Across The Paper

By HoppeWorld7

27.1K 1.1K 874

Yoohyeon discovers diaries written by a stranger called Bora and finds out about a certain love connection th... More

Part 1: Prologue
Part 2: Overalls
Part 4: Bonbon Candies
Part 5: Prunus Festival
Part 6: Calvados..?
Part 7: The Echoing Bridge
Part 8: The Monument
Part 9: Since When
Part 10: Sunflower
Part 11: A Lover not a Fighter
Part 12: A Lover AND a Fighter
Part 13: Breaking Out
14: Towards the light that is you
Part 15: Shatter Me Completely
Part 16: A sky with no ceiling
Part 17: The Sinner and The Saint

Part 3: Fireflies

2.2K 104 91
By HoppeWorld7

A delicate knock on the entryway awakened Yoohyeon from her profound rest, Siyeon popping her head inside after a second. "Yoohyeon?" She called softly.

"Yeah..?" The younger girl answered with a hoarse voice, making an honest effort to open her eyes.

"I would have rather not awakened you, yet uhm... It's nearly noon, I figured you would be hungry." Said the blonde lady amenably, clearly feeling exceptionally terrible for awakening her visitor. Yoohyeon jumped up on the mattress with a gasp subsequent to hearing Siyeon's words, falling out of bed with a loud bang after a minute. "Goodness! Are you alright??"

Yoohyeon looked beside at the diaries, quickly flipping the blanket over them so Siyeon couldn't spot them. "Y-Yes, ma'am. I will be down in a matter of seconds." She quickly nodded her head.

"Alright, honey, don't hurry." Siyeon turned around with a smile and closed the door behind her.

Yoohyeon breathed out, taking the blanket and looking at Bora's diary which she was reading yesterday night, thinking what would Siyeon do if she saw it. But she was definitely relieved that she didn't have to find that out.

After a minute of sitting on the floor in her pyjamas, she stood up and started to get ready, feeling ashamed that she slept for this long when lady Siyeon wakes up at 6 in the morning every day.

"Finally up, young lady?" Siyeon asked teasingly while she was setting the table for her.

Yoohyeon walked to her feeling ashamed, starting to help her without saying anything. "I'm so sorry, ma'am, it's the first time I sleep here and I wake up 5 hours later after you do," Yoohyeon said in embarrassment, putting down the plate and sitting down. "I swear I usually wake up way earlier, it's just that I fell asleep really late yesterday, and I--"

"It's okay, Yoohyeon, you're good. I totally get it, it is always tough to sleep in a new place and a new bed on the first night, I am also like that." Siyeon said with a smile and sat in front of Yoohyeon, them both starting to eat. "And please stop calling me ma'am, I know I'm much older than you but I would rather be informal; just be casual and call me Siyeon."

Yoohyeon nodded her head, biting off the bread she was holding and giving the blonde woman a small smile. "Alright, then, enjoy your breakfast, Siyeon."

The latter gave out a laugh, confusing Yoohyeon "You too, darling, but it's already lunch most probably." Yoohyeon's cheeks reddened as she continued eating quietly, making Siyeon laugh even more.

After they were done eating, Yoohyeon helped with the dishes and did a few chores with Siyeon.

"Hey Yoohyeon, do you like cakes?" Siyeon asked all of a sudden after they were done cleaning, receiving a quick nod from the tall girl. "Come on here, then, I have a really delicious one for you. I got it in the town yesterday while waiting for your arrival."

"Oh my, miss Siyeon, you bought the one I love the most!" Yoohyeon said in her brightest grin after spotting the strawberry vanilla cake.

"I am more than glad to hear that, but what did I say about honorifics??" Siyeon reminded.

"Ah, I am sorry, it's still not usual for me to do that." Yoohyeon apologized before Siyeon gave out a chuckle.

"Am I really that old??" She laughed "You won't get the cake before you drop the formality with me."

Yoohyeon gasped "No!! Of course you are not old, Siyeon!" Yoohyeon learnt the lesson and sneaked behind the blonde woman slyly, taking the plate of a cake with a devilish smile from her hand.

"Oho, look at you, you little sneaky!" Siyeon gave out a good laugh, taking a bite of her own slice of cake.

Yoohyeon smiled while tasting the cake, naturally closing her eyes and letting out a satisfactorily sound. "I love strawberry flavoured sweets so much. Especially this cake and the strawberry bonbon candies, god those are heaven." Yoohyeon shook her head, still enjoying her cake.

After they were done eating, Siyeon spoke up "By the way, I have something to do in town today, so I won't be home for several hours, most probably I'll be back late at night, so you can go out in the village and get to know more people, see the beautiful places and stuff," Siyeon informed Yoohyeon, who was busy eating her cake "Do you have any problems with that?"

"No, of course not, Siyeon."

"I will get going now, then, and you better don't get lost." She joked, making Yoohyeon laugh.

After Siyeon left, Yoohyeon got to the attic in the wake of getting a jug of water, and a toast(if she somehow got lost for real, which wouldn't be surprising from her, she would need food for sure), and put them in a backpack. She thought if she should bring the diary or not, and in the end, she did, putting it neatly in her backpack carefully, thinking that reading in nature would be the best.

She locked the door with the key Siyeon gave her and walked out of the garden, starting to walk down the muddy path which branched through the open landscape, thinking that it might have rained yesterday night, though it was a day of sunshine with the heat of late spring.

Yoohyeon looked over the bounty of clover and sun-strengthened grass, each on softly verdant that glowed green in the light of a bright sun. She was looking at the fields with enjoyment when she spotted an old lady, trying to drag a few fabric bags filled with apples with a bit of struggle.

Yoohyeon ran down to her without any more thinking, naturally running between the tall grass, her brunette hair ruffled by the light breeze.

"Ma'am, I would like to help you!" She approached the old woman, which was, much to Yoohyeon's surprise, much taller than her. Her hair was fully grey, and the wrinkles on her face said that she was over 60, but she carried a few cloth bags full of apples, without bending her back meanwhile.

The woman held her head up, gazing at Yoohyeon "Oh, thank you, young lady, but I think I am handling it well by myself." The woman denied Yoohyeon's offer, continuing her road.

Yoohyeon shifted her head with her eyebrows wrinkled, hurrying to arrive beside the old woman once more. "I never said you weren't handling it well, ma'am. I just simply think that it would be somewhat easier. Furthermore, I am certain you want your energy in bunches of other stuff, as well."

The woman gave out a chuckle, "You are a bit sneaky, aren't you?" She stopped and handed Yoohyeon one of her bags, leaving two for herself. "Here, if you want to drag heavy bags that much. But I am not an average grumpy granny who can't walk properly by herself." She protested, before continuing her road.

"I would never say that, ma'am. You are full of charisma!" Yoohyeon said in excitement but had to shut up after seeing the older woman's judging expression.

"So, uhm, my name is Yoohyeon." She said while trying to catch up with her. That grandma was for sure very fast.

"I see... I have never seen you here in the village, Yoohyeon. Are you a guest by any chance?"

Yoohyeon nodded, almost running beside the woman and struggling to hold the bag "Yes, I am with lady Siyeon. I will be staying here for a month!"

The lady seemed to slow down a little after hearing Siyeon's name, before continuing her speedy walk again. "Oh, Siyeon. Is she a good host?"

"Of course, she is! She is really kind and caring." Yoohyeon nodded her head. "What is your name, ma'am, if I may ask?"

The woman waited for a second before opening her mouth to answer "I am Eli,"

Yoohyeon widened her eyes, almost dropping the whole bag of apples by surprise.

Eli?? Is she THAT Eli??

Yoohyeon took a good look at this woman's face once again, seeing so many similarities with that Eli Bora had described in her diary.

"Oh, Eli is such a beautiful name, I bet there aren't many people named Eli here in this village;" Yoohyeon said, trying to confirm her thoughts by being sneaky again.

The woman laughed "In this village? Girlie, I'd be surprised if you found more than five people named Eli in the whole country."

Yoohyeon nodded her head. That answer was pretty much verification for her doubts.

I bet she knows so many things about this Bora, and her story with Siyeon. I wish I was able to ask her. There are so many questions I need answers to.

They were walking for a while, Yoohyeon already feeling very exhausted. She only had one bag, while Eli was dragging two, yet she looked way more stable and calm than Yoohyeon.

"Here is my farm, Yoohyeon. You can put down the bag over there." Eli stopped and dropped the bags on the ground, a few of the red and green apples falling out. Yoohyeon walked over to her and did as she was told to, straightening her back and breathing out after.

"Damn, this was tiring." She whispered to herself.

"Oh, mother, you already arrived??" A sudden voice called from behind them. Yoohyeon turned around to meet with the owner of this gentle tone. Over the meadow was running a tall girl toward them, with long straight black hair and a pink cloche hat on her head. She was wearing a yellow lightweight casual dress with a wide neckline and thin shoulder straps, a dress which was ruffling in the air while she was running over her mother.

"Yes, Minji, as you can see, I did arrive. And I am not alone, this young lady helped me with the apples." Eli pointed toward Yoohyeon, bringing Minji's attention from her to the brunette girl.

"Oh, how come? You allowed someone to actually help you?? That is new!" The black-haired girl chuckled, turning to Yoohyeon. "Thank you for the help, miss; I am Minji." She said and slightly bowed.

"Oh, hello, my name is Yoohyeon." The brunette girl spoke, mesmerized by this woman's eternal beauty; Her eyes shone against the sun rays, while her hair danced in the warm breeze, making her hold her hat so it wouldn't fly away.

"It is very nice to meet you, Yoohyeon." Minji grinned, putting her hand casually against Yoohyeon's arm "Come on, you might be thirsty." She said and pulled her toward the meadow where a few more people were working on the ground.

Minji held out a bottle of water for Yoohyeon, the latter thanking her and almost emptying the bottle in an instant. "Oh wow, my mother really tired you out, huh?"

"She's a beast," Yoohyeon said with a gasp after finishing drinking the water, making Minji crack up. "No, like for real! She dragged two of those bags while I struggled to only bring one!"

"Yup, that sounds pretty much like my mother." She continued laughing, patting Yoohyeon's back."Thank you for the help, though." She said sincerely, smiling sweetly at the slightly taller girl.

"No problem, it was my pleasure;" Yoohyeon returned the smile, honestly thinking that she hasn't seen a prettier human alive.

"Are you new here, Yoohyeon? I doubt I've ever seen you before." Yet again, the same question from Minji.

"Oh, yes. I am madame Siyeon's guest. I will be staying here for a month." Yoohyeon calmly answered, feeling a lot better after drinking cold water.

"I see, that is nice to hear. You look young, how old are you, if I can ask?" Minji inquired politely, sitting on the bright green grass and signing Yoohyeon to sit beside her.

"I am twenty-one, miss" Yoohyeon answered and sat down beside the black-haired girl, as she was told to do before.

"Oh! Then I am two years older than you!" Exclaimed Minji, grinning "It is quite hard to find people my age here who I get along with, so I hope I will get to know you more."

"Well, same here. I arrived here yesterday, so I don't know anyone but Siyeon." Yoohyeon nodded her head, looking toward Eli who now was mowing some lawn with big scissors. Damn that woman is energetic.

"Minji! Come here, stop sitting around and help people up here." Eli called her daughter, making her sigh out and stand up.

"Oh, I would like to help, too!" Yoohyeon jumped up, happy that she found something to do. She doesn't know any place to go in this village, and being home would mean being all alone for the whole day, which was pretty much boring.

"It is alright, Yoohyeon. You already helped so much." Minji politely denied it before her mother called again.

"Yooh girl, you too, come here, we need as many people as possible."

Yoohyeon grinned, while Minji chuckled with a roll of her eyes, as both of them went to Eli and the other workers, starting to help on the farm. 

Yoohyeon helped them for the next two hours, she mowed the long grass, washed apples for the workers, helped Eli with the lawn and in the end, when other people started to slowly go home, Eli went to her, tapping her shoulder to make her stop cutting the corns.

"It is already time to go home, Yooh girl." She called, stopping Yoohyeon who straightened her back and only then noticed how tired she felt.

"Ugh, Mom, you tired the poor girl so much! And we just got to know her today, do you think she will want to spend time with us after this?!" Minji shook her head after spotting Yoohyeon's exhausted expression.

"Ah, don't worry about it, it was my pleasure helping you out. Plus, I didn't have anything else to do today." Yoohyeon gave out a sheepish smile, being all honest. "Excuse me, what time is it now?"

"It is ought to be around 7," Eli answered, turning her back to the two younger girls and walking to her bags "Minji, I found this girl up on the main road that goes to the river. Can you follow her till that? I don't want her to get lost and Siyeon to get angry at me or something. I don't have nerves for that." She rolled her eyes, lifted up her bag and started walking away.

"Oh wow." Minji shook her head, almost with a chuckle, walking to Yoohyeon. "Did she make you drag that bag for that long?? The main road is really far-"

"You don't have to follow me, I remember the path." Said the brunette, giving out a smile and taking her backpack, getting ready to leave.

"What are you even saying! Of course I will follow you. You did so much for us today, this is not even close but I'd like to pay you back." Minji answered and followed Yoohyeon with rushed steps.

"You could do that next time we meet, too." Said the younger girl, trying to be clever.

Minji smiled, tilting her head while walking beside the brunette "Like how?"

Yoohyeon looked at the grass that was stepped on by their boots, and then straightened her gaze to the sun hidden in the clouds "You could take me out somewhere, show me some good places and stuff." Then she took her gaze from the sky to Minji, shrugging "What do you think?

The black-haired girl nodded her head, "I think that's a perfect idea. Also if we consider the fact that the festival is in two days. Everything is so much fun here at the festival,"

"So that means, that you want me to go there with you?" Yoohyeon asked, just making sure she got it right.

"Yes, I would like to take you on the walk after the festival, too;" She nodded her head.

"Alright then, Minji; Let's meet here in two days!" Yoohyeon exclaimed as they already reached their destination place. The latter took a turn and started walking up toward the road, before turning around for the last time "Thanks for following me, Minji. Maybe I might have been lost for real."

Minji chuckled, shaking her head "Yeah, my mother is always right."

With that, the black-haired woman also started walking away, as the two parted their ways.

Yoohyeon finally reached the place where she saw Eli with the bags and ran to her to help her. She sighed out, looking up at the sky that was slowly getting dark.

She knew that Siyeon would still be in the town, so she decided to take off toward the place she was planning to go in the first place: the centre of the village, where the festival would occur in a few days.

While walking, it soon got darker. Yoohyeon'd reach out to touch the bark of the trees or feel the softness of new leaves as she passed.

There were even more people out here than Yoohyeon thought would be, it was like everyone was starting to have fun when the moon was up.

Soon, she found herself walking away from the centre and finding a place where reading Bora's diary would be perfect. She saw a little cliff which had a big tree right at the end of it, where the big empty space was starting. She slowly walked up and looked over from the cliff to see the most beautiful scene she has ever seen in her whole life. From the green leaves and long branches of the lone tree which was standing on top of the cliff--was looking the whole village blanketed by the moonlight. The river was right under where Yoohyeon was standing, the water sounds reaching her ears even though she was pretty much higher. The mountains were standing in a row with white clouds covering them up.

Yoohyeon sighed out, taken aback by the beauty before turning around and sitting by the tree, leaning her back on it. She opened her backpack and carefully took out the diary, along with the toast and water she brought with her. She quickly searched for the page she stopped, before starting to read Kim Bora's adventure story once again.


After walking down the stairs, I saw my parents sitting with the guests in the living room. I clenched my hands on the dress and stepped forward, ready to introduce myself.

Noticing me, a young man sitting next to a much older woman, I guessed his mother, stood up and looked at me with a smile. I hesitantly smiled back, walking to my own mother who also stood up and held my hand for support.

"Oh, Bora, finally you're here." My father spoke from the couch, smiling at me. I frowned a little, seeing him smiling at me, no, even smiling in general, was really confusing and weird. "Come sit, we have guests." He said as if I didn't know that already and hadn't spent a whole hour getting into this damn dress.

Even through all the frustrations and annoyance, I smiled, bowed down to the mother-son duo and stood in front of them.

This stranger boy wasn't that bad looking, to be all honest. He had a slender jaw, his long threads of hair were put back with gel, giving it a wet look. His eyes were dark brown, looking sharply from under his thick eyebrows.

"Good evening, miss. I am Seonghwa. It is so nice to finally meet you in person." His tone was nice as he straightened his arm to meet my hand for a handshake.

"It is nice for me, too." I answered while he kissed my hand and went back to his seat. I wouldn't say that his clothes were decent, only the coat would cost this house. He had a goldish corset on his waist, showcasing his wide shoulder line more.

"You have such a lovely daughter, Mr Kim, I am delighted." The woman sitting next to Seonghwa talked, taking a good look at me with a grin while I was standing there all awkward, wanting to just go up to my room and hide.

"I would say the same about your son, Mrs Park. How old is this handsome gentleman again?" My father started talking as I rolled my eyes, Seonghwa chuckling at me. I took a look at him, seeing him laughing made me laugh, though I tried to do it discreetly.

But see, my laughing sounds ain't that silent.

"Is something funny, Bora?" My father stopped his chat with Seonghwa's mother, both of them looking at me.

"Come on, honey, let kids have their fun." My mother said with a gentle smile, reaching for my hand again while I was sitting next to her.

"Looks like they're already getting along, right, Seonghwa?" Mrs Park looked at his son, the latter looking awkward while scratching his head. Now it was my time to chuckle.

"We haven't even talked decently, mother." He answered, taking a look at me.

"Well, you will have lots of time for the talks, boy." My dad said and Mrs Park agreed, them two continuing their conversation.

Seonghwa looked at me, shaking his head while I nodded mine in understatement.

"I think that you two are very compatible and it is agreeable that you would look nice together." My father leaned on his knees with his arms, looking at us both.

"What... do you mean?" I frowned.

Well, I knew he wanted to make me marry him, but talking about it this soon? Damn, dad. You're not changeable.

"You know what he means, darling. You two have to get married soon." Mrs Park smiled at me, talking as if she was saying something about everyday events; Definitely not about my life and marriage.

I stood up, looking at everyone in the room, especially my father. "I'm sorry, but if you think that I'll marry someone who I just met for a few minutes..." I chuckled ironically, taking a look at Seonghwa who was glimpsing down, looking uneasy. "Well, you are very wrong, then."

I said and looked at my mother who just gave me a quick worried nod, as I walked toward the door.

"Don't you dare step out of my house without my approval, Bora! I demand you!" My father yelled furiously, standing up from the couch.

I took my coat and turned to look at my father, and with a teasing and foxy smile, I opened the door and ran out.

Look, I know what I did was wrong. It put my dad in a very embarrassing situation, I also felt bad for that guy, which seemed quite nice.

But I hate to even think about marrying without feelings.

Hell, I don't even want to marry, yet. I just turned twenty for god's sake!

With a frustrated sigh, I started running toward the fields. It was a place I would at least be alone, and my father would never search for me there.

It was not dark, yet. The sun was still out, but the moon was placed higher in the sky.

I looked at the one side of the sky which was red and orange, with the sun going close down to the mountains and then the other side of it, dark blue, with the full and white moon hiding behind the clouds.

I breathed in the fresh air as I got in front of the fields, starting to run in between the corns.

I felt so free. I could run wherever I wanted to, the fresh air meeting my lungs, the happy smile forging its way on my face. I continued to run and run, feeling the spring of this village with my whole being.

Well... that was before I ran into someone, which was pretty weird to do in the middle of the fields at night.

I couldn't see what I ran into but guessed it was a human from hearing the yelp they let out. I pushed them to the ground as I yelled out from everything that happened, which was so sudden.

"Oh goodness! Are you alright?" I kneeled in front of them, holding their shoulders to take a look at them.

Through the short blonde threads of hair looked sharp cutting eyes at me, which I soon recognised from today's morning I spent in the centre of the village.

"Siyeon?" I gasped, looking at the red mark on her nose. "Oh my God, are you bleeding?!" I panicked and took a handful of her hair, positioning it on the right side to check her nose.

"Ouch." She winced, sitting up and touching the tip of her face. Then she turned her face to me, scrunching up her bloody nose. "Miss Bora?"

I nodded my head quickly, still holding her gold hair on one side. "What to do?" I whispered out with a shaky tone.

She frowned, tilting her head "What do you mean?" She voiced as she slowly stood up, me also arising along with her.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you." I put my hand in the pocket of my coat and pulled out a handkerchief, touching her nose with it.

"Don't worry about it, Miss Bora, it doesn't hurt at all." She touched my hand and took my already bloody handkerchief, pulling it down and looking at it. "I wouldn't even know I was bleeding." She smiled, cleaning the blood off by herself.

"What are you doing here, at this time?" I asked, taking a breath after seeing all that blood. God, a nose bleeds so much even with a little scratch and I hate seeing blood. A lot.

Siyeon scoffed, raising one eyebrow up at her forehead "You're asking a farmer what she's doing in the field while holding a gardening tool?" She laughed "I am the one to be asking that."

I frowned but chuckled a little "Asking why council leader's daughter who's dressed in a silk gown dress is running in the fields at this time?" I looked down at my outfit and then at Siyeon who shrugged with a grin "Yeah, I'd see the point."

She burst out laughing, shaking her head. "So? Why are you running in the fields with that gown dress?"

I scrunched up my face "Long story. But in short, I wanted some time alone so I escaped the house for a little bit."

"And then I appeared, interrupting your time alone." She smirked, throwing the hoe on the ground.

I gasped "Goodness gracious, of course you did not!" I argued, making her chuckle. I looked at her muddy clothes, the dirt on her face and the tired expression that she was trying so hard to hide, but it didn't stay unnoticed by me "Did my dad make you work for this long?"

She tilted her head and shrugged "Well, I was told not to go before finishing this, but I don't know who the demand was from." She said in a joking matter.

I put my tongue on the inner side of my cheek as I gave out a smirk. "Wanna ditch it and run away with me?"

She opened her mouth, looking at me in shock "run away as in..."

"Oh! Oh! I meant-" I panicked, confusion running all over my face "Just going on a walk, I guess. Not like- running away from the village and the family or-"

Her laugh stopped my nonsense talk. God, I still feel so embarrassed remembering this event and writing it down. Why am I behaving so stupid every time!

"Don't worry, I'm just joking." She said, wincing a little and touching her nose again, which I guessed hurt and looked at her with a guilty look. "Well, let's go, then. I'll show you the village around."

I took a look at her naturally teasing face, her narrowed playful honey eyes, and a line on her forehead because of the lifted eyebrow, adding up a mocking tone to her smirk.

"Why not," I answered with a shrug, as she gave out a chuckle and took the hoe up.

"My carriage is over there. We should go this way" And she led the way along with me almost running to catch up with her big steps.

Siyeon took my hand and helped me into the seat beside her own after putting the tool in the back, and geed up the horse; And when—being struck by the breeze as we drove—she felt me shiver, as she reached for a tartan blanket for me to put about my legs.

I thanked her quietly and looked at the village around us. I stuck my nose in the air, filling my lungs with the village air which felt so refreshing.

The road was perfectly quiet and perfectly dark, and I imagined the sound of the horse, and the wheels, and our voices, carrying far across the fields.

Siyeon soon stopped in front of a small hill, which she said was leading to a river. After a minute of walking, we soon were standing in front of this long muddy river that was flowing between enormous trees. It eddied as if it were hand-stirred hot chocolate.

"After the rains, the river carries much earth. For these next few days, it will transform from this brown back to its usual blue-green." Siyeon explained as the corner of her lips turned up "And then it's the best thing to see, plus you can take bath and swim, too."

"Well, I do not know how to swim," I said, not looking away from the river and loving the sounds it made. They felt so comforting to listen to along with the birds' chirps.

A chuckle slipped her mouth before turning to me, "At least you can float." And at that, we both laughed. "Okay! The next stop!"

And the next stop was this cliff close to the river. She said it would be better to go up there walking because with the carriage it would be a little hard. We walked upon this mountain, and after a minute I forgot everything for a moment after seeing the scenery.

The tree lifted its branches to the sky as if its very presence was enough to beat back the darkness and command the daylight to fall on his papery leaves. His bark shone like the right kind of gold. And through the leaves was looking a sunset that blossomed upon the cloud with red and gold colours.

"Oh my god..." I let out a breath, starstruck by the sight.

"Right." Siyeon nodded her head, feeling proud of her own village.

My eyes chose to follow a breeze lifting and swaying a strand of Siyeon's blonde hair. She looked so calm. As if nothing in this world was worrying her. She stood there, at the top of this cliff next to me and looked at the sunset with a serene and peaceful expression.

Soon, she catches my gaze, her eyebrows lifting up with confusion before smiling "You have to wait for five more minutes before the fireflies appear."

I gasped "Fireflies??"

She nodded her head with a smile; and we stood there, waiting for the fireflies to appear.

And soon they really did.

They flew above us like they were carried in unfelt currents, they danced in the night as if choreographed by every joyous memory and dream. Just to look at them gave the ground a buzz of excitement, as if these tiny glimmers of light had electrified the spring night.

"...Thank you so much, Siyeon." I let out the words in a puff of air, and she continued standing there under the tree, just nodding her head which gave much more answer than a simple 'you're welcome' would.

After standing there and watching everything for the amount of time, which felt like an hour, we decided it was time to go home. I didn't care if a fight with my dad was waiting for me, I knew my mom was most probably very worried.

And, we left the heaven-like place with her carriage which took me home, with the deep feeling of hope to come here together again growing inside each of us.


That is when Yoohyeon stops reading, remembering that she also has to go home. She will look around before, though, unbelievable how Bora's description was so on point even after twelve years. Standing exactly under that tree and looking at the fireflies flying under the moonlight, Yoohyeon gives out a smile, more than happy that she came here, in this village.

When she got home, Siyeon was still not back. So she went straight up to the attic and got ready to sleep.

Today was a tiring day, after all.

Thank you for reading 👒 Leave votes and comments. Love you and see you on Friday!

To Be Continued

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