Something About Him

By CrystalWings-

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"Let go of me" I murmured trying not to create a scene. "Why" He asked in his usual deep voice with his grip... More

Chapter 2: The irresponsible player
Chapter 3: Luke Hamilton?
Chapter 4: 'That feeling'
Chapter 5: Damaged goods
Chapter 6: The mysterious one
Chapter 7: The sleeping beauty
Chapter 8: Stupid Damien!
Chapter 9: A stranger? A mystery?
Chapter 10: Viral pictures!
Chapter 11: A real badass
Chapter 12: The perks of being popular
Chapter 13: Fallen angel
Chapter 14: As the night gets darker
Chapter 15: So close...yet so far
Chapter 16: Not a freaking dream!
Chapter 17: 'Library Girl'
Chapter 18: What smile?
Chapter 19: A lie never felt so true
Chapter 20: Restless
Chapter 21: First move
Chapter 22: Goodbye...Damien
Chapter 23: Bitter truth
Chapter 24: A life changing kiss
Chapter 25: There's no 'we'
Chapter 26: Undeniable attraction
Chapter 27: Beginning of something
Chapter 28: Because I wanted to
Chapter 29: You silly girl!
Chapter 30: Liar liar pants on fire!
Chapter 31: Your Damien
Chapter 32: Her...friend
Chapter 33: Christmas dinner
Chapter 34: His territory
Chapter 35: Euphoria

Chapter 1: A love that consumes you

1.1K 63 6
By CrystalWings-

Cynthia's POV

"Mum. Where are my shoes! I can't find them" I said at the top of my voice so that my mother could hear me downstairs.

"Christ! Why can't I find my things when I need them the most. Damn! I'm already late for school" I mumbled as I looked around my messed up room once again.

Under the bed?


In the walk-in closet?


In the balcony?


In the bathroom?


Wait what? Why the hell am I even checking in the bathroom? I mean who on earth keeps or maybe even forgets their school shoes in the bathroom?

I shook my head at myself and sighed as I still couldn't find my shoes anywhere.

I swear I saw them in my room yesterday when I got back from school, but now that I need them again they just magically disappeared into thin air.

I feel like pulling my hair out in frustration right now.

Okay you might have guessed it by now but if you still haven't, then let me enlighten you, I'm a person with zero percent patience.

"Mum" I called out again.

Not getting any response, I huffed out a tired sigh before walking downstairs.

"Good morning dad, mum" I said placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Morning, honey" He replied ruffling my well combed hair.

"Good morning, sweetie" Mum replied as she moved around the kitchen before coming to the dining table with mine and dad's breakfast.

"And please do us all a favour, will you? Stop yelling like that every morning...I think my ears will stop working soon, if you continue with this routine of yours" She added as my dad shook his head and chuckled at her words as I almost pouted at his reaction.

Dad is supposed to be on my team!

Though I have to admit, my mum is right. This has become my daily morning routine...not finding any of my things on time and then running late for school.

Oh wait. That means she did hear me calling out for her and yet she didn't come up to help me out.

"I knew you heard me but yet you didn't come upstairs to..." I stopped I was interrupted by my younger brother's voice.

"Mum is right and in fact I think my ears have already stopped working" Chase, my younger brother said, yawning as he walked into the dinning room greeting mum and dad good morning.

"Listen here you little kid, this house is mine before it's yours since I'm your elder sister. So it would be in your betterment if you stopped complaining" I replied narrowing my eyes and pointing a butter knife at him.

"Oh please. You are just two years elder than me...stop bossing me around" He said waiving me off as he walked towards mum, placing a kiss on her cheek, which by the way is his daily routine.

I'm telling you he is such a mamma's boy. 

"Hey! Why haven't you taken a bath yet? Aren't you getting late for school" Mum asked, her question directed towards Chase as she sat beside my dad sipping her tea.

"Nope. I'm not going to school today" He replied stuffing him mouth with a toast.

"And why is that" Dad asked finally diving into our morning conversation.

"The seniors have some sports day today so we don't have any lectures" He replied after swallowing.

"So what? I think you should go and watch some games. I thought you were into sports" Dad said with a shrug.

"Yes Dad. I'm into sports but to be honest it's quite boring just sitting there and watching a bunch of guys play..." He paused with a bored look on his face. 

"The real fun is...when I play and others watch" He continued, dreamily as dad just nodded, amused that he doesn't really likes watching other people play but he wants to be watched by everyone as he plays.

This joker is so obsessed with himself, I thought rolling my eyes at him.

"Please tell me you have at least brushed your teeth, Chasey" Mum asked the most out of context question, suddenly bursting his bubble of dreams as dad and I chuckled at his expressions.

"Of course I have, mum" He replied with a tint of pink colour on his cheeks, embarrassed.

"And please stop calling me Chasey. I feel like I'm a two year when you call me that" He added as the three of us just ignored his words, perfectly knowing that he said that just to sound and appear cool in front of us but deep down he loves it when mum calls him Chasey and of course we all know that.

As I said earlier, he's such a mamma's boy.

"And you, stop laughing or..." He paused addressing me.

"Or what?" I argued back as he glared at me.

"Do you even know Chase, that you were unwanted and are the surprise baby" I added a moment later, just to annoy him.

"Oh is that so, my dear sister..." He paused.

"But I think that surprises are far much more better than the things we plan and you know what, sometimes even the full proof plans get failed" He continued with a grin and I knew exactly whom he was referring by saying 'the plan'.

Me of course!

God! I so badly wish I could punch his face!

"God!" I heard my mother murmur.

"Cynthia! Chasey! Stop right now. I'm so tired of your silly fights every morning" Mum said shaking her head.

"Edward. Aren't you going to say anything to your 'oh so lovely and well behaved' kids" She added sarcastically.

"Um. Yeah of course..." Dad replied clearing his throat.

"Guys stop being such a..." Dad spoke as mum interrupted him hastily.

"Baby, what are you even saying" She asked tiredly in disbelief.

"Stop being such a headache" Dad replied with a shrug as mum just gave him a look that...well I couldn't really understand what it said or meant.

Sometimes I feel like they have this...own language of theirs, that apparently, we have no clue about.

"Okay guys, this is where you both need to stop..." Dad paused.

"And Cynthia. Sweetheart, aren't you getting late for your school now" He continued, looking at me.

"Oh yeah" I replied mentally slapping my forehead.

"Thanks Dad. Bye everyone..." I paused grabbing my bag which I brought along with me while coming downstairs.

"Bye Chasey" I continued, cheekily, emphasizing on 'Chasey', teasing him as he just glared at me.

"Okay now finally bye..." I said yet again while grabbing a slice of toast from the dining table as I realized from the grumbling of my tummy, that I only had some orange juice and totally forgot to eat anything in between all the argument I was having with Chase.

"Do you want me to drop you" Dad asked.

"Come on dad, I'm a big girl now. I can go by myself" I replied.

"Okay, if you say so big girl" He said smiling at my words...I don't know why though.

I'm a big girl now and I think wait, I know that I can handle myself. Oh when will my family, especially my parents, stop treating me like a baby.

Never, I think, my subconscious replied as I just shook my head.

"I love you guys. Bye" I said rushing out of the house, hearing my mother's fading voice say that 'She'll come back', followed by the chuckling of my dad and Chase.

"Why did she say that? Why would I go back?" I murmured to myself as I walked towards my bicycle.

Yes, my family does owns many cars but yet I prefer cycling to my school with the cool and fresh morning wind caressing my face softly...I just love that feeling.

It makes me feel like I'm free.

But of course initially my dad didn't like the idea of me cycling all the way to my school because of course he still thinks that I'm a little baby and I might fall down or something and hurt myself.

But I have a weapon for each and every time my dad disagrees with something that I want, and that is my puppy face.

But in extreme situations when even my puppy face doesn't works, I have an even bigger weapon and that's none other than my loving mother, of course. He just can't say no to ever, because he just loves her to no ends and sometimes and by sometimes I mean all the damn time, I'm just in awe seeing them love each other so much.

I just wish they stay like that forever.

Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever have that kind of love in my life...the kind of love where you may fight with each other like every other couple out there but yet you can't stay away from that one special person...a love that makes you believe in love...a love that empowers you, encourages you to fight for your love...a love that doesn't let's you give up...a love that never dies...a love that makes others want to have a love like yours...

A love that consumes you...

An eternal love like my parents have.

Wait. How long have I been standing here and thinking? I shook my head, snapping out of my dream land.

"Okay Cynthia now it's time you get out of your dreamland and come back to the real world where I don't know if you'll ever get what you want or not but you'll definitely get detention from your English teacher if you don't leave for your right now" I murmured to myself and just as I was about to leave for school I realized something.


Why do I feel like something is missing?

Oh my goodness!

My shoes!!

So this is what my mother was talking about when she said that I'll come back.

Jesus Christ!

I'm such an idiot. I was about to leave without wearing my shoes...the one thing that I have been searching and yelling for, this entire morning.

"Great, Cynthia. Just great!" I mumbled sarcastically, shaking my head.

"Mum. I forgot my shoes" I shouted calling out for my mother as I ran back inside the house to get my shoes.


Hello lovely people,

So we meet again with yet another story.

I hope you liked the beginning a.k.a the first chapter.

Do tell me how you felt about it.

And for those who haven't read the story of Cynthia's parents; Ashima and Edward, you can find it on my profile.

It is titled as "Loving The Indian Girl".

And if you guys know me even a little bit, you might know that I'm a huge Delena fan.

And being a Delena fan I just couldn't resist but quote 'A love that consumes you' in one of my books...


Please vote, comment and share.

Until next time.


Crystal ❤️

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