Dying for you (Frisk X Sans)

By QueenReyna405

23.4K 846 251

After a horrible accident that happened in the forgotten lab, the underground started to crawl with soulless... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24


835 27 24
By QueenReyna405

Sans POV

I left that spot finally with the strength of the coolest brother in the world. It was hard as hell and hurt more then anything. But my brother was right. We needed to fix this mess in honor of her. I already had plans of putting my money into a memorial of her...and everyone who had lost their lives of course.

I stood in front of the wooden cabin with Christmas lights hanging down. No takers could be heard for a long mile so for now we were all safe to stay outside in the crunching snow. Papyrus held my weak hand while I covered my face with my hood. I didn't want them to see me like this...

He opened the door with so much pride and excitement. I shoved my hands into my pockets quick escaping his grasp. I really don't want to be here. Maybe I should go back. I'm sure Frisk wouldn't mind. 

"FRIENDS I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS HAVE RETURNED WITH A GUEST WHO YOU SHALL KEEP YOUR PROMISE TOO" I followed as he walked in presenting me like I was a new pet to the family. Mettaton, and Alphys stared at me with their eyes wide like I was something new. Alphys mouth was covered by her own hand tears starting to crawl down her scaly face.

Mettaton is standing just as I thought he would be. Not looking at me but not in a dramatic pose either. I know a part of him didn't want me to come back. I wasn't happy to see his face either if it made him feel any better. 

"S-S-Sans! Y-your al-alive!" Alphys stammered walking across the room to caress my skull still stained with tears. I could hear what she was thinking about it. I'm not looking at her...I feel the guilt hitting me just like it did when I ran into Papyrus's arms in front of her grave. 

"Well check for scratched. We can't have a risk of the infected hitting Snowdin. Especially since we learned they communicate." Mettaton looked at his metallic nails that were permanently stained with the hot pink covering his body. 

"I'm fine...I just really want to lay down for a while." I started to head up the stairs towards the coziest place a monster could have. Here was wear I would cuddle with her when she slept over and had nightmares. Maybe she can hold me as well.

"OF COURSE BROTHER. BUT NOT TO LONG! THIS IS THE ONLY PASS YOU GET! NO EXCUSES OTHERWISE!" I looked down at Papyrus half way up from the stairs. They all stared at me not screaming or telling me what to do or go on patrol...The pity they felt led them to feel guilty for everything that was happening. I'm still angry with Alphys for causing all of this. It seemed that she was given a pass unless she can find a way to fix this. 

The only Monster that kept her moving was killed by the one person that made me smile during all of this. So maybe we were even...

I closed the door behind me looking into the bare room. A single mattress bare with only a silk light purple blanket in a ball at the side. A dresser that was now filled with survival gear instead of socks. It was so different and has been like this for such a long time. I guess I never really got to see it like this because I was filled with hatred and anger. Mixed with a lot of guilt and fear. 

I'll go down and have a real serious talk to them explaining and apologizing for everything tomorrow. For right now, this skeleton needed to sleep for a very long time. Sleeping against a rock really isn't good for ones spine. A mattress will be more suitable for this bone head. 

I jumped onto the bare mattress letting the cover fall on me. I can already feel my sockets getting heavy. I turn to just the right position letting my bones sink into the comfortable feeling of my Mattress. I know I'm saying it so many times but I missed it so much. 

My sockets were closing with one image keeping me closure as I faded into black. Her arms wrapped around me, keeping my down with her legs holding onto me with all her warmth. Her kiss on my skull will keep me safe throughout the night while she stares at my skull. 


"🕈✌😐☜ 🕆🏱 💧⚐☠📬 ✡⚐🕆☼ ✋☠ ✌ 🕈☟⚐☹☜ ☠☜🕈 🕈⚐☼☹👎 ☠⚐🕈📬 👌☜ 🏱☼☜🏱✌☼☜👎📬" His voice cracked in my ear with a breath going down neck. I haven't heard from him for a long time. I tried to shake it off maybe telling me to be strong. I'm not paying attention. I love sleep more then anything right now. Sorry Frisk.

"💧✌☠💧 ✡⚐🕆 💣🕆💧❄ 🕈✌😐☜✏ ❄☟☜ ❄✋💣☜💧 ✌☼☜ 👍☟✌☠☝✋☠☝✏" His voice was louder then the last he spoke. My breathing slowed as I tried to answer but nothing was coming out except a cry.

Wait...I remember this feeling.

I shot opened my eyes sitting up holding my chest just like every other time. I looked around to see my room was different from what it was just a night ago. Boxes were piled everywhere all labeled "Sans" in Papyrus' hand writing. My clothes were cleaner then they were from the traveling with my coat scrunched on the floor. Those weren't there before...were they?

What is this? A dream taunting me?

I throw on my jacket to race downstairs. I stood up on the small balcony to see a sea of boxes with two figures in the middle. One was my brother smiling while trying to act strong as he picked up the long box. The one helping him was...

"Undyne?" I started to walk down the stairs gingerly in case she was readying to attack. "What..." Remember Sans. They don't know. Be careful how you word things. "What are you doing here?" I laughed easing myself. I can't believe it...she did it. Frisk brought everything back to normal. But whats with the boxes?

"Well since Alphys and I are finished moving our stuff I thought I might give you two bone heads a helping hand. Well more like helping Papyrus because your lazy as can't leave bed." She stared at me with her bright yellow eyes staring deep into my soul. That is one thing I did not miss.

"Guess I forgot about it." I shrugged trying to keep a smile acting like I was in an act. This was normal thing for me to do when I awake after a "Reset" and it works every time. "Where we moving to again?" 

Papyrus let the box down lightly before getting into his cool pose. "I AM SURPRISED TO HEAR THAT OF YOU BROTHER! WE'RE GOING TO THE SURFACE FINALLY FREE TO SEE THE SUN! UNDYNE SAID I CAN FIGHT IT!" 

The surface?

"Come on Papyrus you know he's just playing his stupid games. Now lets get this box out of here and into the truck so I can tell you about my awesome, but weird dream!" They began to pick up the box again. I looked to the outside of the bare window to see a large green truck with only a handful of boxes while there was still many more. How did they get that thing down here?

"W-wait!" I didn't mean to shout but I had to know if she went through with seeing Asgore. I hope she was still alive.

"Remind me how this is possible?" I asked shaking in my slippers. They both kinda looked at each other like I was the insane one. Of course I did seem that way at the moment. 

"BROTHER DO YOU REALLY NOT REMEMBER ANYTHING? DID YOU HIT YOUR SKULL?" Papyrus reached for my skull. I just brushed him off trying to keep my cool as best as I could. 

"I'm fine Pap I just don't recall looking at the news lately." They both still looked at me like something was majorly wrong. "Can't you throw me a bone here?" I chuckled

Undyne let out a loud groan dropping the box close to my feet. I dodged just in time or else I would no longer be walking. Of course that can't be a bad thing right?

"Sans your really wasting time. Asriel found a way and let the monsters free. Now can we please hurry so I can talk about my dream! I'm so pumped to tell you guys!" Undyne clasped her hands into fist looking ready to punch something. But I needed more then this. I'll find that out later. One thing still needed to be solved.

"Where's Frisk?" I looked down at my choice of clothing. If I see her I don't want her to see me like a mess.

"WHO'S THAT?" Paps asked as he grabbed one of the smaller boxes that seemed to be light weight. I looked over and smiled. 

"The human? Come on Paps stop stealing my game!" I started to laugh but then felt a weight as a box entered my grasp. It was filled with books and papers. 

He thinks I'm gonna do work. Now that's a joke.


"You know who I'm talking about right Undyne? She got you and Aplys together. Now you can't dodge me on that one." This was still a game for them. They always have to carry out my jokes. 

Papyrus and Undyne managed to finally pick up the box without me interrupting them. "Sans if you don't shut up about this human I'm gonna use your spine as a spear to hit through your skull. Give your brother some credit instead of pinning it on a human." She started to roar with laughter. "To think I would never notice a human crawling here in the underground and not kill it. Of course there would have been no use of it but still. I'm not excited about living with them but I guess I have to get used to it." She shrugged off her own thoughts. 

I watch them leave the house with the heavy elongated box ready to load it into the truck. This is wrong. This is all wrong. I dropped the box and took a short cut to Grillby's. He won't get the joke. He'll just tell me where she is and everything will be fine. There clearly joking because Asriels dead! He's been dead. He couldn't have saved us.

The whole bar was empty and filled with boxes as well. It was strange to see the place quiet and gloomy. But a certain flame made the whole place a little lively. He was behind the bar as always seeming to be taping up a box. I sat down on the stool where the warmth still hit my nonexistent butt. "Hey Grillby. How's the moving?" I looked at the bare bar. I wonder if he's planning to open a bar up there. 

He jumped with his flames rising high dropping his tape in the process. His sigh is so calming when he sees me. "Hello Sans. You know all the Ketchup is packed away right?" He continued his taping not even giving me attention. 

"It's alright Grillbz I'm not in need of a drink. But I was wondering if you saw Frisk. Paps and Undyne are to busy moving to talk to me. And frankly I'm not in the mood to help them so I thought I'd visit my favorite bartender." I winked knowing he wasn't looking, but could feel it. 

He stood up with the newly taped box in his hand careful not to drop it. "I have no idea who your speaking of Sans. Is she a new friend of yours" He smiled as he continued to walk setting the boxes with the others. 

I felt my soul sink. He can't be serious. "T-the human? You know she comes here with me and we have laughs and order fries?" I felt my fingers dig into the wooden bar. He's joking. 

"Sans humans haven't been down here for years. Are you feeling alright?" There's that question again. I was starting to ask myself. 

Does no one really remember Frisk? 

"I'm not sure Grillbz. I'm not one to care but-" I trailed off. I remembered what Gaster said to me as I stared into Grillby's flaming head."❄☟☜ ❄✋💣☜💧 ✌☼☜ 👍☟✌☠☝✋☠☝📬📬📬" Meaning "The time's are changing." 

Nobody remembers Frisk. Did she even still exist? Is she alive and well? My head was swimming with these thoughts making me dizzy with panic. "I don't think my head is on the right skeleton right now." I laid my head on the bar top. I needed to think on what the hell was happening here. Why is a timeline? What did she do?

"Sans I think you need to take your mind off this Human and maybe go and help your brother. Or if not them then me." His flames were hot against my skull. I don't want to move until I know exactly what the hell was going on here. 

But then it hit me. Asriel...

I shot up surprising Grillby pushing him back. "How did the Barrier break? How is Asriel alive? And the first human? They died together causing the war remember?" I spit it all out. I don't believe this. I can't. This timeline is wrong, its just messed up. 

Grillby seemed really concerned with all my questions. He leaned down looking me in the eye putting all his heat on my face. "The first child died after getting sick. Asriel took him up to the surface per his request and was very injured but never died. The human however tricked him and wanted the humans to kill him. But he killed the human on accident, he claims, and returned to the underground. When the King heard of this, Asgore called war." 

But Chara is a girl. And she wanted Asriel to take her to the surface, but the humans attacked him thinking that he killed her. At least this was the story we are all told as baby bones. In that story the gender in different and the human was a traitor. 

Normally when I wake up from a reset it's just the same thing each time. What made this timeline so different.

"What was the child's name? A-and how did Asriel break the Barrier?" I sounded desperate to hear this when I should be focused on Frisk. But if the times have changed this means the whole timeline is affected. Like a butterfly affect.

Grillby's eyes squinted like there was something on my face. But judging how his posture changed and was more relaxed, he was willing to give me some answers. "His training was complete and was finally able to open the barrier after absorbing Charles soul."

Charles...It was a whole new but similar name to Chara. I didn't need to hear anything else. I have enough information to fix this timeline and or find Frisk.

"Now that your caught up to date with your history can you please help with" Sorry Grillby but I must leave mid sentence so I can fix all of this. Everything will be fine. I just need to get to my lab and fix the machine. If I fix the kinks I can bring her back...This timeline isn't my timeline. I'd love to live up on the surface but it wouldn't be the same. The history shows that humans had a scheme to kill is meaning we probably aren't welcome.

Of course a treaty could have been met already while I was "Asleep" 

I searched in my lab where everything was still placed where it should be. I guess I never got to moving this part of the house. The picture was there as well as my journal. I sighed trying to forget I saw inside of that drawer.

I lay all my tools and remove the sheet from the machine.

Darkness. I was hit with Darkness. 

He hasn't done this in a long time. 

"Okay what have I told you about knocking me out. And please answer normally. I don't feel like using hands right now."

The aura of him filled my bones with his glitching piercing my ear. "I tried to warn you. This is something you can't fix." His figure was in a worse state then the last time I saw it. His whole body was all black in a gas or liquid. The only clear thing was his cracked skull. His hands were there but almost weren't.

"Leave me alone. I don't want to hear it. I can fix this if you just let me-" I turned around trying to get him out of my sight. But in front of me was a silhouette of a girl with long beautiful brown hair. Her slim body was so grown and smooth without the blood and scratches.

Frisk...She looks so gown. "Why are you showing me this. You can't just pull me into the void and show me pictures without explaining things." I felt my anger rising. I normally am calm but this was a line crossing.

"This is her now. She sacrificed herself for the good of the Monsters. She had a choice on who to save as long as they had determination. Herself, Chara or-" He let me finish myself. "Undyne."

"And because of this sacrifice everyone affected with determination was affected greatly living a completely different life. Chara lived peacefully and never had hatred for the Humans living on the surface. Leaving Charles to cause the war." In front of me was like a painting being painted right in front of me. It was the kid. He looked dirty and ragged. His long black hair covered his eyes only to show a sinister smile. 

"Asriel absorbed the child's soul and become a god like figure training since he was a kid to one day break the barrier."  It was Asriel. Instead of a happy little goat with an innocent green and yellow shirt, it was a tall goat with long horns. Black swirls came down from behind his ears to the end of snout. His eyes were black with white pupils almost like mine. All the happiness in him was gone.

"What about Frisk? What happened with her?" I asked begging to see her. 

"I don't know. I have no connections with her. But one thing's for sure. She never fell down here." 

I was in light with a cold surface hitting my bones. I look behind me but Gaster isn't in sight. I'm back in my lab.

Frisk...I'll find her when I reach the surface. I promise...It will just be like a bad dream. Everyone will love you. Like I did.

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