The Rules | ✅ Completed

بواسطة Sammers

178K 5.1K 952

I have three basic rules to live by Don't draw attention to myself. Make it through another year. My brother'... المزيد

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Author's Note
Alternate Epilogue
Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter 19

3.1K 81 5
بواسطة Sammers

"Come on, Lainy," Shane shouted from across the open field. Since we had a bye-week this Friday, Shane had convinced us all to go play a pick up game. Heather had tagged along with Blaine. The two were sitting on top of the picnic table talking.

"Laine," Joe bellowed holding up his arms. She held up her middle finger as her attention remained on her friend. Joe huffed as he stalked over to the pair.

I raised a brow as I turned to an unphased Luke. His arms were crossed over his chest as he looked to Shane.

"She won't do it."

"Sure she will," Shane grinned spinning the football in the palm of his hand. "When was the last time she turned down a game of two-hand-touch?"

"When you ran with her over your shoulder through the splash pad," Luke grumbled. A squeal drew all of our eyes over to the girls and Joe. Heather was over his shoulder as Blaine was being dragged behind him.

"We've got two volunteers," he cheered as he dropped Heather to her feet. She huffed and adjusted her ponytail of curls.

"We didn't volunteer."

"You did now." Shane wrapped his arm around her shoulders. In an instant she melted into a puddle under his touch. Blaine shook her head as she took her place beside me. I laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"How is having Heather on a team fair," Luke asked flatly.

"No one asked you, Luke," Heather tilted her head back in defiance.

"Fine, but I'm not going to be on her team."

"She can be on my team." Shane chimed. Heather's flirtatious smile went unnoticed as Shane stepped back and tossed the ball to me. Blaine leaned toward the pass and snatched the ball from my waiting hand. She placed the ball between her knees and pulled her hair up into a ponytail. The dark hair waved as she tightened the rubber band around it. Tucking the ball under her arm, she took a dominant stance and looked to each of us.

"Who are the captains?"

"I think it's fair to say you and I should pick teams," Shane beamed. He opened his hands, calling for the ball. She lobbed it to him with her own grin in place.

"I want Joe," she stated crossing her arms over her chest.

"Wow," I teased, bumping her with my elbow. She gave me a mocking grin.

"Who said you got to pick first," Shane replied. Her eyes darted to him.

"I figured ladies first," she shrugged, "But technically you picked Heather, so it's my turn."

"Fine," Shane narrowed his eyes at her. "Then I'm taking lover boy."

"That leaves me Lucas."

Standing a foot apart, they played three rounds of rock, paper, scissors to determine who got first possession of the ball. Shane grumbled as he gave the ball back to her. She stuck out her tongue as she walked backwards toward her brother and Joe. Catching my eyes, she blew me a kiss then bit her lip before turning around.


Blaine called her brother's name as I threw her over my shoulder. Luke brushed past me and I could feel her arms moving against my back. Her hands smacked my ass, telling me she had given up the ball. I spun around and looked to see Lucas pitch the ball back to Joe when he neared Shane. Heather groaned as Joe poked her forehead as he passed her.

"Touch down," Joe sing-songed from the designated area. He threw the ball to Lucas who raised it over his head.

"We win," Blaine cheered from her place over my back. Setting her back on her feet, I sighed in defeat. She cupped my face and kissed me. "Sorry, Finn."

"Sure you are."

"Lester's don't joke about competitions."

"That's the truth," her brother threw his arm across her shoulder, and pulled her closer to him.

"My first mistake," Shane shouted as he, Joe and Heather joined us. "You two are no longer allowed on the same team."

"Hey," Joe frowned. "I'm the one that scored."

"So," Blaine cut off Shane's rebuttal, "What do we win?"

"Gloating rights," Shane waved his hand walking toward the picnic table.

"Boring," she shouted at his back. Pulling free from her brother she ran after Shane and jumped onto his back. He stumbled from the impact before wrapping arms around her legs. She whined over his shoulder as he continued to ignore her complaints.

"What do you think," Lucas asked aloud crossing his arms.

"Coach will have a hard time denying she's got skill," Joe answered as Heather trotted over. I sighed knowing that they were going to get their asses kicked for this stupid plan. The whole point of today was to help everyone relax with the homecoming game coming up. The minute Blaine tied up her hair, Shane had gotten a crazy idea. During one of Blaine's celebrations in the endzone He shared it with the rest of us.

"She won't do it," I inserted as they stepped closer. Lucas raised a brow and Joe's lips turned upwards.

"Why not?"

"She doesn't like being in the spot light, Luke. QB brings nothing but attention. Let's not forget the other two factors either. She's your sister." Joe and Lucas shared a look then returned their gaze to me.

"That was only one," Joe chuckled.

"She," I raised a finger. Raising my second finger, finishing the sentence, "Is your sister."

Lucas' head fell back in realization. Joe's hand smacked his forehead. Three damn good reasons for them to stop before this ball got rolling. A cheer from the girls called our attention to the picnic table. Shane was hunched over, his hands covering his head as the girls sat on the table top on either side.

"Let's go," Heather waved us over.

"Shane's buying us ice cream."

"Alright," Joe cheered as he ran over to the small crowd.

"Finn," Lucas mumbled. I looked at him over my shoulder. "You really think she'd veto the idea?"

"I think she'd veto a surprise try-out." Setting his pace to mine, we walked over to the table. The way his eyes glazed over, I knew he was processing my words. For someone who protected his sister so carefully, he didn't understand her completely.

"What were you two talking about," Blaine asked as we got closer. She jumped off the table and wandered over to me. The wild grin on her face was beautiful. My hands found her waist as I pulled her closer to me.

"He said I was losing my edge, and I reminded him this was a pick-up game." A throat cleared from my left as an elbow knocked against my arm. Shooting a glare at her brother, Blaine watched him past by. She twisted around to say something. I pulled her tightly against my chest. My head resting on her shoulder. "Let him be."

"Fine," she mumbled, letting her back rest against me.

"Ice cream," Heather reminded all of us as she jumped off the table. Joe repeated her as he walked backwards to the parking lot. Shane dangled his keys as he forced himself to his feet. Joe and Heather stood between the truck and Jeep waiting for the others to reach them. Heather climbed into the backseat of the Jeep while Joe took the passenger seat.

Blaine pulled herself up to sit on the edge of the truck bed. Her feet swinging back and forth over the tire. Lucas looked up at her then pointed to the cab of the truck. A roll of her eyes and she swung her legs into the bed of the truck. Her brother huffed and climbed into the truck. I climbed into the truck bed and sat beside Blaine. Our backs rested against the cab of the truck as it lurched to pull out of the parking spot.


The chill of the ice cream shop sent a shiver down my spine every time we were here. The stack of games along one of the walls were battered and well worn from the countless generations who used them. Puzzles worked on by friends were hung up on the walls. Blaine was stretched out on the couch, her back nestled against my side as she ate her sundae. Heather and Joe were on their third game of checkers across the room. Shane slipped away to a table of girls from the junior varsity cheer squad.

Until a few minutes ago, Lucas had been outside on the phone. He was pacing the sidewalk, and had perplexed look on his face. The expression remained as he sat in a reading chair across from us. His knee bounced as he scrubbed a hand of his face, then revealed he had scrubbed away the frustration.

"What's got you all bothered," Blaine asked as she took another bite of ice cream. Her brother's eyes flicked to me and I shook my head. Her eyes darted to me from over her shoulder then back to her brother. "Are you two okay? You've been acting weird all afternoon. Is this about homecoming? I swear, I'm okay not going, so you can stop worrying."

"That's not it," I interrupted her rambling. My arm gently wrapped around her neck. She shifted out of my hold and set the half melted sundae on the table. She crossed her arms and sat back to give us each an annoyed look.

"Will one of you say something then?"

"How would you feel about trying out for the team," Lucas asked. His knee was still bouncing even though his voice was steady. Blaine moved to the edge of the couch and a string of giggles filled the shop. Shane looked over with the cheerleaders as did the pair fighting about a move.

"You're joking," Blaine finally asked. She wiped at tears racing down her cheeks. Her face was flushed as she took a deep breath. "You think I should try out? For the football team? Did you get hit today and I missed it?"

"Shane suggested it," Lucas answered, not caring that he just put his best friend's head on the chopping block.

"Russel," Blaine shouted. The red on his face contrasted against his blonde hair as he wiggled his fingers sheepishly. "Don't you wave at me. Get your ass over here. Now."

The cheerleaders giggled as Shane sulked over to the chair beside Lucas. They shared a panicked look before turning to Blaine. I watched anxiously as her finger tapped on her knee. Joe and Heather abandoned their game and huddled around us. Heather plopped onto the couch beside Blaine as Joe sat on the arm rest on her other side.

"What's with all the hostility? I thought you were laughing," Heather asked, taking a bite of Blaine's ice cream.

"These idiots want me to try out," Blaine gestured to the two who she called brother.

"I think it's a great idea," Joe piped in. He nudged Heather and she passed him the sundae she had claimed. All eyes turned to me and I shrugged.

"It's not the worst idea they've ever had. Remember, the time Shane drove us to Michigan in the middle of that snow storm?"

Lucas raised a brow trying to understand what that had to do with anything right now. Shane and Joe laughed. Heather, on the other hand, reflected her friend's reaction. Both had daggers in their eyes and creases in their foreheads. My hand rubbed her back.

"I thought you were supposed to be protective," Heather snapped, taking the sundae back from Joe. She peeked at Shane then Lucas.

"What does that have to do with -"

"Broken finger," Heather cut Lucas off and pointed to Shane. Her finger turned on Lucas next, "Broken arm and breaking legs. Hell, Joe might still be suffering from his concussion last year."

"Hey," Joe snatched the sundae and grumbled how wrong she was.

"Four injuries in just the last year between the three of you. You've got a foot on her and a hundred pounds of pure muscle to deflect the hits."

Lucas looked at Shane from the corner of his eye as if just realizing the dangers she would face. I gave him a sympathetic told-you-so face when his eyes met mine. Rolling his shoulders, he hunched over in the chair and rested his arms on his legs.

"Look, Coach is giving you a chance Monday after practice."

"You already talked to Coach Gilly," Blaine bolted to her feet, "Before you even asked me? What's wrong with you two? What's wrong with all of you?"

Blaine was out the door and storming past the window before I could stop her. Heather put a hand on my shoulder as she passed by me to follow her friend. Lucas let out a heavy sigh as he fell back against the chair. Shane was rubbing his face and muttering to himself. Joe finished the sundae and went to set the bowl on the counter. I stared at all of them.

"I told you it was a bad idea," I grumbled as I left the shop to find the girls. It wasn't hard. They were sitting on a park bench at the end of the street. Heather saw me first. She cleared her throat and Blaine's head snapped in my direction. There was no doubting she was related to Lucas. The rage pouring from her eyes was the same he had at Shane's party.

"What do you want?"

"To see how you are," I shoved my hands in my pockets.

"Is that what you and Luke were talking about at the field?"

"I love the subtleness."

"Finn," she snapped. Her knuckles were turning white from how tight her fingers were curled into her palm.

"I was telling him it was a bad idea, okay?"

"Let's go," she mumbled to Heather.

"Where we going?"

"Heather and I are going to her house. Let Lucas know I'm crashing there for the night." Heather shrugged at me when they got to their feet. She waved a hand when I took a step to follow them. I hated to agree, but Heather gave me a look that screamed space and trust. With my head hung low, I retreated back to the ice cream shop and fell back onto the couch.

"Well," Joe asked from the spot beside me.

"She's hiding at Heather's for the night." My eyes met Lucas' and I felt the hurt. I think we all did. "I think she's feeling trapped. Not to mention the whole attention part."

"She's been seeking attention since the start of school," Lucas responded, his arms stretching out over the arms of the chair.

"Yeah she has," Shane grinned. Joe's booming laughter filled the small shop as Lucas and I shot Shane a warning look. "We just have to make a better case. Maybe by Monday, she'll be ready to come around."

"Or she blows off the try out," I answered.

"Or she just blows the try out all together. That's how I would get even," Joe added. "Then your asses are all on the line."

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