Feral Eclipse(EDITING)

By enslavedreader

13.3K 609 628

"I could not stray my gaze away from her, splaying her across my lap once I had taken my toll onto the berth... More

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞r 𝟐
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑. Mine
05. Alexander, Bane
07. Virtue
08. Calloused
11. Swine
13. Etheral
13.2 - Tick
14. Elysian
15' and 16:
18: Orate
19. Storyteller
20. Holy
21. Nocturnal
22. Twilight
23. A God
24. Relief
27. Wolfsbane
28. Delightful Ends
30. Young Hero
31. The Grey
34. A Catalyst
36. Crying Wolf
39. Consummation

Chapter 1. Vera✔️

1.3K 63 79
By enslavedreader

You think you are possessing me,
But I've got my teeth in you.


I feel robbed of all ingenuity once outlining the shape of stars I have never seen before with my sight bearers. Perched upon beams of the moonlight, the constellation of Orion begins to wine.

Orion is greeting his dagger against his lips, despite the blade that carried poisonous fibers of every paired vigilantes, who claimed to be bloody lovers.

Orion, the hunter, would fall to his knees at the sight of me bare and this male, who dared to trespass against him. For we were intruders on Orion's sanctioned land, which lacked fruition and love.

Fruition and love.That's all me and my lover were made of, and we reeked of divinity and arousal.It would turn deadly, to commit sins in ways that was unbearable to his senses.

Being fondled by seduction, I shift from one foot to the other, molding into the chest behind me, "If I run, will you follow?"A voice emitting from my mouth teases.

Licking my lips, I began to feel the length of my lover thrusting between my inner thighs with such menace and cogency. Before I could protest, a whimper escaped my lips without mercy.

Deep down I knew we would be carrying out such scornful yet sexual action, that even god himself would be furious with us.

"I would follow you through both Heaven and hell, if you were so happen to lead me there." In such little breathe, I could feel his chest rumbling at his words.

My male's invasion of his fingers stretching out my insides, had my eyes flickering between him and the burning eyes of the sky. 

Suddenly with a loud yelp escaping from my lips, he enters without another thought plunging between my sacred wetness. He thrusts so rhythmically with power to the point, surely the gods would be mad at us.


"Vera you literal incompetent fool!"

"Don't you dare ignore me!"

"Hey, are you even listening to me?" Murmurs are echoing around the classroom as the infamous Andy continues to prob at her twin sister's shoulder, in an attempt to gain some form of backlash that she had not received.

Heated arguments were never the rather meek Vera Lee's thing. Which the pair did often. Every day in fact.

Sweat pooled from Vera's forehead, being awoken for the fifth time this week. Hell, and it wasn't even Friday yet.

The week's ending was slowly approaching and she experienced yet again another hot flash, but she couldn't tell her sister, Andy that. What would creep her out more, Vera thought, the savoring dream's effect, or the cast and crew that relieved this dream inside of her?

The way Vera presses her pencil against her own set of lips whenever she concentrated only furthered Andy's frustration, but Vera had yet to bother looking up at the mere distraction, and instead pushes the dark brown hair behind her ear softly.

Despite Vera hearing her sister's whispers once again, she continues to look down and scribble across her notes furiously —pretending to be listening in on the current lecture that the teacher was going over.

Remaining hot and flustered only furthered Vera's efforts to tune into Mrs. Hart's provocative words.

That's when the current ordeal escalates, "Come on now Vera Lee," Andy throws a crumpled piece of paper at her in between sentences. "You can't honestly believe that you're the Prince's, long-awaited soulmate." By this point everyone belonging in Mrs. Hart's third period English, had their heads turning at the two girls boldly out of curiosity.

What show would the twins be televising this time?

Even the teacher stopped mid-lecture to pay attention to the distraction they were putting out, with a furrowed eyebrow raised.

"Girls, is there anything more important than a lifelong partner given to you by the god, Fate?" Mrs. Hart presses down on the butt of her pen in her hand as she pushes back her circular glasses.

At the sound of a weary sigh from Vera, Andy smirks victoriously.

Hastily shaking her head in disagreement, Vera steadies her pencil to show Mrs.Hart she was intensively writing down the notes, when Andy scoots to the edge of her seat. "No Mrs. Hart. We were only discussing the procedures for tomorrow's trip to the BeckonStone's castle."

Vera internally facepalms herself lowly sliding down the back of her seat. The brunette wanted to appear small just in case Andy decided to blabber her mouth again, about what goes on in her journal.

Perhaps maybe this time Andy wouldn't try embarrassing her like she always did. In a classroom filled with cynical and abrasive werewolves, who most of the time didn't care to ease drop despite their extensive ability to.

"Oh yes, that we are." Mrs. Hart's face lightens up in bliss, as if just the thought of attending the King's home truly excited her.

How being surrounded by royalty in their courts of unyielding praise and various duties, made Vera all the more nervous.

Vera's stomach flips upside down at just the thought of the one royal, she wanted to see in particular. The one who could be the true predator that haunted her dreams, making her frantic and shaky between the thighs...

"The buses leave at eight. I want you here at six o'clock on the dot to be more safe, appropriate attire. We are expected to be touring King Augustus's wealthy courters." At Ms Hart's announcement, a blush began to coat Vera's face.

Only the strongest, richest, and wisest wolves are born into the royal family's quarters - praised just alike; kissed at the boots and Vera was far from deserving of such treatment.

Since an adolescent, Vera had the biggest crush on the Alpha Prince. So big that every guy whom pursued her, unquestionably, she had turned them down. She couldn't physically muster why she was loyal to a stranger, she didn't even know.

Someone she has never seen in broad daylight had her swooning and wet in her most vulnerable spot.

From reading books to researching in the local library, Vera gathered the interest of the Prince and assumed it wasn't coincidental that they both loved everything the same. This was a common tendency between mates. No matter how many times she called herself crazy her self-conscious mind convinced her otherwise. But there was no way... Vera could only hope and dream.


"So what will we see in the castle on this tour Mrs. Hart?" A kid just sitting opposite of Vera asks.

"Because the King had to squeeze this arrangement into his very tight compacted schedule, There's only a hand full of things we can do. We will see the grand fields where his royal pack trains. The kitchen where the royal family dines. Walk around the corridor, oh hopefully we can snap few pictures there and lastly we are listed to meet the King and his family." Mrs. Hart finishes eyeing Vera as she sulks into her seat.

"Vera is there something wrong?" She asks causing Vera to snap her head up abruptly while beginning to frantically shake her head no, she hadn't dared to reply.

"Maybe she's scared of the royal family after all of the stories she'd heard about them. I know I am." A boy just sitting behind Vera says, causing chatter to arouse.

"My brother's cousin's, neighbor's dog's friend once said, that the King tied him up in wolfsbane just because he was out in the garden passed curfew," someone exclaimed. "I mean, that sounds pretty scary to me."

A few other students agreed along with the boy nodding their heads while sharing their fair stories and rumors, the only one who didn't bother to gossip was Vera.

"I heard the Prince once bit out a maid's heart just because her shoulder grazed his the wrong way." Some girl said causing Vera to roll her eyes at her -Ridicule comment. "He's sexy and all but I don't think I could live with that."

Andy suspiciously scoffs.

"Actually. Vera's very far from scared. Infatuated even." Upon Andy's nuisance, Vera turns glaring daggers into the side of her twin's head.

Vera kicks Andy's leg underneath the table with a thud following behind it.

"If that is all for your questions. Your attention back to the lesson please?" Ms. Hart glides her fingers across the board, reading over the terms that the class was going over.

"Andy, since you've done nothing but interrupt me during the time being. Why won't you explain to me the difference between the desired mate... and a true mate." How ironic the question spewed from Miss Hart's mouth.

Seeing as Andy has been told of these rules numerous times on countless affairs with unmated wolves.

Andy has already defied the acts of werewolf culture, starting with the most sacred regulation. Never to mate with someone who is not your fated lover, regardless if you are a wolf blood or not. Andy has slept around with every wolf of every rank.

"The desired mate is someone chosen over the fate given one while your fate given one is, exactly that. Fate given." Andy replies with a raised eyebrow in annoyance with Mrs. Hart, whose nonchalant expression remained.

Everyone knew of the flings she had with many different male wolves. From a mile away you could smell it on her. Her mate would be able to swim in it, even further.

"Nevertheless your true mate is the only one able to fully claiming or marking their she-wolf. Any attempts from the desired mate would more than likely kill she-wolf or send her body into loads of pain along with her real mate."

Humming her response in acceptance Mrs. Hart steps dangerously close to Vera, with a look of amusement on her face. "Now for you Vera. I want you to go into full detail of the royal family, and why exactly are they so important that they are considered royalty in the first place."

Vera nervously looks around at all the eyes who watched in close attention. She never liked being on the spot like that which is why she stuck to eating lunch in the library or keeping her head down during social gatherings.

Encouraging for her to speak Mrs. Hart narrows her eyes on the gentle form of Vera, who stutters on her a sentence before finally coming to speak.

"The royal family is the first lineage of werewolves to ever grace this planet's surface. They are the direct descendants of Sir Whitmore, the first Lycan span who ceased the supremacy of werewolves. Their very blood is combined with aggression and purity." Vera states with pride leaking from her tone at just the thought of their history.

Andy watched her sister with so much jealousy and hatred that she knew she couldn't compete with her and her antics. "You know the royal family isn't all that great," Andy argues competing with Vera, who only watched with slanted eyebrows and amusement thrashing around in her potent irises.

"They've lied to our ancestors and have been lying to us for decades. Honestly, what's so great about their healing abilities and sex appeal?" Cue the hushed snickers from the girls, "Nobody cares about that." The insult collides with Vera like a tidal wave.

"Since they've been in power they've been fighting with each other over the iron crown. It's only a matter of time before they fall." Vera wanted so badly to wipe the smirk growing on Andy's face.

Vera looks taken aback by Andy's bold accusation but subconsciously debates whether to respond.

"No one disputed they were great. Now powerful? That I do believe, and I can't be persuaded otherwise. You feel so plagued by their existence? Walk up to the King and say that." Few snickers are heard at Vera's challenge towards Andy, but no one dared to intervene.

Mrs. Hart listened intently.

Biting back her lip in agitation Mrs. Hart subtly steps in. "What gives you the sense that they are lying to you. I'm curious." Even Vera awaits Andy's response.

"Well, even I have done my fair share of research. The golden malediction that occurred? which is dated to have taken place before Augustus took the throne from his father, the deceased King Alpha Nathaniel. It's far too sketched."

"Especially with the rumor that the royal lycan bloodline, is said to have powers." Andy shouts as everyone looked at her fully amused.

"Hold on guys I think we have a psychic conspiracy theorist here, let me grab my lab equipment." The class erupts into laughter all at Andy who gazed dumbfounded. Vera releases a giggle of her own until they were hushed by Mrs. Hart who seemed to be collecting herself.

"To the King and Queen, there are five sons and three daughters. Nobody knows their names only that their most eligible heir, is expected to take the throne as soon as he finds his mate." Mrs. Hart walks back to her podium and leans against it.

"Good job Andy and Vera... make sure you know even more for the finals. Class dismissed!" She says in a union as the bell rings all too loudly over Vera's head.

Scurrying out of the classroom not before grasping her things, Vera doesn't turn to look at her talkative sister who almost told the class of her fantasies over the Prince.

Luckily for me, Andy refrained herself  Vera thought. And we don't take the same Discovery Tech together.

"Hey Vera, wait up!" Vera smiles before her best friend Mavis comes into view, clinging to her side. She gives her a knowing look and instantly Mavis is chuckling her little head off.

"Andy must have jabbered again?" Mavis is still laughing while Vera tries to help the smile from breaking out on her face. "No, not this time entirely," Vera replies fiddling with her fingertips.

"She almost blurted out my insane fancy for the Prince." Mavis covers her mouth fully aware that is Vera's deepest and darkest secret. Ever. Only Mavis knew because if given the circumstances, Vera trusted her with her life.

"Please, Vera... if you keep cradling that silly diary around like it's your child, the wrong person could end up getting their hands on it." Mavis shakes her head in disbelief.

"It's not just some diary May. This book is everything to me and you know that." Vera turns to look at her friend who already looked back at her with a sheepish facial expression.

"Okay, it is my diary. But if I have to remind you, it's the only thing I have of my past, t's the only thing that comes to mind when just thinking about real mother. Please understand."

Mavis sends her friend a soft smile before pulling her closer into a side hug. In wolf form, this would be a comforting gesture like butting sides between both mated females because unmated males hate when their mate is touched. Even by the same sex.

"Come on honey, let's not be late to Mr. Moore's, even though I highly doubt he'd much care." Vera just follows suit behind the brunette with her eyes cast down to the floor tiles.


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