Peaches & Cream

By savs113001

20 0 0

{LEMON WARNING} This story is about two girls who have 20 days left to live. This is the curse of a forbidden... More

Yōkai & Love


11 0 0
By savs113001

    ~ This story takes place in a small place lost in time known as the village of Taijinko, the year is 7022 on the night of a full moon, in a field of grass and cherry blossoms lies a young woman by the name Tsukishi Futa, 18 years of age wandering with the sense of lust to explore, staring at the skyline where the earth meets the sky, a star was born and shot across the sky, only but one wish came to mind, "I wish—" suddenly a rustle in the distance startled the young girl and called out to the unknown entity. Curious Tsukishi wanders toward the direction of the mysterious being as she hears a light hiss and growl, "don't be afraid, come out" she says in a soft voice. An immense amount of light beaming into her Chocolate colored eyes before her was a woman— with a light pink blush on Tsukishi's face she turns her head and spoke "you're naked, who are you and why don't you have any clothes!" No response was given, she reached for her bag and grabbed an extra kimono shall and tossed it onto the unidentified woman's shoulders. Earning a growl from the woman, examining her body, she was pale, slender, she had silver white hair, and- ears? Standing about 6'1" breasts bursting from the kimono shall suddenly before Tsukishi knew it, she had been pinned by sharp claws digging into her wrist, a small wimpier escapes her mouth and she though "why do I feel" she starts panting rapidly as she opens her eyes to crystal piercing yellow eyes closing in on her, face to face pinned to the grass as Sakura blossoms fall behind the two women, confusion spirals through her mind, what was happening? Who was this woman? Why is she on top of me? Snapped from her thoughts she feels a slick feeling on her neck causing shivers down her spine, "is she..licking me? This woman is crazy." Analyzing the situation, fear strikes and Tsukishi realizes what's happening here, I've only heard of legends of demons such as yōkai, leaving her with not her theories she realized her situation— she was a meal, nothing but livestock in this demons eyes. Panic strikes her body. "Fight, or flight" instincts kicking in she struggles, claws sinking deeper into her wrists, it's no use. "I'm going to die here!" She thought to herself as tears streamed her hazelnut
cheeks. Lifting her head the yōkai smirks and licks the tears from her face and says but only "...peaches..." puzzled Tsukishi asks, "what is your name" trying to reason her way out of this situation, the demon licks her lips and narrows her gaze on the tears continuously flowing from tsukishis cheeks she whispers "more, I need more" struggling to escape her grasp a hand is placed softly upon her cheek whipping away the tears that couldn't stop flowing, a blush appears on the mysterious woman's face as she licks the tears from her fingers she has just caaressed from her tear stained face "creamy" escapes from her lips and releases Tsukishis wrists, violently thrashing to run away from this blood thirsty demon, tripping over a mere pebble she was once again in this woman's grasp holding one wrist, conveying her fangs she drinks the blood she's drawn from her wrist, "I'm feeling fuzzy" her vision fading, soon she's overcome by darkness, fate had decided its course, and so her journey begins.

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