The Rules | ✅ Completed

By Sammers

179K 5.1K 952

I have three basic rules to live by Don't draw attention to myself. Make it through another year. My brother'... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Author's Note
Alternate Epilogue
Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter 17

2.9K 86 10
By Sammers

Sitting beside my dad in the bleachers, I cringed at the sound of helmets clashing and the shrill cry of a whistle. Our team was getting the hell beaten out of them. We were down by two touchdowns and making little progress down the field. I could see my dad shaking his head as the crowd began to boo. Another holding penalty going uncalled. It was the third one this quarter and the crowd was losing their minds.

"Want to borrow my glasses," an older man in overalls yelled toward the field.

"You dropped the money they gave you on the twenty," another man shouted.

Shane was sacked on the fourth down and Westerly was given the ball. Three of my boys trotted to the sidelines in search of water while my fourth ran out. Shane was pacing and swinging his arm back and forth. That last hit rocked him too hard for my comfort. Joseph patted Finn on the back.


He ignored me last night after he left and didn't reach out this morning. I didn't get to see him before the game either. The sound of the play being called tore me from my thoughts. Lucas was on the hunt as the defensive line blitzed and burst through the offensive line. My brother clipped one of his opponents, plowed through the gap and knocked Jasper on his back. The crowd cheered as one of the other linemen recovered the ball. Lucas stood over Jasper and said something as the quarterback got to his feet.

Jasper's helmet moved as he said something back causing my brother to get in his face. It took three of his teammates to pull him back before the ref intervened. He pointed at my brother, mostly giving him a warning. He then turned to Jasper and pointed at him.

"Boy better get his head on straight," my dad muttered as he crossed his arms.

"Everyone's on edge," I tried to excuse my brother's temper. "The crowd his fueling him. He'll shake it off."

The siren wailed over the scoreboard putting an end to the first half. The line at the concessions was down and around the building. The cheerleaders clustered near their water bottles. Their smiles faded, the cheeriness gone from sight. The football teams left for the locker rooms. My foot bounced as I bit my lip.

"You okay, Laine?"

"Yeah," I smiled at my dad. "This game is way too painful."

"Why don't you go grab us some waters?" He reached for his wallet and I waved him off.

"I've got it." I slipped through the crowds of fans stretching their legs and found the end of the line. I stared at the scoreboard, watching the seconds tick by. Once at the window, I ordered the waters and a burger for my dad. With fifteen minutes on the clock, I rushed the water and food to my dad. I told him I'd be back and weaved through the crowds now returning to their seats. Westerly players were filing out of their locker room and it was only a matter of time before our team emerged.

"Where you going pretty lady," one of the guys called out as I passed by. I gave them the middle finger as the home team's locker room emptied onto the sidewalk. Finding the familiar white eleven, I waved to get his attention. He shook his head and turned away from me.

"Finnegan James," I called out planting my foot. A couple of the guys gave him crap as he yanked at the straps of his helmet and pulled it off.

"I can't deal with this right now," he grumbled, studying the field. My hand cupped his cheek and he pulled away. Using both of my hands, I forced him to look at me with those beautiful green eyes.

"I'm sorry. I am so sorry." The black markings under his eyes was smudged from the sweat still on his face. "You needed to hear it from me in person."

"Lainy," he sighed.

"Kiss me," I whispered.


"Kiss me. Or are you chicken." He failed at hiding his smirk. My lips brushed his as I whispered the two words again. It took little convincing as his arm snaked around my waist and his lips pressed against mine. We were breaking one of Lucas' rules, but there is something bigger on the line.

"I'm not over this," Finn breathed out as he pulled away.

"No," I glanced to the field and Finn followed. "Neither is he."

Standing on the field watching us was none other than Jasper. Even at this distance I could see him losing his focus. The rest of his team was warming up with stretches and sprints. Yet, there he stood. Ignoring his coach and watching as Finn pulled me closer to whisper in my ear.

"Joe's right about you." I pulled away as the corner of my mouth twitched upward. "Pure evil."

"Go show them who's field this is." He kissed me one more time before running to the field.


"Who knew a single kiss could save a game," Joseph chuckled from my brother's tailgate. Finn sat beside him, burying his face in my hair. His arms were wrapped me while I stood between his legs. "You got any other flings we should know about?"

"No," I cleared my throat, looking at Finn over my shoulder. "Just the one. I swear."

"When did you even have time to sneak around," Shane asked from one of lawn chairs in front of us.

"I can't answer that," I smiled. "A girl needs to keep some secrets."

"Hi everyone," Lily Hall cooed as she walked over with my brother. "Shane, Jade's looking for you. Something about owing her a drink."

"Sure," Shane grumbled as he gave up his seat. He took his time as he wandered to the coolers.

"Dead man walking," Joseph cupped his hand around his mouth as he shouted. Shane held up his hand to flip us off.

"Speaking of dead men," my brother glared at Finn.

"Leave them be, Lukey," Lily gently smacked his shoulder before taking Shane's abandoned chair. "They look cute together."

"Thanks," I forced out.

"How about another drink," Finn asked me as his arms released me. Goosebumps crawled across my skin as he took the warmth with him. Lucas cocked his eyebrow at us, silently scolding the idea.

"Last one," I promised him as I stepped away from Finn so he could slide off the truck bed. His fingers tangled with mine as we walked toward the coolers. Finn was patted on the back and praised as we walked through the masses. He admitted to hating the attention, but you wouldn't know it by the proud grin on his face.

We got to the coolers and watched as Jade Fletcher flirted with Shane. I could practically smell the desperation rolling off of her. She touched his arm repeatedly as she recalled a play. Finn shook his head as he dug through the nearest cooler. He pulled out two bottles of water and handed one to me. I examined the bottle then looked back at him.

"I didn't say it was going to be an alcoholic drink," he smiled.

"You're almost as evil as me." I twisted the cap off and took a sip.

"Finn?" We both looked to see a black haired girl sauntering toward us. "I thought I'd find you here."

"Mel," Finn nodded to the girl. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him to too long in my opinion. He put space between them, and took a step toward me. "How've you been?"

"Good, really good actually. What about you? Rumor is your the star of the show now."

"It's a team effort. Always has been." I scanned the girl over. Tall, and fit like a runner. She had on cut-off shorts that were probably bought, not made, and silky pink blouse with flowing sleeves. Her tan didn't look like something you got from the summer sun beating on you. More like she was naturally tan.

"I'm going to go and save Shane."

"Wait, Blaine," he grabbed my hand. "This Melody Graceling. Mel, this is my girlfriend Blaine."

"You're girlfriend," Mackenzie's smile faltered for a second before it grew. He nodded, looking at me with the lopsided smile.

"I'm Lucas' sister."

"I never knew Lucas had a sister."

"Surprise," I mocked. Looking back at Finn, I let my hand slip out of his. "I'm going to go find Shane now. It was nice meeting you."

Finn looked disappointed but didn't follow me. The universe must be getting even with me for running into Jasper. It was my turn to stand back and watch the past just pop up. Following the cackle of Jade, I found Shane grimacing as he tried to play nice.

"Shane," I whined, "I want to dance."

"Where's Finn," he asked with a sigh of relief.

"Don't you have a man," Jade sneered.

"Please," I whined again, ignoring Jade. With a huff he nodded and gave Jade an apologetic look.

"Thank you," he whispered when we were far enough away from Jade to hear.

"Anything for my brother."

"I'm not really in the mood for dancing."

"Then let's go for a walk."

"Seriously, where's Finn?" I shrugged as we passed the people dancing and another group playing bags. "Are you two still fighting about last night?"

"No, but he hasn't forgiven me for not telling him."

"I'm still confused how you ended up getting it on with Potter," Shane teased as he bumped my shoulder with his.

"Heather dragged me to a party, her cousin was having. I met him there." He looked at me expecting more. "Her cousin goes to Westerly. It was a party that no one I knew would be at. I said yes. We bumped into each other outside and it just kept happening throughout the night."

"Did you know who he was?"

"Not until after we started hanging out."

"Please tell you didn't-"

"You finish that sentence and there's no going back."

"Good point. Just tell me you weren't stupid."

"Not that night."


"He said all the right things. He was sweet, held my hand and even listened to my ramble. We really did only hang out a few times. Then Heather heard he was dating someone from his school. He got defensive about it when I asked him. Apparently, I wasn't worthy of parading around."

"So you ended it."

"There was nothing to end. We made out and talked. Not much of a relationship."

"Why would he bother you then?"

"The hell if I know." I sighed. "I didn't want Finn to find out that way. I wanted him to focus on the game."

"Would you have told him?"

"If Jasper tried to say something after, yeah. The past isn't something I like to bring up, let alone think about. Finn was supposed to be the present and that is all I need."

"Then why are you walking with me while Finn talks to Mel?"

"Because if he wants to tell me who Mel is to him, he will. I'm not going to make a scene or guilt trip him. I don't want that kind of relationship."

Shane wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me toward him. He didn't do the couple thing. Always on the hunt for the next girl to rock his world and split. For years, I gave him crap for it. Then I started noticing the girls he brought around. They were looking for the same thing. Can't argue with mutual life style choices. Little did he know, he was the best at listening to my drama and willing to help by asking all the right questions.

With a little nudge he steered us back to Lucas' truck. Lily was now perched on my brother's lap giggling at something Joseph said. Judging my Joseph's face, it wasn't meant to be funny. He nodded at Shane and I as we got closer.

"Where's your better half?"

"Who knows," I shrugged when Shane let me go. "I think I'm going to head out."

"Laine," Lucas started. I held up my water bottle.

"I can drive home."

"Let me know when you get there." I nodded and grabbed my keys from the truck bed. Joseph ruffled my hair when I walked past him. I stuck my tongue out and walked around the truck to my car. A shower couldn't even wash away the last few days. It's all I wanted though. A warm shower, and a crappy movie.

I stepped out of the steam filled bathroom and pulled the towel tighter around myself as I walked down the hall to my room. Glancing at my phone, I saw three missed calls and four texts. One message was from Lucas after I confirmed I was home. Another was from Shane making sure I was safe to be around sharp objects with a winking face. The third was just a smiley from Joe. The fourth caused me sit on the edge of my bed.

Jasper: How much do I owe you and James for the show

Suddenly, I need another shower. I closed the message window and scrolled through the missed calls. One from Heather, probably pissed I left. The other two were from Finn. Tossing the phone on my bed, I went to my dresser and changed into a pair of sweatpants and tank top. A knock on my door made me jump. Dad should be asleep, and no one else was home.

Easing the door open, I peeked out into the hall. Finn was standing there with his hands in his pockets. A sigh escaped me as I opened to door farther. "What are you doing here?"

"You didn't answer my calls."

"I was in the shower."

"Lainy," he took a step forward then stopped at the invisible line Lucas made. Rolling my eyes I stepped out of my room.

"I was about to put on a movie," I started to walk to the living room. "Want to stay and watch?"

"Sure." We were silent as we entered the living room and I riffled through the movies. I pulled one out and put it in. Finn grabbed the remote and turned the television on. Sitting beside him, I curled up against him. He wrapped his arm around me and I could feel him physically relaxing. "Are we going to talk about what happened tonight?"



"Shh," I hissed. "The movie's starting."

Big blocked letters announcing the film jumped onto the screen then faded. His thumb made circle's on my shoulder as he propped his feet on the coffee table. My arm wrapped around his waist as my eyelids were drooping. I didn't want to fight anymore. There was no point to. We could fight in the morning, after we both slept on it.

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