Robin Hood: One Life Ends and...

By Naaen_Willow

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(Bnha x OC) Robin Hood is a quirkless vigilante who helps and protects people while hunting down a criminal o... More

Artemis Waters: Origin
Character Information
What It Takes to Be a Hero or a Vigilante
Roaring Muscles and Unexpected Visits
Start Line
What I'm capable of
Art vs Kacchan
Angry Pinky
USJ Attack
A/N Robin Hood Rewrite is Out
Death of Robin Hood
Wake Up

Hero Costume

1.2K 46 48
By Naaen_Willow

Here's another chapter for everyone! I hope you enjoy this one.


"He got over 700 meters?!"

"Finally, a hero-like record!" Ochaco cheered.

"His finger's swollen! There was the entrance exam, too. He has a strange quirk..." Tenya muttered.

"It's not very stylish."

'Wh-What's with that power?! Everyone's quirks manifest by the age of four. This is unthinkable! But in reality...' Katsuki thought, gapping like a fish out of water, "What is the meaning of this? Hey! Tell me what's going on, Deku, you bastard!" Katsuki charged at Izuku but Artemis intercepted by grabbing Katsuki's arm and tripping him as she used her own body weight to pin Katsuki to the ground.

Firmly holding his arm behind his back and her knee dug into the middle of his back keeping him in place as few strands of hair fell out of her messy bun, "If you don't calm down, I will not hesitate to dislocate your arm, Kacchan," Artemis threatened as she lightly tugged his arm to prove her point.

"Get the hell off of me, Nobody!" Katsuki growled as he tried to activate his quirk but nothing happened.

"Jeez... Don't keep making me use my quirk over and over. I have dry eye," Shota told, using his quirk on Katsuki.

'It's such a waste, since his quirk is so amazing!' the teen thought except for Artemis who whispered to herself, "Show off."

"We're wasting time. Whoever's next, get ready," Shota told, deactivating his quirk as Artemis let go of Katsuki and got up to do the ball throw.

Walking to her abandon bow case, she opened it and too out her bow and quiver of arrows as she went to the center of the circle. Shota tossed the softball to Artemis who easily caught it before pulling out an explosive arrow from her quiver and pierced the softball with the arrow tip. Nocking the arrow, she pulled the bowstring back, took aim and released the arrow as it soared through the air before she pressed a button on her bow that caused the arrow to explode and give the softball a boost. Artemis turned to Shota who narrowed his eyes at her as he showed everyone her results which is 275 meters.

|Test 6: Sit ups|

Laying on the mat, Artemis began doing the sit ups as she didn't break a sweat until she reached 315, her new personal record.


|Test 7: Seated toe touch|

Since Artemis was flexible this test was too easy for her.


|Test 8: Long distance run|

She was ahead of most of the other teens as she also chased after villains and run away from heroes.


Everyone gathered around Shota as they waited to see their results, "Okay, I'll quickly tell you the results. The total is simply the marks you got from each test. It's a waste of time to explain verbally so I'll show you the results all at once," Shota informed as he showed everyone their results. Artemis saw that she took third place and Izuku was in last place, "By the way, I was lying about the expulsion. It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your quirks."

"Nani?!" everyone yelled.

"Of course that was a lie. It should've been obvious of you just thought it through," a girl with black hair tied into spiky ponytail informed, 'I didn't notice,' everyone else thought.

"That was a little nerve-wrecking, huh?"

"I'll take up the challenge anytime!"

"With that, we're done here. There are handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom so when you get back, look over them," Shota told, walking to Izuku, "Midoriya, have the old lady fix you in the nurse's office. Tomorrow will be packed with even more rigorous tests. Prepare yourself. Waters, might I have a word with you?"

"Sure," Artemis told, shrugging her shoulders as all her classmates left the field.

"What is your connection to Robin Hood?" Shota immediately questioned.

"He is the second person to believe that I could become a hero with out quirk since he is also quirkless," Artemis answered without hesitation.

"How do you know he's quirkless?" Shota questioned.

"He told me," Artemis answered, picking up her bow case, "Robin Hood is not a bad guy, Sensei. There are reasons as to why he chose that path, once you find out what they are then you will understand why." She watched Shota think over what she said, "Goodbye, sensei." Artemis left the field and school grounds as she returned home to change into her vigilante persona.

That night and into the early morning, Artemis sent criminal after criminal to the police and once she got to her apartment it was already time to head for school. Changing into the outfit she wore yesterday and applied waterproof make to hide her scar and eye bags before grabbing her stuff and leaving her apartment. She made a quick pit stop to a convenience store for a quick breakfast and a large coffee, paying for the items Artemis walked to school while eating her breakfast before drinking the coffee to keep herself awake.

Entering U.A. grounds, Artemis went to her class and fell asleep in every single lesson as lunch time arrive Artemis ate a sandwich before falling asleep again. Everyone in class 1-A began to worry about her as she fell asleep on her desk again when they were waiting for their Basic Hero Training teacher. Izuku left his desk as he approached Artemis as he lightly shook her shoulder, "Art-chan, are you feeling alright? You've been sleeping in classes more than usual," Izuku asked as Artemis woke up.

Sitting up straight she rubbed her eyes, "I'm fine, Izu, I haven't been getting good nights sleep because my neighbors were partying all night next door," Artemis lied.

"Art-chan, if you need to sleep more, you can go to the nurse's office and I'll tell-"

"I'll be fine, this is normal, Izu. I've dealt with this before."

"I am... coming through the door like a normal person!" All Might dramatically entered the classroom.

"It's All Might!"

"Wow, he really is a teacher!"

"That's the costume from the Silver Age, isn't it?"

"Its style is so different, it's giving me goose bumps."

"I teach Basic Hero Training. It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take the mist units of this subject! Let's get right into it! This is what we'll be doing today—Combat training!" All Might informed.

"Combat..." Katsuki began.

"... Training," Izuku finished.

"And to go with that are these! Costumes made based on your quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school started. After you change, gather in Ground Beta!" All Might told.

Artemis took her costume that was in a case, leaving the classroom first and entered the female locker room as she chose the farthest changing station and changed into her hero costume. Her hero costume was a dark green tunic that's breathable and won't restrict her with her movements, a black short jacket with a hood and sleeves that end at her elbows, black fingerless gloves, black corset, black leather harness to hold her throwing knives and two quiver of arrows for her bow and crossbow, black flexible leather pants, black combat boots, and the final touch is a mask that covered her nose and mouth.

Taking a moment to admire her hero costume which almost looked like her vigilante costume except for more feminine, "They got everything right, but is it fireproof?" she muttered to herself as she put up the hood and adjusted her mask before exiting the changing station. She grabbed the items she always uses on her patrols like her throwing knives, bow, exc. Sheathing the last throwing knife, 'It's time the heroes figure out Robin Hood's identity. I wonder if All Might will figure out that I'm Robin Hood? I've been dropping hints since I found out about his secret and revealing my skills in the entrance exam.'

Leaving the female locker room, Artemis walked all the way to Ground Beta as she entered the area and saw everyone in their hero costumes. All Might saw Artemis enter the area and he was in shock at how similar Artemis's costume is to Robin Hood's. "Hey, Izu," Artemis greeted Izuku as she approached him and Ochaco.

"A-Art-chan?! Is that you?" Izuku questioned as he was surprised by her hero costume that looked exactly like Robin Hood.

"Yep, what do you guys think?" Artemis asked.

"It looks so cool, Art-chan," Ochaco awed as she pouted about her costume, "Wish my costume was as cool as yours and not skintight."

"I think your costume looks cute and fits your personality," Artemis told, giving the girl a closed eye smile, "Your costume also looks cool, Izu."

"B-But not as cool as yours, Art-chan, it looks exactly like Robin Hood's costume," Izuku told.

"He's right. Ribbit. Your costume looks like Robin Hood's," Tsuyu agreed.

"Good, I was hoping that it look like that."

"Why do you want your costume to look like Robin Hood, Young Waters?"

"Because I feel like he and I are the same person every time I use this bow," Artemis explained, thinking about Arthur as she gently rubbed the bow with her thumb, "It's like he is standing next to me, guiding me with his presence when I hit my targets."


A four year old Artemis was using a bow as she kept missing the target as she growled in frustration. "Art, it takes time, patience and practice till you can hit the target," Arthur informed, looking over the papers he gathered on the Order of Fear.

"I want to be just like you, Arthur! You don't ever miss a target," Artemis told, putting away her bow on the bowrack that held other bows.

Looking up from his papers, Arthur gave Artemis a tired smile as he spent his nights gathering information on the Order of Fear and sending villains and members of the Order of Fear to jai, "That's why you're not hitting the target, stop trying to be me and be you."

"Be me? How would-"

"You will know trust your instincts," Arthur told, looking over the information again, "Why don't you take a break and help me with this."


~End of flashback~

"You have an obvious crush on Robin Hood. Ribbit."

Artemis anime-fall when she heard that before jumping back to her feet, "I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH ON ROBIN HOOD!!!!" Artemis roared as all her classmates thought otherwise.

"Art-chan, it is kind of obvious you have a crush on Robin Hood," Izuku agreed with Tsuyu, scratching his cheek.

"I don't have a crush on Robin Hood," Artemis sulked as she lightly banged her head on a light post.

"Stop sulking, Nobody," Katsuki told.

"Now, it's time for the combat training!" All Might announced as he changed the subject.

"Sir! This is a battle center from the entrance exam, so will we be conducting urban battle again?" Tenya questioned.

"No, we're going to move a head two steps!" All Might told as he starts to explain why, "Most of the time, fighting villains takes place outside, but if you look at the total numbers, atrocious villains appear indoors at a higher rate. Imprisonment, house arrest, backroom deals—In this society filled with heroes, truly intelligent villains hide in the shadows! For this class, you'll be split into villains and heroes and fight 2-on-2 battles. Since we have an odd number of students, Young Waters will chose what team she wants to be on."

"Without basic training?" Tsuyu questioned.

"This is a real battle to understand those basics! However, the key this time is that there's no robot you can just beat up."

"How will wins and loses be determined?"

"Can we beat them up anyway?"

"Will the punishment be expulsion like with Aizawa-sensei?"

"How shall we be split up?"

"Isn't this cape crazy?"

"I'll answer all your questions!" All Might told after being bombarded with questions as he took out a little booklet, "Now listen here. The situation is that the villains have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout. The heroes are trying to dispose of that. The heroes need to catch the villains or get the nuclear weapon back in the allotted time. The villains need to protect the nuclear for the whole time or catch the heroes. Teams and opponents will be determined by drawing lots!"

"They're being so haphazardly?"

"Pros often have to create makeshift teams with heroes from other agencies, so maybe that's why?" Izuku explained.

"I see. The discernment to look ahead... Please excuse my rudeness!" Tenya apologized.

"It's fine. Let's do this quickly!" All Might told as teams were formulated before putting his hands in the drawing boxes for heroes and villains, "The first teams to fight will be... these guys!"

"All Might, I want to be on Team A," Artemis told.

"Okay! Team A will be the heroes, and Team D will be the villains. Everyone else, head toward the monitor room," All Might said to his students.

"Yes, sir!"

"Villain team, go in first and set up! In five minutes, the hero team will break in, and the battle will start!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Young Iida, Young Bakugou, learn to think from the perspective of the villains," All Might advised, "This is close to a real battle. Go all out. Don't be afraid to get hurt. If things get too far, I will stop it."

Artemis began memorizing the layout of the building as she glanced at Izuku, 'Kacchan will focus his attack on Izuku and abandon his teammate...' she thought as she whispered to herself, "It's time I gave you a wake up call, Katsuki."

"Now, let's start the indoor person-to-person combat training with Team A and Team D!" All might announce through the speakers.

Team A entered the building through an open window, "We've infiltrated successfully," Ochaco whispered to Izuku and Artemis.

"There are a lot of blind spots so let's be careful," Izuku told as Team A carefully and cautiously walked through the halls. Artemis was next to Izuku when Katsuki sprang a surprise attack at Izuku; with fast reflexes Artemis tackled both Izuku and Ochaco to the ground.

"Are you two okay?" Artemis asked crouching in front of them as the smoke was blocking her vision on seeing Katsuki.

"Yeah, thanks," Ochaco thanked.


"I'm fine Izu," she told, watching the smoke clear as Katsuki glared at Izuku.

"Come Deku, don't dodge," Katsuki growled.

"I figured you'd come for me first," Izuku told Katsuki who charged at Izuku.

Artemis grabbed Katsuki's right arm and threw him over her shoulder before he could close to Izuku, "Ochaco, Izuku, go find the weapon," she ordered, glaring at Katsuki as she got into a fighting stance, "Your fight is with me, Katsuki."


"Go! I can handle him," Artemis told.

"Let's go, Deku," Ochaco dragged Izuku away from Artemis and Katsuki as he watched his two childhood friends glare at each other before he turned around and followed Ochaco.


Any heroes or villains will be in their late teens or in their twenties.

Izuku Midoriya

Katsuki Bakugou

Tenya Iida

Shoto Todoroki

Shinso Hitoshi

Denki Kaminari

Kirishima Eijirou


Shota Aizawa

Fumikage Tokoyami

Hanta Sero

Mashirao Ojiro

If there are any characters you want me to add as love interests, please let me know.

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