The Rules | ✅ Completed

By Sammers

179K 5.1K 952

I have three basic rules to live by Don't draw attention to myself. Make it through another year. My brother'... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Author's Note
Alternate Epilogue
Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter 24

2.5K 82 11
By Sammers

The fans piled into the stands and wrapped around the fencing were shouting and cheering as the clock wound down for the junior varsity game. Keegan ran to check the scoreboard and with a wild grin was trotting back with helmet in hand. It felt oddly comforting that the team will be left in good hands after we graduated. We let the door slam shut as he, I and Joe walked back toward the heart of the locker room.

Lucas was on a bench, leaning against the lockers behind him. His jersey eased over his pad shoulder pads that were nestled between his feet. Shane was stretched out across the bench on the other side of the aisle. A football in his hands as he tossed it into the air and letting in fall back to his waiting hand. The coaches were huddled in the office going over the game plan for tonight.

I fell onto the bench beside Lucas as Joe nudged at Shane's feet. His legs straddled the bench as Joe sat and mirrored Lucas' position. With the exception of some chatter, the locker room was pre-game silent. Each of us trying to get focused on what would be waiting for us on the field.

Blaine had mocked me before the Westerly about how I claimed every team was a rival. There was some truth to it. Each team brought with them different challenges. Each wanted to be considered the top of the conference. Some had a defensive line contained players who were all built like Joe and Luke. Even their running backs were brick walls. Others had fast receivers or a quarterback who wasn't shy about running the ball. Off the field, each was just another team. Once you're out their, facing off with them, it becomes personal. It becomes a rivalry for who is the best.

"You're not focusing," Joe mumbled as a smirk tugged at his lips. I hunched over, resting my elbows on my knees.

"I know," I huffed out as my hands slid over my head to rest on my neck.

"What's going on?" I glanced over at Shane as Joe asked the one question I didn't have an answer for. The ball had been frozen in his hands as he stared at the ceiling waiting. I didn't have to look at Luke to know he was waiting to.

"Nothing," I mumbled in return. "Just can't focus."

"Get it together," Lucas grumbled as the arms folded over his chest tightened their knot. Easy for him to say. This was just an outlet for him. All the pent of aggression he's managed to keep control of has been unleashed on the field game after game. Shane was a born quarterback. Little could distract him from a game. Joe, well, Joe was just there because we were.

Ever since my mom and dad found out about Blaine's sleep over they've been riding me hard. Asking about tests and projects. Making sure I was doing my best on the field. Reminding me of the rolemodel son I should be. When the topic of the dance came up, Mom was disappointed I wasn't going. Dad decided to take her silence as an opportunity to remind me that as a leading example of the student body meant showing my face at such events.

When I told them Blaine didn't want to go they shared a look and I left the room. I knew what they were saying without a single word being shared. They thought she was a distraction and making all the decisions for us. If only they knew how relieved I was that she didn't want to be paraded around at the dance, they might disown me. How we were handling our relationship was simple and easy going. In truth, it's all I really wanted.

I knew she had heard the sneers from girls when they passed us. They shared their thoughts, loudly, about how unfair it was that she snaked in. We were only together because of her brother. It was a load of shit. She knew it, and promised it didn't bother her. Even when she smiled, I could see it beyond those hazel eyes. Their words struck something inside her. A night in was just what we needed. No judgement carelessly whispered near us. No watchful eyes waiting to see what would happen next. Just me, her and a stack of movies.

"Are you even listening," Shane asked. I looked up just in time to catch the football flying at me.

"Yeah," I lied.

"Spill," Shane adjusted to sit on the bench, his body facing me.

"Parents," I shrugged. "They've been on my case is all."

"About what?"

"Blaine," Lucas snorted. He met my eyes, "Am I wrong?"

"They see her as a common factor."

"Even when you aren't focused on a girl, you're focused on a girl," Joe's booming laughter filled the locker room. Another round of cheers slipped past the metal door. My head turned to the short hall leading to the field. Coach Gilly led the men out of the office and clapped his hands. He started his pre-game speech and I slowly tuned him out, only answering when my teammates did. He brushed past us as did the other coaches. The second the door screeched open, the roar from the fans filled the locker room. I pulled my pads on and grabbed my helmet.

Lucas patted my back as we lined up behind Shane and Joe. Being the Captains we were expected to lead the team onto the field and to a victory. We followed the curve of the fence as fireworks screamed into the air. Every person on the path stopped and cleared the way for us as we marched past them. As we neared the stands, I dared to look for that beautiful face.

Brown curls danced over her face as the wind tousled it. A proud grin was painted pink and black marks were under eyes to match my own. I grinned as I caught sight of ribbons mingling with the curls. What made a real smile to curl onto my face was my away jersey pulled over a long sleeved shirt. Her hands cupped her mouth as she hollered loudly with the others. She was out of sight, but the image remained. The subtle beauty cheering us on, who would someday be leading this march.

"Bring it in," Coach Gilly shouted as we huddled at the entrance of the field. Smoke hid the path and the crowd lining our way to the center of the field. He worked to rile us up. Shouting in agreement, whoops and growls echoed everyone of his words. I bounced on my toes as Shane rolled his shoulders and neck. Joe looked at me with the mad man smile. Lucas just stared at the smoke as if the other team would be able to feel the intimidation rolling off of him. Stepping to the side, Coach smacked Shane's pads and we sprinted past the rows of fans.


"That was amazing," Blaine cheered as she jumped into my arms. My muscles ached after the hits I took, but the pain of her body colliding with mine didn't bother me. My arms wrapped around her as I dropped my bag at my feet. She pressed her lips to mine. "You were amazing."

"I was, wasn't I," Joe teased as he rested a hand on his chest. She giggled and nodded.

"Amazing," she repeated. I set her back on her feet and cradled her to my chest. The fact that I was still covered in sweat didn't bother her. Joe took her hand from my shoulder and pulled her away to spin her. Another string of giggles left her when he finally stopped her. She shoved him away as he dipped down, ready to throw her over his shoulder.

Snatching her other hand, I pulled her back towards me. She stumbled and her back crashed against my chest. My arms wrapped around her neck and waist as my chin rested on top of her head. She hated and loved that I was taller than her. This was one of the reasons she hated it.

Heather split off from a group of poms squad members to join our little cluster. She beamed up at Joe before tucking some hair behind her ear and turning to look at us. She congratulated me on my touchdowns and I nodded to her. Blaine tilted her head, and mine fell to her shoulder. I kissed her cheek and saw the blush starting in on her cheeks. Her hands rested over mine as she craned her neck to smile at me.

"To the field," Shane shouted as he emerged from the locker room. The students shuffling past cheered in approval. Lucas was hot on his heels and slowed as Lily approached him. Shane rolled his eyes as made his way to us. "Who needs a ride?"

"Got one," Blaine answered squeezing the hand on her shoulder.

"Do you mind," Heather glanced at Joe. He nodded as a grin grew on his face. Shane pouted as he nodded to the lot. He had ignored Heather's advances and hints for years, and now he was sulking. Can't blame the chick for moving on.

I untangled my arms from Blaine and reached down for my bag. My hand found hers and we walked to the lot. Car horns honked at us as they passed. Joe threw his fist in the air in victory while Shane continued to cheer. Blaine was still laughing has her free hand wrapped around my arm. My pace slowed as we neared my car.

"What," she whispered, her smile slowly fading.

"Mom. Dad," I forced a smile. They were parked near my car and clearly waiting on me. Blaine's hand slipped from my arm, but my hold on her hand grew tighter for fear she was slipping away all together. "I thought you would be halfway home by now."

"Your mother thought we could celebrate over dinner," he cleared his throat, "As a family."

Blaine shifted beside me when we had stopped walking. She clearly understood the underlying meaning of my father's words. She wasn't invited. I looked at my dad silently plotting how to make this work.

"The team is going out to celebrate. Can we do breakfast instead?"

"You go out with them after every game," my mother added. "They can miss you for a little bit, can't they?"

"It's not a problem, Mrs. James," Blaine smiled. She turned to me as I pleaded with my eyes for her to stay. "Shane looked bummed that no one wanted to ride with him anyways. I'm going to try and catch him."

"I'll be there shortly," I promised. She nodded before kissing my cheek. My hand released hers as she took a few steps away. She waved to my parents and began searching for Shane. Turning my attention back to my parents, I couldn't stop my own disappointment from showing. "What was that?"

"Your mother thought -"

"No," I cut him off, "I know she thought. Did you have to be so rude about it?"

"Honey," my mother cooed as she took a step in my direction. "We see you so little these days. Between school, football and now this girl. I feel like we never see you."

"You who she is, Mom. It's not like I picked her up from the side of the road."

"We're just worried that she is drawing all your attention from what matters most." My eyes shot to my dad's. His arms were crossed over his chest as he tried to mimic a demanding presence. The problem is I'm too tired to deal with them, and having this fight again.

"Excuse me," I pushed past them and popped my trunk before throwing the bag inside.

"She doesn't understand the demands of this sport. To her it's just a game and that's all. It's your future. If you want to play for a division one school next fall, you need to spend more time on the game and less on girls."

"She understands plenty."

"Her brother being on the team doesn't mean anything."

"Coach put her on the roster for next year," I slammed the trunk shut. "She starts practicing with us this week."

"I thought your kicker is a junior?" I stared at the pair. Mom was completely lost in accepting that a girl would willing go out to be on the football team. Dad was confused as to how she could be good enough to replace Keegan.

"Blaine was brought on as the second string quarterback." They stood wide eyed was I eased open my car door. I think it was safe to say they were stunned, and obviously speechless. For good reason. They thought they had her all figured out. A girl going out of her way to throw me off track. My mother saw someone who was reckless and irresponsible. My father saw someone who was looking for a good time. Blaine was none of those things, and the sooner they figure that out the better it will be for all of us. "Thanks for the dinner invite, but I'm going to pass. I'll see you tomorrow."

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