The Adventures of a Pumpkin a...

By DarknessAndLight

3.8M 134K 148K

Because their story is too interesting to ever have an end. Follow Blake and Lexi through the years! More

Lexi, the Canvas
Lexi, the Worrier
Lexi, the French Speaker
Lexi, the Risk Taker
Lexi, the Care Giver
Lexi, the Distrustful
Lexi, the Girlfriend
Lexi, the New Mother
Lexi, the Exotic Belly Dancer (CONTEST WINNER)
Lexi, the Lover
Lexi, the Impatient
Lexi, the Snip-Snip-Snipper
Lexi, the Short-Fuse
Lexi, the Unprepared
Lexi, the Ticking Bomb
Lexi, the Daughter
Lexi, the Mediator
Lexi, the Bettor
Lexi, the Valentine
Lexi, the Deviant
Lexi, the Daughter in Law

Lexi, the Student

71.2K 2.8K 4K
By DarknessAndLight

Blake, Daph, Josh and I were all crammed up in the elevator going up to Nik's penthouse. 

"Do any of you know why Nik asked us to be here?" I inquired. We'd gotten a call at like five this morning requesting our presence immediately at his place. With the stunts he'd been pulling lately we all sort of jumped in our cars to get here. 

So now it was like six in the morning and we were all miserable and he'd better have a damn good reason to have gotten me out of the comfort of my sweet sweet bed. 

"You think he finally got laid? His interminable dry streak has finally ended?" Josh said before yawning.

"Doubt it," Daphnee answered, her arms cradling her belly. She was due in two weeks so she pretty much looked like she could pop any minutes. 

Blake wasn't saying anything because he just had his head resting on my shoulder, his eyes closed. He'd gotten in bed at around four in the morning, so the early wake up call for him was kind of painful. 

The second the door to the elevator opened, Nik was waiting for us, grabbing us by the arms, rushing us inside. "Took you guys long enough. Come on, come on, go take your seats!"

"It's waaaaaaaaay too early for shit like this," Blake whined as he was pried away from me by Nik's grabby hands. 

I was ignoring my husband though and focusing on the take your seats bit. Because there were literally desks with seats lined up in the living room, with a black board standing in front of them. Vanessa and Tyler were already sitting down there.

I narrowed my eyes at our tattooed friend. "Did you steal desks and a black board from your university?"

Nik just waved the matter away. "Please."

"I dropped out of college, there's no way I'm sitting through a lecture," Josh said, turning around, heading back to the elevator. 

"I agree with my baby daddy," Daph said, following him "and with Blake, it's waaaaaay too early for shit like this."

Nik rushed in front of them, clearly he was a lot more awake than we were, and was standing arms and legs spread in front of the elevator to stop us from going back in. "Whining like this will get your two hours in detention so I would watch it if I were you. I want to see enthusiasm, people! Come on!" he said, clapping loudly.

My husband just groaned beside me and then let himself fall on the couch that had been pushed against the wall to make room for the makeshift classroom. 

"I think you broke Blake," Josh mumbled. 

"What's going on?" I asked my brother who was sitting silently beside his girlfriend. 

Tyler just rolled his eyes. "Just let him do his thing, he's not going to drop it..."

"No mocking your teacher, stop talking during class!" Nik yelled.

I glared at him, poking his shoulder. "Nik, what the hell?"

"What the hell? What the hell is that two of you got pregnant and it wasn't planned so clearly I need to start giving you proper contraception classes," Nik said pointing to me and Daph going all hysterical.

I went completely silent. How the hell did he know?

"Wait a second? You're pregnant?" my brother squeaked. 

"You told him?"I asked Blake, incredulous. I'd just told my mother about it. Aside from Josh and Daph and my father, no one else knew. 

"I didn't tell him!" Blake replied, his voice muffled by the couch.

"Nobody had to tell me, I figured it out on my own," Nik answered me, oblivious to the commotion around. 

"Wait a second here, you're pregnant," Tyler repeated but I ignored him again. 

"I haven't even had my first visit to the doctor, how can you know, seriously, how?"

Nik rolled his eyes, waving the matter away again. "Please."

Tyler was done being ignored at this point and shouted like a drama queen, "I SAID WAIT A SECOND YOU'RE PREGNANT!"

Everyone sort of recoiled at the outburst. And I answered the obvious question. "Yes, I'm pregnant."

This wasn't exactly how I had planned to announce the news to my brother, but there was no changing the situation now. 

"How did that happen,"he asked, completely incredulous.

I could see Blake grinning from the corner of my eyes. "Blake, don't answer that."

"When two idiots don't understand the basics of contraception, that's how it happens," Nik answered for me. 

"You know, contraception isn't a hundred percent effective Nik," I told him. I had been on the pill. 

"Yeah, that's why don't have sex without double protection. You know what, don't have sex at all," he continued on his little hysterical rant.

Daph leaned in closed to me and said, "So this is what happens when he's sex deprived?" 

"Apparently," I mumbled.

"Stop talking about my sex life!" Nik whined. 

"How can we talk about your sex life when you don't have any," Josh answered automatically. 

"Nobody is listening," Nik said, and if he could have stomped his foot, he would have looked exactly like a little kid throwing a tantrum. "You're all getting detention. I understand why all of your teachers hated you."

"My teachers loooooved me," Vanessa answered with an angelic smile. 

Nik flipped her off. "Shut up, you kiss ass."

Daph let out a loud exasperate breath. "This is ridiculous."

"No, no, you know what's ridiculous?" Nik said, shushing her, "Thinking that pulling out works!"

"We should call all of Nik's hook ups and see if he made sure to have proper contraception," Tyler said with a smirk. 

"Yeah, we should. Call, what's her name, Chloe?" Josh replied. 

"Yeah call her," Daph added.

"Don't call her, last thing we want is for him to have sex without protection," Blake mumbled, still lying face down on the couch. 

"I think y'all are missing the big picture here. That's never going to be a problem for Nik, getting a girl pregnant, since he's gay. He can bottom all he wants, he'll never get pregnant," Josh pointed out.

Nik did not seem amused. He had his arms crossed over his chest and he was glaring at all of us. "I hate all of you."

"Oh honey, don't worry, you can do in vitro and get a surrogate," Daph told him, before patting his cheek. 

Nik flicked her hand away. "I'm going to fail all of your stupid asses, and as long as you don't pass this contraception class, this is going to be a daily occurrence, I hope you know it. No sex until you get this right!"

Daph snorted. "Hey Josh, did you hear that? I think Nik just had an aneurysm and said that we weren't allowed to have sex?"

Josh slapped Nik's butt with a smile and said, "I'm sorry Boo-Bear, we can't all be abstinent like you."

"Come on guys... I made you school books and everything," and after saying that he went to where the black board was and grabbed a bag on the ground beside it, pulling out a pile of books, and I could read its title: Nik's Intro to Contraception. 

We all sort of went quiet at that. Did he seriously make... school books for us?

Blake was sitting down on the couch now, elbows on his knees, hands around his face, shaking it, a little incredulous. "Wow... so this is what it looks like when Nik doesn't have sex and has time on his hands."

"No, more like a wound up, sex-deprived, horny Nik with too much energy," Tyler corrected. 

"You guys are all useless," Nik groaned, throwing the books on the ground. 

"Tell you what Nik, if you let us all go, we'll name our first born after you," Vanessa said.

Nik glared at her. "Don't fucking tell me you're pregnant too."

"I'm not," Van grinned, "I listen when you talk about contraception."


"So, first born?" this time Tyler offered. 

"As their first name? Not just some middle name?" Nik asked, seeming a little wary. 

"Yes, as their first name," Vanessa agreed, Tyler agreeing beside her. 

Nik nodded his head a little, rubbing his chin, "I can work with that."

"See, that wasn't so hard," Tyler told him with an obnoxious smile.

Nik narrowed his eyes a little, clearly still not completely satisfied with the outcome of this little tantrum. "Sure, but you guys better not get pregnant too soon, like those other dweebs."

"Heard that," Daph said.

"I better fucking hope so!"

Josh made a face, "Jeez, he's really wound up, isn't he."

Daph agreed and said, "Yeah. Nik, honey, I think you need to get laid." 

Nik just gaped silently at us, like a fish out of the water. And then, "Are you kidding me now? So after months of pulling stunts to make sure I don't sleep with anyone, now you want me to go get some?"

"We didn't know these would be the side effects," Blake pointed out. 

"I hate aaaaaaaaaaaall of you. Get out of my house now," Nik whined, shooing us away. 

"Well... I mean, now that we're all here might as well go get something to eat," Tyler offered. 

That was a good idea. We were rarely all together. We were just missing Alex and Travis, but I guess they didn't need the contraception speech so that's why they weren't there. We could call them on our way out. 

"I'd kill for bacon," Daphnee exclaimed.

"I have a craving for eggs Benedict and salmon," Vanessa added.

"Whatever as long as there's coffee," I stated.

"Grab your coats peasants," Josh announced, "we're going out for breakfast!"

So we all followed him, heading to the elevator. When we were two floors down, Nik pulled the emergency stop button, the elevator coming to a halt and stood firmly in front of it with a bitch smile. "Now that I have all of you gathered here. First thing to know about contraception..."

Our shouts of complaints drowned out his laughter. 


A/N: Hey guys. Long time no upload. I hope you enjoy this little chapter. I had bad news today so I felt like writing something that might make you guys happy and then I could read your comments and remember why I write. 

I've been on Wattpad for almost ten years now... When I started to upload some of you didn't even know how to read. I've loved every second of writing. I'm just a little bit sad sometimes because it really feels like I still have no recognition. Ten years should mean something. 

I guess I wanted to share my feelings since it's not because you have a lot of followers or a lot of reads that it feels like you've accomplished something. I doubt my writing all the time. I don't even feel like a writer. 

So... yeah. Happy times. This got depressing. Sorry. 

I hope this chapter was able to put a smile on your face. And that your comments will put a smile on mine.  If you guys are happy, then I also get happy. :)

Love you guys. The Spawns or The Smirking Jerk should be next. :)

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