Written In The Signs | DongCh...

بواسطة Driwed

914 36 9

based off of the oneus oneshot with different groups this time المزيد

Brief Words
Meeting of The Signs
Introverted Libra
Another Encounter
Strained Relationship
Caring Leo. Changed Libra.
Outgoing Libra?
Cunning Virgo
A Little Secret
The Next Step
Slice of Sunshine

Not So Vibrant Leo

204 5 0
بواسطة Driwed

Dongheon looked at Jeongin who pigged out on his lunch. Jeongin paused mid chew then swallowed. Dongheon was looking at him with those eyes again. Dongheon found it weird that Jeongin had stopped eating. Was he no longer hungry? Not too long ago he was complaining about starving to death.

"Are you not hungry...?" Dongheon asked.

"I am, but... you looked at me with such scorn..." squeaked out Jeongin.

"I did? I'm sorry..." apologized Dongheon.

He searched through his wallet then handed Jeongin some cash before leaving his seat.

"Heon, come back!" Jeongin shouted as he walked out the door.

He had done it again. It wasn't the first time someone had said he looked at them like that. He didn't know why he did it nor how to stop it. What was wrong with him? He shook his head then remembered the event he had planned to go to later on. Was it worth going? The last thing he wanted to do was make enemies. Though, he couldn't just not show up. He decided he'd just keep conversations short and hope for the best.

"You walk so fast..." Jeongin said while panting.

Dongheon looked at Jeongin who seemed ready to collapse.

"Did you really come after me...?" asked Dongheon quietly.

"Of course. You're my best friend and you're clearly upset. It's my duty to find out what and squash it." said Jeongin with a smile.

Dongheon smiled in return then let Jeongin lean against him. He sometimes wondered how he ended up with such a sweet and caring friend like Jeongin.


Dongheon dusted his things then noticed his roommate had left some things out. Was he still using them? He could call, but he was probably in class. He decided to leave it alone. He stretched out then caught a glimpse of it in the mirror. The mark was covered in scars. He couldn't remember how many times he had cut that area, hoping to distort the birthmark in any way he could. No matter what he did, there it sat in all its light blue glory.

He hated that damned birthmark. The longer he looked at it, the more upset he got. Why did he have to have a destined romantic partner? Why couldn't he choose who he wanted? He viciously scratched at the birthmark then stopped. The cycle was repeating itself again. He walked to the bathroom then searched around for bandages. It would cover it and keep him from damaging his skin further. It was a win-win.

He looked in satisfaction as he could no longer see the blue mark on his hip. A knock on the door startled him out of his thoughts and he quickly put everything back before going to answer the door.

"Jeongin? Why are you here?" Dongheon asked as he kept his bandage hidden.

"To hang out. Yes, I know you're going out later, so I plan to stay until you leave. Now, what's got you upset today?" he asked as he sat on his bed.

Dongheon joined him then sighed heavily. Would he even understand? Would he have to repeat himself to make him understand?

"About earlier when you said I looked at you a certain way... it hasn't only occurred then... I've apparently done it around others..." confessed Dongheon.

"Well, what were they doing when you looked at them like that?" Jeongin asked then noticed he was making the same face from earlier. "What are you looking at...?"

He followed his gaze then realized he was starting at his birthmark. He tapped Dongheon who soon resembled a deer in headlights.

"What was I saying?" he asked innocently.

"You were glaringly intensely at my birthmark..." said Jeongin as he pointed at the zodiac sign beneath his eye.

"Was I? Sorry. Do you want water? Something to snack on?" asked Dongheon sweetly.

"Do you have something against my birthmark?" Jeongin asked.

He kept quiet. It wasn't that he hated all birthmarks, just his own. He promptly apologized to Jeongin then explained. He knew it wouldn't make sense, but a lot of things about himself didn't make sense to him either.

"So, you subconsciously look at other birthmarks in disgust because you hate your own?" asked Jeongin.

"Yeah." replied Dongheon.

"Weird. Well, I won't take it to heart since I now know you didn't mean it. Though, why do you hate your birthmark so much?" he asked full of curiosity.

Dongheon held his side then sighed. He didn't want to tell him. Their viewpoints would clash greatly. Jeongin loved the idea of having a destined romantic partner. He didn't. He would rather be forced into isolation than be forced to love someone a random supreme entity decided for him.

"I can't tell you. It might ruin our friendship." said Dongheon.

"Just say it." he demanded.

"I hate that we're have romantic partners predetermined for us. Why can't we choose who to love? What if my partner is abusive? Does drugs? Is an alcoholic? Then what? I'm supposed to stay with them because it's our destiny? Fuck that. I'm not going to let anything be predetermined for me in romance. I'm going to date whoever I wish." Dongheon said then slowly glanced at Jeongin who sat quietly.

"I understand where you're coming from. You don't want to just sit and wait for your destined half to step into your life. You want to try dating and see if you're compatible even if you aren't destined partners. You want a better life in case your destined relationship seems doomed." said Jeongin with a smile. He didn't think he'd get it. "I get it. I've thought about it too. But, I strongly believe my partner will be good for me, just like I strongly believe yours is good for you."

"Jeongin..." Dongheon said then hugged him. "Where would I be without?"

"Who knows?" said Jeongin with a smile.


Dongheon entered the venue and was surprised by the interior. People flitted about while others stood off to the side while chatting. A part of him was nervous as this was his first time at a book signing event. Somehow he had miraculously gotten a VIP invitation, meaning he could get and autograph and a brief chat with the author.

He started making his way towards the area for the conference then bumped into someone.

"Sorry." he said before walking away.

"It's my fault too." the person replied as he walked away.

Dongheon paused then glanced back to see what had become of the guy he bumped into. He caught a glimpse of him walking further down the hall. There wasn't really much down that hall. Was he lost or snuck in? Dongheon turned around and went after the guy.

"Hey! Are you lost?" he asked after gaining his attention.

"A little. I'm trying to find the catering area..." he said in a whisper.

"What? Can you say that a bit louder?" Dongheon asked.

"The catering..." he said even lower, trying to hide himself.

Dongheon sighed then stepped back a bit.

"One more time." he said.

"I'm looking for the catering area..." he said a bit louder.

"Oh... uh... I think it's down that hall...?" said Dongheon, unsure.

The guy thanked him then scurried down the hall. He certainly was a strange one.


Dongheon stretched out as the conference had ended. His stomach growled, signaling it needed food now. He followed the crowd and was surprised by the set up. Everything smelled delicious. He sauntered over to a table then heard a firm voice ask him a question. He looked up and widened his eyes in surprise.

"Hey... didn't we meet earlier...?" asked Dongheon as he looked him up and down.

"Yes..." the guy whispered.

"What happened to your voice? Not too long ago you were speaking loud and clear." Dongheon pressed, unaware of how uncomfortable he was making him.

The guy shook with fear as his eyes darted everywhere. He finally broke down in tears as he crouched down. Dongheon felt eyes on them as the guy sobbed loudly.

"Hey, it's okay. Excuse me, but we don't tolerate harassment of our employees." another caterer said.

"I just asked him a question. Honest." said Dongheon as he watched them move somewhere else.

Dongheon looked at the food before him and lost his appetite. Tonight was supposed to be a good night. Instead, this happened. He walked out of the room. He couldn't understand why the guy suddenly burst into tears. It wasn't like he asked anything personal. Dongheon quietly sat at the bus stop and watched cars go by.

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