The Major's Mate

By ShadowGirl1996

645K 10.9K 783

When Edward was turned so was his sister Lillian. When Edward rebelled agents Carlisle's way of life and left... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fithteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three

chapter twenty four

17.3K 348 89
By ShadowGirl1996

"That's all that's left?" Jacob asked looking at the three blood bags on the counter .
"Bella closer to labour she needs them now." I said.
"But I thought the baby won't accept-"
"After the scare. It's best that Lillian doesn't donate anymore blood for Bella. We tried the baby on one this morning and so far the baby's taking it. This means we need to get more. And quick. We have two pregnant woman with hybrid children. One who is very close to labour and the other not far after." Carlisle said. "Going off Masons charts. Bella has a week left and Lilly has a week and a half."
"It's the most important weeks. The baby's finished growing. It could come any day. Bella going to need blood-"
"So do you." Esme frowned.
"We need to get passed the pack to feed and get to the hospital to get more blood bags. " Carlisle said.
"Okay." Jacob said. " I know what to do. "
I smiled as I stroked masons hair listening to Bella and Rosalie fight over baby names. Alice sitting there giggling at them.
"What will you name the baby?" Bella asked. I stroked my bump as Seth ran in and laid down putting his head in my lap listening to the baby. I pat  Seth's head and think.
"We'll I hadn't thought about it yet really. For a boy I love the name Seth." Seth perked up.
" Really? " he asked happily I put his head back down.
"No. I know the names known in the house for evil but I love the name James." Alice hissed and I rolled my eyes. "It was my father's middle name."
" What about a girl name? " she asked.
"Sofia-Rose." I smiled. Rose tears up and hugged me.
"So it's either James Cullen Hale or Sofia-Rose Cullen Hale? " Bella asked.
"No. Sofia-Rose Cullen Hale. Or James Edward Cullen Hale." Alice awwed and Rise smiled. Seth smiled as the baby in med my head.
"She kicked. " Seth smiled.
"He!" Mason yelled .
"Leah do you mind putting Mason to bed. I would but I got a shifter on my lap." Leah smiled and nodded before picking Mason up. I kissed him goodnight and he went to bed. Jacob and Edward walked into the room. Jasper walked over handing me ice cream.
" Edward. Your sister picked out her baby names. " Bella smiled. Jasper looked at me and I shrugged eating a big scoop of ice cream.
"And so has your wife." I grin with my mouth full.
"Rose has been trying to make Bella change her mind." Alice giggled letting Edward sit next to his wife.
"What did you pick?" Edward asked looking at me.
"If it's a girl I like Sofia-Rose. For a boy I like James Edward." I smiled and he smiled back. Jasper rubbing my bump.
"What about you bells?" Jacob asked. Seth got up watching us.
"If it's a boy. EJ. Edward Jacob." She smiled looking between the two.
" That's not so bad. Why don't you tell them your girl name?" Rosalie said.
"I was playing around with it mum's names Renee and Esme. Renesmee. I smiled and Jacob looked confused.
"If you mix Carlisle and Charlie up you get Carlie. There's your middle name. " I smiled and Jacob turned to me.
"Eat your ice cream." He grinned and I stuck my tounge out.
"I need to stretch my legs." I said. Bella nodded agreeing with me. So Alice and Rosalie helped her up. Only there was a loud crack. Her back. Edward quickly grabbed her and carried her to the medical room and I rushed in. "Seth tell Leah to keep Mason in his room. Jacob. Attach this to her hand. Edward get the venom ready. I grabbed a scalpel.
"Rose get a blanket ready." I said and cut Bella open. She screamed and I could hear wolves quickly approaching. I quickly reach inside and grabbed the baby and pulled her out. Rose s eyes went black and Edward dragged her out. I handed the baby to Jasper and grabbed the venom and stabbed it into Bella's cheapest as she screamed. I took the baby and Jasper looked at me. I nodded and he kissed my head before running out to the others fight the wolves. I carefully cleaned the baby and held her. I looked outside and saw the wolves fighting my family. I looked at the baby in my arms. I looked to Jacob who stood by the door.
"Would you like to meet Renesmee?" I asked and as soon as he looked at the baby his anger vanished. I smiled as he took off. I knew what had happened. "You're safe now Ren." She smiled happily and touched my face and I saw red before light and I stood there smiling at the baby. I jumped as I came back to reality. " your gifted. "

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