My Mate is the Player?

By GeekAvenue

242K 4.6K 564

Almost 16 year old Leah expectantly excited for her birthday. Her Sixteenth birthday is special, its when she... More

My Mate is the Player?: Intro
My Mate is A Player? Chapter One
My Mate is the Player? Chapter Two∆
My mate is the player? Chapter three
Chapter Four∆
Chapter Five♥
Chapter six✴
Authors Note
Chapter Seven
Authors Note
My Mate is the Player?- Chapter Eight
My Mate is the Player? - Chapter Nine
My Mate is The Player? - Chapter Ten
My Mate is the Player? Chapter Twelve
My Mate Is The Player? Epilogue

My Mate Is The Player? Chapter Eleven

8.3K 199 25
By GeekAvenue

So as we all know my mate was horrible, like the worst. Now here I am on the second part of our road trip deeply in love with this man. It's crazy I know but love is love. I'm so glad he changed his ways, in all honesty I didn't think I would get this kind of guy, at first I was scared as hell and thought I would be the lonely old lady who gets mad at kids that go in to her yard. I am so glad to have Xander because he makes me smile even when I'm in a bad mood and that's what soul mates are for. I can't believe this trip is happening I feel like he read my bucket list that has everyplace I want I go to.

Oh my god.

My bucket list. It was hidden and I haven't read that thing in almost two years. What if he has it?! like he could have it stuffed in his pocket right now and I wouldn't even know! "Xander?" I question slightly and he makes a 'hmm' sound keeping his eyes fixed on the road. "Did you perhaps read my... Bucketlist?"

He smiles like the devil, so creep like sometimes. I wonder what goes on inside his head.. Who knows. Xander pulls out a small piece of paper from his pocket and hands it to me, "I Love it." he simply says that and stays quiet.

I read it.

1. Have the sweetest guy to love me✔

2. Have a Disney movie marathon✔

3. Go to a beach hotel and stay there for a day or two ✔

4. Go to New York

5. Go to a Concert

Oh my god is he seriously doing all of this?! If so he'd be the best, well already is but still. You guys know what I mean, right? Yeah. Okay.

"Yeah we're doing all of this, maybe even more. Is that okay?" Xander asks, like reading my mind and I quickly look over at him confused, "you left our mind link on."

"Oh oops. Well yeah it's okay, it's g-great," what the hell? I haven't stuttered in a long time.

"A-A-are you s-scared?" Xander mocks me and chuckles. Brat. "ouch babe."

"You suck. No I'm not scared," I glare at him, okay turning of mind link.

"Wh-whatever you s-say Leah," he looks over at me and I just look mad, I'm not mad though. He puts his hand on my thigh, I take a sharp intake of breath. it almost sounded like a gasp but it wasn't.

**Xander's POV**

It's really cool to know I have an affect on Leah. When I put my hand on her thigh I heard her gasp. It wasn't loud though, but I could still hear her.

I know this is going to sound like a douche but I really can't wait to do stuff with her. What can I say? I'm a hormonal guy.

I don't want to be a player anymore because I'm in love with Leah and I can't loose her. I almost did a few times and I feel like the worst person ever.

Leah and I are going to New York right now. It's not a secret anymore because she figured it all out on her own. That smart cookie. I chuckle to myself and Leah gives me one of those looks again. To be honest it is kind of a turn on.

"Sorry, I just was thinking and some weird words they just like um yeah," I say quickly. I don't want to tell her what I was thinking, that would be letting my guard down.

I'm a guy who has a reputation and I'm not letting that go. I don't know why but I just like the power. I always feel in control and that power is just amazing, like ruling the world but not exactly. Ruling the world would be amazing, like really amazing.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear the oh so familiar voice I love, "I'm not mad you know."

"I know," was all I could jumble up. she leans over and kisses my cheek.

"Good," she mumbles.

I plug in my phone to the chord thing and play my music. When it comes to music I have a weird taste. The first thing that comes on is fashionably late by falling in reverse I couldn't help but sing a long, neither could Leah.

" Nine o'clock on the dot at the spot and I'm hanging with her friends again, great taste, a beautiful place and your fashionably late, (hey) an I don't wanna be that guy that. Makes you sad that makes you cry, sorry about making out with your friends!" we sing along to the song as it goes.

Sing along for a long time to a lot of different songs and skip the ones we didn't want to listen to. I deffinetly love Leah, she's sweet and just so perfect.

I must admit that this is the most fun I've had on a road trip in a very long time. I haven't been on many but I've had a good amount. They were all fun and games but I'm just glad I'm here with Leah instead of spending it making out with some girl I don't even care about.

After awhile my favorite song comes on, Backseat Serenade by All Time Low.

"Lazy lover find a place for me again you felt it once before I know you did I can see it," I sing along to the song as Leah just stares out the window tapping her finger to the beat on her knee.

" I love you Leah," I say. She looks up at me and smiles.

"I love you too," she says and looks out the window again.

This road trip is going to be awhile so I've made plans that we will stay in hotels at night. Im not a person that can drive late. Also Leah won't want to drive, and I won't let her.

Once we arrive at the hotel we will be in for the night I wake Leah up, grab a bag I packed for this night, than I lock the car and walk hand in hand with Leah into the hotel.

Once we walk in the lady at the desk give Leah a disgusted look, she looks at me and smiles, "How can I help you sir?"

"Xander," was all I said to that nasty girl.

"Here you go," she hands me the key and winks and me and I chuckle.

"Not happening," I said to her and it clearly pissed her off.

Once Leah and I get into the room I set myself and walk over to her, who's taking in her surroundings. I cup her face in my hands and kiss her, I needed this.

I pick her up, so she can wrap her legs around my waist. I deepen the kiss and Leah kisses back just as much. I walk over to the bed and put her on it, I get on top of her straddling her small body.

**Leah's POV**

Xander straddled my body, he kissed my lips, my jaw, my neck. oh my god I've been craving this for a long time now. What can I say? I'm a hormonal girl.

He kisses down my neck, finding my sweet spot. I try holding back the moan and instead it comes out as a grumble, he smiles. I lift my body up, rubbing it against his. He lets out a low growl.

One moment we were making out and the next we we're in our under garments still making out.

Yes I've been craving this so much but am I ready? I am still so young, what if something happens? I feel way to insecure, he must've noticed, "you are so beautiful babe," he says in between kisses.

"This can't go any further than what we are at now," I mumble quietly. He lifts my chin up so I'm looking at him.

"Hey it's okay. I know you aren't ready for this, so we will wait it out till you are ready, okay?" he says with that smirk, that smirk gets to me a lot.

Am I ready? When will I be ready?


So it's been a while right?

Lucky I updated tonight otherwise it probably would've been another week..

So was it short?? I hope it was okay(:


Do you guys want smut or no?




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