The Girl and Her Breaking Hea...

由 Wildfire_247

3.8K 286 60

Alexandra Queen, she has never had a normal childhood. Her and her mother were abused by her father and his f... 更多

Welcome to TGHBH
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
No Update this Weekend (NNTR#1)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
A/N Update (NNTR#2)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
A/N (NNTR#4)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chatper 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
The Heart Series

Chapter 32

22 2 0
由 Wildfire_247

↠ Nathaniel Adams ↞

"Elizabeth? What are you doing here? And where's Sam?" I ask her confused.

"He's not coming. And um we need to talk, it's about Alexandra." That caught my attention.

"What about her? Did you and Sam hear something about her?" I ask desperately.

"Let's go inside where's its safe before I say anything" she looked around making sure no one heard. Even though, how would someone hear us. My house along with everything else's are feet apart.

"Alright, yeah. Come inside then." I say inviting her in. When she's inside I close to the door and follow as she heads to the living room. She begins pacing back and forth.

"Elizabeth what wrong?" I say anxiously. "I just don't know how to start" she continues to pace.

"Alright, how about this. Take a seat first and then start from the beginning." She sighs and does as I say. Seating down on the sofa across from me.

"Okay, okay I'm going to do this. Alright, well me and Sam had decided to going to a night club a last night. He had become stressed because of work. You know how it gets in the hospital sometimes" I nod understanding "Well we go to the night club, the one that's nearby our house. And... and while we were there... um" she's stops in her track thinking about it.

"Elizabeth, why are you stopping. Tell me what happened. And what that does to do with Alexandra"

Before she could respond the door rings. I sigh getting up "I'll check who it is but when I come back you have to tell me." She nods okay.

I get up and walk to the front door. I open it and see Sam standing there. "Sam? I thought Elizabeth said you weren't coming."

"Elizabeth is here? Wait I mean, yeah she's here obviously. I decided to come." I look at him confused. "Alright, well she's in the living room." He nods "did she mention anything to you by any chance?" He asks.

"Yeah, she was just about to tell me about what happened when you guys went to the nightclub last night. And how Alexandra is involving in the whole thing." He mumbled something but I don't catch it.

"Is everything alright?" He nods "Yeah, can I come in?" I nod letting him through. He walks in and straight to the living room.

When Sam reaches the living room Elizabeth gets up and looks at him with wide eyes. "Sam? What are you doing here." Sam looks back at me and back at Elizabeth.

"I... I decided to come to talk about what happened at the club."

'I'm so fvcking confused. What the fvck is going on with these two'

"Alright, well I was getting to the part where we saw-" she doesn't get to finish when Sam interrupts coughing. We look at him "Elizabeth can I talk to you real quick." She doesn't make a move.

"Now" He says with anger lacing his voice. Elizabeth gets up and leaves with his to the kitchen leaving confused. I let them talk it out while I wait for a while.

I can hear as their voices get louder. They were arguing now. I couldn't hear them and wasn't trying. They needed their space.

Taking some wine that I had left on the table next to my laptop. Drinking some I hear a phone ring. I check mine but it wasn't mine. I go to where Elizabeth purse is and hear a phone in her bag ring.

"Elizabeth" I call "Yeah?" She answered. "Your phone is ringing" I let her know. "Can you pick it up please?" She sighs. "Alright" I take out the phone and answer.

"Hello" a female says. "Hello?" I answered. "Um is this Elizabeth phone?" She asks.

"Yeah it is. What do you need her for?" I ask. "Well she asked me to call her on this phone." She responds. "Alright, well she's busy right now but, I'll let her know that you called."

'Fvck her voice sounded so familiar but I couldn't get how or from where'

"Oh alright, thank you so much, but before you go... may I know who I'm speaking to? You just sound familiar." Weird because I thought the same thing. "I'm Nathaniel, Nathaniel Adam. And you?" I don't get an answer for a while. But then the next thing I know is that she hangs up.

'What was that about?'

"Hey Nate, who was it?" I hear Elizabeth ask behind me. I turn around and shrug giving her, her phone back. "I have no idea. She hang up before I could get her name." Elizabeth looked at me and then Sam. "Did she say anything?" Sam asks.

"Yeah? Said that Elizabeth ask her to call that number." I say confused. "Can you explain everything that she said or did?" He asked panicked.

"Why? What's wrong?" Elizabeth looks at Sam panicked. Sam just looks at me. "Nate just please tell us" I sigh. "Alright, I answered the phone and she said hello. I said it back and then she asked if it was Elizabeth phone. I told yes and that what she wanted from her. She then tells me what I said before, how Elizabeth told her to call that number. I was like okay but she busy. But that I would tell Elizabeth she called. She says thank you and then ask for my name because I sounded familiar, which is weird because she sounded familiar as well. But back to what I was saying. After I told her who I am she stood quite and then hung up. And yeah, that's pretty much it." I look at them finishing explaining.

Sam and Elizabeth look at each. I couldn't tell the emotion in their eyes. "Guys? What's the deal?" I worried. "Was that someone important? Do you guys know her?" Sam scratch's his neck. He looked like he was thinking about what to say.

"Nathaniel take a seat. We need to talk to you about something." I take a seat and wait. "Alright can you guys explain now." I beg.

"Alright what Elizabeth was saying about before. At the club we saw someone. We thought it was Alexandra so we approached her. But it wasn't her, she just looked so much like her though. So we just asked her if she knew an Alexandra and she said yeah. We asked her if she knew where she was but she said no. She knew someone who might though. But she couldn't give it to us there so we gave her our phone numbers and asked her to call once she was somewhere where she could tell her. I'm guessing she must of gotten frightened when someone who wasn't us answered her call." He finished explaining.

I feel like there's some gaps in his story but I could careless. We finally had some info on her possible whereabouts. Or at least will get some.

"We need to call her back" I say grabbing Liz phone from her. "Nathaniel what are you doing!" Elizabeth yells. "Calling! What the hell else?! We can't waste time in finding her. It's been years since we've had a lead like this."

Sam takes the phone from my hand before I can make the call. "What the hell Sam! Do you not want to get Alexandra back?!" He sighs "I want to get Alexandra back as much as you do. But rushing into things like this won't help. Now chill out and breathe." I glare at him.

"I don't need to chill out and breathe! I need to find Alexandra and get her back, is what I need to do. You don't know what she could be going through right now!" I yell getting anger by the second.

"I get it okay. You need to calm down though. Getting all upset won't help anyone. Specially her most of all." I keep glaring at him.

"Alright you know what. Me and Elizabeth are leaving. We will come back when you've decided to calm down." Sam gets up and so does Elizabeth. Together they get up and leave.

Once I hear the door close shut I throw the wine bottle against the wall. Then my laptop against the floor.


"It's alright Gabby, I'll clean up this miss." I say to the maid. She nods and leaves me to clean the mess I had caused in the bathroom.

After I broke my win bottle and laptop I went to the bathroom to try and cool down. I only ended up breaking things in the bathroom.

Once I'm done I take out the bag with all the trash. It's a long walk from the door to the trash outside the gates. But as I got closer to the gate I spot someone. It was Sam laying against his car looking down thinking while Elizabeth was in the car sleeping.

Sam seems to sense me and looks up. He walks up to me. "Hey man" he says walking towards me when I'm outside the gates with his hands in his pockets. "Hey" I say and continue walking to the bin with Sam following after me. "Man can we talk?" He asks but I ignore and keep walking. I get to the bin and place the trash in.

"Nathaniel!" He yells after me as I walk past him and back towards the house. Nodding towards Jerry to open the gates for me I hear him speak again. "Hey listen man. I'm sorry about what I said before. You were just scaring Elizabeth for god sakes man. Did you not see how she was shaking from the yelling?" I look back at him and towards Elizabeth in the car. My face turned from stone cold to sad.

'Fvck I hadn't even thought about Elizabeth. I forget how she gets with yelling'

I sigh and walk back to him. "I'm sorry, I forget how she gets when people are yelling. I'm sorry man." I say with my head hanging low.

"It's not me who you have to apologize to, it her." I look up at him pointing at Elizabeth.

"Just not right now since she's knocked out" he said chuckling trying to lighten up the mood. "Hey man I really am sorry" he adds. "No I am, I shouldn't have acted that way." I sigh. "You have the right to though. I know I would if something like that happened to Elizabeth. I know how much you still love her man. It kills me to watch my best friend like this." He sighs and looks towards Elizabeth.

Looking back at me and laughs. I look at him confused. "What?" I ask.

"I was just remembering something. Do you remember that time at the park. In I think 6th grade. When Alexandra wanted to play tag. And cheated in not being caught. Like how do you cheat in tag." I chuckled nodding my head remembering that day.

"Yeah I remember, she wasn't even a fast runner. How is it that she cheated?" I ask him wondering. "I believe she used our parents as her shield to not be caught. You know how they loved her. If she asked for something the answer would always be yes no matter what it was. Made me jealous sometimes." He laughs.

"Yeah same, she never took that for granted though. Never asked for much even though she didn't have much. Which I think is why they were like that. We use to ask for everything. Spoiled little brats we were back then" we both laugh.

"How did she do it?" Sam asks sighing. "Do what?" I asked confused.

"Live though all that and still pretend to be okay and the happiest child alive. I wish she had told us how she lost a sister or that she got abused by her father and his friend. She was so young Nate." I nod "she was. She is one of the most strongest person out there. If her mom hadn't told us about what happened when she was younger and we found her, I would bet she would still have kept it to herself. I wish I hadn't left her. God I wish I didn't." I dig my nail into my palm in anger.

"Nathaniel it wasn't your fault. You were just trying to keep her safe. If you hadn't given him that money and stayed away then god knows what he would have done if he stayed. You had no choice." I sigh releasing my palms.

"We need to find her Sam" I look at him. "We will Nathaniel, soon, you'll see." I nod.

We stand there for a while in silence. Hearing a car door open we look towards his car. Elizabeth was getting out looking sleepy.

"You guys made up?" She yawns making Sam laugh. "Yeah we did, didn't we Nathaniel" he nods towards me. "Yeah we did Elizabeth." I say laughing.

"Good, because I want to go to the beach." Sam looks at her confused while I just chuckle.

"Where did that come from" he says confused. "My mouth dummy" he glared at her playfully, I laughing as she continues. "From my dream, I was in this beach and it was so nice and cool. You should have been there." Sam walks towards her, places his arms her waist and says "I bet it was." I look away as he leans down to kiss her.

'As much as I find it adorable, it hurts that I can't do something like that with Alexandra. I need a distraction. Huh, maybe a beach will be good. Good idea Elizabeth'

"I say we do it" I speak up looking back at him. They look at me confused. "The beach, let's go to the beach like Elizabeth said. Its hot and we aren't doing anything." Looking at each other and shrug and look at me. "Yeah why not." Sam answers.

"Alright, you guys go back home and get ready. I'll do the same and when you guys are done come pick me to go." They nod "alright then, we back soon." They walk to the car with Elizabeth in Sams arm.

'God what I would do to be like that with Alexandra'

I walk in as I hear the car drive off.


"What took you guys so long?" I ask getting into Sams green Honda. "This one over here decided to take a shower" he says pointing at Elizabeth. "Why? We're about to go a beach. It beats the point of a beach." She looks back at me and glared.

"What?" I say putting my hands up in surrender. "I like taking showers before going to the beach, alright. If you have a problem with that then deal with it these where. Mister don't take showers before going to the beach."

"Well baby, nobody really takes showers when they're about to go to a beach. It does beat the point of the whole going to the beach." Sam says defending me. "Exactly" I add.

Elizabeth looks at him and glared. He raises his hands like I did before, surrendering. I just laugh at them.

"Alright lets go then. Before I decided taking a shower instead of going to the beach." Elizabeth flips me off and Sam and I laugh. He starts the engine and drives off.

"You guys are always bullying me." Elizabeth whines childishly like causing us to laugh at her again.

In no time we get to the beach. Since Sam didn't want to turn on the air and there was no wind I get out once we stop in a rush. I quickly start walking to the water.

"Nathaniel wait for us, we need to take out our bags." Ignoring Sam I continue walking towards the water.

Not paying attention I walk right into a girl. We both fall back but I'm not able to see her face cuz of her hair. I get up hearing a guy call out to her "Alex?" They say worried.

She gets up slowly rapping her fallen towel around her. I start cleaning myself down before trying to help her.

"You okay Alex?" He asks once he reaches her. "Yeah I'm fine" she says. I freeze when I hear her voice. It sound familiar.

'Why is everyone's name sounding so familiar today. What the hell is wrong with me'

I get out of my trance when the guy speaks to me. "Hey watch where your going alright man!" He yells at me. "Sorry I didn't-" I get interrupted when I hear Sam yell behind me.

"Nathaniel we told you to wait up!" He yells. I don't get to even answer when the girl looks up shocked. I mirror her expression when I see who it was.

"Alexandra" I say and she flinches.

She lowers her head again and runs around me. The guy with her glared at me and followers her. It takes me a while before I realize what happened. I follow behind them.

I pass Sam and he looks at me concerned. I just ignore him and run after them.

Looking around for them I spot them standing on the sidewalk on the other side of the parking lot talking. As I get closer I hear them.

"Alexandra what the hell is wrong." The guy says worried. "Nothing Victor, just leave me please." She begs the guy.

I get closer and she sees me. Her eyes become wide and begins to run again towards the shops. The guy looks back and harden when he sees me. He begins running after her again as I do the same.

"Alexandra!" I yell after her. She looks back and continues running until she reaches a crowd of people. Looking back at me one more time she running right into the crowd with. I run into the crowd as well.

I lose the guy and her. I couldn't find her anywhere and I wasn't going to be able to.

'I lost her after finding her. FVCK!'

I walk back to the beach and find Sam and Elizabeth talking to someone. It was a guy with brown hair. It his back to him so I couldn't see anything else.

"You can't tell him alright" the guy says. "Can't tell who what?" The guy looks back at me startled.

"Nothing to worry about Nathaniel." Elizabeth says. The guy tries to sneak off by walking around me. I grab his arm before he can leave.

"Your with them aren't you?" I grip his arm tightly. "That is none of your business." He said with a pain expression. "I'll take it as a yes, now tell me where to find her" my grip got tighter.

"Nathaniel please tell him go" Elizabeth begged. I look towards her like if she was crazy. "He knows where Alexandra is and your asking me to keg him go!" I raise my voice angrily.

When she doesn't answer I realize something. "You know he does, not only that but you two also know where she is!" I yell.

"Nathaniel let him go! Your leaving him a mark! What do you think Alexandra would say about that." I snap my head towards him.

"Don't you fvcking dare bring that up! You have no right! You fvcking knew where she has been and you didn't say anything!" I yell poking his chest telling go of the guy.

"Nathaniel you need to calm down" he said said looking around to the people watching. "You causing a scene."

"I don't give sh!t, you knew where she was while I was here this whole time thinking that maybe she was died. It makes sense now. You sounded so sure that we would find her soon because you knew where she was." I say figuring it out as I went.

"Nathaniel you don't understand. Let's go home and talk about it okay?" He places a hand on my shoulder. I move away from his and step back shaking my head.

"I'm not going anywhere with you guys! You were suppose to be my best friend man! You knew how much I love her! And to keep this from me! That she has been this close to us! You fvcking crazy if you think I trust you after this!" I walk away and towards the street.

I call a cab and it takes me home. I walk past my maid ignoring her and towards my room. I throw my bag on the floor and fall on the bed once in the room.


"Mister Adam? You have a call." I hear Gabby say from the other side of the room as I get out of the shower.

It been three days since I've talked to Sam and Elizabeth. After they lied to me to my face for god knows how long. They could have knew about her for years and I wouldn't have known it. They have tried speaking to me. First it was calls and messages. When I did t answer they started to come to my house. I told the guy at the gate that they aren't allowed to enter anymore. And if they somehow made it through the gates then the maids weren't allowed to open the door for them.

"If it's Elizabeth and Sam again tell them I'm not speaking with them. And that this is my final warning before I get a restraining order on them." I say finally answering.

"Um... busy it isn't them..." I looked at the door confused. Putting my shirt on I open the door.

"Who is it then? If it's someone from work, I told you to tell me." I pissed off, I grab the phone.

"It's no one from work either." She said walking away. "Who the hell is it then." I say out loud. I get an answer from the person in the other side of the phone.

"It's me Nathaniel, Alexandra." I froze.

'How did she get my number and why is she calling? No, to hell with those questions. Where has she been'

"Nathaniel" I hear her nervous voice say bring me back to reality.

"Yeah?" I say with a shaky voice.

I hear her sigh "I know you must have lots of questions and trust me I will answer them. Just not over the phone. Can we please talk somewhere? Somewhere private."

'She wants to meet up?'


'Fvck I got to stop doing that'

"Yeah sorry, um we can meet at my place?"

"Yeah sure, but can I bring some people?" I sigh realizing we weren't gonna be alone. But I couldn't tell her no.

"No, it's fine. As long as I get to see you." I let's out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, just send me the day, place and time. I'll be there. I promise Nathaniel. See you soon Nate." I say bye and hang up. I lay against the wall and take in what just happened.

'Fvck I need the number'

"Gabby!" I yell and she comes running. "Gabby can you take down the number that called and bring it to me? I need to finish getting ready for work." She nods okay.

"Is everything alright?" I nod smiling "it's better then alright." She smiles back.

"I'm happy for you sir" the old lady says smiling. "Thank you Gabby. Now hurry up and get me that number." I laugh and she leaves shaking her head playfully.

"I'm finally going to be able to see her. After all these years." I say to myself walking back I to my room. Changing into some dark blue jeans.

『 𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚟𝚘𝚝𝚎 𝚋𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛 𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚘𝚖, 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙𝚜 𝚖𝚎 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚝 』

~Follow Me For Updates And Talk To Me Whenever You Want~
Twitter: Wildfire_247
Instagram: Wildfire_247

Xoxo ~Wildfire~♥️


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