"Anytime, Cowgirl." : Arthur...

By GandalfsArmpit

31.6K 875 253

Arthur Morgan wasn't a man who believed in "happily ever after"'s. As an outlaw, a crook, a man with a bounty... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 23

650 25 10
By GandalfsArmpit

A/N: Trigger warnings include an angry father and street harassment.

The brightness of the light made Jane groan. She rolled over in her bed to see her aunt pulling her curtains back, the morning light bursting into her room with such an energy and vigor that it made her resent daylight.

"You're going to be late if you don't get up and make yourself presentable."

Two nights had passed since she confined in her mother.

She sat up, rubbing her face. "What... where am I going?"

Her aunt opened up the balcony doors. "Stefano is taking you to brunch and on a morning stroll." She looked at a disheveled Jane. "Goodness. What's he going to think when you two are married and he has to wake up to that monstrosity?"

She just shrugged, the energy for a smart remark long gone.

"Now, get up, girl. I'll send the maid in so she can give her best efforts to make you look human."

"Always nice to see you," Jane muttered as her aunt left.

The maid came in promptly as she swung her feet on the floor.

"Good morning, miss," she said in an Irish accent. She reminder Jane of Sean, which made her smile to herself. She couldn't wait to share another innocent dance with him if she got back to camp.

"Morning," Jane said.

As usual, the maid went to work quickly and silently.

Jane thought of the gang and all the fun times she had shared with them while her hair was brushed, her face was washed, and a corset was put on. The corset was more simple and less restrictive than the other one, so she was grateful.

He nearly face planted, but caught himself before he did. "Oh, cowgirl," he growled. "You're going to get it now!" He picked up a handful of mud and socked it at her.

She let out a yell of laughter, and threw one back at him.

Soon, there was an all-our mud brawl. They were throwing endless amounts of it at each other, getting themselves more dirty in the process. They had both jumped up, laughing and yelling and slipping in the mud.

Suddenly he slipped to his knees, giving her just enough time to come up behind him and put him in a head lock, with him looking up at her.

She held a fistful of mud in her palm, and loomed it just above his head. "Oh, honey," she jokingly threatened, as a drop landed on his cheek. "I'm gonna give you a face-full of this if you don't surrender right now."

Another drop of the mud landed on his lip. "If I surrender now, I'm just gonna get you I your sleep some time at camp."

"You wouldn't dare," she taunted.

He had a mischievous look on his face. "Oh, don't test me, Jane."

She reeled back, going to squashed the mud in his face, but he quickly turned around and picked her up over his shoulder. The mud landed on his back, but it didn't matter because it was already caked with mud, as was the rest of him.

"Hey," she laughed. "This isn't a way to treat a lady!"

He chucked. "You ain't no lady. But you're one hell of a woman, that's for sure."

She bit her lip to conceal a smile at the memory.

You're one hell of a woman, that's for sure.

Everything had seemed so simple then. The days of fooling around with him were long gone, but her heart longed for them to come back.

The corset was completely buttoned, so the maid grabbed her dress and put it over her head.

This one was very simple, which made Jane have to hold back a sigh of relief. She couldn't quite tell if it was grey or pink. There was a lace hem at the neck and cuffs, and the shoulders were slightly poufy.

The maid then put her hair in a simple bun on the back of her head, and helped her put her shoes on.

She hoped that her mother was truly on her side. That was the only shot she would have at getting the cure.

Jane, fully dressed, made her way down to the parlor, where her mother and father were already sitting.

He was sipping on a cup and flipping through a newspaper.

A smile was given to Jane by her mother. Her father just peered over his newspaper.

"Good morning, Mother. Father." She sat on the couch opposite of them.

"Morning, Jane," her father said. "I believe Stefano is taking you out this morning?"

Why did everyone know her plans before she did?

"Yes," she answered.

He set his newspaper down, his reading glasses resting at the tip of his nose. "I trust you will have enough sense to not try anything?"

Jane fiddled with her shawl. "I will do as expected of me."

"Good. Now," he said, taking his glasses off, "Who is Arthur Morgan?"

Jane froze, her eyes wide. How does he know? Was it Matteo? He promised!

"What do you mean, Father?"

His gaze was unwavering. "I had an interesting conversation with Mr. Bronte at the dinner party. Now, who is Arthur Morgan?"

"Well, he... he- I met him while I was... away. He helped me out, and I... he was a friend. But I've lost contact with him."

"Hm. Well, from the way Mr. Bronte said it, it seemed that him and two other men were looking for you. That doesn't sound like lost contact."


He cut her off, leaning on his knees. "Oh, you've always been an awful liar, Jane. Now, I only want to know one thing. Was he your beau?"

Jane's hands were clasped so tightly her knuckles were white. "Father, I..."

He interrupted her with a sigh. "Goddammit, Jane," He said, his voice raising as he hit his fist on the table.

The action made her jump. All the familiar feelings of being home came flooding back.

"This was all working out perfectly. I swear, if that prick gets in the way of this marriage, I'm going to-"

"Enough," She said, resulting in an surprised expression from both of her parents. "I'm getting really tired of all this. You know what I want to know?" She was getting braver by the second. All of her instincts screamed at her to stop, but she ignored them. "I want to know why you want this marriage so much. Obviously, it's not cause you care about me. So why, Father? Why?"

His face was red, his jaw clenched so tightly she could see it shaking. "This is all for you. I have laid out a life of wealth and comfort for you, and instead, you want to go play adventurer and pretend you have this illusion of freedom while all you actually have is a price on your head."

"At least I'll have left a name for myself beside a dish washer."

He shook his head. "You... you don't have a clue what you're saying. Frankly, it's embarrassing." His demeanor suddenly went strangely calm, as if someone had switched a flip. "But, I trust you'll see the truth eventually. You're brain's been too muddled by robbers and murders."

Jane shut her eyes shut, then stood up. "Funny how those robbers and murders were better family than you ever were."

Not bothering to look at his face, she left the room. Her stomach felt like it was on the washboard.

Did I really just say all that? Guess the outlaw life has given me some guts.

She had never resented him more than she did now. How could he ever understand? He lived a safe, uneventful life in the most run-down town in the country. He had never experienced true freedom.

As she reached the front door, there was a knock on it. She opened it to reveal Stefano, as punctual as ever.

He smiled. "Good morning, my love. You look as beautiful as ever."

She forced a smile, then went out the door, shutting it behind himself. "Good morning. And thank you."

He didn't seem to pick up on her bad mood. "Now, since you are new to the city, I figured that I could give you a bit of a tour. And spend some time together before we are married, eh?"

She just nodded and took his arm. "That would be nice."

The morning sun was hot as he led them through the gates, then out onto the side of street.

The bustle of the streets was new to Jane. She had the only experience she had had in the city was limited by carriage.

"I've got a surprise for you," he said, leading them down the street. They crossed it as soon as a carriage passed by.


"I guess it's more from my father. Consider it a wedding gift." The cobblestone clicker beneath them as the stopped in front of a gray house.

She looked at it, then back at him. "What is this?"

He had a big grin on his face. "Our house."

"Our house?" She was thrown off a bit. Of all the things she had been worried about this past week or so, her future housing had not crossed her mind once.

His smile faltered a bit. "Do you not like it?"

"Oh, no. It's beautiful." And no doubt, it was. It looked exactly as an upright house would, with an intricate metal gate surrounding the house. There were lavish flower beds, sporting red and white flowers.

"Now, I could imagine four or five young boys running around in here." He looked at the yard, which had a cobblestone path to the front door.

"Four or five?" She stammered.

He chuckled. "At the least. And all boys.

"Well, I can't really control that," she said, slightly confused.

He chuckled. "You are funny."

Jane was now concerned. Is he being serious?

But she didn't have the energy to care about it.

"Shall we move on? I have this delicious brunch restaurant to show you."

She took his arm once again, and he led them into the heart of the city. It was even busier in here, and all kinds of people walked about.

"Stay close," he said as the turned a corner. "Not all people are good people."

Jane marveled at how many people could live so close together. She hated it.

As they passed an alley way, there was three men standing in the opening.

"Where you going, pretty lady?" One of them called.

"Let's hope to the saloon," the other one cackled.

Jane's blood boiled. Before she could hurl and insult at them, Stefano opened his mouth at them. "Don't you gentlemen have anything better to do?"

They looked at each other before taking a step toward the pair.

This was not going to end well.

"What did you say to me, squirt?" The one in the middle said. He was the tallest and appeared to be the strongest, as his muscles were apparent through his shirt.

"I- I-" Stefano stuttered. He was no match for them.

The began to circle the pair.

"Hey lady, why don't you spend your company with some real men," a slimy one said, putting his hands on her shoulder from behind.

"Get your mitts off of me," she said, reeling away.

"Or what?"

"Woah, woah. What seems to be the problem, here?" Said a familiar voice behind her. There stood John, one of the last people she expected to see in the city.

"John?" She said, forgetting about the issue at hand.

He appeared just as surprised as her, but only nodded. Obviously, Arthur had filled him on the situation.

"What do you want, cowboy..." one of them started, but then trailed off when they saw John's hand on his pistol.

"This ain't worth it," the tall one said, and then the trio slinked off into the alley.

Stefano shook his hand. "Thank you, Mr..."

"Van Winkle."

"Thank you. Here, take this," he began to search through his pockets for a watch.

John shook his head. "No, no. It was no trouble."

"Thank you, Mr. Van Winkle," She said in a slight humorous voice.

He nodded again. "Just want to see you home in one piece."

"'Me too."

"Well, my darling," Stefano said. "Let's get a move on. I don't desire to hang around these streets much longer."

He began to lead them away, but Jane looked over her shoulder.

John tipped his hat, and mouthed, "Soon."


The night was somehow cool for a change. It seemed impossible to have cool weather down in Lemoyne.

Arthur made his way to the bar. He had two days to get Jane out of there before it was too late. Time was running out.

At the bar, he got his usual whiskey.

"Anything else?" The bartender asked, wiping the counter clean.

"I'll have a room, please." He took the shot, the put another dollar on the counter.

"It's ready upstairs for you."

He nodded, then left the bar and made his way through the crowd, ignoring the girls that were talking to him.

Once he reached the top of the stairs, his eyes landed on someone he recognized.

What was that kid's name? Mel- Mat- Matteo!

Matteo stood there, finishing off his beer. He was alone, and appeared to be sober.

He also noticed Arthur, and his face went white.

With two flicks of his fingers, he motioned for him to follow him out onto the balcony.

Arthur lit a cigarette as a hesitant Matteo stood beside him.

"I didn't tell anyone, I swear."

He nodded. "I believe you. How's Jane?"

"She's doing okay, I think. I'm pretty sure she and her father were fighting this morning."

"I'd like the kill that asshole," Arthur said as he looked over the balcony. The street was busy beneath them.

"Me too. He treats her like horse shit." Once Matteo realized that Arthur wasn't there to harm him, he relaxed. "You know, I told Jane I would help her get out of there."

Arthur looked at him skeptically. "Why would you help her get away?"

"Because it feels like the right thing to do."

Arthur nodded. "Hmm. Well, we're running out of time."

"There is still time. Tomorrow night, everyone will be busy preparing for the wedding. I could slip Jane out and no one would notice."

"Okay," he said slowly. "I'll be waiting in the park. Meet me there with her, and I'll get here away."

"What if she doesn't have your... cure?"

"She told you about that?" Arthur said as he rubbed his jaw. "Well, I'm getting her out of there whether she has it or not."

Matteo nodded, not knowing of the trouble ahead. "Alright then. We'll be there."

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