Stripper💸Ethan Dolan

By eteeweeteexo8

42.4K 481 79

"I'm in love with a stripper" SHORT STORY More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 13

2K 35 10
By eteeweeteexo8

6 years later

Ethan and I never separated after we said 'I love you'
He proposed to me 3 years later, had our wedding and I'm currently pregnant with a boy.

"Baby come on"Ethan said walking to the side of my bed as I laid on the bed

He stuck his arms under my shoulder and wrapped the other around my body helping me sit up, being pregnant makes you not able to do a lot of things

He then lifts me up as I stood with my belly against his making him smile looking down rubbing it.

"I can't wait"he said with a wide smile giving me a kiss

"I can"I said putting my hand on my back walking out the bedroom with Ethan following me

"What why"he said with a confused tone

"I'm scared I don't know what to do with a baby"I said and he nodded making sure I sat down right in the chair

"I get that but nobody knows what they're doing we just have to learn together"he said and I smiled

"Ethan you truly are the sweetest person I've met I don't know what I would've done if I never met you"I said pulling him towards me grabbing the back of his neck kissing him

"Love you"he said resting his head against my forehead

"Love you too"I said as he walked away getting me a water from the fridge

The doorbell rang so Ethan went to go get it
He opened it smiled seeing Grayson and Julieta with their daughter Bella who is 4. They then stepped into the house looking over seeing me in the kitchen

"My my mama you look huge"Julieta said rubbing my belly

"I know Jules I hear that everyday from him"I said pointing to Ethan making him laugh

"Aunty Delilah"Bella said rubbing towards me then stopping in front of me

I bent down and picked her up

"You got it"Grayson said making sure I wouldn't hurt myself and I nodded

She sat on my lap with her head rested in the crook of my neck giving me a hug

"I missed you best friend"I said making her sit up looking at me with a big smile

She was a exact twin of Julieta while she had Grayson's eyes, she is drop dead gorgeous

"I missed you too"she said giving me a kiss on the cheek then jumping down

"How are you"Grayson said finally giving me a hug

"Good just waiting to get the baby out"I said and he nodded

"His due date was suppose to be 2days ago so now we just have to wait"Ethan said and I grew nervous

We where prepared but I wasn't prepared to take care of a baby. I never wanted one because of having to get a big ass epidural needle in my back then having to hold something so fragile freaked me out. I decided I need to push my fears away and bring something into the world that would make Ethan happy and hopefully myself.

I got up using the counter as support and walked into the living room sitting down carefully

Everyone eventually ended up in the living room with Ethan next to me

I rested my head on his shoulder as they talked me not interested in what they where talking about, next thing I know I'm peeing myself

"What the fuck did I just pee myself"I said looking down at my soaked leggings considering it's all I can fit

"Oh my gosh"Ethan said jumping up looking at me

"The baby is coming"Julieta yelled excitedly as Bella yelled with her and then you have Grayson who just fainted

'What the fuck is wrong with him'

"This happened with Bella don't worry, Grayson baby get up"Julieta said smacking Grayson in the face until he woke up

My heart dropped to my ass I'm so nervous

Pain then shots to my stomach as I close my eyes taking a breath

"Ummm lets get the bag and we'll leave"Ethan said rushing down the hallway as I got up following him but into our room getting a pair of leggings changing

I was not going into a hospital looking like a wet pig. I hear footsteps walk past the stop and Ethan stood there with the baby bag and our suitcase.

"What are you doing we gotta go"he said trying to grab my hand with all the bags he's carrying

"Don't rush me I'm fine"I said snatching my hand away from him as Ethan made a face

I walked past him and to the front door seeing Julieta, Bella and a conscious Grayson sitting there waiting for us to leave

"Um Delilah has a attitude now so we are gonna leave"Ethan said walking past me opening the door exiting

I rolled my eyes at his comment and followed him out to the car

"Here now don't get mad at me I'm going to help you"Ethan said as he closed the trunk walked over to me taking my arm as I waddled to the car opening the door for me

He made sure I was in before shutting the door and running over to the drivers side

"Ethan you did this to me I wouldn't be here if you didn't cum in me"I said yelling at him as I laid on the hospital bed feeling the contractions waiting for the epidural

Lisa chuckled at me comment as Ethan looked sad

"Oh honey that's what happens in labor the moms blame the dads don't worry"she said as Ethan nodded brushing the comment off

"Ok let's start"a nurse said walking in with a tray that I didn't look in cause if I did I would've did a natural birth

"So you need to sit up facing her and hunch over so I can get a view of your spine"the nurse said as Ethan helped me up and I pushed my self to the side of the bed facing Lisa but then Ethan comes on this side bending down

I grabbed onto his hands as she rubbed the alcohol on my back scared as ever

"Alright you're gonna feel a pinch and a burn"she said as I felt what she said squeezing my eyes shut

"You're ok you are doing amazing baby"Ethan said pushing hair out of my face

"You're gonna start to feel numb and your mouth is gonna taste salty"she said and I nodded

A few seconds later I was numb and was tasting the salt

He cried in my arms as Ethan looked at our son in awe

Everyone taking pictures of recording

"So what's his name"Grayson asked crowding around the bed

"Adonis Dolan"

So that's it, I didn't plan on it being a long book so it's a short story. Hoped you liked it.

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