Have You Here With Me~ Drarry...

Від HiItsMeFaith11

236 1 3

Harry and Draco have an argument before Harry's work anniversary. Більше

Date Night

She's Wicked Harry!

144 1 1
Від HiItsMeFaith11

 Harry walks into the house, after perhaps one of the longest days he has ever had at work, pleased with the fact that Draco was already home. He would soon be able to cuddle into his chest and fall into a long and peaceful sleep, Harry smiled to himself at the thought as he removed his shoes and coat at the door, a habit Draco had insisted Harry followed or the apartment would be a 'smelling rathole'.

Draco is standing in the kitchen in front of the coffee maker when Harry walks to him and wraps his hands around his boyfriend. "Hey, babe," He says into his shirt.

"Hey" Draco replied coldly, his usual passion covered by the anger in his voice. 

"What is up?" Harry asks him, worried, Draco always greets Harry with a bone-cracking warm hug and a kiss when they see each other after long days of work. "Nothin," he says making his coffee mug fly in front of him as he detached himself from Harry and walked to the tiny dining table.

"How was your day?" Harry asks him instead because maybe he had a bad day at Saint Mungo's?

"It was fine, I didn't have many patients," he says settling on the chair, and sipping his coffee. 

"Oh-kay" Well.

"How was your day,?" Draco asks Harry "Had fun at the Quidditch stadium?"

Harry was starting to understand what was this attitude about. "Well, two wizards almost died so no, I didn't have fun Dray" 

"Oh-okay, whatever you say, babe," Draco said.

"This is about Ginny, isn't it?" Harry asks him settling across from him on the table.

"Ginny?" Draco snorts "The stupid weasellete who is constantly hitting on my boyfriend all the time? No nothing about her"

"So this is about Ginny," Harry nods to himself "Draco, how do you know that she was there with me today? Are you- is there something you want to tell me" Harry could not believe that Draco was keeping an eye on him.

"What- no!," Draco said, very offended suddenly " Potter, if you are implying that I am spying  on you, I am not"

"Then, how?"

"Accio Daily Prophet" Draco mutters under his breath, and the crunched up newspaper lands between the two of them, and on the front page, there is a picture of Harry probably from when everyone cornered him and started throwing questions about the broken portkeys at him. But, what is quite noticeable in that the red-haired Ginny Weasley standing beside him has one on her arms resting on his shoulder. Surprisingly, Harry didn't remember having his pictures clicked with Ginny, or how exactly she managed to drape her hand on Harry's shoulders.

"Draco, you know I am gay right?" 

"Very funny, Potter," Draco says "Ginny knows that too, I suppose" 

"Yeah she does, we're just friends"

"You said that last week when you both danced on your birthday!" Draco yells at me 

"Draco, babe, we did not even touch each other! It was a light song, but remember when we danced?" Harry yelled back at him

"It was still a dance!" Draco yells back.

"Dray! I have to put up with her because she is Ron's sister, imagine how awkward it would be if I had to ignore her altogether, it would be the eighth year of Hogwarts all over again!"

"She is evil, Harry, she wants you back!" Draco screams, slamming his mug onto the table startling me.

"Draco, you are being ridiculous, really, she knows I am gay, and she is not evil"

"Yes, she is!"

"No she is isn't you're just jealous"

"Wha-" Draco was caught off guard and flushed lightly "I am not jealous"

"Yes, you are"  Harry teased.

"Harry, don't do this, please, you never take me seriously," Draco said, his voice dropped down suddenly surprising Harry, "You always think that I don't like Ginny because I don't like the Weasleys, it's not like that, I really like them, respect them for all the years that they looked after you, it's just-"

Opening up about his feelings was a quality Harry barely associated with Draco, they did have serious talks but not often, and when Draco was the one to start them Harry could not help but be surprised. 

"it's the way Ginny looks at you, you know?" Draco looked at Harry.

"She doesn't look at me anyway Draco, she is and will always be just Ron's sister!"Harry says rubbing his eyes.

"So you won't hang out with her alone then?" Draco asks Harry, looking intently up at him.

"Draco, love,  I have to hang out with her because we are working on this case together," Harry tells him and Draco looks taken aback before he finally says, "Leave the case then" Harry almost laughs before he realises that Draco was not joking.

"Draco, come on, you can't be serious, this case has nothing to do with us or Ginny," Harry tells him.

"There are much more important cases than this out there, I am sure there are many other Aurors working under you who will gladly and efficiently look after your case"

"Draco, you have got to start trusting me more you know that?"

Draco bit his lip, he knew what he was saying was wrong but could not bring himself to admit "I trust you, Harry, I don't trust her"

"Yeah, that is evident," Harry says sarcastically, before getting up and walking to their bedroom door, angry and agitated that he had to have this conversation today.

"See? I told you, you always blame everything on me, it is like all mishappenings are my fault"

"Shut up and at least kiss me goodnight will you?" Harry said and looked at Draco with Dreary eyes. Draco was intent on being mad at Harry for another day but he could not break the tradition of the goodnight kiss, he had been longing to kiss Harry for the entire day after all, he skipped the distance between them in two long strides and kissed his boyfriend, he did not, however, listen to Harry's pleads to deepen the kiss as much as he wanted to, he didn't want to lose, so he pulled away.

Harry lay in his bed, his heart beating in his chest because of the argument he just had with Draco, Draco persisted that the reason behind his annoyance was Ginny Weasley, and they both knew that she was not the sole reason Draco was upset. Harry waited for Draco in the bed, his eyes on the door that was slightly open to let the light in, but Draco didn't show up, and soon Harry's fatigue got the better of him and he soon fell asleep.

Draco sat wide-eyed in front of the television, he still had trouble with muggle things, but there were some things that he really likes, like the tv and the coffee maker,  however, Draco could not deny that he had had too many coffees for today and fought the temptation of another one. Beside the couch that Draco was sitting on was a photo of him and Harry kissing on their broomsticks, both in their Hogwarts robes, the photo was taken in their eighth year when Gryffindor had defeated Slytherin, as much as it bothered Draco, he was really in awe of Harry's game that day. He smiled to himself at the memory, it was in their eighth year that Draco and Harry had confessed their feelings for each other, and they had been a rather shock to their classmates, but all of them had taken it well, except for Ron and Ginny Weasley. Well, they both came around after some days, and now, Ron and Draco were surprisingly on tolerable terms, but as for Ginny, Draco still didn't like her very much. Draco wondered if it was because he was jealous that he was Harry's first girlfriend, but now that Draco knew that Harry is gay and it probably didn't mean anything Draco knew that this was not the reason why his nerves were bothered so much when it came to her.

  Draco turned the tv off and started reading through the records of his patients, and was soon engrossed in his work, he was up for another four hours unaware that Harry was waiting for him.

Harry woke up when it was almost morning, but the sun had not risen completely yet and he found himself entangled in Draco's arms, the taller boy had his arms around Harry's waist and his leg enclosing Harry strictly to the bed. Harry smiled and his heart swelled with emotion and happiness, today is going to be a good day, Harry thought as he turned slightly and kissed Draco's cheek lightly, as to not wake the other boy up, and fell back asleep, letting the peace of the weekend take him over.

Harry woke up several hours later, Draco was looking for something in his drawer and was making too much noise. Harry groaned, "Draaaaaacoooooooooooooooooo"

"Sorry, babe" Draco apologized sheepishly, "I can't find one of my files, I am sure I kept it somewhere here"

"Did you check in the cabinet beneath the bookshelf?"

"Oh, I didn't!" Draco said and walked to the cabinet in question, "Oh, here it is!"

"You're welcome," Harry said a groggy voice that made Draco want to change into his pyjamas and get back into the bed with Harry.

Harry sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes before opening them.

"Wait, you are not going anywhere are you?" Harry asked Draco, eyeing the fully dressed boy.

"I actually am, I was summoned at the hospital and it's an emergency," He said

"But, you know that we have to attend my office party today, right?" Harry asked him.

"Office Party? You never go to any such parties, Harry?" Draco was perplexed for a moment as Harry's suddenly angry eyes bore into his own. 

"Draco, come' on, it's my work anniversary and my colleagues are throwing me a party!" he said offended.

"But, aren't you like the Head Auror or something, aren't you supposed to give "work anniversary parties" to the people who work under you?" Draco asked, fiddling with his cuffs, not looking at Harry.

"Draco, we can't ditch! the Minister of Magic is going to be there too!"

"Do you really want to go, love?" Draco asked him, knowing Harry for more than three years he knew the answer was no, but he wanted Harry to realize that he didn't always have to do things that he didn't want to.

"Dray, we have to go, it's our party and it wouldn't help if we didn't show up" he said.

"It's your party, Harry" Draco said "But, I'll be there, I promise"

"You do?"


And Harry trusted Draco's word and he let Draco go because he knew that he would soon be back.

Harry was dressed and was looking at the clock as if it had all the answers he ever needed, but Draco wasn't here yet, Harry started pacing around the house, in his shoes because he was so mad at Draco for being late, he was starting to get worried and tensed Draco wouldn't be late if there wasn't something of extreme importance or harm hindering his arrival, the thought made chills run down Harry's spine. He didn't want to go, he didn't even like the Minister very much, Harry's mind raced back to the time before the War and how he had stood up to Rufus Scrimgeour, and would have never gone to such a party at the time, but as he grew up, things that make sense took over things that made sense to Harry.  Lost in thought, Harry almost didn't notice the Patronus that he'd been sent by Draco.

"Sorry, love, I am stuck, meet you at the party?"

Draco wanted Harry to go to the party without him, what was he going to do all on his own. He had to seriously socialize with people when Draco wasn't there?

Harry was really starting to bubble with anger and wanted Draco to know that he could do things all by himself, things like going to a party, and socializing, Harry would be MAGNIFICANT without Draco, he told himself as he apparated to the party alone.

Harry had landed on the porch of the enormous glass building and could hear soft music through the glass, the hall was already full. Harry could not believe that so many people had come to his work anniversary, it obviously wasn't that big of a deal. Harry gulped at the sight of the packed hall, Harry knew that he must not let his social anxiety take over him but he also could not help the loudest voice in his brain telling him to go home, change into pyjamas and go to bed. He was about to walk inside when he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder, he turned to find a golden-white haired boy staring at him with her perfectly startling grey eyes.

"Draco," Harry said surprised.

Draco was wearing a dark blue tuxedo, that made all the sharp angles of his body stand out, he looked so amazing it took everything Harry had not to rip all the articles of clothing on his body.

"You look truly captivating," Draco said pulling Harry in for a kiss that was deeper than Harry expected "sorry," Draco said as he pulled away "I couldn't stop myself, but heyy it is not my fault,"

"Draco, you're here," Harry said finally

"Of course I am here love, why wouldn't I be?" He said. "Sorry, I was stuck there were these sisters, tiny babies, who were hit by a snake, and the snake was cursed, they didn't stop bleeding Harry, I-" Draco stopped midsentence 

"How are they now?" Harry asked disgusted that he had been mad at his boyfriend in the first place.

"Better, I hope they heal soon"

"They will, they have the best healer," Harry said, taking Draco's hand.

As soon as they walked in, Harry knew he had made a mistake, there were so many people, it wasn't fair! His hold on Draco's hand grew tighter, but the other boy didn't seem to mind at all, instead, he was smiling at Harry.

"These people aren't going to eat you, Harry," Draco said smiling 

"Will it could be their elaborate plan to have me come at this party and cut out all my body parts?" Harry said, he meant for it to be a joke, but Draco just shook his head.

"Are you sure, you killed Voldy?"

"Haha, very funny Malfoy"

Despite Harry's beating heart upon seeing so many people gathered at one place, just for him, they walked in and were greeted with a hundred eyes turning towards them, and people coming to Harry and congratulating him.

 He was being hoarded my so many people, that he lost track of who was who, and wondered whether he knew these people or not?

 The crowd soon departed, and Harry was led to the minister, the minister seemed to have loads of elaborate plans and ideas about how Harry should work differently, and how the Head Auror and the Ministry of Magic should work hand in hand, Harry did not agree with most things, and was forced to have a long and tiresome conversation, which soon shifted to the minister dropping hints about his annoyance at Harry, the people's man, dating the son of a death eater, and Harry had had enough of his non sense and launched himself into a rude conversation with a rather nosy minister  at a place full of people he barely knew.

Draco had drifted from Harry soon after the Minister had walked to them, Draco understood the minister's efforts to have Harry alone, and after some time of hanging around them awkwardly, Draco had finally decided to go and have a drink by himself.

 Draco felt awfully out of place, people did not even look at him the eye, and he was sure that he had heard people whisper 'Death Eater's' son more than once. He was beginning to feel the need to get out, and kept glancing at Harry who seemed to be engrossed in a conversation with the minister of magic, Harry's brows were furrowed and he was clutching his empty glass a little to tightly, before setting it on a waiter.

"Hey," he heard someone say, as he turned to find Hermione smiling at him.

"Hey, good to see you Grang-' Draco corrected himself "Weasley"

Hermione beamed at him, slightly blushing. 

"How are you, Draco?" she asked him, settling beside him on the couch.

"I- I am good, just really tired of work" He admitted. "How are you?"

"Well, I am doing great, but tired all the same," she said. "SPEW is growing, speaking of, thanks for freeing the house elves at Saint Mungo's and for starting to pay them"

"Oh, well it was about time I gave people something to talk about besides me being the heir of a Death Eater"

"Oh" Hermione seemed taken aback at Draco's sudden change in tone "It must be hard" she finally said biting her lip.

"Hmm, how is Ronald doing?" 

"He is off to Bulgaria currently, but besides that, he is doing good, I think" 

Draco simply nodded, he actually did not care about either Hermione or Ron, he was only putting up with them because of Harry, who did not seem to be paying any attention to him.

"How are things with Harry?" She asked.

"I love him and he loves me, we're doing great," Draco said and believed every word of it.

"Has he, um, gotten any better with his Anxiety and nightmares?" 

"Well, not entirely, but we are learning to deal with it slowly and he seems to be getting better," Draco said.

There wasn't much to talk about, Hermione and Draco were two very different people, and Draco liked Hermione but that didn't make it any easier for him to talk to her, agitated with himself he told her needed to drink and took her leave.

Draco had had enough, the minister was clearly bugging Harry, at his own party and Draco was just standing there. 

Draco discarded his unfinished drink and made his way over to Harry.  He now didn't care if he was perceived to be rude, or unruly because, in the end, that is who he was always going to be to people so he decided to embrace his image and get going.

He stood next to Harry, intertwined their hands, and in one swift motion took Harry's drink gulped it down, not once acknowledging the presence of the Minister.

"Shall we dance?" He asked the amused and blushing Harry.

"Hell yeah, love," Harry said without a moment's hesitation because at that moment he did not care who was standing in front of them or behind them, it was just him and Draco against the whole world.

They both skidded to the dance floor, hand in hand smiling at their feet at the escape that they had just made, and when Harry turned around to see the Minister, his brows were furrowed as if someone had just thrown a bucket of water on his face.

"But, Draco, I am a terrible dancer" Harry admitted, rather sheepishly, the last time they had danced together Harry had seriously injured Draco's toes.

"Oh, it doesn't matter Harry," Draco said, holding Harry's chin.

Draco took out his wand and motioned at the music station, and the entire room turned from a slow and defined gathering to a lively and spiteful crowd, the music had changed from slow dancing music to funny music with beats and cheers.

Harry laughed with Draco, as they both started dancing around the place like lunatics, laughing and giggling like they were little children, and as the room full of sophisticated rich people stared at their immature actions in horror, Draco and Harry couldn't care less, because the entire world had vanished, it was just them, hand in hand, dancing to crazy music.

They both danced until they were both breathless, but not once did they let go of each other, and the music seemed to be moving with them the slower they got the more slowly the music played to keep up with their steps.

Harry and Draco, were now both just standing on the dancefloor, clinging on to each other, just slightly rocking at their spot. Holding each other as if afraid to let go.



"Don't ever leave me,"

"Why would I? You make the best coffee in the entire universe" Harry said and Draco laughed slightly.

"Sometimes, I wonder if you think you're making a mistake by being with me, I am not good enough for you, I am not famous among people like Ginny is, everyone hates me here and I don't think I will be able to bear the thought of you leaving me" Draco said, quietly, his head buried in the crook of Harry's neck.

"You don't have to worry about that, Draco, you don't have to worry about me ever leaving you, because I won't, where would I go? You are my only home" Harry said, and Draco held him tighter and kissed his cheek. "Besides, I would rather die than not wake up to your coffee"

"You git," Draco said.

Harry pulled away from Draco, only to look at his glimmering face, he was surprised to find his eyes filled with tears and could not help himself and kissed the boy he loved, everyone in the room, their talks and gossips didn't matter to the two of them because they were together, against the world, and it was the best things could ever get.

"I love you so much," Harry told Draco as they pulled away.

"I love you too, Harry, I love you too"

"When I am with you, I feel like I have nothing to fear I know that I have nothing to be afraid of, because you are the best person I have ever met, and neither Ginny nor any other boy or girl can ever compete or come close to who you are to me, you saved me from me, you are my home, my refuge" Harry told Draco, he knew he sounded sappy and probably Draco would mock him for that later, but he felt like these were things Draco should know. "I want you to know, that you mean so much to me, that I wake up every day, surprised to find you by my side because you seem like a dream, Draco Malfoy, I dream I never want to wake up from"

"Me neither, Harry," Draco said, "I am so extremely thankful to you, and I can't always put my feelings to words, but I want you to know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me"

Harry rested against Draco's chest, listening to his heartbeat as they leaned on each other, making unspoken promises, feeling the safety and warmth of each other, at that moment, it didn't seem like they were different people, they were two parts of the same unit, moulded into one.

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