Meant to be

By magconboysandme

4.8K 111 1

Kylie Thompson just moved from Tennessee to North Carolina. She is about to finish her last day of school whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 11
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Im sorry for any confusion
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 18

179 4 0
By magconboysandme

Kylie's pov

We got to the cabin and I found my room. it was midnight but I wasn't tired. I sat down on my bed and watched TV. hayes was trying to call me. why is he still up? I answered...

K. why are you still up?

H. because wasn't going to bed without knowing you made it there

K. you would do anything for me, why?

H. because I love you and your perfect

K. nobodies perfect

H. I meant your perfect for me

K. Please stop your gonna make me cry

H. what's wrong

K. I just miss you so much

H. I miss you too

I was just silent

H. whats that

K. whats what

H. that on your cheek. aww is that a tear

K. maybe, you know you can go to sleep now

H. You know its like 3am here, haha night baby girl

K. night babe

I hung up and then went to bed.

*next morning*

"Kylie, come on wake up" my mom said for the 3rd time. "I'm up, gosh" I said and got up. I took a shower and then got changed. I put my makeup on and put my hair up. I ate breakfast and told my mom where I was going. "hey mom, I'm gonna go ride sunshine" I said. sunshine is my horse. I got her a few years ago and she's never let me down. I have a guy named William to take care of him while I'm gone. "okay honey, stay close" she said. "okay" I said and grabbed my phone.

I went over to sunshine and William was there. "hey will" I said. "KYLIE!" he said and hugged me. "hey" I said to him. "hey sunshine, I missed ya" i said and gave him a horse-hug. "is he ready to ride" I asked. "yep, can I come along" he said.

"Sure" I said as I put my phone in the pocket on the saddle. we have three horses. Sunshine, domino,and Bella. domino is Logan's horse and Bella is Sara's horse. we went on our little trail around the woods. "so what have you done in NC" he asked. "well, I found a boyfriend, my mom got a boyfriend, and my dad got out of jail and found me" I said. "oh" is all he said.

"Listen will, you had your chance, I moved on and found somebody who would do anything for me" I said. "I would do anything for you, just give me another chance" he said. "no, I would never do that to my boyfriend" I said. "(sigh) ok, lets keep riding" he said and we kept riding.

Gavin's pov

Hayes is on his way here. Tiffany went to get him. oh, there he is. "Hey hayes, Kylie's room is in here" I said pointing to her room. he put his bags in her room and asked, "where is she". "she's outside riding her horse sunshine" I said. "okay" he said and went out there.

Hayes's pov

I walked outside and saw kylie riding a horse with a guy walking beside her. he looked our age and it looked like he was flirting with her. she wasn't flirting back tho. she looked disgusted actually.

"Listen will, you had your chance. I moved on and I found somebody that would do anything for me" she said. "I would do anything for you, just give me another chance" he said. "no, I would never do that to my boyfriend" she said. he wanted her from me.

"(Sigh) ok lets keep riding" he said and

went in front of her. She started again but her horse freaked out. his front legs came up and it threw Kylie off into the lake.

"KYLIE!" we yelled and ran in to the water after her. "Move" the guy said. I'm guessing it was William. He pushed me back and helped Kylie up. She got up and ran to me. "HAYES!" she said and ran to me. I picked her up and spun her around. "I missed you babe" I said loud enough for will to hear. "This is your boyfriend" will asked. "uh yeah, this is hayes, hayes this is will, he takes care of the horses while I'm gone" she said.

"Hi, I'm hayes" I said and reached for his hand. he reached for it and squeezed it the hardest he could. "will" he said. "KYLIE!" Tiffany said. "Coming" she yelled back. "I'll be back" she said and went inside.

Will turned to me and put his finger on my chest. "Now you listen to me, I've known kylie longer than you have son and was her first boyfriend. she may date you but I'm gonna get her back and if you get in my way, ha well you don't even know. You better watch out, cause I'm gonna win her back. so leave her alone bitch" he said and pushed me back.

Kylie's pov

My mom called me inside to check on me because I fell. she said I could go back outside and I saw and heard something I hate. "You better watch out because I'm gonna win her back. so leave her alone bitch" will said. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I yelled. "don't talk to him like that" I said. "Kylie, ha you didn't hear him, he said he was using you, he said I could have you" will said. "damn, your a good lier" hayes said. "yeah, and I'm tired of it. come on" I said and pulled hayes's hand and we looked for sunshine.

"Why did he just do that to me, does he like you" hayes asked. "yeah, he's actually my ex. lets stop talking about that. I'm glad your here" I said and held his hand. (play the beginning of 'I'm not the only one' by Sam Smith). "I'm glad I'm here too, I missed you. is what he said true" he said. "NO! he will never win me back. I give people 1 chance and if they don't use it properly, than its over" I said. "That's what I was loping for, who are we looking for" he asked.

"My horse, Sunshine. she would never hurt me. i think she got something stuck in her foot" I said. "Oh well I hope she's not hurt" he said. "I know, I just need to find her, SUNSHINE!" I yelled 'sunshine'. "is that her" he asked and pointed to a horse with long dark brown hair and light brown fur.

"Oh my gosh, SUNSHINE" I said. she turned around and backed up. "stay there. good girl. stay there" I said putting my hands up in the air. "hayes, you might want step back" I said and he stepped back. I bent down and I noticed that her back left foot was up more than the others. "ok, here goes nothing" I said and reached for get foot. she tried to run but I jumped on her and pulled the reins back.

I got off and picked her foot up. she bites me and hayes comes running to me. "are you ok" he asked. "yeah" I said and continued to grab it out. she bit it again. "SHIT!" I yelled. "I know what will work" I said and grabbed my whip. I WAS NOT GOING TO WHIP HER! no, I was going to scare her. "your gonna whip her" he asked. "NO!" I yelled. "I'm going to scare her" I said. "um ok" he said. ''ha look" I said and put it in front of her. she straitened up and let me look.

"Oh god" I said and pulled a splinter out. it was BIG! "•sigh• lets go, I'm too tired to do anything else" I said. "ok" he said.

Gavin's pov

I saw will yell at hayes. "you better watch out because I'm gonna win her back. so leave her alone bitch'' he said.

Kylie saw and got SO mad! she said she was tired of it and pulled hayes away from him. I was too so I went over to him. "I want you to listen to me kid. you will not get in between their relationship. they are happily in love and there's nothing you can do about it" I said.

"Ooh *mouth sis*(what ever it is) I'm sorry sir, but that just won't work for me" he said and walked around me. "oh you come here" I said and yanked him by the arm and threw a punch. "GAVIN!" Tiffany yelled as she came out of the house. "what is going on" she asked. "he thinks he can ruin hayes and Kylie's relationship" I said.

"Mm hmm, I saw it. *looks at will* Will, you can leave now, don't come back. your fired" she said. "you this is it, its not. i'll be back" he said. "ok have a good day" I said. "Well there you are" she said to hayes and Kylie.

Hayes was holding Kylie and Kylie was crying into his chest. "whats wrong" I asked. she held her hand out and it was teeth marks and it was bleeding.

"Come in here, we got to wash that off" Tiff said and pulled her into the bathroom. hayes and I followed after them. "NO! it hurts! stop!" Kylie yelled.

We walked in and Kylie was on the counter. "Kylie Brianna Thompson! just let me do it and get it over with" tiff yelled. "Kylie look at me" hayes said and got in front of her. "it hurts" she said. "I know it hurts" he said and hugged her. he's so nice to her. she put her head in the crook of his neck.

"I'm done" tiff said. "thank the lord" Kylie said. "you can get down now" she said. Ky put her arms around hayes's neck and he put his around her waist. she put her legs around his waist and he carried her to her room.

Hayes's pov

I carried her to her room and pushed the door closed with my foot. I put her on her bed and went to my bag. "I need to change" I said. "k" she said and looked at me. "why are you looking at me" I asked while taking my shirt and pants off, leaving me only in my underwear. "Damn, your hot" she said. I put my basketball shorts on and left my shirt off. its go time.

"You are too" I said and put my hands on either side of her head. She put her arms around my neck."your hot-ter" she said. "Mm, let me see about that" I said and pulled her shirt out enough to see her bra. "Mm, you know the top of your boobs show in that bra" I said. "Mm, I didn't notice" she said and took her shirt off. COMPLETELY. I picked her chest up and held it up enough to grab her bra strap. this is a long shot! hope it works

Kylie's pov

Hayes picked my chest up and grabbed my bra strap. OH MY GOD! He's trying to take my bra off! Why did I take my shirt off? I'm going to let him do it but stop him when he tries to take it off my chest.

He grabbed where you put the bra together and unstrapped the first one. then.... he reached the second and LAST STRAP. He unstrapped it and let it reach my sides.

He picked the sides up and pulled up.

I put my arm over it. "Kylie, I'm so sorry" he said. "no, I'm sorry, I'm just not ready" i said. "its fine, lets go to sleep" he said and we got in my bed. he put his arm around my waist and kissed me on the cheek. "goodnight" he simply said. "goodnight" I said. he's sad. he always calls me 'beautiful' at night. I gotta make it up to him. but how?

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