The Girl and Her Breaking Hea...

Por Wildfire_247

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Alexandra Queen, she has never had a normal childhood. Her and her mother were abused by her father and his f... Más

Welcome to TGHBH
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
No Update this Weekend (NNTR#1)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
A/N Update (NNTR#2)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
A/N (NNTR#4)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chatper 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
The Heart Series

Chapter 31

30 1 0
Por Wildfire_247

↠ Adam Williams ↞

I walk back and forth in the kitchen thinking. How was I going to tell Alexandra about the people at the club.

'I mean she had to have remembered. Because not only did she see them and they saw her but, she eloped with Victor, which may I add will be drilled into my head and in my nightmares.

For god sakes I hope she remembers them, so I can just explain the part where I talked to them and got their numbers. But if she doesn't I still have to come up with something to say. I can't just dive straight in and say 'oh hey Alexandra did you know I saw-'

I lose my train of thought when I hear someone call out my name. Looking up at them I see Alexandra in the doorway looking at me concerned.

"Are you alright Adam?" She walks up to me asking and I nod in response.

"You seemed real deep in thought before I interrupted. Need someone to talk to about it?" She jumps on top of the island waiting for me to answer.

'This is your only chance Adam. You have to tell her'

"Um actually yeah, I wanted to ta-" before I can finish Victor comes in and interrupts me.

"Morning guys" he greets. We say it back. Alexandra looks back at me "you were saying?"

"Oh you know what, never mind. We can talk about it later" I laugh nervously. She gives me confused look. "Are you sure? Looked like it was serious." I nod and she sighs. "Alright, later it is. So what's for breakfast?" She asked changing the subject.

"Well I was gonna make eggs, bacon and some toast. But since we're all up why don't we all?" Alexandra an Victor look at me and then themselves. They shrug "why sure why not" Alexandra answers. "What the hell, why not. What could go wrong" Victor then answers when we both look at him for an answer.

And boy what a mistake that was...


"Yeah Victor is never cooking with us again" I say out of breath. "Agreed" Alexandra nodded.

"What?! What do you mean? I helped" he pouts and I roll my eyes.

"Helped with out? Make a mess?" Alexandra said beating me to it. "Wha-bu-" Victor said trying to reason. He looked like a fish out of water. He pouts when he can't defend himself.

"Yeah that's what I thought. You know Adam" she said and I look at her. "We shouldn't give Victor anything since he didn't do anything to help clean his mess."

"What?" We ignore Victor.

"I agree Alexandra, we did all the hard work and I think that calls for a treat that doesn't involve him." She nods "then it's settled. We're not sharing the food with Victor."

"Yeah" I agree. "Wait what?! Come on guys! You can't do that! I'm going to starve to death" he yells like a kid causing me to roll my eyes.

'And he's suppose to be older then us'

I look at Alexandra particularly asking if we should share. She looks at me then Victor and rolls her eyes but sighs in defeat.

"Fine but, you have to wash all the dishes for a month, deal?" She takes out her hand for him to shake. He looks at it then up at her and then me. "Seriously?" We nod. "Ugh fine, deal" he takes her hand and shakes it.

"Alright, here have my plate. I'll take out another for me." Not having to be told twice he takes Alexandra plate and digs in.

"Fat a*s" She mumbled but we both caught on. "What?" Victor say looking up already half way done with his food. "I said fat a*s" Alexandra repeated.

Victor gasps dramatically and looks at her bewildered "how dare you!" He yells. "I am certainly NOT a fat a*s women. Have you seen these ads." He explains lifting his shirt show them off to her.

"Yeah I have Victor, doesn't make you any less of a fat a*s. Now continue eating before I take it away from you and give it to Adam. Which I'm pretty sure will be more then happy to eat for you." Victor grabs his plate and pulls it closer to himself while glaring at me. "Guilty" I say shrugging.

Alexandra takes out a plate for herself and sits down next to me across from Victor on the island. We eat in silence. It didn't take Victor long before breaking the peaceful silence.

"So are going to talk about what happened yesterday or no?" He says taking his last bite.

"What about yesterday?" Alexandra looks up at him confused.

'Oh sh!t, she doesn't remember yesterday?'

"At the club, there was these crazy too people claiming to know you. I can't remember their name because I frankly didn't care." Victor looks at me. "Wait didn't you stay behind to talk to them or something? Would explain why you took long in the club."

"Oh um... actually yeah. That's what I've been meaning to talk to Alexandra about." They look at me curiously waiting for me to continue.

'Here goes nothing'

"The two people in the club know Alexandra. Like actually know her. When you were taking her outside to the car," I look at Victor "they tired following. I knew you were annoyed at them already and if you saw them, I knew you would flip. They had reached outside enough for me to see their faces clearly. That's when I saw that one of them looked like Samuel. I was confused at first. I mentioned Samuel and he sort of looked panicked. He demanded me to tell him from where I knew him. Or if I'm working with him to kidnap Alexandra again.

I explained to him everything. About how he basically hired to get you back to him, giving us money for a home and food. I left out the part where we almost liked you though. I didn't think they would trust me if I did. But I mentioned how something had happened that landed you in our house and that you've been staying with us since. When they heard me out the girl began to explain how they knew you" I look at Alexandra "she told me how you guys were best friend. Meet after winter break senior year and instantly clicked. When she told me that I instantly knew who she was. From what you last told me. It was Elizabeth. She continued to explain about how you were kidnapped at age 18 from a hospital. And that they had been looking for you ever since. How your mother never gave up hope in finding you. Her, Sam and Nathaniel never gave up hope that they would find you alive.

They were very happy to hear that you got your memories back after the accident and that you escaped. They don't care if you did go back to them after all this time. They just care that you alive and well. I told them that you most likely wouldn't want anyone else to know. They understood so they're keeping it quite until you tell them otherwise. They gave me their phone numbers and asked me if you could some day call them." Tears were streaming down Alexandra's face. They were tears of joy.

"So it wasn't a dream or hallucination." We looked at her confused. "What?" She looks at us. "I thought it was a dream or a hallucination created by the dug that was in my drink. I thought that I had just dreamt or hallucinated seeing them at the club. But it wasn't, it was real." She smiled with tears still in her eyes.

"So what are you going to do?" Victor spoke up. Alexandra looks at him and down at her hands. She was playing with them, something I've noticed her do sometimes when she gets nervous. Which isn't often with us.

"I don't know. I'm scared to go back. I'm not ready to go back. What about Samuel?" We look at her confused.

"Weren't you guys suppose to keep an eye out for me for him? Won't something happen if he finds out that you guys willingly just let me go?" I laughed.

"You thought we were still working for him? After all this time?" She nods slowly. "How else would you guys still have money. I mean I know I should be mad but you guys aren't bad people, you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him." I shake my head.

"We lost all contact with him on purpose. You trusted us when you didn't even know us, so we thought we owed you by helping you. By keeping Samuel from hurting you any further. So don't worry about him." I reassure her.

When I'm done speaking Alexandra gets up with even more tears in her eyes then before and, comes and hug me and then Victor. He was surprised but then hugged her back awkwardly, making us laugh.

"Thank you guys so much" She gives us a smile as she hits down again. "It's the least we can do" she hugs me again. "Hey! Where's my hug" Victor pouts when she doesn't also give him another hug. "I already gave you one dummy."

"Yeah but you gave Adam two! I sense favoritism" he continues pouting like a big baby. Laughing Alexandra gets up and give him another hug as well. They look at each other for a while and then just smile.

"Alright enough flirting with the eyes kids" they roll their eyes and laugh "weren't flirting dumba*s, were friends that's it." Victor response. I expected for Alexandra to look hurt or angry by that but she wasn't. "Yeah" She smiles at me.

I wanted to comment on the matter but, their adults and know what their doing so I won't question it.

"Alright, well come on finish your food before it gets cold" I don't even have to tell Victor twice when he digs in again.


"Alexandra just breath. It's going to be fine." She looks at me panicked.

"What if they hate me?" I shake my head. "They won't Alex. I told you, they understand. They miss you and that's all. But if you don't feel up to it today then it's all fine as well." She bites her lip thinking.

"Alright" She said after a while "I'll do it, understand one condition" I wait for her to continues when she looks at me "you stay with me at all times." I laugh "of course Alex, I'll be here the whole time.

"Alright, I'm doing this. I'm finally going to talk to Sam and Elizabeth after years of not speaking to them. Just three people talking. Nothing to panic about." She says talking to herself. Taking a deep breath she grabs the paper with Elizabeth and Sams number and dailies the number into my phone.

Once it's in to press call and places on her ear. Waiting with her for someone to answer. I hear someone else's voice on the other side of the phone.

"Hello?" She says. They answer but I can't hear what they say. "Um is this Elizabeth phone?" They answer again. "Well she asked me to call her on this phone." They answer "oh alright thank you s I much, but before you go... May I ask who I'm speaking to? You just sound familiar." Whatever they say makes her tense and hang up the call instantly. I look at her worried.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" She tried answering but nothing came out.

"Alexandra?" Still nothing came out. I grab the phone from her hands and place it on my bed. I then grab her hand and bring her to my bed and sit her down.

"Breath Alex," She takes and breath and then looks back at me "now tell me what happened."

"It was Sam or Elizabeth that answered the call. It was a guy, he sounded familiar. But I couldn't get how or why. So I asked if it was Elizabeth phone. Making sure I didn't accidentally call someone else since a guy was answering. They said yeah she was just busy and couldn't get to the phone. He then asks why I was calling. I tell him she wanted me to. He says alright that he would go get her since apparently she was done with whatever she was doing. But the fact that he sounded familiar was bugging me so I asked before he passed the phone. It was Nathaniel, Adam" she laughs. "What's so funny?" She shakes her head "that's actually his last name, Nathaniel Adams." It makes me chuckle as well.

"I haven't heard his voice in years Adam" she smiles sadly at me. "It was so good to hear it but, I panicked. I didn't know what to do." I give her a sympathetic smile.

"It's okay Alex, you have to take your time. There's no need to rush thing. The fact that you even called in the first place is a big seat in its self. I'm proud of you."

"Thank Adam, I swear your so wise that sometimes I'm considered if your not just a 50 year old man stuck in a 25 years body."

"Well I'm a hot, wise 25 year old." I say flipping my imaginary long hair. She looks at me weird and then just starts cracking up me following after. Just laughing our a*ses off for a good 5 minutes before we hear a knock on the door. We start calming down.

"What are you guys laughing about" he said giving us a weird look. "Nothing" Alexandra manages to say before she starts laughing again. Me following her again.

"Fvcking weirdos, turn on the AC when you guys are done being fvcking stup!d. Fvck I'm burning up." Victor says as he leaves us.


"So what are we doing today guys?" Alexandra asks looking bored. Victor, Alexandra and I were just sitting on the sofa. Alexandra was actually sitting more on us then the sofa. Her legs were on me and her head on Victors lap as he played with her hair.

"I don't know? Ask Victor over there. He's the one with the car." I mumble throwing my head back in annoyance.

'This heat is going to kill me'

"Hey, the car is both of ours." Victor says clearly hearing me. I roll my eyes and proceed to groan annoyed. "Well you treat the damn car like it's only yours dumba*s."

"Hey respect your elders kid" I roll my eyes again. "Firstly your just a year and a half older then me okay. Secondly you sure a*s hell don't act like your age. Child more like." I mumble the last part to myself. This time making sure he didn't hear me.

"Yeah whatever loser" I could particularly hear his eye roll.

"You guys are both childish. And you guys are both older then me. Now come on and come up with something to do because I'm bored." Victor and I groan.

"You guys are no fun. How about this, I name some things and you guys say yes or no." We groan again.

"Alright how about going to the movies" groan.

"Club?" Groan. "Park?" Groan. "Strip Club?" Groan. "Beach?" Groan. "Library?" Groan. "Food Shopping?" Groan. "Mall?" Groan. "I swear if you guys said yes to the mall I would slap you." Groan. "Oh come on you sack of potatoes. Let's do something." Groan. "Alright you know what" she gets up "I'll choose somewhere random to go. You guys are going whether you like it or not since you don't want to answer." Groan. "Yeah I agree guys, we should definitely go to the beach." Groan.

Rolling her yes she pulls us up. "Damn women, when did you get so strong" rolling her eyes she walks to the hallway. "Come on guys. You have 10 minutes to get ready for the beach. And I swear if I hear even the slightest groan from you guys I will rip your d!ck from your body and feed it to the sharks. Now hurry up and get up before I do it anyway !" Victor and I look at each other scared and get.

'She might be small but she's still scary. And when she says she going to do something, she will do it. Best not to test your luck with her'


We arrive at the beach soon enough. All three of us ready to swim. Victor was wearing some black trunks while I wore green and blue ones. No they aren't polkadot, stripes okay.

I didn't actually know what Alexandra was wearing since she had towel around her waist and a shirt the said what is winter. She said she would take it off once we got to the beach though.

We look for a spot far away from the ocean to not hit us but close enough to feel the wind when the water hits the sand. It really hot today making it a real good day for the beach.


↠ Alexandra Queen ↞

"Awesome choice on the beach Alex." I hear Adam say as I remove my shirt and flip flops. "Thanks, thought it might be a good idea since it was hot." I respond. I take off my towel and start walk to the ocean. "Going for a swim, join if you guys want."

I drive head first when I'm waist high in the water as I see a wave coming. Swimming under the wave I come back up when it passes. I throw my head and removing my hair from my face. Looking up towards Adam and Victor. I see Victor looking straight and when while Adam gets up to get in the water. I wink at Victor and begin to swim a little feather in.

When I'm deep enough to be still be able to touch the floor if I try, I look up and feel as my back raises up and floats. The water moved under me. I lay there in silence for a while.

But out of nowhere before I can even process what's happening I'm grabbed, lifted and thrown. I swim back up and look at who threw me. Victor swims up as and looks at me.

I glare at him "What?" I raise me eyebrow when he looks at me confused. "Playing dumb huh." He shrugs and starts swimming back to shore laughing.

He doesn't get far when I get on his back stopping him. "What are you doing Alex?" I laugh "Come on horsey, hurry up and get to shore." He laughs and grab me. Spinning me around so that I'm in front of him facing him.

"What?" I say innocently "don't as t innocent" he rolls his eyes. "But I am" I pout. "Cute, but an adorable pout won't get you out if this one."

He grab me while I scream to put me down and throws me once again in the water. When I get I look back  and see him swimming towards me. I don't get far when he grabs my leg pulling towards him again. I had my back to him this time.

"Think you could escape me?" He whispers against my neck making me shiver. "Victor" I say lowly. "Yeah babe?" He kisses my neck.

"Stop, we're in public" I say fighting the urge to beg him to continue. "Screw them, they can't see us all the way here" he rubbed against my backside causing me to moan. "Victor" I moan "we can't" he groans.

"Alright, but we're not done here." I nod laughing. He had loosen his grip so I use that chance and start swimming away. "Hey! Get back here Alex!" I hear him yell after me as I swim away.

Once I get to shore I rush to where we were sitting and grab my towel. I look back and see Victor getting out of the water looking straight at me with a smirk. My eyes widen as I rap the towel around my waist and run barefoot to the car. I make it half way when I bump into someone making me fall backwater. My hair falling into my face.

"Alex!" I had Victor yell behind me worried. I get up slowly taking the fallen towel and rapping it around me again. "You okay Alex?" Victor says helping me dust away the sand on the towel.

"Yeah I'm fine." I answer still clearly sand off me. "Hey watch where your going alright man!" I hear Victor yell to the person I dumped into. I'm about to look up to defend the person when I notice a watch on the floor. Picking it up I hear them answer. "Sorry I didn't-"

He doesn't get to finish when someone yells. "Nathaniel we told you to wait up!" When I hear this name I looked up shocked. It was him, it was really him. He looks at me confused and then shocked.


『 𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚟𝚘𝚝𝚎 𝚋𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛 𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚘𝚖, 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙𝚜 𝚖𝚎 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚝 』

~Follow Me For Updates And Talk To Me Whenever You Want~
Twitter: Wildfire_247
Instagram: Wildfire_247

Xoxo ~Wildfire~♥️

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