Summer Delinquent

By Sammipott

374K 17.4K 10K

Tessa Hayes has always had to live in the shadows of her older siblings. Now that they're out of the house an... More

Summer Delinquent
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 7

11.3K 545 142
By Sammipott

Don't forget to like and leave a comment! I love to hear from you all!!

|| Chapter 7 ||

Sunday night rolls around after a boring, quiet day. My siblings are downstairs laughing and chatting outside on the patio with my parents but I don't have the time to sit and chat because Isaac is supposed to be picking me up in ten minutes.

I slip on my black combat boots with a pair of black leggings and my leather jacket. I throw my head forward and bunch my hair together, tying it up in a messy bun. My phone pings loudly, signaling that it's time to go.

My feet stomp down the stairs and I grab my small bag off the kitchen counter.

"And where are you off to?" Sebastian smirks, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl and taking a bite out of it.

"Nowhere," I shrug, taking two Gatorades out of fridge and shoving them into my bag.

"You do know that you have school tomorrow, right? Summer starts next week, and it's almost ten," Sebastian informs me, looking at his watch.

"Yeah I know, thanks for the reminder but I gotta head out," I salute him and rush out of the house, throwing a shout of 'goodbye' over my shoulder.

Isaac is sitting in a royal blue Lexus and I whistle in awe. "Damn nice car," I murmur as he leans over the seats and pushes the passenger door opens.

"It's my uncles," he greets as I shut the door.

I raise an eyebrow in confusion, "I thought we were wrapping his car?"

"This isn't his only car," he smirks, speeding out of the driveway making a screeching noise that I'm sure my family can hear from the back patio. I'll be getting a lecture for that, especially if he left a mark on the driveway.

The car ride is filled with an awkward silence and I struggle to come up with anything interesting to say.

"Is it true that you slashed someone's tires?" he breaks the silence, glancing over at me for a spilt second before turning his attention back to the road ahead.

I can't help but smile to myself, "Yup, freshman year, it was glorious." My proudest moment to be honest.

He laughs loudly, stopping at a red light and turning his face to me, "And what was your motivation?"

"Some senior bitch at school sent out a picture of my oldest sister and no one did anything about it so I decided that she needed to be taught a lesson," I lean back in the seat, feeling myself relax.

"Was it a clean cut?" The light turns green and he turns left.

"God no," I snort, remembering how damn hard it was to actually slash the tire, "I couldn't find a knife and had to resort to a hacksaw from shop class."

"A hacksaw? Damn girl, I give props," he rubs his chin, laughing. We drive for a few minutes, passed a couple chain fast food places. "Hungry?"

I shake my head, "I already ate."

"So?" He pulls into a McDonalds drive-thru. "What do you want?"

"I said that I already ate dinner, do you even listen?"

"I'm going to get you something anyway. Every time I've been with a girl and she says that she's not hungry, eighty percent of the time she eats all my food. So, what do you want?" He asks me, exasperated.

"Nuggets," I mutter, looking out of the window.

"I didn't hear a please," he teases, tilting his head.

"Fuck you."

He chuckles, "Close enough."

My phone beeps with a message and just looking at the name makes me curse.

Where are you, Tessa? It's a school night. -Dad

"Son of a bitch," I curse, racking my brain for an excuse.

Hey dad, Alyssa needed my help with boy drama, lots of boy drama, I'll probably be home late or I might sleepover. Love u.

Isaac casually glances over at me as he places the bags of food in my lap, "Trouble?"

"Nope, no problem," I recover quickly, grabbing a chicken nugget out of one of the bags. My phone beeps twice. Oh, come on.

Three questions: 1) Why is your dad texting me? 2) How does he have my number? 3) What did you do now? -Drew

Am I supposed to be covering for you? I mean, all good but give a girl some warning, Charlotte keeps texting me asking about you. -Alyssa

I send a quick and vague reply to both of them before putting my phone on silence. I look around outside, confused. "Do you know where you are?" Perfectly trimmed lawns and well maintained houses sit on either side of the street.

He pulls up onto the side of the curb and puts the car in park. He places his hand on my headrest and leans back, reaching behind my seat. A Duffle bag lands on my lap and he grins mischievously.

My eyebrows furrow as I open the bag and dig through it. I hold up a can of spray-paint and a few rolls of clingwrap. "You want to do this here?"

He doesn't say anything as he climbs out of the car, gesturing for me to get out too. As I step out I notice a flash of red down the street from the corner of my eye. No fucking way. I walk a few feet down the road and stare, dumbfounded. I look up at the house and the pieces slowly click together. Isaac stands next to me, holding up the duffel bag. The dim light from the streetlights shine on him. "Ready?"

"This was never about your uncle, was it?"

He pats my head in a condescending way, "You're catching on quickly, aren't you?" he asks rhetorically.

I round on him, "How did you know her address?"

He shrugs, unbothered by my brash question. "Mateo told me."

"You told him our plan?" I ask with wide eyes. "Are you fucking stupid?"

"I didn't tell him anything, calm down. All I did was ask where she lived."

"Then you're an even bigger idiot. If you asked him where her house is and then next day, her car is vandalized, who the fuck do you think he's going to know who did it?" I take a deep breath, wanting to smack for being so careless. "And this is Mateo we're talking about, he can't keep his mouth shut for five seconds." If Drew found out... "I can't do this." I turn back around and head straight for the car.

Footsteps run after me, "Woah, Tessa." he grabs my arm, turning me around to look at him. He stares me down, "You wanted to do this."

"Yeah I did, I do, but this," I gesture around the quiet neighborhood, "Is too obvious and I'm not going to get caught. Been there, done that."

"Come on, Tess." He grabs my shoulders. "She's graduating in a week, this is your last chance."

"Not true, there's still the summer," I point out. I take another nervous look around the neighborhood.

"Fuck summer," he rolls his eyes, tightening his arms on my shoulder. He lets go of my shoulders and picks up the duffel bag, handing it out to me. "If you get caught, just blame it on me."

I lift an eyebrow, "I don't give other people credit for my work." And with that, I snatch the bag from his hand and stomp up the street to Brianna's house.

I crouch next to her car and start pulling out the cling wrap, lightly sticking it to her cherry red convertible. Isaac is kneeling next to me, pulling out two black beanies. He places one on my head roughly.

"Ow, what the hell?" I fix some of the strands of hair he pulled, shoving them under the beanie.

"Just had to complete the ambience," he grins, slipping on his own beanie.

As Isaac and I are sticking the cling wrap onto the car her porch light turns on and I dive out of the light and behind her car. Isaac drags the duffel bag quietly, stopping next to me. We sit and breathe silently but my heart is hammering in my chest at the thought of being caught.

Her front door opens and I can hear voices talking softly. I glance at Isaac with wide, frightened eyes. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Do you need a ride home?" Brianna's distinctive annoying voice breaks the neighborhood silence.

"Nah, my car is a couple blocks over." I freeze at the voice. Anger and shock pulse through me as I shift upwards slowly, peeking over the car at the two people standing on the front porch. Drew?

"Oh, okay cool." She smiles at him. "And don't be afraid to text me, okay?" He pulls her in for a hug and she giggles, squeezing him tightly.

I'm about to stand up and start demanding answers but Isaac doesn't let me get far and yanks my shirt which pulls me onto the ground, making me land on my ass.

"Thanks Bri, and thank you for being so understanding through all of this, you're one of the only people I feel comfortable talking to about this." I can't see what happens next but I know that my heart is slowly chipping at his words. The only one he feels comfortable talking to?

I crawl next to the car and watch Drew walk further down the street, he turns and waves back at Brianna and continues until he's out of sight. Isaac stands up cautiously once Brianna's front door is closed and the outside light has been turned off. I stay seated on the ground and lean gently against her car.

"What the hell was that? I thought they broke up," Isaac comments quietly, standing in front of me. I stare silently at his black shoes as a thousand different thoughts and emotions run through me. Why is he with her? They broke up. They're obviously still talking if that hug was anything to go by. But she made him cry, physically CRY! What the fuck? "Yo-Tess, you okay?" He kicks my feet softly, gaining my attention.

Nodding my head, I push myself back onto my feet. Why wouldn't he tell me? "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's finish this." I scowl at Brianna's car and pick up another roll of cling wrap.

Isaac looks a little weary at my sudden determination but pulls off the cap of the spray paint can, shaking it a little.

|| ✨ ||

"I think it looks beautiful," I comment, packing up all the garbage from our project.

Isaac tilts his head, hand on chin in thought, "A true masterpiece."

Brianna's car has been successfully wrapped, after an hour and seven rolls of cling wrap. Not an inch of her car has been left unwrapped, including the open space of the convertible. And Isaac is surprisingly talented when it comes to spray painting. The clingwrap is now royal blue, making it look like we just gave her car a paint job.

I shove all the garbage into the duffel bag and stand up, ready to go. "Come on, it's already one a.m., let's get out of here."

He nods his head distractedly, walking up the street back to his car. I scan our surroundings every few seconds, making sure that no one has been watching us from behind curtains. Once we're in the car he quickly takes off, out of the neighborhood and in the direction of my house.

"So, what was that back there?"

I turn away from him and lean my head against the window, "I don't know."

I can see him glance in my direction, "Oh come on, they were just talking, there's no reason to be jealous."

I startle in my seat and sit up straight, glaring at him. "I'm not jealous, I don't like Drew like that."

"I never said you did, I was talking about how he said that she was the only person he could talk to," his teasing grin mocking me, "but hey, to each their own."

"Do you ever shut up?"

"Sure," he replies, watching the road as we get closer to my street. "But I don't feel like it right now."

"Ugh," I groan, putting my fingers on my temple, praying for someone to save me from this conversation.

"I mean, I know that I'm not your friend or anything but I feel like you're just as out of the loop as I am right now." He pulls into my driveway and barely has the car in park before I open the door and climb out.

"Thanks for the ride," I whisper, noting all the dark rooms in the house.

"No problem, let me know how the reaction goes," he winks, revving the engine slightly. I shuffle up the front steps and into my house. I turn and wave one last time before he pulls out of the driveway.

I drop my keys and bag onto the foyer table and walk through the quiet house towards the living room. "Back at one a.m.?" I spin around and look into the kitchen where Sebastian is sitting on the counter, eating a slice of cake.

"Yeah, so?" I act nonchalant and open the fridge, grabbing a banana.

"Did you help Alyssa with all her boy drama?" he asks.

What? "Yeah, she's fine now."

He watches me for a few seconds, lowering the cake, "You okay?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? I'm fine," I grit out angrily.

He holds up his hand with the fork, waving it around, "Woah, chill, was just a question."

"Sorry, it's just been a weird night."

"I've had a few of those in my high school days," he chuckles, jumping off the counter and coming to a stop next to me. "If you ever need anyone to talk to, Charlotte is always willing to listen."

I roll my eyes, shoving him out of the kitchen, "Asshole."

"And Sophie, Soph loves drama," he offers up, wiping the crumbs off his face as he heads upstairs.

My phone beeps while I am turning off the kitchen lights.

Hey, just wanted to make sure you got home okay. -Drew

Yeah I'm fine, thanks. How was your night?

It was boring, all I did was train train train. Match season is killer! -Drew

Liar. Sounds like torture, I'll see you tomorrow.

G'night Tessy. -Drew

|| ✨ ||

Hey Everyone!

Hope that you're all enjoying your summer/winter vacation!

Until next time,

Sammipott xx

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