Doctors Need Checkups Too

By youwerenotinvited

427 4 25

It had been five years since Dottie "Doc" McStuffins had been back to the shed. That's five years without her... More

Doctors Need Check-Ups Too

427 4 25
By youwerenotinvited

It wasn't unusual for Dot to dream about the little shed she used to play check up in, even after she went through countless sessions of therapy to get rid of said dreams. She just couldn't find a way to forget the nonsense that encompassed her childhood.

Sure, every child played make-believe; some even had imaginary friends. But they were all disillusioned at some point, right? Deep down inside those kids knew that they were just pretending. That's surely where Dot differed from the other kids.

She didn't find out that she was supposed to stop with all the make believe until it was too late and her parents had already called a psychiatrist. Her mom had cried that day, Dot remembers. It had been Dot's dream to become a doctor like her mother, and, in a way, it was her mother's dream for her daughter to follow in her footsteps. In her mom's mind, Dot's future of becoming a doctor was completely tarnished.

"Dottie," her therapist began reluctantly, but very seriously, one session, "I must ask you something of much importance."

"Okay?" Dot rolled her eyes, but quickly changed her annoyed expression to a more playful one—hoping to not have hurt the woman's feelings. Dot had realized a while ago that her shrink, Debbi, probably had more mental issues than Dot did, so she always remembered to be gentle."Er—um," Debbi stuttered—picking at her sleeve. "Well, uh, do you genuinely feel that your condition has-uh-been improved since you've been visiting me?"

"Um..." the girl hesitated, not really knowing how to reply without upsetting the woman. Sure, Debbi had been a great person for Dot to vent to, but she was a terrible therapist. Sometimes Debbi even turned their sessions into a venting session for herself—always oversharing about her family and her own therapist's opinions on her anxiety. Sometimes Dot was entertained by these little stories, but other times she was not. Nevertheless, Dot's condition never improved, and she still found herself thinking about those days back in her parent's shed.

She missed the friends that she was told time after time were just stuffed animals. She missed Stuffy and Hallie and Lambie. She missed them all. She would never find friendships like that again. And...fuck it if that meant she could never be a doctor—she couldn't let go of something so dear to her. Even if they were illusions...

"No," Dot said, replying to her doctor's nervous inquiry. "I don't feel like I've improved much," her eyes stared at her shoes. "But I-uh-don't think that's your fault exactly. Maybe I'm just impossible to change."

Debbi sighed sadly, "Dottie, no one is immune to change or improvement. I believe you can get better, and maybe we've just gone about this the wrong way."

Dottie nodded quietly—not exactly knowing how to respond.

"You're such a bright girl, Dottie. Top of your class, sweet, and kind. You have so much potential. I mean—you're only 18 for god sakes. It'd be a shame to waste all that potential for a few raggedy stuffed animals."

The girl winced, but she let the comment slide. She was too surprised Debbi had gone this long without having a panic attack. Dot was slightly impressed by her newfound confidence. She may not have been improving, but her doctor sure was.

"Anyway, I think it's time for you to go back to the shed," the woman exclaimed happily.

"Back to where?" Dot questioned. "Why would I go back there?"

"Exposure therapy," the doctor explained. "I've talked with a few other doctors, and they all felt that being back at that little clinic of yours will show you that it all was an illusion."

"I don't really think this is a good idea," Dot cocked an eyebrow.

Debbi exhaled deeply and held her head in her hands as if Dot were the difficult one, "I mean what could go wrong?"

Dot could think of a thousand and one things that could go wrong, but she didn't express them. All she could think about was going back to the shed and really figuring out the truth behind her childhood. One part of her was more than scared to be adventuring back down into that shed, but another part felt a strange excitement that she couldn't quite place; she had never felt like that before.

"So," the doctor said confidently, "are you ready for this?"

Dot didn't really know or understand how she felt, but she nodded nonetheless. She figured it was now or never.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Doc, honey," her father had called her from the kitchen that first day of her exposure therapy. Dot's dad had never gotten out the habit of calling his daughter "Doc"—no matter how much her doctor and mother had begged him to. To him, Dot was still on the path to become a successful doctor, and some silly childhood fantasies couldn't change that. Personally, he thought all the doctor stuff was a load of bullshit, and if it were up to him, she'd stop visiting those doctors a while back. He didn't trust those hogwash vaccines they handed out either—maybe they were the reason Dot was into her toys a little bit longer than other kids.

"Coming, Daddy," she called, jogging down the stairs. She was a little nervous—but even more excited—for her big day.

"Good morning, love," he placed a kiss on his daughter's head. "I made your favorite blueberry pancakes."

"Thanks, Dad," she smiled.

"I'm so very proud of you. Your mom and I have to work this morning, but your therapist is outside, and she'll be with you when you finish eating."

"Okay," Dot smiled again, but she was kind of bummed out that her dad wouldn't be here for this new development in her recovery."

"I love you."

"Love you too, Dad." Dot hurried to eat her breakfast. She was so excited that was getting a weird tingly feeling between her legs. She had never felt that was before, but she kind of liked it.

"Hey, Dottie," Debbi greeted her outside.

"Good morning."

"Here's the rundown for today," the woman said, hopping right into it. "You're gonna go inside the shed for about an hour or two, and I'll just wait out here."

"Wait," Dot frowned, "are you sure that this is how exposure therapy works? Aren't I supposed to start with a little at a time?"

"Well, what do you know?" the woman snapped. "I'm the doctor here."

Dot wanted to laugh in the woman's face, but this new cockiness of the therapist was something Dot could fuck with. She was being a little bitch, but at least she wasn't a nervous wreck. "I guess you're right," Dot shrugged. "So do I just step in or..."

"Well, duh, Dottie. Get the hell in! We don't have all day!"

With an eye roll, Dot stepped right up towards the shed, but then it hit her. She hadn't stepped foot in this place since she was thirteen.

She didn't know what to expect at all. Did it look exactly how she left it? Were all her old toys in boxes? Maybe she wasn't ready for this at all?

"Stop stalling, Dottie, and get your ass in there!" the woman yelled, throwing open the shed door.

"Wait!" Dottie cried. "I don't think I'm ready. How about—"

"How about you get in?" the doctor yelled, shoving the girl into the room and slamming the door. "I'm not letting you out of this shed until I feel like it," the woman shouted.

In a panic, Dot flew to the doorknob, but the woman had locked it. Fuck, Dot had always known she needed a better a doctor, but this really took the cake. Accepting her place for the next couple of hours, she flicked on the light and slid onto the cold ground—shutting her eyes. This wasn't exactly how she hoped this day would go.

Moments passed before Dot found the courage to open her eyes and take a look around the shed. The place was immaculate, for everything was stashed away in boxes. Taking a deep breath, Dot stalked towards a box labeled "Toys" and pulled out the box opener Dad had left on the counter for her.

She ripped open the box without the second thought. The first major thing to catch her eye was the old toy stethoscope she used to play with. She set it beside her and took a look at all the other items. Many of them were the countless patients she took care of back then, but only a few really caught her eye—her besties Stuffy, Lambie, and Hallie. She grabbed those three and stashed the other toys away.

How nostalgic, she thought. She had always missed the lot, but she didn't know that it'd ever feel this good to see them again. Without really thinking, she picked up the stethoscope and put it around her neck—almost forgetting the supposed magic behind it. Nothing happened, of course. Of course, nothing happened...

She laughed a little at how silly her imagination was back then. She really was childish. Maybe this exposure therapy was a success after all. She turned away from the toys and towards the door.

She knocked twice, "Debbi, I think I'm ready to leave now. This was so very helpful." She knocked a second time, "Shit, Debbie?" A third, "Debbie!" And by the seventh knock, it was obvious that Debbi was long gone.

"Were you thinking about leaving us, Doc?" a voice said, making Dot jump out her skin. She turned around, to see her three best friends—alive. "You really were gonna leave us weren't you, Doc?" the voice belonging to her Stuffy, her favorite Dragon, asked sadly.

"What I—" Dot tried to form a sentence, but she couldn't. This was all just too much for her. It was all causing her to feel dizzy and faint. "This can't be fucking happening," was the last thing she uttered before she blacked out cold in the shed.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Oh, no!" Stuffy cried. They had laid Doc's body out on a cot, but now they didn't know much of what to do with her. They were used to caring for toys, not humans.

"Oh, Stuffy," Lambie whimpered. "You surely gave her quite a scare! Do you think she'll be okay?"

"My precious Lambie—don't you fret. I'm a brave dragon, and I'm certain she'll be okay!"

"My hero," the innocent lamb swooned, feigning a faint.

"'Hero' my ass!" Hallie snapped with a roll of her eyes.

"Hallie!" The Lambie frowned. "Language!"

"I don't give a fuck!" the hippo pushed through the crowd of toys. "Ain't nobody know what the hell they doing in this place."

"Actually, I know very well what I'm doing. I'm a strong dragon," remarked Stuffy, clearing his throat and putting on the bravest face he could muster.

Hallie exploded in laughter, clutching at her sides. "If you're brave, I must be skinny and tall, right? Dragon, you crack me up."

"Hallie," the lamb started, "you mustn't be so rude to Stuffy." Then she got down and lowered her voice into a whisper. "He has low self-esteem."

"Do not!" the dragon cried, somehow hearing the quiet exchange. "I'm a brave dragon and I deserve to be treated like one!"

"Okay, big boy," Hallie snorted. "Let's see you work your magic then."

With a pout, Stuffy sauntered over to their friend that they hadn't seen in five years. She had really changed a lot, hadn't she? She was taller, bigger, more developed... This simple fact made an idea pop in his head. Oh, what an idea it was indeed.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"She's reviving!" Dot could hear a rough, sassy voice announce. Clumsily, she sat up on the little cot and attempted to take a look around. Fuck, it wasn't a dream. She was still in the little shed, and...the toys were alive too.

Was she on the brink of another psychotic episode? All that shitty therapy for this? This? What even is this? It felt so real, and Dot figured maybe she was having trouble discerning between reality and this sad delusion.

The three toys must have noticed Dot's distraught because Lambie wobbled over with a concerned expression on her face, "You look like you could use a cuddle."

Mindlessly, she took the lamb into her arms and held her tight, "Are you real or am I just crazy?"

"Probably the latter," the hippo rolled her eyes rudely.

"Hallie!" the others shrieked.

"What?" she pouted. "She ain't visited us in five years. The fuck I look like playing nice?"

"Language please," the pretty lamb called from Dot's arms. "And I'm sure Doc had a very good reason for not coming the see us."

"Yeah," the dragon agreed. "Look how big she's gotten! She must have been busy growing and all."

Hallie made a disapproving noise in her throat but came forward to hug her human friend anyway. "You done grown a lot haven't you, Doc."

"Yeah. well," Dot bit her lip nervously. "I've definitely missed you guys lots. I-uh-just wasn't allowed to see you."

"Allowed to see us?" Lambie gasped. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, never mind that right now," Dot shook her head. "Let's catch up."

"I've got an idea about how we can catch up," the dragon said slyly. Hallie cocked a curious eyebrow at Stuffy in question, and he nodded back in reply.

"I think I know what Stuffy's getting at," the hippo said seductively.

Catching on to the others' drift, Lambie, who was still in Dot's arms, leaned into the girl's ear to whisper, "Doc, you've always been so good at taking care of us. Let us take care of you now."Dot was very confused by what the toys were alluding to. Surely, the toys didn't want to do anything...sexual with Dot. That couldn't be what they meant. They were like family to her, and Dot didn't really know how she could have sex with stuffed animals. Hell, she didn't even know how to have sex with humans.

She had come to the conclusion a while back that she was definitely queer, but she still hadn't had the opportunity to fuck anyone. Dot the Sad Virgin, she was. Despite her inexperience, she was always horny; she'd often have...naughty dreams. Almost everyone she knew had featured in at least one of her dreams—even her parents. And she'd be a liar to say that she hadn't dreamed—at least a few times—about fucking her childhood toys either.

"Fuck," Dot exhaled deeply, biting her lip to calm herself. She had to admit she was getting a little moist in her panties just thinking about her toys in that way.

"So what do you say, Doc?" Hallie said, her little hippo hand making circles in Dot's thick thighs.

"Uh—um..." Dot smiled timidly. "I'm not so sure. I've never really done something like this before..."

"It's okay, Doc," Stuffy purred. His dragon tail had hardened and grown significantly in size. "We'll make you feel so, so good."

"O-okay," Doc whimpered. The others see this as an immediate green light.

Lambie leaned in and pecked Dot gently on the lips. Dot licked her lips and nodded for Lambie to proceed. Lambie then kissed Dot full on the mouth passionately.

Dot had only made out with one person in her life—her younger brother Donny. She had really liked that kiss, but she was sure this one was much better. Both Donny and Dot had been so inexperienced, and neither knew much of what they were doing. However, Lambie seemed to know very well what she was doing. Maybe Lambie wasn't as innocent as she had made herself out to be.

"Now let's take these off," Hallie remarked in regards to Dot's leggings that really showed off her fat ass and beautiful thighs. Dot lifted her ass to make it easier for the hippo.

In one swift movement, Hallie pulled off Dot's leggings and panties and tossed them across the room. "Wow, look at how wet she is," Stuffy cooed in awe.

Dot broke away from Lambie's lip to smile at the dragon sheepishly. Lambie slid her hand up Dot's shirt. "Ha," Dot breathed. "I-uh-just got a bit excited."

"Oh, don't worry, love," Hallie's eyes glinted with lust as she spread Dot's legs apart, "we like a wet pussy."

Stuffy ghosted a finger over Dot's clean shaven pussy—eliciting soft moans from Dot's mouth."Stop teasing."

"We're just taking our time, Doc," Lambie said—lifting Dot's shirt to expose her perfect round tits. "Ah, no bra," Lambie purred right before circled her tongue around one of Dot's beautiful brown nipples, "I like that."

Dot stared shocked at the pretty, innocent looking lamb as she took Dot's breasts into her mouth one by one—making her pussy even more...

"Wet," Hallie swore. She lay on her stomach—her head right between Dot's legs, "fuck you're so wet," she breathed in the girl's pussy. You really like Lambie sucking your nipples, don't you?"

Stuffy busied himself with stroking his fat, thick tail as he watched the show before his eyes. "Yeah," he breathed. "I really think she does like that, Hallie. How about you suck on her clit and see how much she likes that."

"Good idea," Hallie smirked. Then she blew a hot breath over her womanhood—causing Dot to whine in frustration. "Be patient, love," Hallie dripped her tongue right into Dot's hole.

"Yes, mmhf. Hallie."

"Right there, sugar?" Hallie grinned and began tonguing Dot's sweet pussy.

"Mhm," Dot moaned, feeling as if she were in heaven. Lambie had taken off the girl's shirt and was now worshiping Dot's breast. She didn't think she could ever feel more pleasure than this.

Hallie stopped tonguing after a while, to which Dot openly expressed her frustration. The hippo just smiled and shoved her whole paw into the girl instead—fisting her profusely.

"Hallie!" Dot shrieked as her eyes rolled back in her head, and she briefly thought she was going to explode from pleasure.

Hallie took Dot's clit into her mouth and sucked on it until Dot screamed her name again.

Stuffy, who was just about ready to cum, came up behind the hippo and prodded her with his thick tail. "Let me fuck your fat purple coochie," he begged—slipping his hand under her dress and into her sopping wet hippo pussy.

Hallie moaned softly into Dot's coochie. "Yes, yes. Fuck me, Stuffy."

Stuffy didn't need to be told twice and stuffed his tail right into her beautiful mound and started pounding away.

Hallie was crying with pleasure but still continued to fist and eat that brown pussy.

Dot had slipped her hands under Lambie's tutu a while back, and they both were now on the verge of an orgasm. Flipping onto her stomach, Dot got on all fours and started lapping up Lambie's beautiful lamb chops. "Fuck, you taste so sweet, Lambie, " Dot growled. Now, Hallie had begun to eat out Dot's ass and rubbed her pussy with her purple hippo paw.

Stuffy pounded roughly into the thick hippo. "Shit, I'm about to cum."

"Me too," the others said together.

"Fuck," Lambie had squealed, and her hand flew to her mouth in surprise. She had never cursed before.

"Fuck, Lambie," Stuffy groaned lustily. "What did you just say?"

"Fuck," Lambie moaned again in that high pitch voice of hers. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck, you eat my pussy so good, Doc. I'm about to cummm," she squealed as she squirted all into Dot's open mouth.

"Ah, you taste so fucking good. Fuck, Hallie, mmhff," Dot moaned as she backed her ass up and came all over Hallie's tongue.

Hallie and Stuffy weren't far behind in their orgasms and came all over each other.

They all fell out on the cot breathlessly. "Shit," Dot breathed. "That was so fucking good. I really missed you guys."

"We know," Lambie said, her skin flushed and warm. "Just come see us more often, okay."

"Oh, I will," Dot grinned slyly. "Matter of fact, I'll be back here next week."

"Really?" Stuffy beamed.

"Promise," she said, running a finger down Stuffy's tail that had shrunken down to normal size. "Now who's up for round two?"

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