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·˚ ༘ 🕊⛪️ 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍 . . . 𝚊 𝚙𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌 ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❁۪۪... More

act one
please read.


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. . . 𝑅𝑈𝑆𝑆𝐼𝐴 𝟸𝟶𝟶𝟿 THEN . . .

ALEXANDRA ROMANOV STARED AT HER DAUGHTER. Her daughter hummed a melody Alexandra sung her to go to sleep 'Once Upon A December' whilst coloring a picture of Cinderella. She watched her daughter, her daughter's hair cascaded down her back into small curls. A shooting pain became noticeable in her head. She winced and sat up straighter holding her head. Alexandra wearily stood up from the outdated couch and walked towards the window in the living room. She peaked through the blinds and saw a group of people standing there. She squinted her eyes to get a better look, but it all made sense when she saw the badges and uniforms they were wearing. It was the Soviet Union and The Russian Assassins.

Alexandra closed the blinds carefully and backed away calmly walking to her room. She opened her closet door and pushed some clothes hanging up to the side. A grey safe came into view. She quickly messed with the lock. Turning it to 10 then 2 and the last number 4. A small 'click' was heard. She grabbed the small stash of money and gun, picking up a random bag on the floor and shoving it inside the bag. She grabbed a couple of shirts and pants for her and her daughter, a couple pairs of socks, and two coats from the closet. She almost left when she felt like she forgot something. Alexandra turned around and looked around the room. Her daughter's teddy bear caught her attention. She chuckled quietly before grabbing it and stuffing it in the bag. She looked up and noticed a picture of her and her daughter, a necklace beside the picture. She grabbed the picture and necklace and left the room, shutting the door behind her.

"Anastasia, пойдем!" Alexandra whispered harshly. Anastasia set down her crayons and stalked over to her mother. Alexandra hurriedly put on Anastasia's jacket and then put on hers. She grabbed Anastasia's hand and walked out the back door. Alexandra tiptoed to where fence and peaked at the side of the house to see three soldiers of the Soviet Union crouch at the bottom of the kitchen window with weapons in their hands. Alexandra closed her eyes and focused on her energy. She felt a tingling sensation run down her body and she smirked. She opened her eyes to see a black light illuminating her hand. Anastasia stared at her mother's hand in awe. She held out her hand trying to do the same thing, but it wasn't working. Alexandra flicked her wrist and the soldiers guns went flying out of there hands. Alexandra then pushed her hand in front of her and the trio went flying across the road.

Alexandra smirked and picked up Anastasia, running out of their backyard. Alexandra would turn around and look back to see no one was following her. Anastasia held onto Alexandra as they ran down the streets of Moscow, Russia. She looked at all of the buildings and saw her favorite stores. Her eyes lit up when she saw the toy store. She tapped Alexandra's shoulder repeatedly. "Mama, мы можем получить игрушку?" She asked with hopeful eyes. Alexandra didn't respond and kept running. A frown etched onto Anastasia's face as the store disappeared from her view.

Alexandra stopped for a break to catch her breath. She set down Anastasia and put her hands on her knees. She breathed in and out deeply trying to get as much air in as possible. Anastasia was confused. She saw blood from her mom's nose drip onto the pavement. Alexandra noticed and tilted her head back. "Shit" Alexandra cursed. She wiped her blood away with the back of her nose. Anastasia stayed quiet, her frown deeper than before. Alexandra heard something in the distance. She listened closely, walking towards the noise. She paused when she heard it loud and clear. Alexandra's eyes widened. She turned around and grabbed Anastasia's hand, and together they ran through the streets of Moscow. Alexandra's stamina was fast considering she was a active person. Anastasia on the other hand was only seven, the most active thing she did was running from her mother in their fenced backyard playing tag.

Anastasia tugged at her mother's hand. Alexandra stopped and turned around looking everywhere before directing her eyes to Anastasia. Who was panting as if she ran a marathon. "We can't stop, come on" Alexandra's thick Russian accent was as clear as day. Anastasia groaned before picking up the pace and running side by side with her mother. Alexandra heard the heavy steps of the soldiers getting closer. She knew what she had to do and it would hurt her...and Anastasia. She looked around frantically before finding a alleyway. She made a sharp turn and ran into the dark alleyway.

Alexandra tugged at the backpack and took the gun out. Only leaving now the clothes, money, Anastasia's teddy bear, the picture, and necklace. She turned Anastasia around and put the bag on her. "Anya, ты должен уйти отсюда. поехать в питер и остаться в безопасности" Anastasia gaped at her mother. That was almost a week journey. Anastasia shook her head.

"Я не могу оставить тебя" Alexandra cupped her face and pressed a kiss to her forehead as tears run down Anastasia's face.

"You have too" Anastasia cried and hugged Alexandra. Alexandra choked up trying not to sob out. She wanted to be strong for Anastasia. Alexandra pulled away and wiped her tears giving her one last kiss on the forehead. "Now go" Alexandra stood up hearing the footsteps get awfully close. "Go Anastasia! And don't look back" the words sent a shiver down Anastasia's spine. Alexandra let a tear fall "I love you, моя принцесса" Anastasia sobbed as she watched her mother walk away.

"я тоже тебя люблю" Anastasia called out. Alexandra smiled and waved goodbye to Anastasia. Anastasia blew her a kiss and ran down the alleyway. She sobbed and gasped for air. She was hurt. She had just lost the only person in her life. Alexandra watched with teary eyes before a pain hit her lower abdomen. She looked down and saw blood pooling her shirt. She looked up and saw a line of soldiers and on the other side of her a line of assassins.

"Alexandra Romanov" a recognizable voice said from the crowd. The voice walked closer to her. She shook her head as anger started to cloud her emotions.

"You" Alexandra said, her voice poisonous. "You bastard!" She yelled pointing at the man. He merely waved away her insult. He locked eyes with her and gave her a evil smirk.

"Where is your precious Anastasia? Hmm?" He questioned. Alexandra's jaw tightened as her grip around the gun tightened as well. "Oh that's fine, don't tell me. Our girls will get her one day" Alexandra let out a scream and charged at the man. The soldiers wasted no time to shoot at her. Bullets hit her body one after another. She growled and flicked her wrist, all of them flying back. She turned around and a black light illuminated her hand. She raised her hand and swung it as the light turned into a rope knocking all of the assassins down and even sending some of them a distance away. She turned towards the man and launched herself at him. She pinned him down and started to choke him.

The man scratched at her hands. Flailing around like a fish out of water. "Alex- pl-please" the man choked and gasped for air. Her grip only getting tighter.

"Go" she punched his nose and he groaned as blood came gushing out. "To" she punched his nose again. "Hell" she grabbed the gun that was beside her. The mans eyes widened.

"Alex" his voice was raspy "you're not that person" Alexandra's hand shook with anger and fear.

"You made me that person" she pulled the trigger and then everything went black for Alexandra.

Alexandra Romanov and Anastasia Vasiliev had never seen each other again since that day. And, they never would again.

· 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆

ANASTASIA WALKED THE STREETS OF ST. PETERSBURG. Her brown locks pulled back in a low ponytail, her green eyes traveling down the streets looking for a new victim. It had been three years since Anastasia had been home or heard from her mother. She had only prayed that her mother was still alive..somewhere. Anastasia had turned ten a few days ago. She celebrated by pickpocketing a man and buying a overpriced cupcake from a store. She went back to her home and sang herself a happy birthday and made a wish. She wished for her mother to appear and take her back home, but that never happened.

Anastasia's eyes locked into a man and woman who were dressed nice. Too nice. She smiled and started to cry. Once the tears were flowing consistently she started to walk towards them. She tried to see if they were speaking English or Russian. Lucky for her it was russian. She ran up to the couple and held her hands together as if she was praying. "о, пожалуйста, помогите мне!" The couple looked at her in worry "My mother, she is sick. Behind that alleyway! Help us!" Her English wasn't very good, but it wasn't horrible either. She knew that if she switched languages people felt more obligated to help. She didn't know why, but it worked.

The man pointed to the alleyway that she stood in front of not even a minute ago. Anastasia nodded her head frantically as she stepped behind him and fished out his wallet. She skillfully placed the wallet in her coat pocket. As the couple checked out the alleyway. The only person they would see was the drunk sleeping in his own puddle of vomit. She ran away and laughed joyfully wiping the tears away. She turned down an alleyway taking the long way home. She fished the wallet out of her pocket and started to count the money.

"GET BACK HERE!" Anastasia looked back and saw no one. She faced forward and saw two girls running at her. She planted herself and watched as they fell at her feet tripping over rocks. They looked up at her with tears staining their face.

"Please help us" one girl said picking up the other girl. Anastasia looked at them wearily. She looked down the alleyway and saw a man holding a rag. He looked very angry as he swore at the girls. Anastasia grabbed the girl who seemed to be the oldest.

"Follow me" Anastasia turned around and took off. The two girls following suit. Anastasia turned around and looked behind her smiling when she saw the man still chasing them. She stopped and the two girls looked at her confused. "Listen to me" the two girls nodded and stared at her with wide eyes. "Go down that street and take a left" Anastasia pointed to a street that read Graveway. "When you see the building take the crawl space and wait for me there. Now go!" The two girls ran and followed her instructions. Anastasia turned around and saw the man coming to a halt.

"You!" He pointed time Anastasia. "Where are the little girls? I saw you take them! Where are they?" Anastasia smirked.

"Up your fat ass and around the corner!" Anastasia ran in his direction and took a left as the man called after her, chasing her. Anastasia laughed and mocked him as she zipped past people. They all stared a her and then saw the man chasing after her. Anastasia looked over her shoulder and saw the man hunched over trying to catch his breath. Anastasia smiled and took this opportunity to escape. The man looked up ready to yell and saw she was no where to be found. He cussed and tossed his rag on the ground as Anastasia watched from a distance. She giggled and walked back to her home.

· 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆

ANASTASIA HAD MANAGED TO MAKE IT BACK HOME SAFELY. The sun was starting to set over St. Petersburg. Anastasia watched the sun for a while before deciding to go inside and met the girls whom she saved. She pushed a crate out of the way and got down on her hands and knees, crawling through the small space. She turned around a pulled the crate in front of the opening. She sat up and dusted the dirt off her hands.

"Hello!" A chirpy voice greeted her. Anastasia turned around to see a girl a few inches shorter than her. The girl flashed a toothless grin at Anastasia. Anastasia smiled back and held a hand out.

"Hello! I'm Anastasia Vasiliev" The girl shook her hand as the other one walked up to the pair. Anastasia turned to her and held her hand out. "Hello, I'm-" the girl cut Anastasia off harshly.

"Anastasia. Yeah, I heard" Anastasia scowled at the girl and brought her hand back to her side. "I'm Eva Petrov and that's my sister Esmeralda Petrov" Anastasia nodded her head. The trio stood there staring at each other before Eva started laughing. "I'm just kidding, I'm not rude" Eva held her hand out for Anastasia to shake. Anastasia stared at her hand wearily before shaking it. The girls giggled with each other.

"So where do you sleep?" Esmeralda asked. Anastasia's eyes lit up. She wouldn't admit it to the girls, but having them stay with her put her loneliness at bay. She grabbed their hands dragging them to the top floor of the abandoned building.

"I sleep here! And you guys can sleep here!" The trio squealed with excitement. The Petrov sisters asking Anastasia questions about their new home. Anastasia asking questions about why they left and vice versa.

Anastasia and the Petrov siblings grew up together for the next five months teaching each other things. Until two superheroes show up and help them.

· 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆

ANASTASIA, EVA, AND ESMERALDA HAD JUST COME BACK TO THEIR HOME AFTER A LONG DAY. Esmeralda showing the two older girls how much money she had managed to gather in the one day. Eva rolled her eyes at her sister's enthusiasm and noticed the older man and woman lingering around their home. "Wait. Do you see them?" Anastasia and Esmeralda looked at them and Anastasia's mouth dropped. She noticed that woman from anywhere.

"Боже мой!" Anastasia exclaimed. Eva got irritated quickly.

"Who is that, Anya?" Anastasia grabbed her shoulders and shook them.

"Eva, Esmeralda. That is Natalia Alianovna Romanova!" Eva and Esmeralda stared at the girl dumbfounded.

"Who?" Esmeralda asked. Anastasia groaned, facepalming.

"Stay here" Anastasia left the sibling duo and walked over to Natalia and the man. The man and Natalia turned their attention to Anastasia.

"Nat, looks like we got trouble" Clint joked. Natalia smiled and waited for the small girl to approach them. Anastasia stopped right in front of them and flashed a smile.

"Hello, I'm Anastasia Vasiliev. Why are you standing in front of my house?" Natalia and Clint stared at the girl shocked. Natalia crouched down time the girls height.

"Do you know who I am?" Natalia asked. Anastasia shook her head vigorously.

"Natalia Alianovna Romanova" Natalia cracker a smile and so did Clint.

"Well, you know nowadays it's Natasha Romanoff, but whatever floats your boat" Clint looked at the two girls who stayed behind and watched the trio. "Tell your friends to come over here" Anastasia ran back to Eva and Esmeralda explaining that they wanted to talk. The sibling duo ran back with Anastasia and flashed the two grins introducing themselves. Natasha and Clint spent maybe an hour talking to the girls and hearing their stories. Natasha and Clint knew they were special. Especially after hearing how they had some magical abilities. "Excuse us girls" Clint and Natasha walked away from the girls.

"We can't leave them here, especially with their..abilities. Besides, they're funny and cute" Clint said to Natasha staring at the trio. Natasha smiled and hit his arm.

"What would Tony and the others say?" Natasha asked. Clint shrugged and made his way back to the girls.

"Only one way to find out" Natasha smiled and shook her head, but following him nonetheless.

When the girls were asked if they wanted to come Eva and Esmeralda jumped for joy and shook their heads 'yes' and went to grab their things. Anastasia on the other hand was hesitant. Natasha nodded her head at her "What about you kid? Shouldn't you be packing with them" Anastasia shook her head no, remembering her mother and that she would come back for her.

"I..I can't. My mother, she is coming to get me soon" Anastasia turned around looking at the alleyway she had just came from as if her mother was there waiting for her with a smile. Anastasia had missed her mother so much and she had wondered where she was and if she was okay. That's all she had thought about for the last three years. "It would be wrong for me to not be here when she comes" Natasha kneeled in front of the ground and held her hand.

"Your mother knows where you will be" Anastasia turned around not trusting this woman.

"How do you know?" Natasha smiled and shrugged.

"I just do. Now, go pack your stuff" Anastasia left and went to grab the bag she had from her mother and started to grab everything that had sentimental value. She lastly grabbed her teddy bear and walked out of her home.

It would be the last time she ever saw it. It wouldn't be the last time she would be in Russia. Anastasia, Eva, and Esmeralda had taken a plane to New York City, where they met the rest of the Avengers.

Tony Stark and the Avengers had automatically taking a liking to the trio, but Anastasia catching Tony's attention the most. Wether it was her big green eyes or her sassy attitude he had wanted her to be apart of the family. After a while he had walked up to Anastasia saying "I want it" and picked her up.

Thor and Banner had taken a liking to Eva's intelligence and strength. Eva being the smartest girl for her age. Rhodes and Clint had taken a liking to Esmeralda's generosity and her doe eyes. Natasha stayed away from everyone taking everything in. She felt relieved to save three little girls. She had only wished someone had done that for her. Anastasia reminded Natasha of herself. The way she would sass Clint, how she stood up for what she believed, when she told Tony to be quiet. Anastasia was home to Natasha and Tony. And they didn't have to say anything, but they both would do anything for the girl and her friends.


· 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆

A/N: when they get to New York it's set a few months after Loki. translations ↷

пойдем - lets go
мы можем получить игрушку - can we get a toy
ты должен уйти отсюда. поехать в питер и остаться в безопасности - you have to leave here. Go to St. Petersburg and stay somewhere safe
Я не могу оставить тебя - i can't leave you
моя принцесса - my princess
я тоже тебя люблю - i love you too
о, пожалуйста, помогите мне - oh please help me
Боже мой - oh my god

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