Everything Changes

By Upallnight19

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Aria had a simple life, she had her friends, her brother, and her parents. At the time she thought life could... More

Author's note
Chapter 1: THE BEGINNING-Opening a closed door
Chapter 2: Slice Of Sass
Chapter 3: Mall and torture time
Chapter 4: Family time
Chapter 5: Bad Memories
Chapter 6: Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Chapter 7: Is there something wrong?
Chapter 8: Make-up and torture time
Chapter 9: Thanks for the Memories
Chapter 10: Misery Loves Company
Chapter 11: Is this my own personal hell?
Chapter 12: Stop reading my texts JERK!
Chapter 13: today has already started out shitty, so why not?
Chapter 14: Who knew volleyballs could leave a mark?
Chapter 17 I'd Rather Not & Time to be selfless
Chapter 18: Who knew he had a sweet side?
Chapter 19: You could be the moon and I'll be the sun
Chapter 20: Nothing more
Chapter 21: I didn't know she was THAT scary
Chapter 22: It seems my luck has run out
Chapter 23: Decisions and painful consequences
Chapter 24: Just leave me alone, Zack!
Chapter 25: Blushes with a side of cold pizza
Chapter 26: Bad Decisions, Good Intentions?
Chapter 27: Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me.
Chapter 28: The Aftermath
Chapter 29: Forgiveness
Chapter 30: Everything Changes

Chapter 16: Ripped pants?

69 10 2
By Upallnight19

                                                                      Aria's P.O.V

The weekend went slower than I would have liked. Zack stayed the whole week, like usual but this time pizza bitch a.k.a Cindy kept showing up. She said to spend time with "Her" man "Barf". Lucky for me Em never left my side. We mostly stayed in my room just so we didn't have to deal with her. I am not sure why she would really even want to come to my house. When she showed up with them last night it really surprised me.

Speaking of last night when she showed up last night Ryder and the other guys left quickly. I don't know why they left so fast but I what I did know was that I was in some real shit with Alison when she finds out. I wasn't looking forward to that. I think the part is that we have GYM together..and there are lots of throwable objects in the gym. I sighed just thinking about what was going to happen to me today.

I took a quick shower before getting ready this morning. After, I ran downstairs and got some breakfast. Mom was already gone this morning before I even got up and my brother well, his lazy ass was still laying in bed sleeping. I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone pausing to take one look in the mirror and walked across the hall to wake up my brother.

I was in for a surprise when Zack opened the door. For a moment I didn't know what to say. I stood there with this stupid frozen look on my face. He didn't say anything just stared at me. "Can you tell my brother that he should get his lazy butt up before we are late for school" I stood there for a second but then he went to say something to me and honestly I didn't care to hear what he had to say so I walked away without a word to him. I looked at my phone and shot Em a text letting her know I would have to be stuck in the car with him yet again.

Sticking my phone in my pocket I walked downstairs to grab my brother a pop tart and headed out to the car. Climbing into the passenger seat (because I wasn't going to sit back and just stare at him from behind and dream about some perfect love story about the two of us like some lovesick high school girl. I was better than that and I wasn't going to let him treat me the way he has been treating me. Not anymore.

Jumping out of the car I waved bye to my brother and ran towards Em; who was waiting for me by the entrance. "who's ready for another shitty day?" She gave me this fake cheery smile. Laughing I looped my arm through her's while we walked to my locker, "I think I might have to walk you to your lockers every time now" knowing what she was talking about I asked, anyway. "Why?" She lifted one eyebrow at me. "Because Cindy saw you and I am pretty sure she is going to help Alison target you and take you down" She grabbed my books out of my locker for me. "You got me so you don't have to worry too much"

I knew Em had my back, but I wasn't sure I wanted to drag her into my mess. Shoving the books that I don't need into my locker. Sighing, I looked up in time to see Zack making his way over towards his locker. Shutting my locker I went to walk away when a figure bumped into me slamming against my locker. "Oh, no I am sorry, I tripped and couldn't catch my balance it was an accident" Looking up I realize it's Alison with Cindy. "It's fine Alison, don't worry about it accidents happen"

Emma stepped in front of me. "Yeah, she's right accidents can happen" She gave Alison what I can only assume was her best death glare. Alison took a step closer towards Em and I pulled Em back just as Zack reached us. "Everything okay here?" Cindy walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist while laying her head on his chest. "Nope, just a miss understanding" He looked down at her biting his lips probably wondering if he should question it or just leave it. I guess he decided to leave it because he squeezed her slightly and looked at me.

Wanting to barf at the exchange I don't fully look him in the eye, instead, I turn towards Em. "ready to go?" She is still staring death glares at Alison but I tug on her arm and she looks at me nodding. We are walking away when Alison said "Sorry for being so clumsy maybe I can make it up to you later" I turned and saw this smirk on her face and I knew that I wouldn't like what she had in mind for paying me back.

Lunch, my favorite time of day. I get to sit with my friends and not deal with anyone I don't want to. "I can help you shove it right up there" sitting down I ask "Shoving what where?" looking back between Ethan and Kyle. I wasn't sure I wanted to know but I couldn't help but ask. "The stick I am about to shove up his ass if he doesn't keep his mouth shut," Ethan said to Kyle. Raising my eyebrow I asked "Keep his mouth shut about what" Kyle leaned towards me. "Bro, you better not say any-" he was cut off "So you know how he was going to ask Brenda out" oh no.

"What happened" He started snorting while Ethan shit him death glares. Em walks up and plops down. "What's going on?" She's confused as to why Ethan looks like he's about to lunge over the table and take Kyle out. "Oh, we are just about to find out what happened with Brenda" Emma perked up and leaned forward waving her hand in front of her as a jester to say continue. "So we are walking and Brenda walks by so Ethan calls her name and she turns around 'Do you want to go out sometime?' but before she can answer he drops his books and leans down to pick them up and totally ripped his fucking pants and he turns around not realizing what it was but trying to figure out what that sound was but this idiot was going commando yesterday" I covered my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't laugh but Em did not hold back.

Honestly, I think that's an understatement. People from two tables away were looking at us. "Em, calm down" Shaking my head at her I noticed that Ethan was now staring daggers at her. Josh and Courtney plopped down at that moment. Man, everyone is showing up at the worst times. I zoned them out when they both started telling Josh and Courtney the story. I saw Abby walk in with Cindy and they looked like they were best buddies. Em saw the look on my face and saw what I was seeing. "What the ..". Everyone turned to look at us. They all knew my crush on Zack but they haven't been in the loop on everything else that has been going on with him. So I told them everything.

Quicker than I knew the part of the day, I was dreading was here, Gym. Walking into the room I spot Em and walk up to her. I didn't get far until someone bumped into my shoulder. Kelly Palmer, one of Alison's loyal follower. That's the second time today I have been shoved. I saw Em getting ready to gear up. Shaking my head at her because it would already make things worse. I turned and looked at Kelly who was giving me this fake sympathy look. I took a deep breath. This couldn't keep going on for too much longer. Is what I telling myself. I knew it was a lie but still, it's the only way I could keep my cool. All I could do right now was plaster a fake smile on my face and walk away. "Next time watch where you are going" I paused for a second but kept chanting in my head. "just walk away it's not worth it, it's only going to make it worse" which was true.

Plus at this point, I didn't really know how bad it was already. I don't know how pissed they are at me and what they were going to do next. Because last time I walked out with bruises, and that was from him putting his arm around me. This time he was at my house with me. Granted, we weren't alone, but he was still at my house. I expected to walk out of here with more bruises or worse something broken. Since nothing has happened yet, I was a little nervous, to say the least, at what they had planned for me. "Are you okay? I swear they better leave you alone or they are in for a world of pain" As I have said before knowing Em had my back made things a little better but I really didn't want her to get involved.

"I'm fine, soon they will have forgotten all about me and someone else will be their target," I knew it wasn't true but I was trying to make Em feel better and not worry about me. Which by the look of it she wasn't buying, but she said nothing. My only plan at this point was to stay as far away from them as possible, but it didn't look like that was going to happen today. The rest of Gym I landed on the floor at least 6 times and got hit in the head about 4 times. The good thing out of it was I didn't have any more bruises. Besides the one still on my forehead, but the downside was that I was going to be extremely sore later on. I was already feeling it a little.

As soon as the bell rang I was out of there after the Gym teacher reminded us to bring our locks and Gym clothes next time. Which means I was going to have to change in the locker rooms with them....or the bathroom. Most likely I will be changing in the bathroom. I look behind me because I hear my name and Emma is practically running to catch up to me. "Slow the hell down" gripping my arm she is bent over slightly wheezing. She was not in any way an athletic person unless it comes to shopping and then I have never seen anyone run faster than her. "You okay there? You need some water?" she gave me a sarcastic look and slapped my hand.

"No, I was going to see if you wanted to go with my dad and me car shopping for my birthday next week!" Ah, the infamous Sweet 16. This was something we were both waiting on last year and just couldn't wait for, our independence to drive where ever we wanted. Something that passed for me a few months ago. "Sounds great!" I feel bad that the upcoming event had kind of slipped my mind but I would definitely try to make it up to her. She seemed pleased with my answer and let out a squeal of joy. I rolled my eyes as we made it to my brother's car. Em turned to my brother. "Oh, warning you gotta give me a ride."

"Emma, when did I ever have a choice?" He sighed, and she giggled hopping into the front seat. When my brother didn't start the car, I asked and his answer made me groan internally. "Were waiting on Zack remember?" No, it completely slipped my mind, and I was in the backseat. Em turned around and mouthed sorry I gave her a nod like "Yeah me too". I put my head back against the seat as we waited for Zack. With my eyes closed, I hear a voice. "Bye baby— Wait? I thought you were just getting a ride with Andrew? Not these other girls as well." I turned and looked out the window knowing who the voice belonged to and yeah you guessed it, it was Cindy. She had her hands on her hips and was staring daggers at me and Em. "God, can she be any more obnoxious?" Em turned around looking at me rolling her eyes. I honestly believe she could be a thousand times more obnoxious but I didn't say it out loud. My brother looked at Em and then out the window at Zack.

"Babe They are waiting on me okay. She's his sister, and she rides with him every day and you know that" He kisses her on the forehead and hops into my brother's truck. She crosses her arms and stares at me hard. Well, that just means that even though this isn't in my control that this is my fault and I need to start wearing some sort of armor to protect myself. "Bro you might want to ask her for your balls back later," My brother said to Zack, and we all started laughing...well except for Zack. "Shut the hell up and just drive" He huffed and slammed his hand on the seat accidentally bumping into my hand which I quickly jerked away. His touch sent a slight shiver through me which back then would have left my stomach in knots of joy but not anymore.

"Sorry" I nodded my head towards him acknowledging his apology and grabbed my headphones out of my backpack putting them into my ears and putting a song on full blast just thinking another day down and so many more to go. We arrive at my house after dropping Em off at hers and Zack comes back to ours. As soon as the front door is open, I bolt upstairs and into my room. I lay down and pick up a book I haven't been able to set down but before I can dive in and forget my day I get a text message. I thought maybe it was Em and I could just get back to her later but I decided to just reply now. Though to my surprise, it wasn't Em but a certain person who sits next to me in English class.


                                                               Ryders P.O.V

I was walking with Erik and Derek towards my locker earlier that morning when I saw Aria at her locker walking away and running straight into Alison who shoved her right into her locker. I went to walk over to her when Erik put his arm in front of me. I knew why if I got involved shit would get worse but it seemed her friend Em had her back because she got in their faces. That prick Zack walked over towards them and I thought maybe he would say something but he just puts his arm around his bobblehead of a girlfriend. I should have figured that the tool wouldn't have done anything.

"Dude those girls really have some issues, It really sucks that she got put in the middle of everyone's drama's" Erik was right it wasn't fair and there isn't anything anyone could do about it because Alison is not the type to back down or listen to reasons. "Bro, I don't know why you guys care so much, especially you bro" Derek looks at me. "Yo, it's not that I care it's that she got wrapped in my shit because Alison is pissed she isn't getting her way and Cindy is just adding fuel to the fire" Derek nods his head and Erik pats me on the back and we walk towards class. I don't know how to help her but if I do have to step in, I will even if it causes a shit storm if someone gets seriously hurt it will be Aria.

After school, I walk out to the parking lot and see Aria climbing into her brother's truck. From this angle, I don't see any more bruises other than the ones she got from the other day. I see Zack and his sidekick walk towards the truck and as soon as they stop I see her go off. I'm guessing that some way this will come back on Aria whatever she's angry about it. I watch as they pull away while I am waiting on Erik to get to his car so I can meet him at his house but he's taking his sweet as time. I look across the parking lot and see him flirting with some girl. Yeah, I'm not going anywhere soon. I guess I looked like a sitting duck because I felt a pair of arms around my back and I knew who they belong to instantly. "Hello, Alison" She walked around and puts her arms around my neck. "Hey, baby what are you doing" I grab her arms and remove them from around my neck and she didn't look pleased "I'm waiting on Erik" She bounces back quickly and starts rubbing my arm while pressing herself against me.

"While why don't you forget about him and come over because my parents are out of town for the next week and we can have some fun and I miss you" She looks at me from under her eyelashes. I think about it for a minute because it's been a while since I hooked up with anyone since Alison has been on her rampage. Before I can answer though Erik finally walks up. "Let's go" He ignores Alison and gets into his car. I push Alison away and get on my bike following Erik leaving her alone and I know that pissed her off, and I would probably have to take care of that later.

As soon as I get to Erik's I crash on his bed while he makes snacks downstairs. I sit there for a minute and think about sending Alison a text or something to see if I can defuse the situation because if not soon she's going to blow and that wouldn't be good for anyone. Then I decide that maybe I should text Aria and see how Gym went before I give Alison any type of award.

Ry: Hey how did today go?

Aria: Oh you know same old same old. How did today go for you?

Ry: Eh, you know same old same old. Sooo anything happen in Gym?

Aria: Nope, Gym was good today. You know the usual.

Ry: Okay, just making sure

Aria: Trying to be my bodyguard?

Ry: I mean if the job is open ;)

Aria: Yeah, no that job is closed.

Ry: Damn who filled the position?

Aria: Em, she took it and she's probably better at it than you are

Ry: You are probably right

Aria: I know I am. Anyway, I have to go.

"What are you laughing about?" Erik hands me a plate of food and Derek walked in behind him "Oh, was just talking to Aria" He gives me this smirk and I know what it means. "It's nothing like that you know she isn't my type" and I wasn't lying I almost looked at her like a little sister. Almost like how I looked at....her. I didn't let my mind get any farther than that. I wouldn't let it go there, I couldn't let myself go there. Erik looked at me like he didn't believe me but I didn't care because I knew that's not how I felt and I don't think my feelings will ever change. "Well if that's the case then maybe I should shoot my shot" That made Erik snort at him. "Yeah, I think you already struck out before" I snorted because he was talking about the night of the party when he tried to hit on her.

Besides, I would rather she dates Erik than you" He didn't like that comment from me I could tell and I knew why and if we didn't change this subject, soon I knew it would drift towards HER and we all didn't want to go down that rabbit hole. "Honestly, I think she's way too sweet of a girl for any of us to corrupt". Erik had the same idea as me and I guess it worked. "Yeah, you're probably right" Derek laughed and pulled out a cigaret. "Bro, put that shit down I already told you, you can't stink up my room with that" Derek mumbled something under his breath that I am pretty sure rhymed with "Smock you" I laughed and Erik hit him in the head with a pillow. I don't know what I am going to do with Derek I can tell he's going to jump off that deep end again and I, really don't need that bullshit right now.  

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