Soba ( Todobaku )

Af wowvapegod

128K 3.7K 4.4K

Bakugo just happened to be at the right place at the right time. WARNING: ( This story will contain very seri... Mere

1. Failure
Not a update sorry
New story!


9.7K 335 444
Af wowvapegod

" I think I found you a wife. She's from a rich and important family and she has a powerful quirk."

Todoroki felt his eyes go wide and his mouth dropping.

Of course, his father would try to push a quirk marriage on him. Just like mother and him.

Todoroki felt his hands shake under the table he was barely able to hold in his emotions.

He felt pure burning anger.

This baster thought he could control him like he was his toy. Like he was his possession. Todoroki was tired of letting this man get the best of him.

" Father, I refused to take any part of this. I will not marry some random  girl."

Todoroki could feel his Father shaking with anger across the table.

" I don't remember saying it was up for debate. You will do this for your family. " He said as he slammed his fist on to the table. His tone left no room for discussion.

  Todorki could feel his facade falling apart as his mouth turned into a scowl. His eyes burned with anger directed at his father. And without even thinking words fell right out of his mouth.

"  You can't force me to do this father! I'm already seeing someone and I'm very much in love!"

The whole room fell into silence.

Todoroki was shocked at the words that came out of his mouth. He never thought that he had the guts to stand up to his father like that. But it couldn't be helped he wouldn't let himself be part of his little game. He was tired of being used. He was tired of being vulnerable. He was tired of being alive and having to deal with this bastard of a father.

It seemed as Endeavor was lost for words. His face was a mixture of disappointed and rage. Then finally something snapped in him as he quickly sat up knocking his chair down and slammed both his fist against the table once again.

" I don't care if you're seeing someone! you'll break up with them this instance!" He roared.

Todorki also sat up is cahir also knocking over. he felt his core burning with anger.

" I will not leave the one I love!"

" You don't know what you're talking about! You don't know anything about love! so stop acting so foolishly!"

" Look who's talking! You're the one who doesn't know anything about love! To you love means tormenting your family."

Enji let out a threatening growl. Todoroki felt a smirk coming up to his face.

Then Todoroki felt a hard slap across his face. Knocking him back. He reached up touching his stinging cheek. His smirk turned back into a scowl.

" You will not speak to me that way Shouto! "

He looked back at his father. His face resembled something such as a demon.

He was a demon.

Sent from hell to make Todoroki's life horrible. To make him dread every second he was alive.

Then before he even knew what he was doing Todoroki was running out the door to who knows onto the streets. He could hear his father calling his name. It felt like his legs were moving on there own. It seemed like his legs were taking him Anywhere but here. He wouldn't stop running until he was far away from that monster.


   After it felt like ages of running Todoroki found himself in a familiar park. It was a park that most children went to around this area. It has monkey bars and swings and many other things.

  Todoroki took a sit on one of the nearby benches.

He watched the children having fun playing with a bittersweet smile. Being here brought back old memories.

When he was younger he had always wanted to come here and play with the other children. But of course, he didn' allow that. His father wanted his masterpiece to be focus on training.

  But one day, while Enji was out in a meeting for his hero agency his mother, was able to take him to the park. Even though it was just for an hour. Todoroki remembered that day like it was yesterday. It was the first time in his childhood that he could be a kid. He remembers watching the other kids playing for the first time. He remembers not being able to stop smiling as he invited to join them.

He remembers his mother's sad smile as she watched him play. She knew that this most likely the only time she would be able to take him. But it was all worth it to make her sweet Shouto happy.

Todoroki was internally grateful for what she did for him.

  Though In the end, he wished that she hadn't taken him. Once they got home they were met with a furious Enji. The rest of the day was filled with screams and cries.

He remembers asking his mother in tears that night " Why does dad hurt you? I don't want him too."  His mother had never anwsered his question.

   He remembers that life got harder for him and his mother after that.

Todoroki leaned back looking up at the sky.

His legs felt like bricks.

He could still feel his father's hand on his cheek.

He felt like laughing. He knew seeing his father again wasn't going to end well but he never thought that his father would propose the idea of him marrying a girl he had never met before. That bastard is really crazy.

He ran a hand over his face in exhaustion.

How on earth was he gonna get himself out of this one? Todoroki thought with a groan. After all, he didn't have a lover. He didn't know how his father would react if he told him that he wasn't interested in females. Todoroki gulped. He would try to hold back on telling his father as long as he can.

But he wasn't particulary attracted to any of the other guys. Well, there was Mydoriya but you could tell from a mile away he was head over hills for Ochako.

He couldn't compare to her Todoroki thought with a bittersweet smile. She was pure and kind and didn't have daddy issues. Mydoriya wouldn't want to deal with the problems Todoroki came with. No one could love someone like him. Someone as fucked up as him.

" I'm hideous," Todoroki whispered as he trailed his hand over his scar. This scar was the thing that reminded him every time he looked in the mirror that couldn't be loved.

Todoroki could feel his eyes slightly water. There was no way he could get himself out of this he realized bitterly.

His fate really was cursed.

In the end, he always goes back to being in his father's grasp.


It was night time. And every minute the temperature got colder and colder.

Todoroki spent hours sitting in the park. After he had wandered around for a bit. He knew that he would have to go back to the house but he couldn't bring himself too right now. Or maybe his father would find him. 

Todoroki had left his phone back at the house on the kitchen counter. He hadn't enough time to grab it when he ran out.  He had no way of checking the time or communicating with Fuyumi to let her know he was okay. She must be worried sick right now Todoroki thought as he continued to walk.

It couldn't be any later than 10:00 pm Todoroki guessed as he looked up to see the pitch black sky. Eventually, Todoroki had found another bench.

He took a sit and laid back. He couldn't help but think that this whole situation was pitiful.  He wished more than anything to be back in the comfort of the dorms. Where he was safe from that bastard.

Todoroki didn't know what to do next. Go back? Stay here and sleep? Maybe he shouldn't have run he thought. After all, running away wasn't going to take him out of the situation he was in. And now he was drifting off in some cold bench. Todoroki would laugh if he wasn't so tired.

His father and running had taken all the energy out of him. He was so exhausted so when he found it hard to keep his eyes open he decided to take a little nap sounded glorious to his ears.

So he laid his head on his arm and closed his eyes. He tried to not think about the events of today.

A couple of minutes later Todoroki drifted off to uneasy sleep.


" Yup. That's Endeavor's son for sure. "

" What is he doing sleeping here?"

" I don't know should we wake him up?"

" Yeah."

' Who is talking? Where am I?' Todoroki hazily thought as he felt someone nudging his shoulder.

" Wake up Kid."

Todoroki groaned. He was so tired. Who was trying to wake him up?  He just wanted to sleep On this comfortable cold bench.

'Wait? why was he on a bench and not in his bed?' Then the memories from the day before flooded back.

Todoroki eyes flung open as he quickly sat up looking at his surroundings. It was the morning.


He had fallen asleep on the fucking bench and it appeared he had slept straight through the night. He let out an exhausted groan as he recalled the events from last night. He had run away after his father slapped him.

Todoroki let out another groan as he massaged his scalp, his head was pounding. He was to occupied to pay any mind to the two Adults watching him with questioning eyes.

One was a female and the other male. It appeared that they were a couple. They were wearing warm clothes fitting for Autumn.

As Todoroki was messaging his head and rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes the two Adults started to approach him again.

" Are you okay?" The woman said in concern.

Todoroki flinched. He hadn't realized people were watching him. Could you blame him? He was tired and his head was killing him.

Todoroki looked up and he was met with the concerning eyes of two strangers. They looked pretty regular. They were most likely in their mid-'20s. The woman had brown eyes and black hair while the taller man next to her had blue eyes and brown hair. They both had a concerning frown on their face.

After a couple of seconds of him just staring at the couple, he realized that he should probably say something even though he was in no mood to be talking to strangers.

" I'm okay. Do you mind telling me what time it is?"

The man pulled out his phone from the pocket of his leather jacket and after he took a glance at it he said " 8:08 am It looked like you spent the night here. Aren't you Endeavor's son? Where is he?"

Todoroki tensed at the mention of his father's name. How was he gonna explain this to them?

After a couple of seconds of pondering what he should do next, he decided that he would just not explain anything to them at all. But maybe they would be willing enough to help him out.

"  Do you think you could give me a ride?"


That's it for this chapter! I hope you like it.

Also, I promise that the Todobaku is coming soon.

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