Shikon no Suzaku

Por Otakuwolf453

257 12 4

A new Journey lays ahead of the Celestial warriors and the priestess as they find themselves taking upon a ne... Más

Chapter 1-make a choice
The strangers
Chapter 3- A Rude Awakening

Chapter 4- The feudal story.

47 2 2
Por Otakuwolf453

First off thank you so much for the loving support on this crossover Story, I really hope you like it .

and so sorry for the delay.

I really hope you like it .

and so sorry for the delay

I hope you enjoy this story as much as I loved writing it

Sango stood up as she looked at Kagome, then sighed. "I see.. how many does he have with him?" As she looked at the other female, Inuyasha piped up with another irritated voice. "What does it matter that Demon has to go down sometime,SO why not now."

Sango lowered her head with a grimace as she tried her best to stay calm, by gripping her fists at her side. "He has Kohaku, Inuyasha, one wrong move and naraku will kill him, I will not allow that to happen if it means a different way of doing so."

Kagome rushed over by Kilala and grabbed her bow and arrow. With a swift turn to the side The miko paused. "Inuyasha , Miroku, you two watch our injured guests, Sango and I, will see what Naraku is up too."

Sango looked at Kagome. "Your right, alright Kilala." With this it seems the small yellow cat mewed and then soon rushed by sango's side. then with a huge Rawr, the cat burst with flames .

Sango now hoisted the boomerang like weapon on her back and hopped on the large yellow cat with ease. Her hand was soon placed on the side of the felines neck in order to calm her continuous and low growl that Vibrated from her vocals.

"Easy girl, we will save him, I promise, But for now, let's take down Naraku." Kilala turned her head to the side as she nuzzled it against the demon slayer.

By this point Kagome hopped on as she sat behind Sango. "Inuyasha, please stay know your going to turn human soon, so please just stay out of sight, we've got this, ...remember one wrong move and naraku will know about your secret.. I mean it!" She looked at Hotohori and nuriko, then back to Inuyasha. " Take care of our guests, and we will be back."

She sighed, turning to face the demon slayer with a soft comment." Alright, ready Sango." After she had said that, The demon slayer nodded her head with no hesitation only to leave the silence with an. "Let's go, Kilala."

A roar Echoed from the cat, as they both were off though the misty Abyss that tainted the outside world.

Inuyasha growled as Miroku looked at the strangers. "Now now Inuyasha, let's be kind to our new guests." Inuyasha looked to the side. "If she thinks I'm going to sit here like a dog !.. she's got another thing coming!"

Miroku shrugged his shoulders. "It honestly can't be helped, your turning into a human tonight so you need to save up your strength and stay put, Lady Kagome is right."

Inuyasha looked at Miroku. "Oh yeah what about Sango, I thought after the last time, you promised to protect her."

Miroku looked to the side. "It is true, I worry about her well being especially with Naraku, he, being the one who wiped out her entire clan, and yes it's hard knowing Sango and Kohaku are the only kin left of the demon slaying clan."

" However Inuyasha, Sango is strong and can take care of herself, She doesn't want me to interfere with things like this, and who am I to interfere with such wishes.

By this time Noriko cleared his throat. "Were still here."

Hotori was interested in this new found world as he listened to the confusing and yet intriguing stories these two told, however he was a bit concerned on Miaka and the other warriors whereabouts.

Noriko spoke up. "So,... who are all of you, and who is this.. Naraku? ,.. Actually, tell me what's going on."

Hotori nodded his head as well only to continue this strange conversation. "We do not mean to intrude however, I'm afraid all that is going at the moment is quite confusing for the both of us, so please do tell."

The king leaned back as his wounds were tender to the touch. Noriko sat up as he looked around the hut.

Shippo suddenly spoke up with a smile as he raised his hand beaming with excitement. "Ahh if I may."

The young fox kit rushed over to the large yellow backpack that rested into the corner and started pulling out all these foreign things. "Here we go." Until suddenly he grabbed a box of colors and papers, then rushed over the strangers.

"So..." He began to Draw explaining as he went. "To begin with..These two guys are known as Inuyasha and Miroku.." He drew a picture of both of them and turned it around like a story for both strangers to see.

"Miroku is a lecherous monk who flirts with women, Sango really gets jealous when he does, and at times he gets what he deserves."

Shippo now moved another paper in his direction before scribbling a detailed picture of Sango smacking miroku on the cheek with a red handprint placed upon his cheek.

"Inuyasha.. mmm well Oh he's another story, you see Inuyasha is a half demon with problems.. lots of problems." The fox demon suddenly gets smacked in the head. "OWW!"

"I Ain't the one with problems here pipsqueak, say it again I dare ya." Inuyasha looked at the fox demon irritated.

"Oww... Inuyasha why are you so mean to me, I'm telling kagome when she gets back."

"OH I dare you to even try." Inuyasha glared,

The fox demon growled as he pulled out a leaf. "FOX FIRE!"

Suddenly one of his large statues landed on him with a large THUD. Shippo sighed placing a talismen on the stone. "Now you can't move until Kagome get's back, serves you right." He went back to his drawing.

"As I was saying. "Inuyasha is a half demon, who doesn't like his human side very much, every new moon he loses his half demon powers and turns into a normal human." Shippo drew another picture of Inuyasha with his long black hair and the new moon and turned it around one more time for both to see.

"A long time ago, Inuyasha fell in love with a priestess, her name was Kikyo. That is until Naraku,a once known human that was transformed into A nasty spider demon became jealous and framed Inuyasha for stealing the Shikon jewel and pretended to be him will taking down Kikyo."

"It was at this point Kikyo grew angry and sealed Inuyasha to the sacred tree for years,he was pierced into the heart by and arrow while She slowly died herself, afterward, taking the shikon jewel with her to her death bed. " Shippo drew a picture of the Shikon jewel, Kikyo and inuyasha.

"Then along came Kagome, as she told me, Kagome came into this world with the shikon no tama embedded into her chest, As she was born with it that way, And Apparently legends say she's Kikyo's ancestor as well. "

"Upon her arrival, it seems Kagome's powers revived Inuyasha from the curse that was placed upon him so long ago. "

"You see, These two but heads a lot, however Kagome made the mistake of breaking the jewel shard by accident causing it to disperse into a million small shards."

"Now Inuyasha won't let poor Kagome go home, instead he forced her to come back from her world, to find these shards, since shes the only one who can sense them."

Miroku added in. "There is no like about it. Shippo, Kagome is the Shikon no tamas priestess, she harnesses the same ability as the priestess who made the jewel... And even though he doesn't like this, Kagome is allowed back to her world every now and then."

Shippo nodded his head. "Oh and Sango!... I almost forgot about her. ." Shippo bowed his head to the two males who seemed to be watching and listening contently to his cute but informational explanation.

"Sango is a Demon slayer, She did live a happy life long ago, until one night her and her clan were hired by a young lord to slay a spider demon that lurked upon his home."

"They did fine, that is until suddenly Kohaku, Her younger brother was bitten by a spider and possessed by the demon who was Naraku himself."

"He forced Kohaku to take out each and every member of his clan, including his older sister, Sango." Shippo drew a picture of a heart broken Sango and a spider then, turned the paper around for them to see.

"Sango, died along with her brother, however she began to fight with her might and Naraku found her, at this point he made her believe that Inuyasha was the one who murdered her clan, and she grew a hateful revenge."

"But Naraku gave her a Shikon shard to kill the pain that she felt in her back, and only in return was she too eliminate her hateful target, Naraku made sango his puppet to get rid of inuyasha without her realizing it."

"Instead she found out the truth. Though knowing her brother was still a live, Naraku instructed Sango to steal Inuyasha's sword in trade for her brothers life...however Sango was betrayed and badly injured. "

Shippo began to draw another picture. "Sango is part of our Clan now, and travels with us. However she still hates Naraku with a passion and swears revenge on her family and brothers live's that's why Sango is out there right now, ...fighting Naraku." He pointed is crayon to over the entrance.

Both Hotohori and Nuriko had so many questions.

Though each looked at one another.

"So, you're the ones were supposed to travel with then?" Noriko spoke up confused.

"Travel with?" Inuyasha and Miroku spoke up in unison.

Suddenly before any other voice could be spoken.

Kagome came rushing into the hut and started searching her bag, as she was looking for somthing quickly.

"Come on... it has to be here somewhere.. Yes!" Grabbing what seems like a foreign object the Miko grabbed her bow and arrows and smiled at Inuyasha. "Oh and I'm going to borrow the jewel shards, be right back."

Inuyasha yelled out. "Are you nuts!"

Kagome sighed. "Cal down Inuyasha, Sango and I have a plan, besides I don't see you thinking up of anything." Now sango rushed into the tent Grabbing a Talisman, "Sorry Miroku. but I need to borrow this."With that both girls rushed back out.

"UGH!" Inuyasha Called out irritated as he lowered his head to the floor still stuck under the bolder. Shippo chuckled.

Nuriko was the first to have a surprised look and spoke up. "So this is where we need to be, However We've lost our friends as well.. hmm any clue where they would be?"

Miroku paused and shook his head. "According to the girls they only found you on our travels, but perhaps will run into them soon enough."

Hotohori Looked around confused, these question began to fill his head at the moment.

What happened to Miaka and the rest?.. what was happening outside?

All of this was a bit much to handle, but perhaps he would have to talk to the Shikon priestess herself, later on and see what this world had to offer.

MEANWHILE outside.

Kagome and Sango were doing their best to fight off the wards of demons that Naraku placed out.

"Dam him!" Sango cursed under her breath as she stuck close to Kilala's side. "Kagome, this maybe a bit too much for the both of us to handle, This Miasma is getting worse," Sango began to cough as she looked around.

"Don't worry Sango, I grabbed somthing that might help a little for now, my mother packed it for safekeeping After our last run in with it." She held up a can that said compressed Air.

Now pulling the trigger, A huge blast of air began to create a clear path as the Duo rushed out of the Miasma cloud that began to filter around them.

"Naraku ! come out and fight you coward, I know you're out here, I sense the jewel shards... I have what you want!" Kagome called out as she held the bottle of Jewel shards in her hand.

That's when suddenly a Demon baboon face came into the clearing with a dark chuckle behind it.

"Hmm...Very clever Kikyo's Descendant, but not clever enough." Naraku pulled out a sword as he pointed it at Kagome, only then did Sango come about. placing the Talismen on her weapon and throwing Hiraikotsu only to slice the puppet in half with one swing.

"You wench." The puppet growled glaring at her. Sango on the other hand grabbed her weapon in which burned her hand for some strange reason. Now dropping in a painful hiss she called out "Kagome! do it now!"

The miko of course heard this and nodded her head. "Die Naraku." With that the heroine reached behind her and pulled out a single Arrow as it began to glow purple , with that she clicked the notch to the line and pulled the string to the corner of her cheek.

With a single Arrow, Kagome let go of the wood and watched as it emitted purple and pierced the Puppet causing the Naraku look a like to disperse into a million particles.

With a Wooden like doll to drop with a THUNK in its place.

"He's gone, for now." She sighed softly only then did she turn around to noticed Sango holding her hand.

"Your hurt!" Kagome called out. but began to rush back to the hut, where a worried pinned Inuyasha and concerned miroku sat.

Sango walked in leaning against kilala as she was her support at the moment. Now sitting down Kagome rushed over to her yellow bag and took out her medical kit, that her mother packed for her. "Here this should help."

Higurashi opened the box as she pulled out, a pair of tweezers, a cotton ball, a bandage and a burn ointment.

The female got straight to work as she first disinfected the wound with a cotton ball in which was placed between the tweezers carefully, Afterward she placed a salve upon the burn mark moving it around carefully trying not to hurt her. Lastly, after all was said and done,she covered it with a bandage to let it sit and heal.

But as all this was done, Sango closed her eyes with a painful grunt.

Afterwards the Miko rapped the Demon slayers wounds as she felt lost for words only to ask. "What happened back there."

Sango of course sighed softly. "I-I'm not sure, at first it was all going well, But.. as Hiraikotsu sliced the Puppet in half ... somthing strange happened. "Its almost as if it was done on purpose, you see for it was after I grabbed Hiraikotsu, that my weapon burnt me just by touching it, it's almost as if Naraku used Miasma upon it after impact."

"Kagome, I believe Naraku is getting smarter with what we do, But that's not the strangest thing.. the puppet was different from all the times before and I honestly believe Naraku may be working with another. He's not smart enough on his own to think up of somthing like this."

Kagome sighed softly. "I think that your right, But..It's over for now, we just need to keep an eye out and you need to take care of that hand."

Inuyasha spoke up as he growled. "I hate to break up your friend fest over there but would you tell that runt to get this thing off me'!"

Kagome peered around sango as she noticed Inuyasha was pinned to the floor by Shippos dolls.

"Shippo what was this for?" She looked at the fox demon.

"He hit me! serves him right!" Shippo stuck his tongue out at Inuyasha.

"Alright , Inuyasha apologize.." Kagome crossed her arms.

"Why do I gotta apologize, I ain't done nothing yet!" Inuyasha contested.

"You hit me that's enough for this punishment." Shippo argued.

Kagome placed her hand on her head. "I don't want to deal with this right now... Inuyasha, Apologize to Shippo for hitting him, and shippo afterward free Inuyasha from your trick."

The pair looked at one another with fire in their eyes and both sighed. "Sorry!" Inuyasha spoke up Shippo freed him from his trap and rushed over onto Kagome's shoulder so the half demon couldn't hit him.

Sango looked over at Hotohori and Nuriko as they were in silence.

"Please forgive me, we didn't mean for this to happen all of a sudden." She sat up looking at them." Please tell us your names."

Hotohori smiled as Nuriko tend to stare at Sango for the moment. "My name is Emp..Hotohori just Hotohori and my friend here is Noriko, a pleasure to meet you."

"Hotohori, Nuriko,I see, a pleasure to meet you both, My name is Sango and behind me is Kagome and Then I suppose you've met the rest, Inuyasha, Miroku and Shippo, and of course Kilala."

The priestess waved her hand nervously in reply to her introduction only to notice the man with black hair to stare at her. A blush silently crept upon her face as she quickly changed the subject. "S-So..."

"Ahh.. I sure like to know what Naraku did to hiraikotsu, I can't touch it at the moment." Sango looked down at her weapon.

Kagome sighed softly as she closed her eyes. "I can't guarantee this will work, however... Kikyo taught me this when we were stuck in the priestess trap. "

She closed her eyes and bloom of light began to Emit from her hands as the wound upon sango's hand began to disappear. The miko concentrated all her energy on it.

"There, how's that?" The heroine opens her eyes too see her powers worked, the wound was healed and Sango was grateful for it.

"It actually worked, Thank you Kagome."

Inuyasha sighed as he looked to the side. "So you folks said there are more of ya right?.. what exactly does your crew look like?

AND I believe I will stop this chapter here.

next is the search for the others and the tale of the Suzaku 7.

Thank you so much for the review comment below who you want to ship, Shipping feels will come soon,

But this is Reveiws choice, who should the girls end up with.

Hotohorix Kagome

Sangox Norkio.

Sangox Tatski

Miaka x Inuyasha



look forward to the next chapter and take care.

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