The Rules | ✅ Completed

By Sammers

179K 5.1K 952

I have three basic rules to live by Don't draw attention to myself. Make it through another year. My brother'... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Author's Note
Alternate Epilogue
Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter 21

2.8K 79 24
By Sammers

"Does anyone else see Laine right now, or is just me?" A chorus of laughter boomed from behind me. One by one, the chorus softened until it was silent. Lucas was staring over his shoulder. Shane looked between all of us and the beauty approaching us. The silence remained even after Blaine reached the truck.

Her hair was straight and pinned back. Those amazing green eyes were outlined again making her look much older. Her soft lips were painted in a deep red. The tight fitted top had fringe that swayed as she walked. The untied converse told me she had heels on early. Even as my eyes scanned her, I couldn't believe she was here.

"Done with your temper tantrum," Joe teased as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm in." Joe's arms fell and he mocked stumbling from shock. The red lips parted as a smile curled onto her face. "Shut up."

"I've had a few beers," Shane grinned. "Did she just agree to try out?"

"I think she did," Lucas beamed at his sister. She returned their smiles and looked at me.

"Let's go for a walk," she extended her hand to me and wiggled her fingers.

"Why'd you change your mind," I asked as my fingers found hers. I didn't move from the truck's tailgate and pulled her toward me. She was between my legs as she looked up at me.

"Let's go for a walk." Even through the beer filled haze, something didn't feel right.

"Lainy," I asked. She tugged my hand and took a step backwards. Her smile faltered and there was something flickering in her eyes. I stumbled as my feet landed on the ground.

"How many did you have?"

"A few," I mumbled.

"Try a six pack," Joe held up the small box now containing the proof.

"Great," she mumbled as we started walking. She wrapped my arm over her shoulders as her other arm looped around my waist.

"What made you decide it was a good idea?"

"I said something stupid earlier and realized how much I wanted it."

"To Heather," I chuckled.

"No," I felt her body shake as she took a deep breath. "To Jasper."

"I must be really drunk. I thought you just told me that your ex-boyfriend made you realize you wanted to be quarterback."

"That's because I did." Her hair brushed my hand as she lowered her head.

"Did you see him tonight?"

"Yeah." My arm fell from her and I stumbled to the side landing on the hood of someone's car. She rubbed her arms as she kicked at the grass.

"Why were you with him?"

"Finn." My name hung in the air between us. "I went to a party. He was there."

"Something else happened." My leg bounced as I crossed my arms.

"It was stupid. I was mad. It wasn't supposed to happen."

"Blaine." She froze. "Just say it so I can get back to the guys."

"We kissed." She turned away from me and tucked her hair behind her ear. I could see the redness creeping up her neck and there was a glaze over her eyes. "I was mad, and drunk."

"I've got to go. There's a beer waiting for me." I slid off the hood of the car. As I passed by her, she grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. I squeezed her hand gently before letting it go. Without looking back, I stopped at the truck and dug around the cooler for another beer.

"Everything okay?" My eyes shifted to Shane for a minute then Lucas.

"Everything's just fine." The lid slammed shut and I cracked my can open. Joe raised a brow at me as I chugged down the liquid. "What?"

"Since when did you become irresponsible?" I tilted my head in warning as I grabbed another can. No one said anything as I finished another can. My feet dangled off the tailgate as my head dove deeper into my drunken thoughts. She kissed him. After she got mad at us, she ran right to him. Well, maybe not him directly.

"What are you talking about?" My head snapped to Joe. I scanned the area and noticed Lucas had vanished and Shane was relaxed in the chair across from me. Searching for Lucas, I found him dancing with Lily. Blaine was sitting on the hood Heather's car watching everyone. She was picking at the label on her bottle of water. Joe followed my line of sight then looked back at me. "Why she sitting over there, all by herself?"

"She's in a time out," I grumbled.

"Because she kissed someone else," Shane asked.

"Yes," I slurred. Joe let out a booming laugh as he opened another can of beer.

"Dude. Did she apologize?" I nodded to Joe. "Then go and accept that apology. She looks miserable, which means she probably feels guilty."

"She should. She kissed Potter. Her freaking ex-boyfriend."

"And then she came straight here. You could have found out tomorrow morning. You might have more of a reason to be this upset." Joe bumped me with his shoulder. Great, now I have no images to haunt me.

"Finn," Shane kicked at my foot. "If you don't make nice, you won't have to worry about Lucas kicking your ass. I'll do it for him."

"I'll play nice in the morning."

"You'll do it now," Shane ordered as he got to his feet. "I'll drive you two home and you can have it out there. There's no reason to embarrass her any more for the night."

Like a puppy dog, I followed Shane to where Blaine sat. He grabbed her arm and pulled her off the car. When she tried to protest, Shane whispered something to her. I watched as Blaine nodded twice, glanced at me before falling in step behind Shane.

The car ride was quiet all the way back to my house. I wanted to know why he chose here, then it hit me. If Lucas found his way home, and we were fighting, he would throw me out. If we made up before then and we fall asleep in her room, he'd throw me out. If things ended badly, I would be tossed off the couch then out the door. No matter the reason, Lucas would enjoy the outcome. At least, if we were here, no one would be walking home.

I opened the front door for Blaine and watched her kick off her shoes as I shut the door. I fumbled with my own shoes as she sat on the bench by the door. With the exception of the quick glance before we left, she hasn't dared to look at me. It's painful since I can't stop looking at her. All her make-up was still perfect. Her hair was falling around her face as she played with one of the pieces of fringe.

"All you did was kiss?"

"I swear." She looked at me through her lashes. "I didn't even know it was happening until it was."

"No more kissing assholes."

"No more kissing anyone, but you." I crouched in front of her and took her hand.

"At the risk of your brother finding out, want to go upstairs." She smirked and shook her head. "I'm ready to pass out, and our couch is nowhere near as comfy as yours."

"Fine," she teased as she stood up. I trailed after her up the stairs and down the hall to my room. I dug through the top drawer of my dresser and pulled out a tee for her. With my back to her, I took off my jeans and tee. I pulled on a pair of shorts and felt soft lips on my shoulder. Her arms snaked around my waist as she hugged me. "I'm really sorry."

"I believe you," I whispered. I broke the hold she had on me and turned to face her. Cupping her face with my hands, I kissed her softly. "I'm happy you decided to try out."

"Can we not talk about that right now?" She looked me over. "I can't think about football when all I want to do is kiss you."

"That's all you want to do," I asked. Taking a step forward forced her to take a step back.

"I think you're too drunk for anything else."

"We can test that theory." We stopped as the back of her legs hit the bed. Using one hand, she pushed me to the side and I tripped. The bed felt soft as I landed on it. "You cheated."

"I tested the theory." She stood with her hands on her hips. A victorious smile growing on her face. Sitting up, I grabbed her hips and pulled her down next to me. She let out a squeak and I quickly covered her mouth. She pulled my hand away. "Afraid your mom might catch us?"

"I'm more worried that your brother's super hearing is working." She shoved at my chest playfully as a giggle left her. My arms wrapped tighter around her as I nuzzled the top of her head. "Please be here in the morning."

I didn't hear her response as my eyes drifted closed. I did feel her squirm then the blanket at the foot of my bed being pulled over us. Shane dropping us off here was the best thing he could have done. We could sleep in peace without a morning of twenty questions. I could hold Blaine as close as I wanted without wondering if her brother would see and judge.


The weight on my chest combined with the bare leg and arm wrapped around me felt amazing. It was a familiar feeling that I could easily get used to. Carefully, my fingers combed through her hair and pulled it back to reveal her face. Just like the first morning I woke up with her like this, everything was perfect. Although my shirt didn't show off as much skin, it looked better than the tank did.

A soft buzzing from somewhere on the floor made me groan. The constant sound meant it was a call, or someone sending multiple texts. I rolled away from her and reached for my jeans. I fished my phone from the pocket and looked at the screen. Lucas' face filled the screen along with the three words I didn't want to see; call from Luke.

"It's early," I groaned into the phone as my other hand scrubbed my face.

"Blaine with you?"

"Where else would she be?" The words turned into a yawn. I heard him mutter something, but the soft leg wrapped around mine moved. Looking down to find bright green eyes looking at me through barley parted lids. "What was that?"

"I was saying she should be at home. Why is she there?"

"We had to talk about a few things." He grumbled something again, but this time her hand moved across my chest. I shook my head and dropped it back on the pillow. My hand snatched hers to stop it from moving. "I promise she'll be home by ten, okay?"

I hung up the phone before he could answer and tossed it back onto the balled up denim. Turning my attention back to the girl in my bed, I grinned.

"You're going to get me into trouble," I muttered.

"Better you than me." Her fingers laced with mine on my waist. The gentle brush of her thumb across my stomach sent a shiver through me and a giggle through her. I tried to give her a glare, but it failed and earned me another string of giggles. I pulled her hand away and rolled onto my side.

"Stop that," I grumbled. My other hand cupped her face and I leaned down to kiss her. She shifted closer to me as I licked her lips. My hand traveled down her side and found its place on her hip. The hand intertwined with hers itched to let go, but then her fingers played with mine. The kiss grew deeper, our tongues dancing as my grip on her hip loosened to take hold of the shirt.

I battled with myself as I thought about pulling it a little higher. Her thighs would be bare and the thoughts of going farther inched forward in my mind. Instead of risking a slow down, my hand slid over her thigh and under the shirt to find her soft hip again. Our lips separated and I kissed her cheek down to her neck. Lavender filled my nose as I kissed her shoulder through the shirt.

"Finn," a voice joined the soft knocking. The door was pushed opened and I bolted up right. Blaine froze beside me as I pulled the blanket back over her. My mother's eyes widened as she took in sight. Our cloths from the previous night scattered across the floor. The form buried beside me trying hard not to breath. My reddened face and bare chest. Yeah. Wide eyes were accepted at the moment. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize you had company."

I watched as her arms crossed over her chest. The cocked eyebrow told me we would be having a talk later, but that she would spare me in front of my guest. The hand recently on Blaine's hip was now pushing my hair back. It stopped at my neck as I let a sheepish smile slide into place.

"Sorry, Mom," I cleared my throat. "You and Dad were already asleep when we got here and neither of us were in any shape to drive. I told her she could stay."

"Mhm," she nodded her head slowly. "Well, if you and Blaine want to pull yourselves together, I'm starting breakfast."

"Thanks," I mumbled. She pointed a finger at me before turning around. She pulled the door closed, but changed her mind and left it slightly open. A clear threat of no more of whatever she just walked in on. With a huff, I let myself fall back onto the mattress. Muffled giggles tickled my ear as I looked at Blaine. The red gracing her cheeks told me she was embarrassed, but the giggles told me she wasn't humiliated. "What's so funny?"

"You got caught red handed," she teased pointing a finger at me.

"So did you."

"Yeah," she shrugged, "But it wasn't my family for a change."

"She's probably calling your house right now. Who's home to answer the phone?" It was her turn to sit up in a rush. She scrambled to get free of the blanket then my arms as they wrapped around her.

"Finn, let me go," she giggled again as I pulled her back down beside me.

"Five more minutes." I planted a kiss on her cheek, then her lips. She pushed at my chest.

"What if she comes back up?"

"Then she comes back up." the corner of my mouth twitched up as she tried to hide her smile.

"Then you enjoy your five extra minutes," she kissed me one more time before squirming to the far side of the bed to get to her feet. My eyes fell to where the hem of my shirt my her legs and groaned. Rubbing the heels of my palms against my eyes, I groaned.

"I think you are more careless when your brother is around."

"Because I know it bothers him." I sat up, swinging my legs over the side of my bed and picked up the shirt from last night. "I don't want your mom to get the wrong idea."

"Like you're my girlfriend, and we're both good kids?"

"See, kids wouldn't do what we were doing when she walked in."

"You're right," I pulled the shirt over my head and stood up. "Kids would just flash each other out right."

"You're missing the point," she crossed her arms over her chest as she walked toward the door. I stepped in front of her and pulled her hands from their place.

"I get your point," I rested my forehead against her. Our noses touched as our eyes met. "Don't run away to Potter."

"Jerk," she growled as she yanked her hands free and tried to step around me. Grabbing her waist, I spun her around threw her over my shoulder. "Put me down."

"Nope." She shouted at me the entire way to the kitchen. She smacked my ass as I entered the kitchen the muttered a curse.

"Hi, Mrs. James," she mumbled.

"Hello, Blaine." My mother's eyes shot to me and I set Blaine back on her feet. She elbowed me before she backed away. The clearing of a throat rumbled through the room and I spun around to see my dad sitting at the head of the table.

"Nice of you to join us," he peered at me from over the paper before giving Blaine a weak obligatory smile. His eyes shifted back to me and I felt the impending lecture in my bones.

"I'm going to drive Blaine home." They shared a look before my mom nodded.

"Don't be too long," my mom forced a smile. "Breakfast is almost done."

Snatching Blaine's hand, I lead her to the door and grabbed her shoes and my keys. The sudden urge to get her out of there was overwhelming. It probably didn't look good wither. I all but dragged her to the door then to my car. She laughed as she climbed into the passenger seat.

"Well, that was horrible."

"Then why are you laughing," I asked as I pulled away from the curb.

"You're face right now," she poked my cheek. "You looked like you saw your life flash before your eyes when your dad cleared his throat."

"I can handle my mom. I'll talk her down without a problem. My dad," I sighed. "I could explain that nothing happened, tell him the whole story about being wasted and lending you my shirt. Then how we fell asleep and only kissed this morning when Mom caught us. He would skip over the part of me being drunk, ignore the only kissing bit and jump right into the importance of the responsibility of a man in certain situations."

"The growing boy speech," she teased. Even with her mocking tone, I caught a glimpse of heat rising up her neck. I wanted to tease her right back, but I couldn't think of anything that would ease the embarrassment. Instead, my hand found hers and I brought it to my lips. "So, corny."

"Blame it on the stupid movies you make me watch."

"I don't make you watch anything."

"Then how about I pick a movie for next weekend?"

"Next weekend?"

"Homecoming weekend. Movie marathon with pizza and junk food. You didn't forget, did you?"

"I thought you had."

"So, do I get to pick," I asked as we pulled up to her house. She looked like she was thinking as she opened the door. I took note of Shane's Jeep parked beside Lucas' truck. Tilting her head, Blaine looked from me and then to the house. She cursed and rested her head against the seat. "If you don't go in, they'll come out."

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