My Witch (Edward Cullen love...

بواسطة JaspersWife2

1.3M 22.2K 1.9K

What happens when the Cullens go to Hogwarts? See what happens when Edward Cullen finds his true soul mate. المزيد

Main Character
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Alice's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Rosalie's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Bella's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Rosalie's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Bella's pov
Esme's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Alice's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Rosalie's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Alice's pov
Edward's pov
Rosalie's pov
Crystal's pov
Esme's pov
Crystal's pov
Bella's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Bella's pov
Rosalie's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Alice's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Bella's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Rosalie's pov
Edward's pov
Esme's pov
Bella's pov
Crystal's pov
Rosalie's pov
Crystal's pov
Alice's pov
Rosalie's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Esme's pov
Alice's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Rosalie's pov
Emmett's pov
Crystal's pov
Harry's pov
Crystal's pov
Alice's pov
Carlisle's pov
Harry's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Bella's pov
Rosalie's pov
Hope's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Esme's pov
Crystal's pov
Alice's pov
Hope's pov
Edward's pov
Bella's pov
Crystal's pov
Rosalie's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Alice's pov
Esme's pov
Harry's pov
Rosalie's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Hermione's pov
Crystal's pov
Ron's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Author's Note

Crystal's pov

10.1K 195 3
بواسطة JaspersWife2

I was so excited about going to prom with Edward.

Esme: "Alright girl's,time to come down!"

Rose and Alice went down stairs first and then it was mine and Hope's turn.

Hope: "Ready?"

I smiled. 

Me: "Yeah,I am."

We linked our arms and went down stairs.We smiled when we saw our guys in their tuxs.I went to Edward and wrapped my arms around him.

Edward: "You look beautiful,love."

Me: "And you look very handsome." 

We took some pictures and headed to prom.



We got our picture taken and walked into the gym.We went to a table and put our jackets on the table.After a few hours me and Edward was dancing. 

Edward: "You having fun?"

Me: "I'm having a blast."

Edward: "Good,because the night isn't over yet."

We smiled at each other while we danced around.I saw Bella looking at us with a anger look on her face when she looks at me but has a dreamy look when she is looking at Edward.I looked away because she isn't going to ruin my prom night. 


We just got done dancing and prom is almost over.

Edward: "Come on,I got something to show you." 

We held hands while we walked outside.Once we were out of eyes sight.Edward put me on his back and ran,and when we stopped I gasped at what I saw.We were in our meadow and in the middle of it was a gazebo with a romantic dinner in it.

Me: "It's so beautiful." 

He smiled and walked me to the table.

Edward: "Do you like it?" 

Me: "Like it?I love it!"

I kissed him on his lips.We talked while we held hands and I ate dinner.I noticed that he was acting nervous. 

Me: "Edward,are you ok?"

Edward: "Yeah."

He got up and played'A Thousand Years'.

Edward: "Will you dance with me?"

Me: "Of course. I took his hand and stood up."

We slowed dancing.

Me: "I love this surprise." 

He chuckled. 

Edward: "I'm glad but this isn't the surprise." 

I looked at him confused. 

Me: "It isn't?" 

He shook his head and stepped back.My eyes went wide along with a big smile forming on my face.He got down on one knee and started talking. 

Edward: "Crystal I fell in love with you when I first saw you.And I will love you for the rest of my excidence.You are my everything,I can't see myself in life without you.I asked you're brother Harry for his blessing and he said yes.So here I am asking the one question that I have been wanting to ask since we meet.Crystal Black will you do me the honor in becoming my wife?"

He opened a box that had a beautiful diamond ring with a blue sapphire in it.I cried while smiling real big.

Me: "Yes! I would love to be you're wife!"

He smiled and picked me up and kissed me.He put me down and put the ring on my ring finger.

Me: "It's beautiful." 

Edward: "It was my mother's,she told me to give it to my true love.You are my true love Crystal." 

I smiled and kissed him with all my love. 

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