Carnage [Kehlani/You]

By c0cA1nE

14.1K 374 246

I pretty much decided I'd make this book because I'm bored and my life has nothing to give me right now so I... More

The Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

1.4K 50 14
By c0cA1nE

Hey update so....idk enjoy.

Days turned into weeks. And weeks turned into months. I'd been pronounced dead and according to what I've seen, my mom is crushed. I didn't want to do this to her. Hell I didn't even want to be kidnapped. I want to go back home and hold my mom and tell her everything will be ok and that I'm not leaving her ever again. But a part of me also wants to stay. I feel guilty but I can't be to blame. Kehlani makes me feel this way so surely it's her fault. Right?

"Kehlani please. I need to at least let my mom know that I'm ok. This is killing her."

"No. She'll call the cops you've been on the news for months now. Do you know how many people are out there looking for you? I can't risk it. I can't risk losing you." She replied from the kitchen as she cooked dinner,

"I understand that but-"

"But nothing." Kehlani walks up to me and cups my face in her hands.

"I can't risk losing you. Do you know how long I've waited to get you here with me? Waiting for the perfect time to execute my plan. Do you know how long I've been planning this? When I first saw you...I knew you'd be my one and only. And that's why you're here. I just want someone to love. I pray you'll decide to be that person. Do you understand babygirl?" She spoke softly, caressing my cheek with her thumb. I simply nodded and she kissed my nose and returned to cooking dinner effortlessly like she always does.

She makes the simplest of tasks so fucking sexy. Like she's doing it on purpose. Luring me out. Making me vulnerable. Wait...this is part of her plan. How could I be so stupid? I've been giving in to her when that's what she wants. This is how-

"Dinner is ready. Come eat babygirl." Kehlani's voice rang out as she sat a plate down on the table. I washed my hands and took a seat next to Kehlani, peering over the food I'd been given.

Fried chicken with corn, green beans, and a baked potato.

" must've been feeling good huh?" I ask as I dig in.

"You could say that. But I always feel good when you're around." Kehlani replies, looking at me lovingly, causing me to blush violently.

You'd think I'd be used to this by now but no. It still gets me every time.

"You have no idea how adorable you are when you blush babygirl." Kehlani admired, caressing my cheek. At this point I couldn't take much more but I didn't want to make a fool of myself so I got up and swiftly but calmly walked to bathroom.

I frustratedly leaned on the sink and ran a hand through my hair. Why does she do this? She knows how that makes me feel. She knows that she gets me every time when she toys with me the way she does. I can't take it. This is new to me. I've never been attracted to a woman. I've never wanted to be. But with Kehlani it's different. I've been trying to fight this urge..this desire the entire time but instead it seems like she's only bringing them out of me.


Knock knock knock

"Hey Y/N. You ok in there?" Kehlani calls from the other side of the door. Except she doesn't sound worried or concerned at all. In fact I can hear the smile in her voice.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine. I'll be out in a sec." I call back. I throw some water on my face and fix my hair a bit before walking out of the bathroom, only to find Kehlani leaning on the wall.

"You ok? You was in there for a minute." She placed her hand on the small of my back as we walked back to the kitchen. Kehlani cleaned our plates and I wiped off the counter and swept up any food that may have fallen. We don't need roaches.

Oh shit a roach!

I laugh to myself. That dumb ass video.

"What's funny?" Kehlani says as we both finish up our cleaning.

"Oh just thinking of this video that I like. It's pretty funny." I reply, plopping down on the couch.

"Oh. Well I wanna do something special for you. I know I've been keeping you all cooped up in the house and you're probably sick of it. I get it I really do. So tomorrow I wanna take you out. For dinner I mean. How does that sound?"

"F-for dinner?"

Ok I know this is a super short chapter but the next one will be good I promise just bare with me. Thank you all.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this...micro chapter.

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