Way of the Dragon
He's Still a Monster
Sins of the Father
I Don't Want Revenge
Heart of Glass
Final Author's Note

Risk and Reward

1.5K 51 10
By Xpen7777

There's explicit drug use in this chapter, a lot more than usual, so view discretion advised. Also, smut, ** these will be around it. Hope you all enjoy!!

While waiting for Billy to arrive at his house, I smoked my remaining two cigarettes, singing my fingers attempting to make them last as long as possible. Out of boredom, I started sifting through Craig's mixtapes, until I heard the screech of wheels on asphalt, crawling out of the driver's seat to meet him in his driveway.

"I didn't even know you smoked pot," he said while unlocking the front door.

"I don't, not usually, but this is a special situation."

"Why, you stressed out or something?"

Stepping over the threshold, I shrugged off my coat before unwrapping my scarf, shaking my head as he went to adjust the thermostat. "No, I'm not really stressed out, not more than usual, at least. I'm just... bored."

Billy chuckled, biting his lower lip as he ditched his leather jacket, leaving him only in his wine-colored shirt unbuttoned to the base of his sternum. "Well, I've been told I'm a great distraction."

After a moment, I cocked an expectant eyebrow. "So, about that pot..."

"Oh, right, wait here."

I flopped down on the couch, crossing and then uncrossing my legs, leaving them open. Pretending to be a man always made me feel powerful, even sexual, and sitting low in my seat with my knees twelve inches apart and my hands laced behind my head was like injecting my body with liquid manliness.

"Good to see you made yourself at home." The sofa shifted as Billy settled down beside me, steel lighter flipping open as he lit up a joint, exhaling deeply before passing it to me. "I want you to feel comfortable here."

I accepted the joint, taking a shallow inhale before passing it back. "Why would I be comfortable here? You aren't, and neither is Max, and you actually live here."

I waited for him to rebut my statement, defend his home life, but he didn't bother. "I'll rephrase." He took a long drag, blowing his smoke up to the ceiling. "I want you to be comfortable around me."

My mouth went dry when those ocean eyes landed on me, the moisture rushing someplace that needed it more. When he offered me the joint, I swallowed heavily before accepting. This time, I inhaled too deeply, taking the marijuana into my lungs. It left me coughing for an embarrassingly long time- I even clutched my chest dramatically.

Billy relieved me of the joint, smiling. "You weren't lying; you don't smoke."

"Nope, and that is strong stuff."

"It's alright. I saw one of my friends from LA when we were in Denver, and he sold me this. There's nowhere in Hawkins to get good pot." His hand slid onto my thigh, fingertips skimming the bare skin below the hem of my skirt, hiked up from my wide-legged stance. "Let me guess, you're a whiskey on the rocks kind of gal, except for pina coladas on the beach in the summertime, brandy-spiked eggnog at Christmas, and maybe a can of beer at a house party."

Feeling cocky, I snatched the half-finished joint from Billy's hand, leaning against the arm of the sofa, stretching my legs onto his lap. "First of all, I'm a vodka soda girl all the way, and I'd take a glass of wine over beer any day of the week, especially a good pinot noir." He unlaced my boots, removing them along with my socks, rubbing my feet with practiced hands. "And second of all, just because I don't smoke pot, doesn't mean I'm totally innocent."

"What's your poison?" His hand inched higher by the second. "Crack, heroin, meth?"

"No, no, none of that," I said hastily.

He rolled his eyes. "Pills then, figures."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Vicodin, Percocet, Codeine, they're the favorite of orgasm-deprived housewives and teenage anorexics alike; it makes sense a girl like you would fall for them."

Fall for them? Like I was in love. Yeah, I'd grown attached to my morning pill, plus a pick me up or two throughout the day, but I also like cigs and kinky sex and good books and peppermint bark, but I hadn't fallen for any of those things, I just liked them.

"You seem to know an awful lot about it."

"Of course I do; my dad's in pharmaceuticals, remember?"

Did I? Had we had a conversation about our father's careers? My brain felt fuzzy as I tried to search for the memory, but I came up empty. I'd smoked too many cigarettes in too short a period, and this marijuana felt like a thumb on the jugular, delaying the return of blood to my heart.

"His company talks a big game about wanting to help people and ease suffering and all that bullshit, but they just want to make money. And getting insurance companies to fund soft-core junkies' habit is the ultimate get rich quick scheme."

"So you have some?" I asked bluntly.

"Have what?"

I stubbed out the butt of the joint, brushing some ash off my skirt. "Pills, you have them in the house?"

"Uh, yeah, what do you want?"


Billy smiled, but it wasn't his usual, self-assured smirk, an uneasiness behind his eyes. "You and Susan would get along. That shit's kept her sedated since we moved here."

I sank deeper into the couch, giving him a good look up my skirt. When I slipped into my red lace underwear this morning, it was only because I missed a laundry day, but the fates were with me, Billy's mouth visibly watering. "If you could get me some of that, I'd be ever so grateful."

He disappeared like lightning, not up the stairs this time but past the kitchen to what I only presumed to be his father's study. The thought made me chuckle; it wasn't like Mr. Hargrove conducted experiments on the medication he sold in his own home. That was just his stash; a bunch of pills his wife, son, and God knows who else could take whenever they felt like it.

"How do you like it?" Billy asked.

I looked up to see his bare, chiseled torso staring down at me, his muscles so defined they cast shadows. "How do I like what?"

"The Codeine, do you like it wet or dry."

"I don't know what that means; I just swallow it."

"Really?" he asked curiously, joining me on the couch. "That's so boring; it's basically a sedative that way."

"It relaxes me," I sniped defensively.

"Yes, but you said you weren't stressed, you were bored," he reminded me. "If you want to have fun, try it my way."

Billy put three pills inside a dollar bill, pressing down on the edges to prevent anything from escaping before crushing it with a glass milk bottle, bludging the damn things so hard I worried he'd shatter the bottle and cut himself. But he knew what he was doing, emptying the powdered Codeine onto a paper plate, slicing it up into six neat lines.

"Do you want to go first, or should I?"

I shook my head, mouth gaping like a codfish. Just when I thought I'd gotten the upper hand, I needed him to explain things to me again. "I've never sn-snorted anything before." God damn that fucking stammer.

"It's gonna burn a bit the first time, but it gets easier, except for the nosebleeds, those don't go away." He handed me a tissue. "Blow first; you don't want anything blocking the way."

"If I didn't know better, Billy..." I began, before blowing my nose. "... I'd say you're trying to make this sound as unappealing as possible."

He leaned down, snorting a line, eyes watering furiously. "Why would I do that?"

Shrugging, I took the rolled up bill from him, imitating his movements, the powder blazing its way through my nasal cavity, stinging not just my nose but the sinus wells in my cheeks and forehead, forcing hot tears from my eyes. I blinked a couple dozen times, pinching my nose and wiping my face as pure lethargy flooded my veins, making my throat and cunt throb like nothing else. "Maybe you want me to be more than a rich girl hooked on painkillers." I flopped on his bare back as he hunched over the plate, snorting another line. "Maybe you really care about me."

I felt a deep laugh rumbling through his body, an arm coiling around my waist and pulling me against his chest, his skin hot as a radiator. "I care about blowing my load inside you. I care about watching your face contort with satisfaction while I play with your clit. But I don't give a damn about you, Blondie."

Shoving myself away from him, I rerolled the bill, doing another line, ecstasy making it hard to control my bladder for a millisecond, but I recovered, dipping back down for another hit.

"Woah, woah," he said, chiding me like a horse. "Take it easy there."

"Thought you didn't care about me, city boy."

I collapsed back into the couch, filled with the sensation of falling and floating at the same time, my body dissolving down the drain while my mind drifted like bubbles after a good scrub in the tub, waiting to pop.

"Yeah, but I don't want you to die, especially not in my house on my dad's drugs- he'll kill me, literally."

"Not. Funny."

"Not a joke; sometimes I think he's just waiting for an excuse to go through with it."

"Take more; you're not high enough."

He shook his head slowly. "I've taken too much, actually. Codeine's a downer, makes you loopy, euphoric even, but sometimes it can drag you too far down, make you-"

"Depressed," I finished. "Like booze."

Billy nodded, rubbing my knee. "Clever girl, put those brains to good use; what do you think would cheer me up?"

**I didn't need to guess with him rubbing the crotch of his jeans like he was trying to polish a wooden table. I added my hands to the mix, eventually replacing them. I undid his belt and fly (it took longer with my heavy, wooden fingers) while he unbuttoned my blouse, pulling the thin cups of my bra down to free my breasts from their restraints. He tugged on them gently, a string from my nipples to my g-spot emerging, all in that hot blue color of powdered Codeine, making my eyes roll back into my skull, a guttural moan involuntarily escaping my lips.

My eager response spurred him on, and he suckled at my nipple, making me squeal like a tortured animal even as I bit down hard on my lower lip, trying to stifle the noise. The only way I could think of getting back at him was by making him moan too, so I reached into his blue jeans, easing his cock out, rubbing my thumb around the head.

"Jesus Christ!"

Drool dripped from his mouth in between my tits, trickling down to my stomach. I shoved Billy back against the couch, trailing my nails across his abs, wrapping my hand around his dick, tongue circling the head, running along the slit. I tasted something salty, whether it was sweat or precum, I couldn't be sure, and I didn't care; he was in my mouth, hand in my hair, moaning my name in between declarations to God. My lips brought balance to the force.

"Oh, you're such a good girl, such a good fucking girl." He pushed down, making me take more and more of his considerable length. "Debbie, Debbie, can you do something?" When I didn't respond, he grabbed me by the throat, pulling me off his penis by my hair. "I said, I want you to do something for me."

My eyes went wide, pussy throbbing with desire. "What do you want?"

"I want you to deepthroat my cock for ten seconds, ten full seconds," he said, holding perfect eye contact, never blinking. "And if you can do, I'll give you the best orgasm of your life. Sound like a fair trade?"

I nodded, rapidly, bending down over his dick again, preparing myself before taking all the way down to the base, the feeling of his head scraping against the back of my throat bringing tears to my eyes.

"One, two, three, four-"

I gagged, leaving a string of drool behind. "I'm sorry."

"Try again."

Billy guided my head back down to his penis, pushing me down till my nose brushed his pubes, and began counting again. He got to seven this time before I ripped my head away, leaving him tut-tutting. "Close, but no cigar." A large hand brushed saliva from my chin. "One more time; I know you can do it."

The lack of oxygen combined with the Codeine left my head spinning, but I liked it. This was a different pain from when he tied my wrists or bit my inner thighs, and I think I enjoyed this sensation even more. I wanted to please him; I wanted that reward.

I held my breath, balancing on his thighs as the world swirled around me, pushing his cock down my throat. It fit easier this time, perhaps because of the angle I went at, and the seconds passed by, my gag reflex making me recoil, but I didn't retract, letting the saliva drip from my mouth, running down his balls.

"... eight, nine, and ten."

With a cough, I retracted, tears spilling down my cheeks as I hacked and gagged, snot and spit mixing on the lower half of my face.

"Such a good girl," Billy whispered, kissing my cheek, my neck, stroking my tits. "You're the sexiest person on the goddamn planet."

Dopamine flooded through my body, my back arching as he kissed down my bare stomach, removing my skirt and parting my legs. He wasn't just snowing, he believed it, and he spoke it with such conviction, I believed it too: I'm the sexiest woman in the world.

His tongue circling my clit broke me out of my narcissistic fancies, making me moan with pleasure. Everything felt dulled, lighter, easier, except for that one button below my waist, which Billy pressed eagerly, making me see stars. He inserted two fingers, making come hither motions I felt in my bladder, my stomach coiling in response. His spare hand reached up to pull on my nipple, his fingers dipping in between my ribs, reaching all the way down to my hip. It rested there for a while, keeping my pelvis flat as I writhed in response to his ministrations, before continuing its journey south. Tracing a trail of fire down my thigh, my knee, he eventually grabbed my calf and pushed my leg over his shoulder, his mouth more persistent than ever. 

"I'm so close, I'm so fucking close," I whispered, gripping Billy's beautiful, golden curls.

For a moment, I blacked out, unable to breathe as his tongue flicked back and forth as fast as a motor. The orgasm bubbled in the base of my gut, spiraled down my legs and arms, exploding out the tips of my fingers and toes.** I don't know how I ended up cradled in his arms, lying on the couch with my back pressed against his chest, but that's how we laid for what felt like hours.

"Do you need a handjob or something?" I asked, voice still sore from the aggressive deepthroating. "Are you still hard?"

"No, I'm done." Billy nibbled on my ear playfully. "I told you, I can jerk while I work." I snorted, remembering when he first said those words when we slept together in Leila's after I walked in on Dad abusing Steve. "Are you okay?" he asked. "That wasn't too rough, was it?"

I shook my head. "It was perfect."

"Good, I felt a little guilty."

The drugs were starting to fade, my mind clearing up, and I felt ashamed to be lying naked on Billy's couch, wrapped in his arms. What time was it? School would be out by now, and Max was probably waiting, wondering if she'd need to skateboard home in the freezing cold. 

"Why do we keep doing this?" I asked. "It's not going to work- it never works- and it's only going to cause problems for us both."

"You don't know that. Sometimes things don't work till they do."

"Would you give up Logan for me, along with the rest of your friends with benefits?"

"Of course, I'd give up anything for you; I'd run away with you." He sucked on my neck hard enough to leave a mark, then comforting the site with a kiss. "Let's do it, let's run away from this fucking town together."

I rolled my eyes, standing up and searching for my clothes. "You have school, and I have a job."

"Is that it? Is that the only thing holding you back, your job?"

Shaking my head, I started dressing. "There are a million reasons not to run away like fucking Romeo and Juliet, and I don't have time to explain them to you. Where's your bathroom?"

He opened his mouth like he wanted to rebuke my statement, but then his eyes narrowed at the sound of an engine purring. Covering his junk with his hand, he jogged over to the window, peeking through the curtains. "Shit, shit, shit!" he growled, nearly tripping over the coffee table hopping into his briefs. 

"What is it?" 

Billy buttoned his jeans, fanning away the pot smoke as best as he could. "It's my dad." His face went ashen, Adam's apple bobbing nervously. "He's home."

It was super fun to write this chapter, and also a lot of hard work, so, if you enjoyed reading, it would mean the world if you voted, commented, and added this story to your reading list. Thank you for supporting my story and see you in the next one!!

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