Out of Desperation Came Forev...

By gopaperbackwriter

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By being a good samaritin one night in a dark alley, Jenna realized that no good deed goes unpunished. But by... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
7 Years Later....
So? What Did You Think?
Read if you Want Something to Read! 23

Chapter 19

84 4 1
By gopaperbackwriter

Ethan's POV:

We woke at 9am. This was good! Maybe we'd try and stay awake all day, so we could get back on track. Even if we went to bed at 9pm. It would be a good start to being back on track.

We were spooned on Jenna's couch. I could stay like this forever. But I knew we couldn't. And today, I felt motivated. That could easily go away, but so far today, I felt like maybe we could work on getting back to real life again. I hoped she felt the same. But if not, I'd take all the time she needed. And if I should lose motivation, I know she'd do the same for me.

I kissed her ear and her neck to gently wake her.

She woke and turned right over towards me, nuzzled in and went back to sleep.

This isn't what I was expecting. Hahaha. But if she need more sleep, then ok.

I layed my head on hers, and tried to relax. But, it was morning, and I felt....playful.

And her ear had tasted good, so I went back to that. I nibbled and licked and sucked on it.

She squoze me tighter, and slightly smiled.

I nibbled and kissed my way down her neck. She leaned her body in to me closer.

This was fun, being playful. We hadn't tried this yet. I think both of us didn't want to do anything like this "in there". It was sort of a mutual silent agreement. Well, we were out. And I wanted to flirt with and tease my beautiful girlfriend. So that's what I did. I was nervous, though. I wasn't sure how she'd react.

I kissed further down, on her collarbone. She groaned and said "Mmmm...you're killing me, Ethan".

"Oopsie. Did I lick you outloud just then?" I responded playfully.

She moved her face up to look at me and give me a "I will cut you" look.

I laughed at her trying to be tough. She smiled.

I went back to work on her neck. She let me.

Now, I was killing ME too. Shit! What did I get myself into?

She decided to go for revenge, so she found her way into my neck and found my ear, and kissed that.

Ohhhhhh boy.....magic spot. Not to mention the electric current that was now zinging around my entire body like never before. I sighed. She moved down to my neck. Revenge is sweet, I had to say.

I realized we were both grinding against eachother now.

This was the best I felt in a long time. Even long before "that" all happened last week.

I wanted so badly to tease her more. But I was sure I wouldn't be able to stop if I did. And the body grinding....yeah. I had to break it up. I respected her, and I didn't want to move too fast. I did....but I didn't. I'd wait for her signal to go any further. Not that she wasn't giving me signals now....I just wanted to make sure to wait till she was ready, after all that happened to her...including ME "happening" to her. I was mostly scared about that. Would being intimate with me give her bad flashbacks? Everytime I thought of this, I had to quickly bury it and move my thoughts on. It was too painful to think about.

So I gave her a few final kisses back up the neck and onto her ear lobe, then I excused myself to go to the bathroom. "Are you kidding!?" she yelled at me. "Sort of", I responded to her, and walked into her bathroom and looked in the mirror and breathed it all off. Gained control again. Whew. Intense!

When I came out, Jenna was up and in the kitchen, moving pots and pans around. Making a mess with pancake mix. "I figure since your mom bought pancake mix, it means you like pancakes, right?" she asked me.

"Heh heh....yes. You got her hint. Good job!" I told her.

We ate our pancakes sitting Indian style on her bed. I suppose we were used to that. There was a strange comfort in eating on a mattress with her. We DID like our time together all last week...when we weren't getting abused and tortured. Strange, though.

Her room was light brown colored. And she only had a bed, and a dresser and a chair.

I admired her simple taste. Clutter sucks. Life isn't about having stuff. It's about living. Having experiences.

When we were done, we each took turns in the bathroom. We each showered, brushed our teeth, (yep, my mum even thought of buying me a toothbrush.) and got changed.

Jenna suggested we take a morning walk, but then stopped, and realized.....celebrities can't just walk down the street like normal people.

I told her let's do it. I'm sure we'd be fine.

So that's what we did.

It was a beautiful autumn day. We stayed on non busy streets. We held hands. And we walked. And it felt GREAT.

We even stopped in a store, but then realized we didn't have any money on us. So we laughed at being poor, and walked out. I should have brought the wallet my mum bought for me. With the cash in it. I hated losing everything that was in my pockets that night. But starting new was fine. My mum had everything covered. That's why she's the mum, I guess. She thinks of everything. I love her.

We sat and watched tv for a while in her apartment, then we decided to venture out for lunch again at a deli we'd passed, that was closed till lunchtime. Sitting there, just the two of us, talking and laughing and having our hoagies, was like a dream come true. We were getting to know eachother more.

It was truly a great day for us. I had all the hope in the world that we'd be fine. And I was happier than a pig in mud. And she seemed happy too.

I decided when we went back, to call Steve and get the scoop on everything. What did I miss. What was cancelled. How was my album doing, etc...

As I made my "work" calls, Jenna made pizza out of tortilla wraps. They were thin and crunchy and delicious, toasted in the toaster oven. I could eat those every day. Delicious.

We ate at the kitchen table this time. We were civilized!

Then, we decided to be crazy and we took a bottle of wine, and two glasses, and sat on the balcony facing the cornfield. Not on the chairs. We hung our legs down through the railing posts, and sat on the edge.

We got silly on the wine, quickly. It had been over a week since I drank. It felt good.

The sun started setting over the corn fields. It was a perfect end to a perfect day.

The entire day was NORMAL. Everything we did, was normal. And we didn't mention that week of hell a single time.

I knew we couldn't just ignore it forever, but it was a nice break. We needed that. Badly.

We laughed and joked and flirted and teased eachother. She teased me about my red hair. I teased her about her being perfect and beautiful. I couldn't find anything imperfect to tease her about!

We had some belly laughs. Some deep talks about the universe. Some pondering of life.

And plenty of sitting there, with our heads leaned in to eachother in loving silence. We ended up just drinking the second bottle of wine straight from the bottle. Why not.

In the darkness, with the stars starting to come out, we kissed.

No hands. Just our lips touching. It was so perfect. So romantic. I didn't want this day to ever end.

This was truly the most perfect day of my life.

It started to get too chilly, so we stumbled back in to her apartment to find our hoodies.

We got to the closet, and she put her hand on my chest while she looked inside.

I looked down, because the electric current went wild, and I put both my hands on her hand.

She stopped and turned to me, and gave a shudder. She felt the crazy current too.

She grabbed my face and kissed me passionately and slowly. The current was buzzing back and forth from my head to feet, and everywhere in between. I could only imagine where hers was going.

I put my hands on her hands, on the sides of my face as I kissed her.

I followed her hands down to her arms. And I followed her arms across to her shoulders. And from there, I went downwards down her sides, just brushing against the sides of her breasts and down to her hips, which I used to swoop her body into mine tightly. My hands went up to her back to press her into me closer. Her hands had fallen to my shoulders.

I was in heaven. I didn't want to stop. She felt so good like this. So much better than anyone before.

And that wasn't even counting the electric warmth buzzing through my body.

We stood there, passionately making out in the doorway of her small coat closet.

I finally tried to snap out of the spell she put on me, and whispered to her "We should probably stop, before we can't." She responded with "why?"

That was all I needed to hear.

I groaned in her mouth as we kissed, and as my arms went up and down her back, she put her arms up straight in the air. I knew what this meant.

I reached down and grabbed her shirt, and pulled it slowly up, over her head, and up over her arms.

I dropped her shirt, and went back to find the hooks on her bra. Meanwhile, she had reached down and was fumbling with the button and zipper on my jeans.

Was this happening? Should this be happening? Were we just drunk? Should we stop? Would she regret this after? Would I? It was sort of a silent agreement we had, that we were waiting. Till when, I didn't know. I guess until we weren't "in there" with the bad men. I know I personally didn't want our first time together to be in there. Even though.......no. This moment is perfect. I will NOT think about that. I "wasn't there" anyway, so....it doesn't count.

I got her bra unhooked just as she got my pants unhooked. I took that off, and she pulled my stuff down. She pracically tore off my tee shirt right after it. I went for her jeans. While I worked on her button and zipper, she slowly walked backwards a few steps. I stopped to see what she was doing.

She put her arms up and grabbed the coat rack bar going across the top of the tiny closet. I looked at her for a second or two. She looked beautiful in the dark closet, lit up only by the faint light shining out of the kitchen doorway. I finished with her jeans, and pulled them down. She pulled herself up with the closet bar, to allow me to slide her jeans and panties off her feet easily.

We were both naked and in the closet.

She did another slight pull up on the closet bar, and lifted her legs out to my sides, grabbed my hips with her thighs, and pulled me close with them.

The excitement running through my body was almost too much. The electric...the tingles I felt where her thighs hugged my hips tight...I could have exploded right then and there.

All I could hear was our heavy breathing. All I could feel was HER. US.

The way she sat on my hips, holding herself up on the coat hanger bar, was the perfect position.

With my arms wrapped around her waist, chest against mine, I felt her slowly let herself down, and things fit perfectly, where they were supposed to go, just like that. One gentle thrust, and were together as one.

We both moaned and sighed and shuddered together. The electric feeling was so strong, I thought it would light up the closet.

I gently lifted her up and down with my hands around her back, and she helped, using the bar to hang on. I buried my face into her neck and started on her ear again. Then down her neck and back up. She moaned louder now. I had to keep slow, because I wanted this to go on forever.

Just when I thought the day was absolutely perfect and couldn't have gotten any more perfect....this all happened.

I felt her lips and a little bit of teeth on my earlobe. And hearing her heavy breathing right into my ear was driving me CRAZY.

We got into a nice groove for a while, and I was able to make it last until her legs were getting tighter around my waist. And her breathing was becomming loud vocal pants.

My lips found hers, and followed them slightly up and down with the rest of her. She now panted into my mouth.

My one hand found her hair hanging behind her back and grabbed it close to her head.

I gently pulled her head back and leaned in to devour the front of her neck.

At last, her thighs tightened around my waist so tight, she stopped moving up and down, and just barely rocked back and forth while she screamed out in the closet.

That was my cue, to finally let go. Oh finally.

The way she rocked back and forth ever so slightly against me was more than I could handle, and I thought I would lose my mind. I had never yelled so loud. I had never lost control of my voice and sounds and body like this before.

I could barely control myself. I could barely hold her up anymore, I was so weak in the knees.

I had grabbed her ass and was pulling her into me with panicked quick thrusts. My head was thrown back, and I felt her lips on the front of my neck, which touched off a whole new flow of spasms through my body. My God, this girl was like heaven. A true Angel, in every way.

I finally got control of my voice and breath again, and with my final thrust, I put my head forward and looked into her eyes and told her I loved her more than anything.

She let her hands go from holding the bar, and put her arms on my shoulders. And I let my legs give out, and sank to my knees, with her still wrapped around my waist.

We sat there, hugging, on the floor of her closet, her sitting on my thighs, me sitting on my knees, until gravity finally made me drop out of her as we both struggled to catch our breath, with our faces in eachother's necks.

We stayed like that for a really long time. Like, really long. Just like that. Totally silent. Embracing. On the floor. In the closet.

I couldn't get up. I was SPENT.

And the way her head was tilted over my shoulder now, I was pretty sure she was asleep!

I whispered her name, breaking the silence.

She moved slightly.

I reached up above us, and found those hoodies we came in here to get. I pulled them off the hangers, and put them on the floor behind Jenna.

I spread my thighs apart to steady myself, and I put my hands behind Jenna's head and neck, and I lowered her down, like putting a baby in a crib, straight back, so she was laying on the ground, and I was leaning over her.

I reached up and fixed my hoodie under her head like a pillow, then I collapsed beside her, and fixed her hoodie under my head. I put my thigh over top of her legs, and pressed against her, and fell right asleep, happier than I'd ever been in my whole life. I had just made love to my Angel. My Jenna.

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