SGE His Darkened Heart (A J...

By FeatherxClaw37

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CHAPTER 1 Arbed House
CHAPTER 2 Camelot's Lost King
CHAPTER 3 Blue Skies
CHAPTER 4 A Close Call
CHAPTER 5 Deserving
CHAPTER 6 The Deadly Waltz
CHAPTER 7 Lying Love
CHAPTER 8 Confessions
CHAPTER 9 Shattered
CHAPTER 10 The Confrontation
CHAPTER 11 The Banishment
CHAPTER 12 To Be Without
CHAPTER 14 Monster
CHAPTER 15 Unforgotten
CHAPTER 16 Betrayal
CHAPTER 17 Unmerciful
CHAPTER 18 The Dress
Chapter 19 All that's Left
Chapter 20 Leave Me Here
CHAPTER 21 Consumed
CHAPTER 22 Hopeful
!! Important Announcememt !!

CHAPTER 13 Stranger

1.5K 42 285
By FeatherxClaw37


One Month Later...

The wind whistled through the trees as Aric crept through the forest, fallen twigs and dried leaves crunching beneath his boots. The sky was dark for midday and no sun lit his path as he made his way along.

At one point, Aric's boots became soaked and he came across a stream cutting through the forest. He knelt down and splashed some water on his face, and he found a family of wish fish living in the waters. They swam quickly away at the sight of him, and Aric didn't blame them.

Aric was forced to leave FoxWood three and a half weeks ago and forced to say goodbye to his only friend. Since than, he'd moved around, camping in the endless woods while catching food and traveling onwards. To where?

Well, Aric wasn't sure. All he knew now was that he was alone, on his own, like an animal in the woods with no companionship.

Aric felt his stomach rumble, and his gaze flickered back to the stream in search for the fish, knowing they'd help satisfy his growing hunger. Unfortunately, the fish had hid as if secretly knowing they would've been Aric's next meal.

Aric had heard rumors that wish fish could grant wishes, grant the secret desires in one's heart and make them a reality. Hence the name "Wish Fish." But Aric's only desire Now was to find his long lost mother and end her life himself.

But was that his Only desire?

Aric felt his lip curl into a sneer at the inner voice in his head, and shook the thought away.

Japeth had made his choice in not going with Aric when he'd asked him to. Besides, It was only a matter of time when Japeth would learn his mistake and realize he should've gone with Aric when he'd had the chance instead of choosing his rotten brother.

Still, something inside of Aric felt broken. It was a brokenness that threatened to override his mind, but Aric's anger managed to fight it off. But for how long?

How long could Aric go about pretending to be angry when secretly there was more to it? When secretly, deep deep down, Aric was just yearning for his lost friend?

"Boys don't cry," Aric muttered to himself, angrily trodding through the stream. "Be a man."

Yet, despite Aric's words of encouragement, he only felt the pain continue to linger deep within his heart, threatening to crush it into pieces. And the worst thing was that Aric didn't feel like a man, and instead he only felt lost like he were awaiting to be found by someone, anyone. Was he going insane?

Aric turned back to the stream to glare at his reflection in the water, and for the first time he saw that the three weeks being by himself had indeed taken their toll on him. His face was streaked with dirt and his hair was a mess, clothes torn and damp with sweat. But the thing that really caught Aric's attention was the troubled look staring back at him like he was no more than a boy seeking companionship.

He raked his fist into the stream, splashing water away to blur the face of the stranger staring back at him. Than, he stormed on his way, headed further through the woods.

Aric had been trekking through the woods in between sleeping beneath the treetops overnight and consuming berries and prey he'd catch. Using a map he'd stolen from a vendor back in FoxWood before he left, Aric was hopeful to learn he was just a few miles away from BloodBrook, the first civilization he would come across on his journey to the School for Good and Evil.

There, Aric intended to find some instructions on the fastest route to his destination. He'd also stolen some gold coins from a passerby in Foxwood and knew he could use them to pay people for information.

Aric tightened the dingy leather satchel over his shoulder and checked the holster at his belt. Luckily, his knife was still there. It was Japeth's only parting gift to him before Aric was banished, and Aric intended to keep it close. Besides, it was the only thing Aric had left of his old friend.

Thinking of his banishment, Aric remembered Rhian who'd not understood his brother in a way Aric had. Rhian was mean to Japeth, judging Japeth for his friendship with Aric who he'd called a monster. Rhian had chosen not to be a brother to Japeth, his own twin, because he was mad about something that'd happened years ago. Rhian was still upset over his poor mommy leaving him and blamed Japeth for the abandonment.

Now, Aric had no idea what truly happened between the twins and their mother, but Rhian had no right to put the blame on Japeth. It wasn't Japeth's fault, and Rhian definitely had no right to go off about Aric and Japeth's friendship when he never tried to be a brother to Japeth in the first place.

Aric's only regret when leaving Arbed House was not getting the satisfaction of killing Rhian when he'd had the chance. Maybe if Rhian had died like Aric wanted him to than he and Japeth would be together now, off to destroy Aric's mother together.

But maybe that wasn't meant to be. Aric and Japeth has become the closest friends, but was it always meant to stay that way?

Sometimes, as Aric had gotten to know Japeth more and more in Arbed House, he'd felt like there was something more to their friendship. Like it was More than friendship, and it could've turned into something whole and beautiful. But was that love?

Aric had only ever loved one person in his life. His mother, before she abandoned him. Than, he'd hated himself more than anything, convincing himself that there was something wrong with him and that's why his mom had given him up.

That was until he met Japeth. Japeth, who in a way, had helped Aric see that he didn't need to hate himself when he could hate the woman who left him. Japeth had shown Aric what it meant to share a bond with, to truly appreciate the company of a friend, and most importantly Japeth had shown Aric what it meant to feel happiness.

But Aric was evil. Perhaps he wasn't born that way, but he grew up unloved and broken, only to find himself in the presence of another who felt exactly the same way. When Rhian had hurt Japeth with his harsh words, Aric jumped to Japeth's defense because he hated seeing Japeth so knocked down by a person who didn't seem to appreciate him for his flaws and all.

And if attacking Rhian meant protecting Japeth from those who'd wronged him...well, Aric would do it once more in a heartbeat if it meant showing Japeth how much he truly meant to him. Oh yes. Aric would do it a thousand times over without hesitation, even if it'd always lead to him being banished and forced to leave his only friend behind.

For Japeth, Aric would've done anything.

But now Japeth was gone, and Aric only had the memories to hold onto of his dear departed friend, his only friend. All Aric could do now was move on with his life and push past his grief.

That's why Aric would turn his grief over losing Japeth into anger towards the one woman who'd left him without reason. If going on a warpath to find Lenora Lesso would distract Aric from his pain than that's exactly what he'd do.

It was the only way to let Japeth go for good.

So Aric continued on his journey. It only took a few more long minutes before he finally heard the sound of commotion coming from ahead. He broke through the trees to see a dirt trail veering through a gap in the thickets where two boys were shouting at one another.

The little boys looked much younger than Aric and were fighting over a bag in between them, trying to wrestle it out of the other's grip.

Aric heard the chinking sound coming from within the bag as the boys fought over it indicating it might be gold or something like marbles. Two possible guesses.

Aric was tempted to snatch the bag himself and steal the possible riches from them, but it was risky. The boys could inform their parents or the authorities of Aric's thievery, and Aric could be thrown in prison. And He couldn't possibly hunt his mother down while he was stuck in jail, now could he?

Instead, Aric shuffled by the bickering boys and resumed onwards where the beginnings of the BloodBrook village lay.

An old peddler, possibly a man-wolf with his scruffy beard and hairy ears, rolled a cart down the dirt road, selling trinkets. A woman walked along with her husband and infant curled in her arms as a rider on horseback trotted down the path in a brisk red uniform, indicating he was of higher status.

Aric moved past cottages and stores clustered along the path before his eyes settled on a wooden sign hanging from a wooden panel jutting out from torn awning; "BloodBrook's Pub of Potions and other Delicacy!"

Outside the pub, there were potted flowers, but they were wilted as if nobody had bothered watering them. The smells of frying meat and scents wafting from the broken wooden door made Aric's mouth water.

A drink or two wouldn't hurt, now would it?

Aric stepped slowly into the building and a set of bells on the door jingled as he pushed it open. The pub was dimly lit with single candles flickering on the occasional grease stained tabletop and the faded paint on the walls was adorned with animal skulls and old articles hanging up.

A group of busty looking men were huddled at a table dealing cards. A female worker with a loose bun wearing an apron swept the floors.

Aric found a lonely seat in the back of the room where the only window in the Pub lay. It seemed he'd arrived here just in time, for looking out the window he saw that the daylight was slowly fading and more people had already begun to stream into the pub from outside.

"Can I get you something, Sweetheart?" The female worker asked Aric, wiping her hands on her apron. She had a crisp strange accent Aric had never heard before.

"Some Rum, Miss," Aric told her, stretching out in his seat and propping his dirty leather boots on the tabletop to rest. Finally Sitting down felt good after all the traveling he'd done these past few weeks.

"I'll be right on that," the worker responded, off to take his order.

Aric gazed around the Pub now teeming with people, mostly men chatting about their days or the economic problems going around in the kingdoms. The atmosphere was teeming with relaxation and warmth, but inside Aric was far from pleased.

He still had work to do, for as soon as he'd drank his fill, he'd be out looking for information that'd help him reach the School for Good and Evil. He was on a mission, and nothing could disrupt that.

"Here you go, Sir," the girl said, placing a mug before Aric. "That'll be three coins unless you're gonna want a refill—"

"This is Fine, thanks," Aric cut her off with his coldest tone imaginable as he shuffled through his bag and found the money. He placed the coins on the table and the girl gave him a filthy look before she took the coins and stormed away.

Aric allowed his gaze to wander around the room lazily as he sipped at his drink. The rum tasted bitter sliding down his throat and left an unpleasant aftertaste on his tongue, but the liquid warmed his insides nonetheless. It was only when he turned his head to the side to peer out the window that a stack of papers sticking out of the windowsill caught his eye.

He scanned the heading; "Princes cast from Homes: School for Good and Evil no more! Read the daily scoop!"

Aric saw the date on the news article was fairly recent, and he reached out to snatch the papers into his hands just as the waitress approached to clean off the empty table nearest to his. She wiped off the tabletop but ignored Aric as she quickly turned and hurried away whilst muttering obscenities beneath her breath.

Aric rolled his eyes and skimmed the page before him to find that after the School Master's death at the School for Good and Evil, two girls named Sophie and Agatha inspired girls all around the world to free themselves from the clutches of men. The School for Evil was now known as the School for Boys and the old School for Good was now the School for girls, both schools feuding over slavery and normality.

"The School for Girls is said to be led now by a peculiar woman known as Evelyn Sader who adores feminism while Tedros, prince of Camelot, is now in charge of the rival—"

Aric's eyes widened at the name of the School for Girl's leader. Evelyn Sader. The mother of Japeth and Rhian who'd abandoned her sons in Arbed House without a goodbye. Japeth didn't miss his mother as much as Rhian did who'd always wondered where she had gone. But now, it was clear. Evelyn Sader was at the School for Girls, but why?

Aric gripped his drink and tossed the rest of the liquor down his throat before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he shoved the news article in his dingy leather bag for safekeeping. He stood up from his seat, planning to leave and find the route information he needed to find his way to the School for Girls.

But as Aric started past the sticky tables towards the door, a figure caught his eye. Aric could feel the person's eyes glued on him as he slowly felt his hand inch for the knife at his belt, unsure whether the stranger was trustworthy or not. Out of the corner of his eye, Aric could see three more figures emerge from the shadows to stand next to the first figure.

Aric felt his heart thumping against his ribcage as he turned to the group, putting on his best smirk in hopes of catching them off guard. Aric betted he could win in a fight against two of them, but four?

Aric was outnumbered and only had a knife on him. He didn't know how many or what weapons these guys were hiding beneath their cloaks.

"We saw you come in a while ago," One of the Hoods spoke up, voice scratchy as if his tongue was made of sandpaper. "What's that article you've got?"

Aric felt his fists clench as he squared his shoulders, trying to look menacing as he fixed his violet eyes on the hooded men. "Nothing really," he responded, voice dangerously low. "Just a paper on political matters involving all the kingdoms...why?"

The men stirred and the hood who'd first spoken stepped forward, hands raising to rip his hood off. A scarred boy stared back at Aric, green eyes flickering in the flame light and brown hair short and coarse. The other hoods also revealed their faces one by one, all looking around Aric's age.

"The names Krushem," The green eyed boy said. "Soldier of Altazzara. My parents and sisters cast me from my home and left me for dead. Same with Carmelo except he was a prince who was thrown away by his princess." Krushem pointed to a tan boy with honey blonde hair and than a tall black haired boy with piercings, "Armeq just wants a chance at Tedros' reward."

The fourth boy was named Balleng who'd left his home in Ginnymill by choice to follow Armeq on his dreams to getting Tedros' riches. Apparently, Sophie, the infamous witch of Woods Beyond,  had a bounty on her head ordered by Prince Tedros himself. He wanted the witch dead and there were boys like Armeq and Balleng who wanted to turn Sophie in and get the reward themselves.

"You took a news article on the Schools," Krushem pointed out to Aric. "We thought you were interested in the treasure too. How about you join us on our journey to the Schools?"

Aric's eyes narrowed, thinking hard. These boys were going to the same place as him for treasure, not vengeance. But after weeks of being alone in the woods, Aric considered it to be good to have some company. But if these boys slowed Aric down on the journey or got in the way of his revenge, he'd slit their throats in their sleep.

"Why not?" Aric shrugged and the boys exchanged glances before Krushem tipped his head and they all filed out of the pub and outside.

When they'd all stepped foot outside, Balleng and Armeq started up a conversation about what they'd do with the treasure when they earned it by turning in Sophie. Krushem led the way to an old wooden wagon where two horses at the front were tied precariously to a pole situated outside a rickety shack.

"This your wagon?" Aric asked, suspicious of the fact that the wagon was full of barrels of cider and wondering why these group of idiots would have so much cider prepped for a journey to the Schools.

Maybe they just really liked Cider...?

But Aric's suspicions were answered when Krushem reached out to grab one of the horses' reins and the horse eyed him warily as if he were an intruder, stamping the ground with its hooves anxiously. Balleng helped Krushem by untying the rope that secured the horses to the pole and Carmelo jumped up on the seat to steer. Than, Armeq hopped in the back of the wagon and gingerly pushed the barrels off where they landed and spilled all over the ground.

"Quickly, get in!" Krushem urged Aric just as the horses neighed erratically. That's when the door of the shack sprung open to reveal a startled looking man who looked baffled at the sight of the boys hijacking his wagon.

"Hey. That's my wagon! Get back here!" The man cried, running after them as Carmelo flicked the reins and the horses reared back before beginning to gallop away. The wagon veered off, the horses pulling it along the dirt trail as the man was soon left in the dust with his broken cider barrels.

Aric had to hold on tight to the rails of the wagon bed as Carmelo steered the wagon along, faster and faster until the rickety wagon slowed at a fork in the trail. Aric's companions shared glances before Krushem procured a stained map from his ragged cloak and spread it on his lap. Aric leaned over to see that it was a map of all the kingdoms in the woods including instructions on how to get to the whereabouts of the flowerground train, the biggest transportation system in the endless woods.

"Map says if we follow this path twenty or so miles out, we'll reach the next kingdom over," Krushem said aloud, pointing at the left path leading deeper into the trees. "If we travel at a steady pace until than, we'll have reached the kingdom by nightfall."

"Actually," Aric said, speaking up. All the boys turned to him with questioning glances as Aric snatched the map from Krushem's hands. "Based on this map, the Schools are about a weeks journey if we travel through the kingdoms. My advice would be for us to cut through the woods instead. That way we'll arrive to the Schools much sooner and won't have to travel as far."

Aric's companions looked at one another as if trying to silently make a decision amongst themselves. Krushem gaped as if he were stunned he hadn't thought of such a wonderful plan like that before. Balleng and Armeq stared hard at the map in thought, and Carmelo crossed his arms in a sign of annoyance s if he didn't agree with Aric's mindset at all.

Carmelo's whole body language made Aric's mind jump back to Rhian and the way Arthur's so called heir had acted when he'd caught Aric and Japeth in Evelyn's old home that one time. Aric felt his fingers curl into a fist as the image of Japeth's brother lingered in his mind. He turned his glare to Carmelo and the prince held his gaze briefly before Aric saw a flash of unease in the blonde boy's gaze.

Aric smirked. Good. Carmelo would be good to know not to mess with Aric. If he did, Aric would be sure to do what he hadn't been able to do to Rhian.

"Where you from?" Balleng asked Aric, looking up from the map.

"Foxwood," Aric replied. He was actually from BloodBrook, but for some reason the only thing that popped into Aric's mind at that moment was Arbed, was Japeth.

"Huh, you don't come off as a Foxwood kind of guy to me," Armeq pointed out, and the other boys nodded in agreement. "Foxwood's an Ever Kingdom, ain't it?"

"It is," Aric said, turning to the black haired boy. "But I stayed there for a while before I was—before I went on my way. Left Foxwood about three and a half weeks ago."

Aric felt a lump lodge in his throat at the realization that he hadn't seen his dear friend in a month. He was sure him and Japeth would be sitting on the steps by now, skinning animals, and irritating the crap out of Rhian and Kei.

You won't lose me, is what Aric had promised Japeth with the belief that it was true. It was Ironic how things had turned out since Japeth and Aric's talk on the roof back in Arbed.

Being away from Japeth hurt more than it should've, and picturing him brought a wave of anguish that washed over Aric. Than, Aric managed to compose himself enough to smirk at his new companions.

"Cutting through the woods would take less time," Balleng told Krushem and the other boys shrugged in agreement.

"The trees will provide us shelter," Aric informed them as Carmelo steered the wagon off the path and through the woods. "And there's plenty of dry foliage and sticks to build a fire. I know how to build some animal traps too for food."

Krushem stared at Aric strangely and Aric even saw a bit of surprise flicker in his green gaze. "You say you've been away from home for a month?" Krushem asked, scratching at the long scar running across his cheek.

"I'd say so," Aric responded, looking down at his ragged black clothes. "Why do you ask?"

"Just curious is all," Krushem said, rolling up his map and stuffing it back into the folds of his cloak. He cocked a slender eyebrow at Aric. "You look a mess if I'm being honest. Are you headed for the schools for the treasure like us? No offense but...I just don't take you as the power hungry type."

Aric contemplated his next choice in words. He recalled Japeth again and felt a sense of frustration grip him in its iron fist. Krushem has said he used to be a soldier of Altazarra who'd been cast from his home by his own family. Aric could probably make up some insane lie and Krushem would believe it...but Aric wouldn't.

"I'm after something much more..valuable than treasure," Aric seethed, trying to push away the frustration that the thought of Japeth brought upon him. He locked his violet gaze on Krushem, and forced a knife edged smile that'd have any young child running away screaming bloody murder.

"I'm after revenge," Aric announced. "There's a certain somebody who needs to pay for what they did to me long ago, and they're at the School for Good and Evil."

Krushem looked a taken back by Aric's answer as if he'd expected to hear Aric say  something other than revenge. As the wagon moved along the bumpy forest floor through the trees, Aric squinted at the faded sunlight shining through the treetops.

"We'll have to stop and camp soon unless we wanna travel in the dark," Balleng said, noticing Aric's look.

"There are creatures in the dark," Carmelo spoke up, glancing back at his friends as he clutched the horses' reins tightly. "Suppose we run into a Hipstem or a—"

"Hipstems reside near Pifflepaff Hills, Carmelo," Armeq huffed, crossing his arms. "This is the endless woods. Not some forest of hideous monsters and ghouls. Some prince you are being frightened of a bunch of creatures that aren't around."

"That's probably why your princess left ya in the first place," Balleng piped up, rolling his eyes. "She realized what a coward you are and decided she couldn't remain betrothed to a blonde ninny like you."

Carmelo's face reddened as Balleng, Armeq, and Krushem burst into laughter. Aric only narrowed his violet eyes as he regarded the prince in contempt.

"Just you wait," Carmelo hissed, flicking the reins to get the horses to go faster. "When I show Lillianna how brave I really am, she'll come crawling back to me. I'm gonna kill a blonde witch and nothing can stop me from that."

I'm gonna get you back for that, ya know? Just you wait...Japeth's voice echoed in Aric's skull, and for a single moment all Aric could see was his friend back on those steps, rubbing his forehead with that cocksure smile upon his cold, marble face. The image was so real, Aric had to suck in a gasp to compose himself.

Japeth was gone. Aric had no choice but to try to forget him. It was for the best after all. If he continued to dwell on his dear departed friend he was never gonna get Japeth out of his damn head.

The wagon continued along on its course, and it was only when night fell upon the forest that the group decided to rest. The horses were tired and since the other boys thought of Carmelo as a coward, the prince insisted he be the one to take watch for "ghouls" and "monsters."

So Balleng, Armeq, and Krushem laid down on the leaf strewn ground to get some shut eye. But lying on his side nearby, Aric could only watch the fire they'd built to keep warm.

The flames danced across the logs, flickering in and out like blinking eyes as if to trick Aric into falling asleep. Tufts of smoke billowed in the air and disappeared into the sky.

The fire heated Aric's skin, but the heat couldn't come to warm his darkened heart. Aric was too far away to feel that comfort he'd once felt before, too far away to ever be close to his best friend again. He had a goal now, and he had to follow through with it. He couldn't let the memory of Japeth distract him for any longer.

Staring into the flickering flames, Aric's violet eyes watered from the undeniable heat emitting from the fire before it became too much and he lurched to his feet to stumble against a tree for support. His fingernails scrapped at the bark, peeling it off as a way of blowing off steam, but the stress was already getting to him.

"Let him go," Aric murmured to himself, struggling to erase the image of Japeth from his mind. "Don't let his absence get to you. He's gone...He's Gone."

Aric screwed his eyes shut to keep the blue skies from invading his thoughts as he curled his hands into fists to contain his unrelenting anger.

Aric recalled his plan to get to the School for Girls and Boys, find his mother and destroy her, and for an instant he considered ditching the group. He'd cover much more ground on his own and would be able to easily sneak away and perhaps even steal one of the horses without anyone noticing.

But Aric couldn't move. He was frozen, his back pressed against the trunk of the tree as his legs threatened to give out on him. It was only when the sound of a snapping twig tore through the sound of the crackling fire and snoring that his eyes shot open.

"Hey," Carmelo said, coming up to greet Aric. "Why're you up? Can't sleep?"

Aric stared at the prince. Carmelo's soft wavy blonde hair and gentle brown eyes was everything Aric hated in a boy. His features were soft, not hardened and mean like a real boy's features should. His lips were full and plump, perfect for receiving the kisses of princesses, and his eyebrows were slender and arched like they were trimmed to perfection.

Carmelo was soft, cowardly, and idiotic just like an irritating boy Aric used to know. Carmelo thought he could just be nice to Aric, show him compassion when Aric was being torn over his best friend's absence. But Aric wouldn't let that slide. Carmelo didn't know Aric's pain. Carmelo knew nothing of Aric.

"Just trying to make small talk, man," Carmelo huffed, holding his hands up in a gesture of peace. "You don't gotta glare at me like that."

Instead of seeing the blonde prince before him, all Aric saw was red as if some inner rage had awoken within him to engulf him in a tidal wave. Oh god. Was the rum getting to him? His hand inched towards the weapon holstered at his belt before he wrapped his fingers around the hilt to seethe the dagger, flipping it in his hand like a toy.

In the darkness, Carmelo didn't make out the glint of the blade before it was too late. Aric sank the dagger deep into Carmelo's flesh with steady pressure and felt something warm and sticky trickle down his skin. A choked cry ripped from Carmelo's mouth as his gaze dropped down to stare at the wound inflicted in his sternum.

Carmelo tried to push Aric away, but Aric was stronger. He used force to hold Carmelo steady with one hand around his neck before he used his other hand to rip the dagger from Carmelo's skin. Carmelo winced and tears welled up in his eyes, but he couldn't scream, too shocked to plead for help.

"Maybe you and Lillianna could have had a happy ending if only you weren't such a coward," Aric sneered, tone dripping with bitterness as he thrust the dagger back into Carmelo's flesh, this time aiming for the neck.

Aric could feel Carmelo's sweaty chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath he took, and he could hear the Prince's heart pounding loudly against his ribcage like a war drum; a steady thump thump thumping sound that almost had Aric falling asleep.

But it was the feeling of the warm blood gushing from Carmelo's torn throat that kept Aric wide awake as the life faded from the Prince's eyes. Carmelo gurgled, coughing up blood before his eyes bulged wide one last time and his body slackened against Aric like a dead weight.

Oddly enough, Aric felt absolutely nothing as he extracted his dagger from Carmelo's dead body and wiped the bloody blade off with his shirt.

In a delirious haze, Aric stumbled back towards the fire, leaving Carmelo's broken, bleeding body behind before he slumped back down onto the forest floor.

Somehow, Aric felt his eyes droop as tiredness overcame him and the sound of the crackling flames lulled him to sleep.

His last thought before he drifted into unconsciousness was not his mother, or the fact he'd just killed someone, but of Japeth.

Aric took solace in the thought that Japeth would be proud of him for journeying this far and for holding his own.

Because Aric Was a Man, and that was something he couldn't say of Carmelo.


"This is about saving our school from two girls intent on destroying it. Not cheap villainous carnage!"

Aric felt himself bristle at the righteous tone in Tedros' voice, and his thoughts turned to the future trial Tedros oh so insisted on having. Surely the "Oh-So-Great-Prince-of-Camelot" couldn't possibly think some foolish trial could somehow result in Sophie and Agatha's executions?

Aric recalled the boys in Arbed House mocking Tedros just as much as Aric and Japeth used to mock Rhian and Kei for their Camelot beliefs. The Arbed boys believed Tedros to be unfit and too soft to ever lead a kingdom.

With his golden hair and sun kissed skin, Tedros eerily reminded Aric of Rhian. But Rhian was gone. While Rhian had been childish with his role playing and his impossible attitude towards Japeth, Tedros seemed more grown up despite some of his decisions (and his previous relationship with that Agatha girl).

But now, seeing the current situation at hand and Tedros' decisions on a Trial to deal with said situation...Well, Aric didn't feel too comfortable with saying Tedros was more grown up than Rhian.

Aric was determined now more than ever to kill Lady Lesso as long as as it helped ease his pain. Nothing would change that.

"When our teachers return, they'll punish you for all you've done!" Aric hissed, fists clenching.

Aric wasn't expecting for Tedros to lunge at him, using his weight to shove Aric against the windowsill, stones digging into Aric's back. Aric felt surprise course through his bones as Tedros leant over him, teeth gnashed in a sinister sneer. "Remember your place, you savage. I let you into this school, and I can show you out."

Aric could feel Tedros' hands holding him down, the heavy weight of the Prince's palms above his heart. But what made Aric's eyes widen was Tedros' gaze. Tedros' eyes were two perfectly cut blocks of ice, two stormy oceans but strangest of all...they were a deep blue color like two blue skies Aric once gazed into before. The blue skies Aric had once found comfort in belonging to a friend who he was forced to leave. How had Aric not noticed it before?

Not only were Rhian and Tedros somewhat similar, but Tedros and Japeth had the same beautiful blue eyes Aric knew all too well. So was it possible...? Could it be that Rhian and Kei spouting nonsense about Rhian being the son of King Arthur wasn't really "nonsense" after all? Was Japeth and Rhian truly the sons of King Arthur and Evelyn Sader?

Aric's thoughts were suddenly so jumbled up that he barely even noticed It when Tedros grabbed his arm to pull him to his feet without a word.

Usually, Aric wouldn't take lightly to somebody asserting their strength over his, but Aric knew he couldn't disregard Tedros' threat. If the blonde prince kicked him out of the School for Boys, he'd have nowhere else to go. Aric needed to stay here close to the School for Girls where his mother was so he could destroy her when the time came. It was the only way to make him forget. Forget about his time in Arbed House with the one boy he never thought he'd lose.

Needless to say, Aric was all too glad when Tedros finally looked away to focus his deep blue gaze out the School Master's window. Across Halfway Bay, feral princes made their way through the hole in the broken shield like starved animals on the hunt for blood.

"You must be quite the magician to crack it. Lady Lesso cast that shield herself," Tedros' voice broke the demeaning silence. Aric couldn't help but clench his jaw at the name of the woman who'd abandoned him so long ago.

"Aric, I want only the best fighting with you and me," Tedros went on, clearly not noticing Aric's tense posture. "Whoever wins can have my treasure, as promised."

Aric resisted the urge to scoff at Tedros' sincerity after the prince had had the gall to threaten him by practically saying he'd kick Aric out. The only reason Aric was even following the blonde oaf was because Tedros was the leader of this School full of boys, full of an army Aric could use if he wanted too. Besides, all the boys in the School for Boys already feared Aric for his unjust torturing and mean demeanor.

Aric didn't care about Tedros' dumb reward or some stupid trial that'd put the boys and girls on "even ground." All that was on Aric's mind was destroying his mother. But to reach that goal, Aric unfortunately had to endure listening to Tedros until the teachers recovered and took charge.

So Aric turned to Tedros and forced a smile across his face. "As you wish, Master," He snipped, meeting Tedros' gaze.

Tedros looked pleased with Aric's response most likely proud that Aric was such a loyal compliant follower. But deep inside, Aric was seething like a caged animal, praying that the teachers would revive soon enough and put a stop to Tedros' shenanigans.

It was only when night fell that Aric found himself pacing the halls of the Boy's School after a long day of punishing and convening with Tedros on the best way to awaken their sleeping faculty.

Aric's arm felt sore after whipping a disobedient Nicholas who'd threatened one of his men and a disrespectful Chaddick. Chaddick had done nothing but complain about Tedros' choice in School captain before Aric had had enough and watched the Hoods drag Chadrick's thrashing body into the Doom Room. The sound of Chaddick's screams of agony, his pleading for mercy should've pleased Aric. But it'd only made him angrier like a fuse about to explode.

Aric could recall the number of times the whip had lashed against Chaddick's back and the sickening crack of the leather against his raw flesh. The smell of blood so thick and overwhelming as it ran down Chaddick's back in ribbons...1, "Please!" ....2, "Mercy, mercy!" ...3, "I'll behave! I won't disrespect you again. I promise, just Stop!!!"

But the worst part wasn't Chaddick's obvious pain or how Aric's knuckles ached from clutching the whip so hard. No...The worst part was the face Aric would see in his mind every time the whip lashed against Chaddick's tender skin. It was the cold, pale face looking smooth to the touch, the messy copper hair and deep impenetrable blue eyes boring deep into Aric's very soul.

To see Japeth gave Aric a strange sense of fragility, a sense of utter aloneness and despair as if Aric was broken and couldn't ever be fixed. Not only was his heart broken, but maybe even his mind as well. Aric would be a fool not to admit he missed Japeth but an even greater fool to believe he would ever see his old friend again. A huge fat fool!

And looking back at how Rhian had called him a monster in Arbed House and the way Kei had looked at Aric with distaste and contempt...and how Aric had arrived at the School for Boys only to begin punishing those around him, Aric could see that he truly was a monster after all. A monster who chose to delve into the misery and suffering of others rather than deal with his own pain. What would Japeth think if he saw what Aric had become?

The answer to that particular question Scared Aric.

Deep down, Aric wanted to somehow let his long lost friend know he missed him, to let Japeth know he still cared about him more than anything in his now screwed up life.

That's how Aric found himself going into his room to retrieve a quill and parchment. Than, he sat down on his bed and began to write...

Dear Japeth,

I remember when we used to sit on the steps in front of school just talking. The blueberries we'd eat. The smile you'd give me. The way you would scoot closer to me like you needed me. We were together. Together before your idiotic brother gave me no choice.

You knew I couldn't just stand there and let him push you around like that. I gave Rhian what he deserved. I did it to protect protect US. Because Japeth you are my friend and I would've done anything for you. In a heartbeat. Always.

And maybe you don't understand that, maybe you hate me now just as much as I hate myself. I've become surrounded by pain, Japeth. Consumed by my own heartbreak. Revenge is the only thing I care about now. I've turned into a monster without you.

But now I see that remembering you, thinking of you every second of every single day, only brings more pain. More heartache and misery I can't deal with.

That's why I have to forget you because being with you, it made me weak. And I can't be weak. I have to be strong or I'll never move on from you. That's why I'm letting you go, Japeth. Please understand and please forgive me for this. This is my last goodbye.


If any of you guys got confused with the weird transition in the middle of the chapter, it was basically a time skip to after Aric arrives at the School for Boys and starts working for Tedros. If you didn't notice, that scene between Aric and Tedros was an actual scene from A World Without Princes, I just added onto it from Aric's POV.
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