Free Time - Ruel Fanfic

By cheesepizza379

6K 126 102

Kara and Ruel have been friends since they could remember but what will happen when their careers take off? W... More

1; Poems
2; Auditions
3; Butterfly
5; Messages
6; Premiere
7; Satan's Minions
8; No More School?
9; Popcorn for Breakfast
10; What did you get for 8?
11; You Yelled?
12; She isn't planning on coming back
13; I'm going to explode
14; I am Captain Marvel
9th Nov 2019
15; My toast!

4; Birthday Surprises

389 10 7
By cheesepizza379

*The next day on set*

*Third person perspective*

Everyone was getting ready for the next scene. In this scene Ella changes herself to try and find some friends in the group of 'nerds' as they were classified as by the rest of the school. Her outfit was a purple skirt, a cute printed shirt and her hair was done up into pigtails.

She got on her outfit and headed out to the set where the scene was being shot.

"Kara! Let's start, shall we?" The director says pointing to Kara's place in the scene.

She nodded and walked over to her place.

Ella walks into the cafeteria and makes her way to the table of 'nerds'. They turn their heads towards her as they notice her walking to their table. They quickly turn their heads to each other and discuss something.

"Hi" Ella says as she reaches the table.

They break their huddle and look up at Ella.

"Hello" They all say in sync.

"Sooo. Did you guys enjoy math!" Ella asks as she tries to take a seat but fails as none of them move to make any space, so she just stays standing.

"Yes, but I believe that Physics was definitely a lesson to enjoy today" one of them says.

"Of course!" Ella says, it was shown across her face that she had no idea what they were talking about as she doesn't take Physics.

After a while more of pestering them the bell goes and they all scramble to get to their next class leaving Ella behind standing by herself.

"That went well" She says to herself.

"Cut" the director yells

"Kara that was great" James says from behind the camera.


The next few months flew past quickly. Kara was enjoying herself filming Butterfly. Her and James had gotten closer and hung out a lot more in their free time when they weren't filming. The 7 months was coming to an end. They hadn't finishing filming yet, but the actors needed a break, so the directors planned accordingly so they had one month off before they came back for another final 2 months of filming.

Kara and James were hanging out in Kara's trailer playing Monopoly when Kara's phone starts ringing. It's Ruel. She answers the call.

"Hey Ruel"

"Hey Kara, what are you doing?"

"Just playing Monopoly with James" Kara saying turning the camera around to show Ruel the board and James waving to him.

"Hey James" Ruel says.

"Why did you call? Anything important" Kara asks turning the camera back around to face her.

"No, not really. I just miss you. But we have one more month till you are back!" Ruel says.

"Wait, aren't we leav—" James starts but Kara cuts him off.

"I KNOW I MISS YOU SO MUCH TOO!" Kara screams on top of James.


*Ruel's POV (I realised I didn't have to write out 'perspective' each time) *


She disconnects the call. That was odd. But I don't blame her I miss her a lot too. I guess I'll call her back later when she is in a better mood.

*Third person POV*

"What was that for?" James asks Kara "Does he not know?"

"No, he doesn't he still thinks I'm here for another month. I'm going to surprise him for his birthday" Kara says.

"Aww that is so sweet"

*29 October*

The Danvers just landed in Sydney. It is currently 10 am so they enough time until 5 pm when Ruel's birthday party starts. They hop into a taxi and make their way home. Luckily the Van Dijks were not at home, so they were able to sneak into their house without their neighbours noticing. Kara doesn't bother to unpack her bags yet but instead takes a shower and gets ready.

"Kara! Come quickly" Maia calls as Kara finishes doing her hair.

Kara runs down the stairs and sees Ralph and her parents sitting in the living room.

"Hey Kara, long time no see huh?" Ralph says giving Kara a hug.

"Yeah, so is everything ready?"

"Yup! He called in the morning and confirmed the meeting for tomorrow. Once that's done... well you know the rest?" Ralph says.

"Yeah, so when is it?" Kara says sitting down on the couch.

"In a week so he has time to process everything" Ralph chuckles.


A car pulls up in the driveway.

"Their back!" Ralph says jumping up and quickly hurrying out the back door of the house.

"See you at the party" he says before leaving.

*Ruel's POV*

We get out of the car after our being out for almost the whole day. We have an hour until my party starts so we head inside the house to start the preparations. It's really sad that Kara won't be able to make it, but I'll FaceTime her so it's almost like she is here.

I see dad come in a little while after we arrived.

"Hey dad, where were you?" I ask

"Just grabbing some last minutes things" he replies holding up the bags in his hands.

The time passes by and people start arriving to our house. We decided to have a small barbecue party with a few friends and family.

Madi, Ivy, David and Josh arrive at the same time. They must have carpooled.

"Happy Birthday RUEL!" They scream as they walk inside.

"Thanks guys" I say leading them outside to the backyard where my dad has set up the barbecue and the rest of the party.

After a while of playing games and stuffing our faces with food fresh off the BBQ, we decide to go inside and open the presents.

"Here open mine first!" Madi says handing me a small blue box.

"Ok" I start to unwrap it. Inside there is a collection of guitar picks with Frank Ocean on them.

"Wow. This is so cool, thanks Madi" I say giving Madi a smile.

I finish opening my last gift which was from David. It was a pair of white converses. The previous gifts were pretty cool, but I think the best one was a new guitar from my parents.

"Thanks everyone! These gifts are great" I say.

"Wait there one more thing" Coco says with a smirk on her face.

"What do yo—" I start but get cut off by someone tackling me to the ground.


We land on the ground and I hear the lump on my back giggle. Wait I know that giggle. Kara?

"Kara?" I say

"Happy Birthday ROOOOL" Kara says from on top of me

"KARA!" I yell turning over on to my back and giving my best friend a hug.

"I missed you too" She chuckles hugging me back.

We get back onto our feet, everyone around us 'awing'.

"Should we cut the cake now?"

"Wait not yet, you haven't opened my gift yet" Kara says.

"Aren't you the gift" I say with a smile.

"Trust me this is better than me"

"Nothing is better than you" I say under my breathe but Kara obviously hears it as she is standing right next to me. She turns to me and gives me a small smile and puts something in my hand.

"What is this?" I say unfolding the pieces of paper she placed into my hand.

"Read it"

Hello, Ralph

Thank you so much for the video you sent me. Ruel has an amazing voice and I would love to work with him sometime.


"Wait what?!" I say

"Ralph sent M-phazes a video of you singing. He loved your voice and he wants to meet with you tomorrow. Maybe even become your producer"



*Cake time*

*Third Person POV*

"Happy Birthday to youuu. Happy birthday dear RUUUUELLL. Happy Birthday to you" Everyone sings as Ruel cuts the cake.

"Hey Ruel"

"Ye—" he starts but gets hit in the face with a handful of cake by yours sincerely, Kara.

"Ahahaha" Kara laughs

"Oh, you are so dead!" He says grabbing a bit of the cake and running after Kara who had already sprinted off.

"No leave me alone" Kara yells running outside.

"I will get you!"

"No ahh" Kara yells as Ruel grabs her by the hand spinning her around and smashing the cake onto her face.

"Got ya" Ruel says rubbing the cakes all over her face.

"Well, at least it tastes good" Kara says licking the cake on her face.

*The next day*

Ruel, Kara and Ralph meet up with M-Phazes. Just when they are about to leave...

"It was nice meeting you Ruel, you have great potential and I know I will love working with you" Mark (M-phazes) says

"Thanks, you too"

"Ok I'll see you tomorrow to start rehearsing for your first gig then" Mark says. Kara and Ralph glance at each other quickly, they forgot to tell Ruel.

"What?" Ruel says with his eyes big switching between Mark, Ralph and Kara.

"Ohhhh yeah. We may have forgotten to mention you have your first gig on Sunday" Kara says with an awkward smile.

"My first gig! OH MY GOD!" Ruel yells running up to Kara and giving her a hug which Ralph joins in as well after Kara pulls him into it.

Ruel stays over at Kara's house for the night. They are sitting on Kara's double bed when Kara suddenly gasps.

"What! What happened?" Ruel asks jumping from Kara's sudden movement.

"We should get an Instagram, I mean if we were to become famous our fans have to find us someway right?" Kara says grabbing their phones from her side table and handing Ruel his.


They download Instagram on their phones and open accounts. Ruel's account is @oneruel and Kara's is @thekara.

"One Rule? Really?" Kara says looking over Ruel's shoulder into his phone.

"The Kara? Really?" Ruel says back.

Kara shrugs and looks back into her phone.


*Kara's POV*

We are in a small venue for Ruel's first gig. Everyone is here, when I say everyone, I mean everyone. The Van Dijks, Danvers and all out friends from school. Ruel is about to go on in a few minutes. I can tell he is nervous. I mean who wouldn't be. He's standing in the wings of the stage waiting for the guy on stage to introduce him.

"Hey Ruel. You'll do great" I say walking up to him

"Thanks Kara" He says and gives me a quick hug since he's about to go on.

I smile and give him a double thumbs up before walking out to take a seat with everyone else.

"Alright everyone! We've got some new talent in here. Please give it up for Ruel!" The announcer says.

Ruel walks on to the stage with his guitar and takes a seat on the stool in the middle of the stage.

"Hi everyone, I'll be playing Stay with Me by Sam Smith" he says smiling, when he sees me his smile grows.

"Guess it's true

I'm not good at a one night stand

But I still need love 'cause I'm just a man

These nights never seem to go to plan

I don't want you to leave

Will you hold my hand

Oh, won't you stay with me?

'Cause you're all I need

This ain't love, it's clear to see

But darling, stay with me

Why am I so emotional?

No, it's not a good look, gain some self control

Deep down I know this never works

But you could lay with me

So it doesn't hurt

Oh, won't you stay with me?

'Cause you're all I need

This ain't love, it's clear to see

But darling, stay with me

Oooh oh ooh oooh ooooh oh

Oooh oh ooh oooh ooooh oh

Oh, won't you stay with me?

'Cause you're all I need

This ain't love, it's clear to see

But darling, stay with me

Oh, wont you stay with me

'Cause you're all I need

This ain't love its clear to see

But darling

Stay with me"

When he finishes everyone claps and cheers. I run to the side of the stage and give him a hug.

"Ruel that was amazing" I say holding onto his shoulders.

"OH! That was the best thing ever!" He says jumping up and down. I join him too.

Coco enters the room with the rest of our family and friends, she runs over and starts jumping with us too.

"Ruel you did so good!" She says

"I know, I know" he says smirking


2129 WORDS

Hey little cheese sticks! This chapter is long, really long. So, enjoy! Please vote and comment what you think

Ahhh thank you so much for 100 reads! It truely means a lot.
Pizza OUT 🍕

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