"Anytime, Cowgirl." : Arthur...

By GandalfsArmpit

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Arthur Morgan wasn't a man who believed in "happily ever after"'s. As an outlaw, a crook, a man with a bounty... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 25

723 26 5
By GandalfsArmpit

Jane didn't eat, smile, or talk that morning.

No, no, no, was the only thought in her mind.

There was no way for her to escape this now. Arthur was being help captive, Matteo as reassigned somewhere else, and countless guards were stationed everywhere.

She sat on the balcony, the light morning breeze blowing a strand of hair in her face. This is it, I guess.

"Jane," said a voice outside of her door. It was her aunt, who didn't wait for a reply to open the door. "Good morning." She was already dressed up. The light orange dress had a bunch of frills on it, which she never wore.

"Morning," She said quietly, her legs drawn up to her chest.

Her aunt shook her head, moving closer to Jane. "It will all be over soon. This is a good thing, Jane. You'll see in time."

Her gaze didn't waver from the busy street. "I suppose so."

She was quiet for a moment more, but then began back towards the door. "I'll send the maid in. She has your gown, I believe."

Jane didn't say anything. Her aunt promptly left, leaving Jane alone once again.

Oh, Arthur. I had so many dreams with you. That's the way of the world though, I guess.

She was void of emotion as the maid came in, carrying her wedding gown.

Just like the other mornings, the maid did her hair, putting it up in an elaborate pompadour hairstyle.

The image of Arthur bound and laying on the wet ground last night made her shut her eyes tightly. Stefano also seemed to reveal his true character last night. It made her resent him all the more.

The maid the put a corset on Jane. It was one of the more restrictive ones, and she held back a groan. She could feel her ribs being forced inward as the maid pulled the strings tighter and tighter.

After her insides were rearranged, the maid put shoes on Jane. They were silk and had a slight heel.

Finally, the gown was put on. Jane slipped it on over her head. The silk slipped on over her body, and it appeared just as it did on the mannequin. Though Jane did not want to get married, the dress made her feel ethereal. It wasn't poofy, with she liked, but rather fell straight down. The sleeves were draped over her arm, ending just above her elbows. But, apparently her aunt had talked to the tailor, as there was a fair amount of lace on it.

She pinned a veil in her hair. It was a very thin material and went down to her lower back.

As a finishing touch, the maid placed the necklace Stefano had gotten her around her neck.

To Jane, it felt almost like a collar, like it was the way to mark that she was his property.

She studied herself in the mirror. It seemed to reflect someone back that she did not recognize. Beautiful, but not genuine.

There was a knock at the door. It opened to reveal her father, who was dressed in a tux.

"You look beautiful," he said, examining her.

She didn't say anything.

"Listen," he started as the maid left. "I know how you're feeling. I-"

"You don't have a clue how I'm feeling," she said in an emotionless voice.

"This is all for your good." Even on her wedding, he still couldn't find a lump of pity in him.

"So it's not for the fact that you'll be getting compensated for me from Mr. Bronte?"

A flame of anger was ignited in his eyes. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"Whatever you say," she said, moving towards the door. "I hope you're happy."

"I will be once you grow up and stop acting like a child. Now, come on. It's nine thirty. The ceremony is soon." He began walking down the hallway.

Hands shaking, either with anger or fear- she couldn't tell, she followed him down the hall.

Down in the grand room, her mother and aunt waited, along with the three guards. One of them had a bruise on their head from where Arthur had punched him the night before.

"Oh, Jane," her mother said when she saw her. To any other person, it would've seemed to be out of marvel, but Jane could tell there was sadness resting in the small expression too.

"Shall we get going?" Her aunt said. She barely acknowledged Jane's presence.

The four made their way out to the carriage. It was a beautiful morning, unlike the previous night. Birds were chirping, and every flower seemed to have bloomed.

Every jostle and bump of the carriage made Jane's stomach church more and more. So this is really happening. Maybe I can send Arthur the cure after the wedding. That is if Aunt Beatrice stays true to her word.

The carriage ride went far more fast than Jane wanted it to. In what seemed like seconds, they pulled in front of the church.

They were greeted by guards and maids, one of which handed Jane a bouquet of white roses. Her aunt took the arm of one guard, who brought her inside of the church.

Another guard approached her mother, but she didn't go to him right away. She looked at Jane in a way that seemed like something else was going on. "Jane, I-"

Her father cut her off. "Cathrine, I think it's time for you to go in the church."

She looked desperate to Jane, who looked at her questioningly. "I... of course." She ducked her head and took the arm of the guard, who also took her inside the church.

What did her mother want? Obviously, it was something important.

Her empty stomach still felt like it was going to hurl when she heard the wedding march start playing from inside the church.

Her father, without missing a beat, took her arm and began towards the church.

The guards opened the big, wooden doors as they approached them.

Her eyes went wide when she saw the eyes of probably two hundred people looking at her. And at the alter, Stefano stood. He smiled when he saw her, but she didn't share the same enthusiasm.

I'm sorry, Arthur.

Her father started forward, nearly dragging her. She quickly sped up to his speed, and tried to stop trembling. It only got worse as she got to the front of the church.

"Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" The priest said.

"I do." He father grabbed her hand, then put it in Stefano's. With a nod to Stefano, he moved to his seat.

The priest continued. "We are gathered here today for the holy joining of Stefano Bronte and Jane O'Hare. Let no man separate what God has joined together."

The priest went on to say a fancy prayer, which Jane didn't pay attention to. The sound of her beating heart seemed to be louder than anything.

"Now," He said, looking out into the full congregation. The only people Jane recognized was her and Stefano's family. She couldn't see Matteo anywhere. "If there is anyone present who has just cause why this couple should not be united, let the speak now or forever hold their peace."

The room was deadly quiet. Jane wished that someone- anyone- would stand up and shout. But her wishes were left unanswered.

"Good," the priest said. He then went on to recite two very long bible passages about how love is to be sustained, and then one about how a woman is to submit to and serve her husband.

Stefano smiled and nodded during that one.

As he went on to read another one, Jane felt that all of her efforts to escape this and get Arthur a cure were for nothing. She had failed. And she had gotten Arthur taken hostage.

"Now, do you, Stefano Bronte, take Jane O'Hare to be your lawfully wedded wife, to remain faithful in good times and bad, in sickness and health, honoring her for the rest of your days?"

Stefano looked on her with a smile that made her insides seem to twist about. "I do."

"Do you, Jane O'Hare, take Stefano Bronte as your lawfully wedded husband, to submit to him and his wishes, in the good and bad, in sickness and health, honoring him for the rest of your days?"

It seemed as if the word was holding its breath. She could feel her aunt and Bronte's gaze upon her, and Stefano look at her with such an intensity it scared her.

"I...I-" She stuttered. "I-"

Before she could spit out another word, the church doors flew open with such a force it made her gasp. But what really surprised her was what was behind the doors.

"I say she don't!" Arthur stood there, bandana up and shotgun in hand. Along with him were John, Hosea, Charles, Sadie, and Matteo.

She released a breathy laugh.

"Matteo!" Mr. Bronte yelled. "What are you doing?"

"I loved Chiara!" He yelled back.

"Chiara? You traitor!"

The guards around the church raised their weapons, producing a standoff between them.

Everything seemed to happen so quickly. Simultaneously, Stefano stood in front of her, and Bronte and her aunt yelled, "Stop them!"

Arthur began to move slowly down the isle as the guards began to move towards them. "Ain't nobody need to get shot. Just let Jane go, and we'll be on our way."

Jane ripped off her veil and threw down her flowers.

"Jane!" Yelled her mother. As Jane looked to her, she tossed something in the air at Jane.

She caught it, and realized it was the thing she desperately needed. The cure.

"No!" Her aunt yelled. "You bit-"

She was cut off by the sound of a gunshot.

Jane expected that it was Arthur that had shot a guard, but a horrifying realization made its way to Jane when she saw blood seeping through her mother's gray dress. It was Mr. Bronte that held the gun.

"No, Ma!" She rushed to her side, falling to her knees. Her mother had crumpled to the ground, not making a sound. "No, no, no," she said, looking between her mother's pale face and wound. She pressed on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding, but to no avail. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she repeated over and over, as if it could heal her.

But her mother was long gone. Jane's breath caught in her throat as she saw her mother's blue eyes slowly loose the life in them.

Her father knelt next to them, his eyes wide and his face pale. "I-I..."

She turned to him, her vision blurry from the tears falling. "Get the hell away from me!" She yelled. She had a wild look in her eyes, and the dark blood on her white dress just added to the effect. "This is all your fault!"

It was as if something clicked in him. For the first time, sadness and pity were clear in his eyes. He continued stuttering as he stood up, and after looking at the sight of his dead wife for a second more, staggered away and ran out of the church.

That made all hell break loose in the church.

"Die!" Sadie yelled as she began shooting. Soon, a full on shootout was on. The congregation was a tornado of screaming people. Some ducked under the pews, and the rest ran out of the church.

Arthur shot down a guard as he rushed to Jane, who was still holding her mother's body.

"Jane, we gotta go," he said, shooting a guard.

"She's dead," She stammered. "She's dead."

"I'm sorry, Jane. But she would want you to get of here."

She gripped her mother's hand tightly one last time, the release her, placing her body on the ground.

As she stood up, she felt a tight hand grabbing her upper arm.

It was Stefano. "Jane, come!" He said, but his eyes grew at the sight of her blood soaked dress.

"You bastard!" She yelled. Reeling back, she landed a powerful punch right on his cheek.

He released, then scampered off.

She stood there, not moving. She's dead.

Arthur grabbed the cure that she had left on the ground and then scooped Jane up. "We gotta go," He said.

The rest of the group continued shooting while following Arthur out of the church. Outside, the world seemed unknowing of the events that just took place inside the church.

Arthur placed her on the back of his horse, and mounted up. The rest of them did the same.

As the remaining guards came outside, the group raced down the street, and out of the city.

Jane hugged Arthur midsection closely. She's dead and it's my fault.

Thankfully, no one followed them. They went through the swamp, and Jane did her best to try to calm down.

After a moment more, they pulled to a stop in a thicket of trees.

"Are we all alright?" Hosea asked.

"I think so," John said.

Arthur hopped off his horse, and helped Jane down.

"Jane, are you alright?" He asked, placing his hands on her shoulders.

"He killed her. And it's my fault."

"Shh, no it's not," he said as he pulled her into a hug. "None of this is your fault."

"She did a noble thing, Jane," Matteo said. "She was willing to get you out of there, not matter the cost."

"How do you know?" She said, sniffing.

"We had talked this morning. Before the wedding. She had stolen the cure, and I was on my way to bust Arthur out of Bronte's cell. That's where I ran into these guys."

She looked around at the Hosea, John, and Sadie, who all nodded.

"Thank you," She said, her voice slightly cracking. "And thank you, Matteo."

He smiled. "It was really a treat to myself to see the Bronte family burn."

Arthur poured water onto his his bandana and began to wipe the blood from her hands. "Now what are you going to do?"

"Hitch the next train to New York City and get Chiara back."

Jane smiled. "Good luck," she said, hugging him. "And thank you."

"Thank you," Matteo said, then released her. "Now, I'll write to you." He hopped back up onto his horse, and with a nod, galloped off.

"Guess we should be heading back to camp," Hosea said. "It's good to have you back, Jane."

She nodded, and the five saddled back up.

The ride back was shorter than she expected. Apparently, they moved camps since she was gone.

This one had a big house surrounded by their usual wagons.

"Is that... Jane?" She heard someone ask.

She saw Abigail make her way to the approaching horses. "My Lord, it is!"

That gained the attention of many people.

Arthur stopped Maple and lifted her off the back of the horse.

"Jane, you're back!" Mary-Beth yelled as she ran over.

"Goodness, girl," Ms. Grimshaw said at seeing her blood soaked wedding dress. "What happened?"

Arthur shot her a look as if to say, "Don't ask."

"Let's get you in a bath," she quickly corrected, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Welcome back," Lenny said as she passed him.

"Arthur!" Jane heard Dutch yell. "A word, please!"


Jane shut her eyes tight in an effort to push away the image of her mother's bloody body.

It was dusk, and everyone was gathered around the campfire, celebrating her arrival. Most people were singing, or were drunk- some were both. Arthur and Jack sat on either side of her. Of all the troubles of the day, she was relieved to be back with the gang.

"Jane, are you okay?" Arthur asked.

She grabbed his hand. "I will be." She paused for a moment. "Can we go talk somewhere?"

"Of course."

The pair slipped away and found themselves on the back balcony of the house.

Without saying anything, she hugged him tightly.

Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around her.

"I've missed you, Arthur," she said quietly.

"I've missed you. I glad you're back with me."

"Me too," she paused for a second, but then continued. "How did you get out of Bronte's cell?" She said, looking up at him.

"Matteo came, then Hosea, John, and Sadie. Pretty much shot all the guards in his house. Then we came to the church."

"You came just in time."

He chuckled. "I know. I though it was too late."

"Me too."

They were silent for a moment. "I'm sorry about your mother," he said.

She sighed. "I can't believe she's gone. She died saving me."

"And she did it valiantly. She's in a better place now."

She nodded, looking up at him. "You know, before she passed, we were talking about you."

He smiled, raising an eyebrow. "Really? About what?"

"It made me realize a few things. And I think... I think I've changed my mind."

He looked at her strangely.

She paused for a moment, her heart speeding up. "I think I want to marry you too."

The biggest smile that she had ever seen on him rested on his face. "Jane O'Hare, you better not be fooling around."

"Why would I do that?" She said, beaming. It was the most genuine happiness she had felt in a long time.

He laughed, almost as if in shock.

She couldn't help but laugh too. "I love you, Arthur."

"Oh, Jane. I love you more than you know." And with that, he did what he had missing for a long time.

He kissed her.

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