Blue's Not so Blue

By prxncejay

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12 0 0
By prxncejay

Chapter 1:

A love story that isn’t just any love story. It doesn’t have that girl falling in love with a guy, the guy hates the girl first, then they become so close and the other side of the story they all end up together. Happy ending, right? This love story starts off with a girl, but a girl that doesn’t just fall in love with just anyone, she falls in love with someone or something.

It is a normal day at St. Desjardins Catholic Secondary School. Hi, my name is Blue. Well that’s what my friends call me since I am always apparently in a “blue-down” mood, when I really don’t see myself that way. My real name though is Amia Beatrice Shorestones. My parents say my name means “love and happiness”, which I really don’t see as it describing who I am. I introduce myself to everyone as Blue, it sounds much better.

Anyways, it is my senior year here at SDCSS, it isn’t really exciting nor any different from any year of my school experience. Going to classes, doing homework, meeting people, going home and just being me, all by myself. I really don’t like my school much, there are a big division in my school. That division starts off with the stars, stars meaning worthy of becoming a celebrity some day, then next would be the moon, who are the science or math geeks, pretty much who can be someone like Steve Jobs. On the very, very bottom, which I am a part of, we are supposedly called the unknowns. Unknown meaning, we are just here because nothing really. We do not mean a thing to anyone, not even to each other.

Luckily though, I have the most amazing and the best of the best friend that I could have ever ask for. That would be Sunshine Cruz. She was categorized as a “moon”, but everyone knows that she is more of the “star” since her dad is the most famous executive producer, her mom is an amazing actress who unbelievably has two upcoming movies that I cannot wait to watch! How could I be so lucky to have such a friend like her? I’m just a normal kid, living life, doing what life wants me to do, nothing exciting.

That nothing exciting all changed, after my own best friend has introduced me to someone... Or I thought was someone but instead was “something”.

Continuing with my day, it was lunch time, I did my usual routine, go meet up with Sun at her car and we’d go out and eat so that no one can say anything about us hanging out. I always told her that I’d pay for our food but whenever we get to the restaurant it has been paid for already and we never had to worry about not having money. I always wondered why it was like that. “Hey! I’d like something different this time Sun.” I said with doubt. She looked at me like I was saying something so crazy that she couldn’t believe I even know to say, but since we liked adventure, she went along with it and we went somewhere knew. “Thanks,”

“No problem, something new is always healthy as other scientist would argue.” She spoke with confidence and factuality.

Yes, my best friend loves to talk scientific and all smart to me, but what I love the most is that I could understand her with no problem and she could understand me. We are like sisters that we’re destined to be with each other. Which reminds me, I should mention we have been best friends since we were born. Legit, we are. We are born the same day at the same time, the only difference is that I was born in New York, and she was born in Los Angeles. How we met though is a whole different story. Her mom and my mom were best friends when they were in eight grade and they pretty much grew up together and stayed best friends till now.

My family and I moved to LA when my dad and brother died, my mom couldn’t handle being alone or even thinking back about what had happened at New York. So, now we are here with Sun’s family. I miss New York, but if leaving the past behind and moving forward in LA helps my mom, I will do anything just for her.

Back to school, Sun and I ate at a buffet that her aunt owned. We loved to eat anything, and today’s special at the buffet was fish with stuffings that we wouldn’t know was. I always loved to eat their food, it is so fresh, home-made and everything. While we eat, we of course “gossip” like how ordinary teens would. “Hey! Oh my gosh have you seen that new kid? He is beautiful!” Sun said excitedly. Of course, for me I didn’t really care, it was just a guy and he will be labelled soon enough so no point of going crazy for him. “Hey! Are you listening to me!? I met him today, but he was so shy, he didn’t say much to me...”

“Well, it is his first day, you probably scared him.” I said jokingly.


“Sure sure, remember when you scared that ninth grade when you said something about... What was it that you said?”

“I said her shoelace was not perfectly tied, nor her shoes matched her clothes.”

“See what I mean?” I laughed.

That is how my best friend was, she comes off as someone scary but yet I love her and I love who she is. be continued.

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