POISON IVY❖Theo Putnam (DISCO...

By xpeachskinx

63.4K 1.9K 274

"You're beautiful Susie Putnam, and anyone who says otherwise I'll turn into toads" //////////// my name is... More



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By xpeachskinx

Sabrina rushes into Ambrose's room.

"It worked, Tommy's back home with Harvey, who is so happy" She grins.

I let out the breath I've been holding, "that's amazing, Brina" I clasp my hands together.

Ambrose leans forward, "and how is Tommy feeling himself?" He questions and she looks away, "fine".

She's lying.

"Does he have any sense of what happened to him?" Ambrose presses and Sabrina shoves her hands in her pockets, "unclear".

Ambrose sighs, "Sabrina".

She huffs, "I didn't really talk to Tommy, but apparently he's in shock, which the doctor said is totally normal" she assures.

Ambrose raises his brows, "unless that doctor is a witch doctor I'd get a second opinion. I knew you shouldn't have performed that resurrection, everyone told you not to" he stresses.

I roll my eyes, "hey, that resurrection worked, Tommy will be himself again in a few days, hopefully" I trail off.

Sabrina nods, "yeah, he'll be talking again, eating again--"

"He's not eating?" Ambrose stands quickly and we look at him confused.

"Oh, we have to tell the aunties" he shakes his head.

"We can't, you can't" I rush to him, it'll only cause more trouble that it's worth.

He sighs, "they'll find out eventually, this is a small town, a man coming back from the dead is big news" he states in an obvious tone.

"He didn't come back from the dead, he dug himself out of the mines" Sabrina corrects him.

"But you're right, they will find out, but by that time Tommy will be back to normal and will they be mad? Yes, but the won't be able to undo anything" I point out and he looks down.

Sabrina sighs, "please, Ambrose. Harvey got his brother back, that's all that matters" she smiles.

I nod agreeingly, "yeah, don't be a spoil sport".

"Hey Mr Putnam, is Susie here?" I ask as he answers the door, smiling.

"Yeah, come on in" he steps aside and i smile, walking in ",thanks".

I turn the corner of the stairs, walking towards the green door at the end of the hall.

I stop outside as Susie laughs quietly from inside and i smile, her laugh could light up a room.

"I've never done anything like this before" she whispers excitedly.

I lean my ear against the door curiously, is she talking to someone?

"What if I get caught?" She answers, but nobody said anything.

I step back, knocking lightly.

"Uh, yeah?" She stammers.

I smile, "guess who?" I say in a sing-song voice.

Quick footsteps come from inside before the door swings open revealing a smiling Susie.

Before I can speak she quickly wraps her arms around me, "I missed you yesterday, where were you?" She lets me in.

I raise my brows, "Uh, history homework, I've been swamped, sorry" I shrug and she furrows her brows.

"We don't have anything from history" she chuckles and i mentally hit myself.

"Oh, it must be old stuff" I brush it off, keeping up with two schools is exhausting.

"So, what are you doing here?" She glances behind me and i follow her gaze, there's nothing there.

"I just thought we could walk to school together, maybe stop at Dr Cee's?" I ask hopefully.

It feels like I've spent all my time focusing on my witch life more than usual.

Her cheeks turn pink, "sure, let me just grab something" she walks out of her room as i nod.

I turn back to where the was staring before, taking a deep breath.

"Show me what was shown before, enchanted are my new found eyes, reveal what has been hidden" I whisper.

A tall figure appears by her mirror and i step back as she stares at me, a peculiar glint in her eyes.

"What is a witch doing here i wonder?" She smiles.

Her hair is short, and she's dressed in a man's uniform, she looks like Susie.

I back up, "unholy sh-"

"Hey, Ivy. Let's go" Susie calls from the stairs and i turn to her with wide eyes, "okay" I stammer.

I look back to the mirror and the woman is gone.

Dr Cee hands me a warm cup of hot chocolate to go.

"Thanks, tell my aunt Hilda i said hi" I smile and he returns it.

I hold my drink in one hand as Susie holds the other.

"Hey, Suse?" I ask, taking a cup of my drink and she hums in response.

"Did you ever find anything else about your aunt Dorothea?" I turn to her and she looks down.

"Oh, um, not really. I haven't got round to reading her journals yet" she shrugs.

She's holding back from me.

I wonder what she really knows.

I carefully open Ms Wardwell's office door, slipping inside.

I quickly reach through my bag, pulling out the book of the dead.

The door opens and i gasp quietly.

"Did you feel it too?" Ms Wardwell steps inside.

I straighten my jacket, "feel what?".

"The Santa Diabla" she creases her brows, "the ill wind that blew through Greendale last night like a frisson of electricity. As though the curtain between worlds had been torn asunder" she smiles eerily, "you didn't feel it?".

I shrug, "I can't say I did, no" I shake my head with fake curiosity, "I went to bed early".

She stalks forward, "oh but surely you heard the dogs? Why it sounded like every dog in Greendale was howling all night long, it was...exhilerating, positively life giving" she hints.

She wants me to admit we did it.

She raises her brows, "now, you weren't thinking of borrowing my book of the dead without permission were you? Not when all you need do is ask" she leans against the desk.

I click my tongue, "where's the fun in that?" I raise a brow and she almost smiles a real smile.

"Go on, take it" she motions to it in my hands.

I shrug, "no need, I was just looking for a sleeping spell, I couldn't find it though" I lie with a slick smile as i sit it back on the desk.

She raises her brows, "in the book of the dead?" She asks curiously and i nod, "you know the phrase, sleep like the dead" I quote and she nods.

"Well, what seems to be the problem for this spell? Perhaps i could help" she shrugs.

I suck in a breath, "Sabrina snores, very loudly" I tut.

She raises her brows, "have you tried rolling her over?".

I stands up straight, "rolling her over? I haven't actually, but I'll give it a try, thank you" I smile, heading for the door.

I close it behind me, leaning against the wall as i breathe out.

"Aunt Hilda, we can explain everything" I chuckle nervously as we stand in Ambrose's room after aunt Hilda caught us talking about Tommy.

Apparently we brought his body back, but not his soul.

Aunt Hilda shakes her head, "no, your cousin already did that, in great detail. You lied to me, you did the one thing I told you not to do, incorrectly, to boot" she holds her anger back, her words soaked in disappointment.

Sabrina sighs, "I couldn't bear to see Harvey suffer like that and we think we can fix this entire situation. We just have to put Tommy's soul back in his body" Sabrina tries.

"It's too late" aunt Hilda huffs.

I shake my head, "no, Roz said she had a vision of Tommy lost in foggy woods and that she heard a baby crying, that's limbo" I hold out the book we found.

"We just need to get there and retrieve Tommy's soul, will you help us?" Sabrina asks desperately.

Aunt Hilda scoffs, "first of all, may i say, there are two limbos. One for witches and one for mortals, Tommy Kinkle is in mortal limbo and it is simply impossible for witches to cross over into mortal limbo" she rambles.

I sigh, "But were not witches, we're half witch. Which means we can cross over" I state the obvious.

"You're assuming? Because meanwhile, the witch you killed and brought back to life is getting sicker and sicker, that's the grin reaper doing it to her, hee expecting a body. Her suffering won't end until there's one in the ground. Until balance is restored, there's no fixing it, you've opened Pandora's box" aunt Hilda stresses.

We're interrupted as Ambrose rushes into his room, "guys. There's something you need to see in the embalming room" he pants.

He points to flashes on one of the bodies from the mines.

"These are bite marks, these teeth they're..." he trails off.

"Human" I grimance, looking away.

Ambrose sighs, "yep, taking a guess, i think that's why Tommy hasn't been eating. He isn't hungry, yet" he nods.

A dreaded feeling hits us, "Harvey" Sabrina breathes out.

We approach Harvey's house as Mr Kinkle runs out the door.

"Mr Kinkle?" Sabrina asks as he coughs, holding his throat.

"Don't go in there, he's not my son" he warns, running away.

We share a worried look before running inside, not bothering to knock.

We hurry into the living room as Tommy sits on the couch, motionless except heavy breathing and Harvey kneels in front of him.

"What happened?" I look around confused as Sabrina rushes to Harvey's side.

"My dad punches me and then Tommy tried to kill him" he breathes out.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Sabrina touches his shoulders.

I stare at Tommy's blank expression, like nothing happened and a horrid feeling rushes through me.

We did this.

Harvey nod, "I'm fine, I'm just trying to calm Tommy down".

"Maybe he's thirsty, give him some of this" Sabrina hands him a jar of water aunt Hilda made to help Tommy sleep.

We close the front door behind us, "aunties? We need--" Sabrina calls out as Aunt Zelda appears.

"I frankly don't care what you need, Sabrina" she growls from atop the stairs and we freeze, we're done for.

"But I'll tell you what i need, an explanation. For why Spellman witches were practicing necromancy on a mortal boy in Greendale!" she shouts.

"She knows everything, loves" aunt Hilda says quietly from the bottom of the stairs.

I look over at Sabrina as she sighs nervously, she's never been one for getting into trouble, not before all of this.

Aunt Zelda grips the banister, "And why in Satan's name, they would drag other witches into their reckless, stupid, selfish plans?".

"We did it for Harvey" Sabrina answers and i stay silent, I mostly did it for Sabrina.

Aunt Zelda scoffs, "Did you? Tell me, did he ask you to do it? No, because no one in their right mind would do what you two did. How did you even know what spell to use? Ambrose says he didn't give it to you" she presses.

Ambrose shakes his head, "I didn't" he defends carefully.

I grit my teeth, "Ms Wardwell" I admit.

Aunt Zelda glares, "She gave it to you?".

Sabrina shakes her head, "no, we took it from her office".

Aunt Zelda raises her brows, "Oh, so you're thieves as well as murderers" she scoffs, walking down a few steps.

"Murderers?" Sabrina furrows her brows.

She looks between us, "you killed a witch, didn't you?" She accuses.

I shrug, "only for a few minutes, besides she deserved a time out" i defend.

"This is not a joke, girls! You've thrown off the balance" she yells.

Sabrina gasps angrily, "not us, Agatha and Dorcas, they killed Tommy, this wasn't some natural disaster, we were undoing what witches did" she raises her voice as Aunt Zelda raises her brows.

"All you did was make things worse" she sighs.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, "we're going to fix it, okay? We're gonna save Tommy" I throw my hands down to my sides.

"Fix what? There's nothing to fix, and he can't be saved. It's done, girls. He belongs in the ground and that's where he's going" Aunt Zelda gives up shouting, walking all the way downstairs.

"Not if we pass over into mortal limbo and bring his soul back, we're half mortal, we can go there" Sabrina stops her.

Aunt Zelda furrows her brows, "if you what?" She whispers as if we're crazy.

"We just need someone to anchor us here on the physical plane" I explain.

She sighs, "I have spent the very last of my credibility with the high priest begging him to let us clean up your mess, to take care of this atrocity ourselves, to save our family in the eyes of the coven, we are standing in a grave, young ladies, all of us and you want to dig it deeper!?" She starts yelling again and i snap.

"We don't care about the church of night and we don't care about the high priest!" I raise my voice.

But my words felt untrue, somewhere a part of me did like the path of night.

There's something fascinating about the darkness, if only it didn't have so many rules.

"I care about what right, and about Harvey and his brother. We're going to cross over" Sabrina joins in.

Aunt Zelda scoffs, "You're not capable of the magic required to cross the barrier" she challenges.

A ball of anger rises in my chest, "you don't know what we're capable of!" I raise my voice.

I am done being underestimated by her.

"You're sixteen year old children, not some grand magus!" She tries throwing reality in our faces.

"And you're not our mother, Zelda, so stop acting like you are!" Sabrina shouts in her face, taking aunt Zelda by surprise.

Her face drops and heavy tension hits us all and regret covers Sabrina's face.

"Oy! You do not speak to your aunt Zelda like that, not ever!" Aunt Hilda jumps up from her spot on the stairs.

"It's fine Hilda, you heard her. They're not children and I'm not their mother" aunt Zelda says calmly, hurt behind her eyes.

"They're grown up witches now, and it's time they learned how the world, the realms, really work. Everything has a price, Edward learned that lesson, I learned it, it's your the. Now. Try to save this most, eve. If if rips the membrane to pieces. But don't come crying to me whe it all blows up in your faces"  she whispers coldly, turning and walkinh away.

Aunt Hilda shakes her head disappointedly, walking away too.

A tear slips from Sabrina's eye as i look up, holding it in.

We're alone now.

We turn to Ambrose as he stands, "no one will help you, just as Aunt Zee says" he shakes his head.

Sabrina holds her head high, "You're wrong, Ambrose. There's someone".

He scoffs dryly, walking away.

Ms Wardwell's door swings open as she looks down at us.

"We need your help, Ms Wardwell" I let go of my mistrust for the moment being as she steps aside, letting us in.

The three of us walk through the dark woods, stopping in front of an arch made of branches.

"Give me your wrist" Ms Wardwell turns to Sabrina.

She explained it would be too difficult for both of us and Tommy's soul to pass through, only one of us can go.

I sigh, "Sabrina, just let me go, I'll be straight in and straight out" I try to convince her.

She shakes her head, "no, i need to do this for Harvey" she turns back to Ms Wardwell who wraps red yarn around her wrist.

"So i don't lose you, tug on it three times when you're heading back and I'll open the portal on this side, understand?" Ms Wardwell explains and Sabrina nods.

"Thank you, Ms Wardwell" she turns towards the arch, "Redi ad periculum tuum".

Smoke rises from the opening of the arch as screams echo from is inside the portal and she walks towards it.

"Sabrina" I blurt and she turns to me,  "be careful" I worry and she nods, disappearing into the smoke.

"She'll be okay, right?" I clear my throat, shoving my shaky hands inside my jacket pockets.

Ms Wardwell stares into the portal, "She'll be just fine" she smiles lightly, rolling the yarn.

About 10 minutes pass and a slight tug at the yarn catches my eye.

"Hey, the rope" I turn to Ms Wardwell who furrows her brows, "I didn't see anything, you're just worried" she breathes out.

Another tug moves the yarn.

"What are you doing? Open the portal" I reach for the yarn and it snaps.

I turn to Ms Wardwell who opens and closes her mouth.

I run towards the portal but something pulls me back as i crash against the ground.

"If you go in, there's no guarantee you'll come back out. Give her time" she scolds.

I grunt, looking back.

"Sabrina!" I scream into the darkness.

A few seconds later she runs out, looking down.

"No, no, no" she opens an empty hand.

"Ms Wardwell I have to go back in there, i found Tommy once i can find him again" she turns back to the arch.

"Sabrina, you can't" Ms Wardwell panics and Sabrina stops.

"From what we just saw, it seems the soul-eater's gotten him" Ms Wardwell sighs and i look up at them from the ground.

"What does that mean?" I grunt against the invisible restraints and with a wave of her hand she lets me go, "you know what it means".

Sabrina's eyes gloss over, "But I told Harvey I'd fix this" her voice shakes and i slowly rise to my feet.

Ms Wardwell walks over to her as i follow.

"You still can, painful but there's one path left for you to follow" she looks at Sabrina sympathetically.

Sabrina breathes out, "But if I tell him..." She trails off, she's tried telling Harvey our secret once before and it didn't work out too well.

"If your love is true, he'll understand" Ms Wardwell speaks softly.

Sabrina nods, waking past her as i wrap my arm over her shoulder, hugging her.

Ms Wardwell's words ring in my head, if Sabrina has to tell Harvey.

I have to tell my girlfriend I'm a witch.

The phone rings for a few moments  before someone answers.

"Hello?" Susie calls quietly down the line and i smile nervously, "guess who?".

The line goes quiet and i furrow my brows, "Susie, you still there?".

"Ivy, hey" she drags out awkwardly as i sit on my bed, "is everything okay?" I worry as it goes quiet again.

"Uh, yeah, my dad is making me do the laundry. I gotta go, sorry" she rushes.

I open my mouth to answer as the line disconnects and i lower the phone confused.

Binx meows and i look over at him, "no i haven't done anything wrong, I don't think so anyway" I defend.

I stand up, grabbing my jacket.

"Sabrina's at Harvey's and i hate that she has to deal with Tommy alone, but Ms Wardwell is right, if our love is true, she'll understand" I breathe deeply.

He meows again and i freeze, "Did I say love? I mean our...deeply, more than friends, relationship" I stammer, heading for the door.

He meows again and i roll my eyes, "I heard that!".

"Mr Putnam, please i just need to talk to her for one minute" I argue.

He won't let me see Susie.

"Listen, I'm sorry but doesn't want to see you right now" he sighs sympathetically.

I bite my tongue, "I don't even know what I've done wrong" I sigh in defeat and he gives me a sad smile.

"I'll tell her you stopped by, I'm sorry but it's the best i can do" he shrugs and i nod, "okay, thank you".

He closes the door as i walk down the path, shoving my hands in my pockets.

A small pebble rolls under my boot and i stop walking, looking down.

An idea pops into my head as i reach down, lifting it while i look for her window.

I stretch my arms lightly before throwing it, making a gentle tap on the window.

"Susie!" I whisper-shout, silence.

I pick up another pebble, throwing it,
"Susie, please?".

After a few moments she appears, opening the window.

"Nice bed head" I call out quietly and she quickly pats it down, "What are you doing here? It's almost eleven" she whispers.

I clear my throat, raising my arms above me.

"But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east--"

"What are you doing?" She asks, a smile playing on her lips.

I lower my arms, "trying to apologise for whatever I've done in a romantic gesture" I breathe out and her face softens.

"You haven't done anything" she admits softly and i slump my shoulders, "then why won't you talk to me?".

She leans against the windowsill, "I think I just need to be alone right now, think about some things" she looks away and my heart sinks.

"Alone alone or just, alone?" I stammer and she chews her bottom lip.

"You'd never hurt me, right?" She avoids my gaze.

My face drops as i stare up at her with sunken eyes.

"Susie, I could never hurt you" I answer, it hurts to know she thinks that way.

Her face softens, "really?"

I nod quickly, "yes, really" I chuckle dryly.

"I mean, I'm--, we're--, I'm not good with words this i why i thought quoting stars crossed lovers and climbing your window would be easier" I admit and she laughs quietly.

"So, can we please fix this? Whatever this is?" I gesture between us and she smiles lightly, "I'll see you at school" he reaches for her window.

"Wait" I throw my hand out and she stops, looking down at me.

I reach around my neck, gripping the charm in my hand.

I blow her a kiss and she rolls her eyes, catching it with a smile.

I grin and she closes the window and i turn towards the path, "parting is such sweet sorrow".

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