Soba ( Todobaku )

By wowvapegod

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Bakugo just happened to be at the right place at the right time. WARNING: ( This story will contain very seri... More

1. Failure
Not a update sorry
New story!


9.5K 302 218
By wowvapegod

" Do you think you could give me a ride? "

The couple blinked at him, surprised.

Todoroki had no choice but to ask for help. He knew where he was but he didn't know the way back home.

He wouldn't even be considering returning is it wasn't for all the things he left behind. Like his cellphone. He left it on his bed in his room. He couldn't afford to get another one. He also had to retrieve the clothes he had brought with him. Todoroki couldn't imagine leaving behind the shirt Mydoriya had given him once.

Todoroki let out a breath of relief when the woman gave him a small smile and said " Of course. Our car is that way" the woman pointed behind them.

Once they reached the couple's car which was just parked a couple of blocks away, the man pulled out the keys from his jacket and unlocked the doors. Todoroki waited for the couple to get in first before he did. He took a seat behind the woman.

" Hey kiddo, Mind telling us where you want to go?"

" Oh yes, Of course."


Todoroki leaned his head against the window as he closed his eyes. He was still tired and sore. Though he was glad he would be able to rest on the way back to the Todoroki household. He liked sleeping in cars, he found it soothing.

The couple was fairly quiet the whole time only speaking to each other a few times. And occasionally throwing glances his way.

He didn't want to confront his father once he got home, he knew the man must be furious. He knew that there was a very long sparing session waiting for him once he arrived.

Todoroki couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and ashamed. Todoroki slowly opened his eyes glancing at the quiet couple before closing them again. He was only causing trouble for them. They most likely only agreed out of petty. After he was sleeping on a bench outside in the cold. But they did recognize him as Endeavor' s son, so maybe they only agreed because he was the No. 1 Hero's son. It must've been one of those two things Todoroki decided.

Todoroki fists tightened at his sides. He hated when people only saw him as Endeavor's son. He has been plenty of situations where he has gotten special treatment for it. He was his own person with own thoughts. If he had a choice then he would cut all connections with his father.

Todoroki often daydreamed about him being born into a regular family. He would completely be a different person. His father's training had shaped him into someone pathetic. Someone broken.

Soon Todoroki drifted off to sleep thinking about dreams that would never come true.


Todoroki could feel someone shaking his shoulder and he could hear muffled voices.

After a couple of seconds, Todoroki could make out a female and male voice. Each second there voices would get clearer and clearer each second the smells got stronger and stronger. Soon he was aware that he was laying down.

Finally, he could make out what they were saying.

" Wake up kiddo was here."

His eyes opened. As soon as he opened his eyes the sun hit them and he shut them again. He rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes with a groan. Finally, when his eyes didn't sting anymore he looked around at his surroundings.

He was back home, he noted. He was glad that they didn't drive off to some secret warehouse or something while he slept. They were truly kind people.

" Thank you very much. I appreciate this." Todoroki said to the couple then he gave them a little bow with a small smile.

" No problem!" " We were glad to help!"

Todoroki chuckled at the couple before he stepped out of the vehicle.

Todoroki took a few steps towards the porch before turning around and giving the couple one last smile and a wave goodbye.

Todoroki felt his whole heart warm up when the couple gave him the sweetest smile ( Other than Mydoriya's ) than he had ever seen.

Todoroki couldn't stop smiling as he watched them drive off. He didn't take his eyes off them until they were too far too see.

His smile turned into a frown when the car was out of view. It was a nice reminder that he was back In this shit hole. Todoroki turned around to face the Japanese style house with a big scowl on his face.

The early morning breeze blew against his face as he stood frozen in front of the house. His fist was tightly clenched at his sides. He wanted nothing more than to run away from the house like the night before.
But he didn't have much of a choice. He needed to retrieve his precious belongings and if it meant dealing with another brutal training session so be it.

The stairs creaked as Todoroki made his way up to the porch. He wondered if the door would be locked or if Fuyumi had left it open for him. It didn't matter, she was usually already up by this time in the day. She was a morning person unlike him who preferred to sleep in whenever he could. Though he was able to a lot more ever since he moved into the dorms.

Todoroki reached for the door nob turning it and pushed the door open. Fuyumi did leave it unlock for him after all.

Todoroki stepped inside the house closing the door behind him and locking it. All the lights were off and silence filled the whole house.

Todoroki looked around him once more everything seems to be in place so without another thought, he made his way to the stairs that went to the second floor.

As he made his way to his room he tried to make as less noise as possible he didn't want to his father if he was still asleep in his room. He wanted to avoid confronting his father as long as he could. His whole body was sore from sleeping on a bench he didn't need a headache as well. Though his father was capable of giving him way more than a pounding head.

When Todoroki passed the training room he had heard nothing and he had also not heard his father when he passed by his father's room. He was most likely out doing hero work or something. His father never slept in.

Todoroki's room was at the end of the hall after all the other rooms. He also didn't hear a thing when he walked past his sister's room. She was most likely out doing errands he noted.

Todoroki pushed the door open to his room and it looked just how he had left it yesterday. His bag was still resting against the side of his bed and his phone was still laying on top of his bedsheets.

Though when he took a longer look he spotted a note that was also next to his phone. He walked over and picked it up imminently recognizing his sister's handwriting. He took a sit on his bed before he starting reading it.

Shouto I don't know when your gonna be back but I'm worried! You shouldn't go off running like that. When I came to your room this morning and you still weren't home I couldn't help but think something bad happened to you. But I know your strong and can take care of yourself and that reassures me. I'm sorry about father. I wish he would change but I'm a little too old for such childish dreams don't you think? Well, I just wanted to leave you this in case you came home while I was gone. I'm gonna be gone for a couple of hours since I have to run a couple of errands and buy groceries. Dad wasn't happy about you running off he spent the rest of the day in the training room. He sounded really angry. Good thing he had to go out for protocol for a couple of hours. I should be home before him. Well, that was it I hope your back home by the time I return. I love you Shouto.

- Fuyumi

Todoroki crumple the paper throwing it into the small trash can in the corner of his room. I guess that answered all of his questions. He couldn't help but let out a breath of his relief that he didn't notice he was holding in once he read his father would be gone for a couple of hours.

Though he didn't know what time she had left this note for him it couldn't have been that long ago. So he was in the clear.

Todoroki picked up his phone and turned it on. There were a few notifications but the only one that caught his eye was the message from Mydoriya. He didn't wait to unlock his phone and quickly look at what the other had texted him.

4:27 PM


Hello Todoroki! I didn't know you were going back home for the weekend. I hope you're having a good time! I found out when I pointed out that I hadn't seen you the whole day then Kacchan said he saw you leave to your dad's house this morning.


You know... if anything happens between you and your dad you can always talk to me.


You don't have to if you don't want to of course! I'm just letting you know I'm always here if you need me!

Todoroki felt himself smile as he read the texts. Mydoriya was always so thoughtful and he knew a bit about his " daddy issues" thought he was nowhere near knowing the complete truth.

9:44 AM


Hello Mydoriya. Im sorry that I'm responding so late. My bad I did not even think about telling anyone that I would be gone for the weekend. I'll be coming back tomorrow afternoon.


I know that you'll always be there for me and I am truly grateful to have you as a friend. Everything has been fine so no need to worry.

Todoroki couldn't help but feel a little guilty lying to his friend. But it was for the best.

After using his phone for a bit Todoroki decided that he really needed a shower. A nice long hot shower. He wanted to wash away all the dirtiness along with all his worry and stress. He wanted to wash it all away and forget about it all.


I'm sorry that it took me so long to post this chapter! I was just not liking how the chapter was turning out so I kept changing things and editing other things and I'm still not quite happy about how it came out but o well!

Next chapter Todoroki will see his father again and go back to the dorms. So let me just say that the bakutodo will start to get good at like chapter 10. After Bakugo is done with Todoroki he won't ever think about Mydoriya again ;)))

Lmao anyways see you again next time.

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