To Love Marie

By sadloveletterssigned

159K 6.6K 1.6K

Marie knows she is beautiful and she just thought men couldn't handle her. She was too much for them. Until... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: End

Chapter 19

3.8K 171 76
By sadloveletterssigned

Marie woke up alone in the bed she now shared with two men. She turned over and stared at the ceiling...when exactly did a mirror exist on the ceiling? Ahh, who cares. She felt at peace right now in the place she was in. It's almost like Tanner and Randall made it that way. She's been living in this paradise. She sat up and stretched her nerves felt more relaxed. What was happening to her was that she was finally coming to some type of happiness.

Perhaps she never handled all the other issues well because she hadn't gotten over the first one.

Father Issues

No reason to call him Dad he abandoned that.

Yet, Tanner and Randall were making her forget all that.

"Something's on her mind," Tanner said. "We've been standing here for three minutes."

"She's gone in her head it's weird seeing her do it. Maybe this is how she felt when we did it." Randall said. "Damn, and even so she looks so beautiful."

"I hate that I have to work today," Tanner said. "She's calmed down a lot since you've gotten your body. I think she feels calmer with us and she's been handling everything very well. I feel bad for how crazy we acted with her."

"I feel the same," Randall said

They both sighed at the same time.

"We were assholes." They said at the same time.

"Sorry about earlier," Tanner said to Randall.

"I understand you just wanted to be as close to her as possible," Randall said. "She's so warm, soft, and she radiates so much life. She's been through a lot that's why she's irritable sometimes. She complains because she hasn't truly dealt with the first problem."

"You've analyzed her that much."

"Since the beginning."

Marie still in her head was reminiscing for once not letting the haunting memories of her father. She remembered the pain she endured with that man and the final pain was seeing him leave. The fact that he couldn't change for them or try to hurt her. But there was nothing she could do about that now. Then she felt a hand grab hers she looked over to see to concerned eyes looking at her. Of course, it was her Golden Boys looking at her in admiration. Randall was the one that held her hand and Tanner was the one that sat at her feet.

"Good-morning," Randall said. "How do you feel?"

"I'm great," Marie said. "How about you two?"

"Never better," Tanner said.

"You were in your head, we've been standing here for six minutes," Randall said. "Something bothers you?"

"No, just thinking that's all," Marie said and smiled to herself.

"The first smile of the day," Tanner said and walked around to the other side of her and grabbed her other hand. At the same time, he and Randall kissed her hand. Marie was living in some type of dream. In her heart it finally came to a point she felt she can trust her significant other.

She trusted people she did her mother, Villa, and Truman. She never really trusted her significant others. She shut down on Xavier and after the first slap, she never told Ang her secrets.

"You're in your head again," Randall said this time appearing beside her in the bed. Tanner on her left and Randall on her right. Curiosity beaming through their eyes. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine, I promise," Marie said when she got a peck on the check from both of them and in return she kissed them on their cheeks.

"Listen, I have to go to work today," Tanner said. "Be careful if you go out today and have a productive day at the store. And if you could please help find Randall a passion he could be good at?"

"My only passion is loving her," Randall said turning her head to look at him.

"Yes, I know brother," Tanner said turning her head back to him. "But just because you have the same amount as money as me you need to find a story to back it up on how you've gotten that money."

"Well, I could start a men clothing line," Randall said.

"True but do you know how to come up with things?" Tanner said

"Don't act like when I was in your head that I wasn't the one dressing us every morning. I refuse to look like 'Who did it?' and 'Why?'"

"Are you saying I didn't have any taste?" Tanner said.

"Don't have since either but hey," Randall threw his hands in the air.

"You want to say that again?" Tanner said sounding irritating.

"Last time I check you weren't hard of hearing, I said what I said," Randall said.

"You do know my body is stronger than yours," Tanner said looking at him with a death glare.

"And you do know I know your whole move list," Randall said. "Strength is useless if you don't use your brain."

"You do know that we have the same IQ."

"95% of that is me," Randall said nonchalantly. Tanner was quick to get on the other side of the bed and reach for Randall's neck. Next thing she knew they were both on the floor wrestling. Marie facepalmed herself and went to break them up

"Stop this mess," Marie said separating them. They both were at her feet on their knees looking up at her. She crossed her arms looked down on them. Then she saw their eyes roam her. That's when she forgot that she just had shorts and a tank top now. She backed up a little bit away from them. "It's too early in the morning to be doing all this."

They nodded.

"We're sorry," Tanner said.

"No it's fine, brothers fight sometimes," Marie said laughing to herself. Then she noticed how red in the face Randall had gotten. His eyes glued to her legs.

All he could think about is them being wrapped around him as he sunk so deep into her. He still hadn't done it yet. He had been getting to know her all this time but man he was craving her like he had never had her. Technically, he hadn't. Not to himself.

"Randall?" Tanner called for him but he didn't break his concentration. Marie walked over and kneeled in front of him. He had started to daydream. Then broke out of it when he was pecked on the cheek by her.

"Look who's in their head now." Marie smiled. Then she beckoned for Tanner to come closer. He came close then she hugged both of them. "Let's have a great day today."

They smiled at her in admiration.


"Perhaps I can be in charge of your security," Randall said as he got in the car with her. "Make sure the store stays protected."

"You could do that for the time being," Marie said. "I don't want your passion to be all about protecting me though, why don't you go with your first mind. Starting a male clothing line."

"You think I have the mind to do that?" Randall asked.

"You stayed in a state of mind all of your life now it's time to think outside the box," Marie said and smiled at him. "You can do it."

"I'm glad you think so," Randall said.

"It's not about what I think," Marie said. "It's your life." Then she grabbed his hand and she felt his hand grip tight around it.

When they arrived at the store Randall looked around for himself. Admiring the work she had done. The clothes that had come in and the style that shined in. The last time he was here with Tanner and they had gotten in a huge fight.

"You were here before I met you," Marie said. "I probably was talking to you then."

"No, you weren't. He wouldn't let me." Randall said. "He had his grip on the body too tight if he didn't I would have been able to take control."

"You seem like the reasonable one," Marie said.

"I am now," Randall said. "When we first met you I wasn't."

"What changed?" Marie said.

"After you left the first time, and stop talking to us for three weeks. I and he had upset you and I didn't want that to happen again. I know it was unreasonable to take away your apartment."

Marie was waiting for him to say her job too but he didn't.

"Also, when you were still working for us, when we found you on the fifth-floor dancing, We were creepy," Randall said. "You probably were terrified."

"Yeah, now it's even creeper knowing two crazy ass white dudes were hunting my ass down."

"Especially by smell," Randall added.

"What?" Marie said stopping mid-walk. "How?"

"Well, when one of your senses go out. The other's enhance. So, for instance, I blinded both of us," Randall said. "Thus, our smell intensified which is why he could tell you were close to us."

"This just keeps getting crazier," Marie said. "But I should be used to it by now."

"I feel bad for putting you through all of that," Randall said. "We both are."

"No need to feel bad about it," Marie said. "The past is the past." Marie turned to look at him he was leaned up on one of her counters. Looking away from her for this once. Marie placed a hand on his face. "We are going to be alright." Randall smiled at her and kissed the palm of her hand.

"What are we doing today?" Randall said.

"I'm interviewing people today," Marie said. "You can hire some security detail."

"I'll hire the best people I know," Randall said. "Anything else?" Then he was caught off guard when Marie kissed him. He dropped his phone and instantly pulled her in closer. His body could burst into flames he was so hot.

"Start thinking about your passions today," Marie said.

"I have something right now that can get really passionate," Randall said huskily in her ear. "It's me eating you out like a buffet."

"Ouu, nasty," Marie said. "Keep that same energy when you come up with something that can make you some money."

"You truly are a queen," Randall said watching her walk away. Randall still felt his lips tingle that hunger he had for her got intense. This is what Tanner must have felt this first hand.

"Marie, I'm here girl," Villa said. Then she paused when she saw Tanner leaned against the counter. "Tanner." She said blankly. Yet there was no response. "Tanner, you can't hear?"

"That's not Tanner let me introduce you," Marie said. "Villa this is Tanner's twin brother Randall."

"Oh so there is two crazy ass white dudes that's in your life?" Villa said. "Or is he trying to be apart of mine?"

"No offense, but I'm completely in love with Marie," Randall said. "I'm sure one of my associates would love to take you out."

"I'm good. I like my freedom- wait. You in love with her too? And Tanner knows about this?"

"Why yes, she belongs to us," Randall said. "We love her equally."

"Damn, your shit must be crack because this doesn't make no sense," Villa pointed. "You got two of them."

"Yep," Marie said laughing. "Come on let's set up for the interviews."

"I'ma give you the same pep talk as I gave Tanner," Villa started. "If-

"If she gets hurt in any way, I will cut your balls off and donate them to a sperm bank, I won't hesitate to kill you or at least try to for her sake. She's been through enough abuse and craziness runs in my blood. So try her if you want. The V in my name can stand for Villan too."

Villa looked in shock.

"He knows word for word." Villa said. "He wasn't even around when I said that to him." She turned to Marie and said.

"And if you try to take away her freedom to leave the city again, I' ma take your life, best believe it." Randall finished. "I understand the agreements of our contract Villa, I vow not to break it."

"Where you find these breed of white people?" Villa said.

"They found me so," Marie raised her hands in defeat. "Come on." Villa was about to do the I'm watching you sign to Randall but he was mimicking her while she was doing it. That scared her even more.

Randall waved her off and picked up his phone and called Tanner.

"Randall," Tanner answered.

"Tanner." Randall said back. "I just met Villa."

"Isn't she a treat?" Tanner said sitting in his chair.

"She is," Randall said and got quiet.

"What's the matter?" Tanner asked.

"She kissed me today," Randall said.


"I almost lost my right mind," Randall said.

"Why didn't you?" Tanner asked yet there was more silence. "You didn't want to disrespect me, you needed my permission."

"Yea," Randall said.

"You don't need my permission to make love to our lady," Tanner said. "You need hers."

"How will I know?"

"If she says Yes," Tanner said. "And make sure its a consensual Yes not a pressured one. Or let her take the lead. I know you are aware of the culture we live in today. It's her body, it's her decision."

"You know, you and Truman have been the only other people I've had to deal with until now," Randall said laughing a little.

"It's okay you are still getting used to your body," Tanner said. "You are still getting used to a lot of things. Is there anything else?"

"Yes, we need a security system set in the store and also some security guards."

"I'll send some your way," Tanner said. "Stay safe."

"You know I will," Randall said. "You do the same."


It had been a long day for both of them. Randall had his pick of the litter for security guards and the alarm system was installed. Marie had gone through so many candidates good and bad alike. She just wanted to turn off her brain for the day.

"Marie you have one more candidate," Villa said.

"You know who it is?" Marie asked.

"No, but Gina said there is someone out in the hall wanting an interview," Villa said looking at the text on her phone. "Send them in." She said out loud.

Marie looked down at her phone for a second.

"Oh Hell No," Villa yelled. "Get the fuck out of here!" Marie got up out of her chair when she saw who it was.

"Sit down or I'll have my sniper shoot her down," Ang said. Marie looked at Villa and saw a red dot appear on her forehead.

"Villa, baby, please just sit down. I can't lose you," Marie said.

"I suggest you do the same," Ang said. Marie sat down slowly. "It's good to see you again Villa."

"Fuck you," Villa said.

Marie held on to her desk a slowly press the button under it.

"Aww, Villa," Ang said. "Still can't find a man can you, well that's okay, Tanner will be open to you soon."

"I don't want to be with you I've told you that plenty of times before!" Marie yelled.

"I know I hurt you, but you don't understand the things I've done to have you!" Ang said. "My mother doesn't even want to look at me because she found out what I did to you. She's gone back home but I refuse to go back without you on my arm. I'm sorry."

"What's mentally keeping you attached to me?! I don't want you!"

"Don't say that!" Ang pulled out his gun. Ang had tears running down his face. "Don't say that to me, I know somewhere in your heart you still love me."

"Now what Ang, you gonna shoot me because I don't want to be with you! You don't understand what you put me through! I was beaten every day by you for even breathing in the wrong way!"

"IF I CAN HAVE YOU NOBODY CAN!" Ang yelled he started to shake.

"I don't belong to you," Marie said proudly. "I belong to me. I MOVED ON WITH MY LIFE AND THAT'S FINAL DAD."

"Dad?" Villa said

"Dad?" Ang said and then suddenly someone had him in a headlock.

"You know I was supposed to kill you with my brother," Randall said dragging him out the room. "But I can settle for now." Villa ran to Marie's side and she felt a puff of air go past her ear. The sniper shot but not anymore.

Marie and Villa fell on the floor. Randall's heart filled with rage to see that

Ang had a GunHe also had a sniper but his men must have gotten there in time to stop the sniper.

"You were about to put a bullet in the love of my life because you aren't worthy of it." Randall never let go of his grip. Ang went limp. Great, he was unconscious. Still didn't let go though.

"Sir," One of the new security guards held a phone to his ear.

"What's happening?" Tanner said pacing.

"Ang tried to force Marie to leave with him by having a sniper and a gun pointed but I have him unconscious and the sniper had been apprehended," Randall said.

"Great, bring him to the security branch and I'll meet you there. Make sure she's alright before you go." Tanner said and hung up.

"Take this man to the security branch," Randall said and ran over to Marie's side. She was on the floor with Villa still curled in a ball.

All Marie saw stand before her at that last moment was her father. And she let that slip out before he could pull the trigger. Maybe she wasn't over the situation with her father like she thought.

"Villa are you okay?" Marie said.

"I'm okay are you alright?" Villa said. Marie didn't respond though. "Marie," Randall helped Villa up and got on his knees to see the terror on Marie's face.

"She's going into shock or something," Villa said. "Let me call Mama."

"Marie," Randall said pulled her up in his arms. She was crying but no sound escaped. "It's okay we got it handled you won't see him ever again." Marie reacting by hugging him back.

"Are you okay?" Marie asked. "I can't lose you, I just got you," she started to panic

"I'm fine baby, I'm here, I'm always going to be here," Randall said. "We are closing up, you go home and relax. Villa you go with her and meet her mother there."

"Gotcha," Villa said grabbing both their purses.

Randall watched as Villa drove Marie's car out of the parking lot. He had one of his men drive Villa's car to their house. He locked down the store in anger. He would wring Ang's neck in joy. He never thought she would have to press the button so soon. She was terrified. She was scared. Yet, she asked him if he was okay.

He and Tanner would enjoy the torture that they were about to give Ang. 

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