Return (GirlxGirl)

By SkylarJapera

752K 16.7K 2K

Only weeks after the big battle against Sue and the human hunters Violet and Chloe never expected for Chloe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 5

18K 396 54
By SkylarJapera

Hey sorry for the wait. i've been so busy with school, senoir things, and getting ready for college. UGH school sucks. :) I rather write. Well i sent a message to all my fans that i took this story out the Watty Awards because i want be able to finsih in time because this is one is going to be long and i have alot of ideas for it and plus SCHOOL. But i put in 'Remember' and "Divide.' instead... hope i win. i'm just telling you readers this if you didnt get the message. Also i nominated 'Divide.' for best cast if you want to vote you can. and i THINK thats all. :)) REMEBER VOTE FOR ME!!!!!!!!!


Hope you enjoy :)

Chapter 5

Chloe bolts up out of bed only to be push back down by some strong hands. She starts to scream, “Bond! Turn it off.” Things begin to shake inside Violet dark room making shelves fall over and glass shatter. “Chloe!” Violet screams trying to get the witch under control. The witch begins to feel something inside her burning. It was painful and it was a new feeling she had never felt before. It was almost as close as the feeling she had with Violet when they marked each other but more intense.  She begins to scream again but in pain. “Victoria!” Violet calls and Chloe mother rushes in.

Chloe falls back onto the bed and begins to shake uncontrollably and her eye begins to glow but red. She reaches out violently for Violet neck but the wolf pulls back fast knowing Chloe was very deadly right now but Violet doesn’t let go and pushes Chloe back down onto the bed trying to hold her there.

“Listen! Step back and then I will create a protection barrier around her.” Victoria orders. “It will keep her calm.”

“You can’t…” Violet hollers over Chloe screaming. Victoria cuts Violet off and says, “We don’t have time for discussion. Do as I say. You know I wouldn’t hurt her.”

Violet bites her lip in questioning and then let’s go of Chloe and steps back. Victoria throws her hands out and covers Chloe body in blue and green orbs. Chloe fights it with her powerful magic and Violet wolf bond making her stronger than her mother. Sweat falls down Victoria face. Violet stands there feeling useless as her wife screams out, “Please stop the bond.” She didn’t know was it her bond making Chloe feel this way or something new but she could feel Chloe pulling energy out of her to over power her mother and it was making her weak. Violet fall to her knees feeling sick and begins to breathe hard and growls from the pain. Chloe had never pulled energy from her before; she didn’t even know it was possible.

Anne burst through the door when she notices the entire mansion shaking. She see’s Violet on the floor trying to control her breathing and Chloe on the bed screaming with green and blue orbs around her body. Anne quickly knew what spell Victoria was using.  She immediately helps Victoria with the spell over powering Chloe. It wasn’t easy because the witch was strong and with the 1st generation blood running through her veins was making it very difficult. Finally Chloe collapses onto the bed and mumbles before falling out, “Stop this feeling.”


“I’ve started the bond but I will need some of her blood and her hair to finish the process.” Cassandra explains. “She is very strong.”

Virgil smirks and stands, “I’m so proud of you honey.”

The older dark haired girl smiles and when Virgil walks out the room without another word she feels relieved. She walks upstairs to her old and dusty room. The mansion she woke up in was abandon and it stills creep her out a little. She hears voices at night and she doesn’t understand where it is coming from. Finally she is lying in her bed resting. She stares at the ceiling and thinks about when she was awaken at eight.

Cassandra bright blue eyes open slowly to see the shiny sun. She uses her arms to try to cover the bright light but a hand stops her. She hears movement, birds, and maybe a river. A figure steps over her but she cannot make out the human. The unknown person begins to mumbles words she cannot understand and she begins to feel drossy and sleepy again. “Is this the afterlife?” she asks innocently before closing her eyes.

Cassandra bites her nail a habit she got from her mother and snaps out the horrible memory. She hasn’t seen her mother since the day her parents we’re murder. Cassandra thought she had died also but no she was awaken in Virgil keep. He had cast a powerful spell on her that created a strong bond between them two.

She couldn’t betray him and she couldn’t run away from him either or she would feel extreme pain no one could bare. All she wanted to do when she was a little girl was be back with her mother but it was impossible. Years later when she was in her teens her mother had come to take revenge. But her mother was mistaken when she thought Virgil was weaker.

Cassandra saw the look in her mother fearful eyes when Virgil stood over her with a knife in his hand about to take her mother life. She becomes sad but her anger takes over her sadness when Virgil pulls back about to stab her mother he stops inches from Victoria face shocking both of them. Victoria seems more confused but she took this as an opportunity and punched Virgil in the face casting a spell quickly and in a blink of an eye she was gone.

Cassandra stood there in shock she had just betrayed Virgil. Her bond with her mother was much stronger. She never understood the weird feeling she had with her parents but she always felt it when she was young. Before Cassandra could think any further though about the subject Virgil beat her and hung her in the basement for months breaking Victoria and her bond. She was now completely devoted to Virgil. It took years for Cassandra to trust Virgil she just dealt with him because she couldn’t leave. But it broke her heart when Virgil said her mother met a guy and was living a completely different life without her. She knew that night when she save her mother that Victoria didn’t see her that Victoria thought she was still dead but she never thought Victoria would give up on revenge. Cassandra cried for years not understanding and then one day she just stop and all the pain was gone. She knew it was Virgil doing but she appreciated it she never felt pain ever again.

Cassandra lets out a breath as she sits up in her bed. She still couldn’t believe her mother had another daughter and what pissed her off even more was the witch had 1st generation running through her veins. She was powerful and it took all of Cassandra energy plus Virgil to start the bond.

She knew what Virgil plan was but she didn’t like it at all. She didn’t see the point. Virgil was powerful even more powerful than her mother and if he played his cards right he could beat Chloe but Virgil was greedy. He didn’t know when to stop. He had to kill her mother to take her power and now he knew of a daughter he had to have her powers also.


Violet leans on the kitchen counter standing in only her black lace bra as Catherine work on her wounds. She was badly bruised on her stomach from the battle earlier with the creep Virgil and she had a hard time breathing from all the energy Chloe took just a few minutes ago. She felt like shit.

“I need to hunt.” Violet says trying to push pass Catherine but the strong vampire keeps a firm hand on her pushing her back into the counter and says, “No you need to rest. These wounds are bad and since Chloe took all your energy you can’t heal.”

“If I hunt I will get my energy back.” Violet growls matter of factly rolling her eyes in the process.

“Why do you got to be so damn stubborn.” Catherine spats. “You’re going nowhere not like this. Tomorrow maybe.”

“Maybe?” Violet questions. “I’m an alpha for Christ sakes you don’t give me orders.” She screams and then winces in pain making her growl. She hated feeling weak.

“Maybe you need to be reminded that you’re not invisible Violet.” Catherine argues. “Now go upstairs and rest.”

Violet rolls her eyes and heads up stairs like she is told. She hated Catherine telling her what to do and she also hated feeling like one of Catherine patients. She was the alpha and if she wanted to hunt she could.

“Don’t even think about running because I will be up there in a little while.” She hears Catherine scream behind her making her growl even louder in frustration. Violet walks in her bedroom to see the maids cleaning up the damage Chloe caused. She didn’t know what Virgil did to Chloe but she knew when she finds him she was going to cut his hands off for touching her and then kill him for hurting Chloe.

Violet lies down in her bed ignoring the maids and servants and drift off to sleep not knowing that she was this tired.

The next morning she wakes up she feels fingers caressing her cheek. She knew them fingers anywhere. She opens eyes to see Chloe smiling down at her.

“Hey.” Violet whispers husky lifting up.

Chloe bites her lip as she sees the bandages on her wife body. “What happen after I collapsed?”

“You don’t remember.”

Chloe shakes her head no and Violet lifts up completely and explains everything that had happen. Chloe was shock when she heard what she did to Violet she didn’t know she could do that.

“I do feel some new feeling I can’t explain inside me.” Chloe says. “Violet I’m sorry for hurting you.”

“Babe it’s okay.” Violet smiles kissing Chloe softly. “I’m okay now.”

Chloe bites the inside of her cheek and asks, “You don’t think anyone is controlling me again because Violet I can’t take hurting you again like I did when Zada was controlling me.”

Violet pulls Chloe in a hug and whispers, “Anne and Victoria are going to help you out okay. You will never go through that again. I promise.”

The next day Chloe slips out of bed and heads to the cabin to visit Victoria her mother. When she walks in she sees Victoria fixing coffee and notice that the cabin looked different. Things we’re in different places and the walls we’re another color.

Victoria smiles and explains, “I got bored so I told Anne to pick me up some paint. Hoped you don’t mind.”

“It’s beautiful.” Chloe answers. “I like this color.”


Chloe sits down and then begins to play with her bracelet not knowing how to start off this confusing conversation. Victoria sits across from her and then asks, “So I’m guessing you’re here to talk?”

Chloe smiles weakly and answers, “Yes…I’m feeling something growing inside of me. It’s like the feeling I got when Violet marked me but more intense.”

“I see…that’s what you we’re screaming about that night.”

“Who could it be?” Chloe wonders.

“Virgil probably.”

“What is he planning?”

“I wish I could tell you.” Victoria answers.

Chloe begins to play with her bracelet again and settles in deep thought. Making the cabin become silent.

“What is it that is bothering you?” Victoria asks. “It isn’t just the new bond is it?”

“Erm…I think the new bond is replacing me and Violet bond and I can’t stop it and I’m afraid to tell Violet.”

“Why? Because then you will know the truth.”

“What truth?”

“That Violet really doesn’t love you.” Victoria answers.

Chloe stands angrily and yells, “Don’t say that…Violet loves me as much as I love her.”

“Yeah because she imprinted on you.”

“She cared for me before that!” Chloe argues.

“Cared yes…Loved no…If Violet would have never imprinted on you then there’s a chance that you and her relationship would have never lasted. She wouldn’t have ever told her parents about you because it wouldn’t have been a reason to.”

“She would have because she loved me.”

“No she wouldn’t have Chloe…The only reason she told her parents was because she was the new alpha and her parents felt it. If it was her choice she wouldn’t have done any of these things she does for you now. It’s just the stupid imprintion.”

“I don’t have to listen to you Victoria because you don’t know anything about love.” Chloe spats.

“I have witness this.”


“A guy I once knew was imprinted to his mate and during the war she was killed. He was so loyal to her; he would have done any and everything for her even death. Sounds familiar... All wolfs that has imprinted will do the same for their mate.”

“Okay yeah so what…I would die for Violet also.” Chloe hollers.

Victoria rolls her eyes, “At least your feelings are true feelings.”

“I broke the bond before and Violet still fought for me.” Chloe argues further.

“And as you had told me it didn’t work and she slept with that so called friend Olivia that night…right Chloe.” Victoria says.

Chloe cringes remembering the images of Olivia and Violet having sex, Violet crying, Violet hurting. Victoria feels bad that she is hurting her daughter but she just want her daughter to know the truth. “Look Chloe I’m just trying to help because when the guy mate died his imprintion was broken. Everything he felt for his mate was gone. He said he didn’t feel like it was true love.”

“And how you know this.” Chloe asks.

“Because that man was your father.” Victoria answers looking down.

Chloe looks shock, feels sad, and then gets pissed within a few seconds. She bawls her fist up trying to keep her anger under control. She know Violet was on her way to the cabin because she knew Violet felt all these emotions through their bond.

“He found me one day outside of Arlandria. He knew I was a powerful witch. He asked me to create this powerful spell that would make me take away his wolf. It almost killed me trying to pull it out but I was a very curious Queen then… so I did it because I had nothing to lose. Your older sister Cassandra wasn’t even born and after I was murder I had nowhere to go. He took me in and helped me track down Virgil and we…well he…fell in love with me and it just happened and you came.” Victoria explains further rubbing Chloe cheek but Chloe smacks her hand away and screams, “You fell in love with a wolf but you’re here telling me my relationship with Violet is an abomination.”

“Actually…” Victoria sneers. “He was human and it was the biggest mistake of my life.”

“So my father and I was a mistake.” Chloe screams with anger feeling the tears falling from her eyes. “Wow Victoria you don’t seem to surprise me do you?

“Chloe…” Victoria starts.

“No Victoria! First you say my wife doesn’t love me and will leave me. Then you say I was a mistake. If I didn’t need your help I would tell you to leave and never come back.” Chloe yells.

“You’re misunderstanding what I’m saying Chloe.” Victoria says. “If you and Violet bond is weakening then it’s a chance Violet will fall out of love with you. I just want you to be aware.”

“And that supposed to make feel better.”

“Violet leaving you for someone else will make you feel worse.” Victoria yells. “Dammit I’m trying to help.”

“And you’re doing a poor job Victoria.” Chloe screams.

“I’m your mother Chloe you will not scream at me like that.” Victoria hollers back.

“No.” Chloe says pointing a finger at Victoria.  “Your sister was my mother.” And with that Chloe storms out the cabin and there was Violet changing back human and growling walking towards Chloe naked. She pulls Chloe into a hug and the witch lays her head onto the alpha shoulder and begins to cry. Violet whispers smoothing words and then Chloe lifts her head and asks, “Can we go home.”



When Violet and Chloe arrived home they didn’t talk they just ate dinner and got ready for bed. Violet was trying to be patient and wait until Chloe was ready to talk because she knew it had to be bad with all the emotions she felt through their bond. She sits on the bed and waits for Chloe to come out of the bathroom from her shower. She had been in there for over an hour and she was about to go in there with her until she heard the water being turned off.

Once Chloe walk out she knew it was useless to try to cover her tears because Violet would see she was crying anyways. Violet stands and run towards her and whispers, “You’re crying again.”

“I’m just tired Violet.” Chloe answers.

“No!” Violet says sternly. “I have waited patiently. What happen back at the cabin with your mother?”

“She told me about my father.” Chloe answers. “He was a mistake…I was a mistake.”

Violet pulls Chloe into a hug and runs her hand through her hair saying, “Chloe you wasn’t a mistake okay?”

Violet didn’t know what to think of Victoria. She already knew she didn’t like the lady but who would tell their daughter that they we’re a mistake. She wanted to go back to the cabin and rip the older witch neck. She hurt her mate and made her mate cry. What the hell is wrong with her?

“Calm down baby.”

“I’m sorry…it’s just…”

“I know. “Chloe nods her head in understanding and she asks, “Can we sleep now.”


They both lay in the bed and Chloe snuggles closer breathing in Violet scent. The wolf holds her tighter and then Chloe asks, “Do you love me.”

Violet pulls her head back in shock and answers, “Of course I love you Chloe why would you ask a question.”

“Well I mean…If you didn’t imprint on me…umm would you still love me?” Chloe asks unsure of what type of answer she would get.

Violet bites her lip in thinking and answers with confidence, “Yes Chloe without the bond I would still love you.” She flips Chloe on her back so she can hover over her and asks, “Why you would ask something like that.”

“I was just wondering.” Chloe replies turning her face from Violet.

“You’re lying.” Violet whisper biting Chloe ear.

The witch moans and says, “I’m telling the truth Vio…mmm” Chloe bites her lip in pleasure and begins to pull up so can kiss Violet while the wolf fingers work reaching closer to its destination.

“You’re lying.” Violet whispers again moving her hips faster making Chloe throw her head back running her nails down Violet back.

“I’m not lying! Violet now stop teasing me.” Chloe yells.

Violet kisses Chloe slowly and passionately and gives in to Chloe. Her tongue licks Chloe bottom lip and then the witch opens her mouth inviting the wolf in. Their tongues fight in a fierce  battle both trying to gain control but Violet win and then she pulls Chloe underwear off and then spread the witch legs replacing her fingers with her tongue giving the witch what she wanted. Chloe places one leg on Violet shoulder and pulls onto the wolf hair screaming out her name hoping no one is up stairs and everyone is still eating dinner or something. She is close and she knows tonight she may see fifty stars with a mixture of fireworks. She knew it sounded silly but Violet was so good with her tongue.

Chloe begins to move her hips making the wolf place her firm hands there keeping her down and in control. Chloe then throws her head back into the pillow about to scream out and have the best orgasm until Violet stops.

Chloe lifts up about to argue and maybe cry in frustration until Violet places herself on top of Chloe while one of the witch legs is over her shoulder and grind her hips picking up speed each second. Chloe doesn’t even argue and bites her lip in pleasure and calls out Violet name placing her hand on the wolf hips squeezing and smacking her butt making the wolf growl. Violet grabs Chloe other thigh and squeezes it running her nails down and over the witch hip leaving bright red marks.

Violet bites Chloe neck and feels herself about to cum she pulls her head up and looks down at her wife and whispers, “I love you so much and will always love you imprintion or not.” After that they both scream in ecstasy. Not knowing the entire down stairs hears them. Violet lays on top of Chloe and they both slowly falls asleep with Chloe mumbling, “I love you too.”


“I swear they should get some thicker walls.” Catherine says rolling her eyes.

Olivia smirks and comments, “Chloe’s a screamer and Violet is great in bed so those thick walls wouldn’t work.”

Catherine rolls her eyes and asks, “You would know wouldn’t you.”

Olivia laughs grabbing Catherine by the waist and kisses her hard. “You know that was a onetime thing.”

“Yes I know it’s just…I hate that she will always be your first love.”

“Catherine jealous.” Olivia smirks.

“Maybe just a little.” Catherine looks away embarrassed.

“Who cares if Violet was my first love because I will always love you.” Olivia says and kisses Catherine deeply and then she whispers pulling Catherine shirt over her head. “Now let me show you how much I love you and let’s see can I make you scream louder than Chloe.”

Catherine roll her eyes but pulls Olivia jeans down and then grabs the back of Olivia neck leading her to the bed making them both giggle and laugh.


Virgil burst into Cassandra room to see the witch sweating really bad and breathing hard.

“What is wrong?”

“I…I…I..” Cassandra couldn’t explain it. It was embassasing and she hated what she just felt and hated that it just felt so good like she was really there.

“What!” Virgil asks losing his patients.

“I need help controlling this new bond.” Cassandra says blushing really hard. “I’m feeling things…Chloe emotions…I know when she is sad, angry…and ermm I feel things also.”

Cassandra hated she was blushing she was twenty-two years old. It was just sex and Violet was very good at it but it just surprises her when she felt things making her jump out of her sleep. She hated she couldn’t stop it and she hated she was now a little attracted to Violet now. ‘Did I even want to stop it?’ She asks herself. ‘Maybe that’s why I couldn’t stop the feeling.’ ‘Shit!’ Virgil studies Cassandra then says, “We will work on it tomorrow.”


Virgil slams the door behind him and then Cassandra throws her head back in frustration, “I need to get laid.” Being locked up in that coffin for over seven years was a pain. She slowly drifts off to sleep and then starts to think about Violet. Why Violet? Her little sister wife. If only she could bed this one. This wolf…something different something wild.

Cassandra laughs thinking what Chloe may think about her and Violet in bed together. “It will break her stupid little heart.” The older witch laughs. “I guess I have another plan. After Virgil help me block Chloe stupid depressing emotions."

So what did you think about Cassandra?
Please Comment
Hoped you Enjoyed :) 

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