"Anytime, Cowgirl." : Arthur...

By GandalfsArmpit

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Arthur Morgan wasn't a man who believed in "happily ever after"'s. As an outlaw, a crook, a man with a bounty... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 22

688 22 1
By GandalfsArmpit

A/N: This chapter is kind of a bunch of short scenes, so it's a bit different than my usual format. Also, I had terrible writers block with this chapter, so I'm sorry if it's horrible.

Jane rubbed her stomach from where the corset had been moments before. She sat on her bed, with a nightgown on. It was much more comfortable than the gown.

Her heart was aching, but the rest of her was buzzing. Arthur had been right here, in my arms! The chances that I would have seen him there.

Now, she needed to focus on getting the cure. Maybe she needed someone on the inside to get it for her. Perhaps she could blackmail Matteo into doing it.

Speaking of Matteo, there was a light knock on the door. In popped his head. "May I?" He asked.

Jane nodded, setting down her hair brush.

He made his way into her room, leaning his gun up against her wall. "So, who really was that guy?"

She sighed as he sat on the step to her opened balcony. "How do I know that you aren't going to run off to Stefano and tell him all of this?"

Matteo chuckled. "Well, first off, your scary 'friend' would kill me, and because... well, I don't know. There's no good reason why I won't tell him, but I just need you to trust me that I won't."

She bit her lip, considering what he was say. Sighing, she obliged. "Fine. I met him a couple months ago. I guess you could say he's my beau. Long before I even knew Stefano existed."

"How'd you guys meet?"

Hopefully, she could trust him. "Well, I was running with a gang before I got kidnapped and taken here. I met him there. He actually helped me get out of this marriage the first time too."

"Then why didn't you run with him tonight?" He waved the smoke from his cigarette out of his face, causing her to notice his gray eyes.

"My aunt has something of mine that I can't leave without."

He clicked his mouth and nodded. "Figured as much. What is it?"

"Well, he- Arthur- has Tuberculosis. She had something that's supposed to cure him."

"Nasty business."

She wrapped her shawl around her shoulders as she agreed with him. "So, how about you? For being such a close friend of Stefano's, you don't seem to be very loyal."

He chuckled and released a long string of smoke. "Well, truth is, he and I were never super close. I didn't really come oversees for him, I came for Chiara."

She gave him a questioning look, causing him to continue.

"She was my world, my sweetheart. But she was arranged to marry Stefano's older brother. I wanted to run away with her, but Bronte- the snake- wouldn't let her. A month after we got here, she's married and I'm left a lonely guard."

Jane's eyes were wide at that. "Matteo, I'm sorry."

He chuckled bitterly. "Oh, it's all fine. But I guess I don't want to see the same happen to you and, what was his name? Arthur?"

Jane nodded. "Really? You've had quite the turnaround since you held that gun to me that one time."

He grinned. "Just looking good for the boss, eh?"

"So you're really willing to help?" Jane looked at him skeptically.

"Yes, I... I think so."


This was even worse than that goddamn gown. Jane was being being fitted for her wedding dress.

She had yet another corset on, and Mr. Bronte's tailor was holding different patterns up to her shift dress. He had a collection of magazines, all with the latest fads of weddings.

"What do you think," he said, looking at a magazine. "Silk or lace?"

"Lace," her aunt answered. "It is classical, and shows that she is a pure bride for Stefano."

He looked from the magazine, lowering his glasses. Unlike the rest of the Brontes, he was French. "I was asking her."

Jane held back a laugh when she saw her aunt's face. "Well," Jane said, "I think I'd like silk."

He nodded. "Very well. Do you want high back and low front, low back and high front, low for both, or high for both?"

"What- What do you mean 'low for both'?"

"Oh, it is all the rage in France right now. It seems to be a bit controversial in American, but it is the Progressive Era, yes?"

Her aunt huffed. "Absolutely not."

"Well, you are not the one getting married, correct? Singor Bronte told me to dress the bride however she pleases."

Jane wanted to antagonize her aunt as much as possible. "Low back and high front seems like a good idea."

The tailor chuckled. "Yes, yes. I believe so, too. Quite fashionable."

He led her to a bench and sat her down in front of a mannequin. Handing her a glass on champagne, he said, "Now, you watch, and tell me what you like and don't like."

He started pinning different pieces of fabric to it. It was all given to her by the brothers she had met the night before.

She had to admit that this whole process was kind of fun. There was no doubt in her mind that she wasn't getting married to Stefano, so she humored herself by telling herself it was for Arthur.

But would she marry him?

She had thought she wasn't ready when he proposed to her, but she had discovered something while she had been here.

Maybe she was hesitant to marry him because she assumed restriction would come with it, like this one would. But if anything, it would give her more freedom.

Her stomach seemed to jump at her sudden realization. But would Arthur even want to anymore? Has he changed his mind?

And how the hell do I get out of here? Matteo said he would help her, but how would he get the cure?

What if I can't get it in time? What if Arthur doesn't come?

In what seemed like seconds, half an hour had passed. The tailor looked to Jane for approval.

The gown was absolutely beautiful. It was completely silk, and had flowy sleeves just above her elbows. The front was high, just like she had said, and the back was open about halfway down in a v-shape. The bottom fell straight down, which Jane appreciated. She hated big gowns. The back had a modest train.

"It's beautiful," Jane said, carefully feeling the silk sleeves.

"Too revealing for me," her aunt said, refilling her glass, "But still beautiful."

"Thank you," He said. "I will have it sowed in two days' time. I have your measurements from the other day, so there is no need for a fitting after."

Jane nodded. "Thank you. You certainly are an artist."

He smiled, and she was ushered out by her aunt.

"What in the world do you think you're doing?" She said as soon as they were out in the hall.

"I was just-"

"Being disobedient? Let's just pray I don't loose business when the gentleman at the wedding see that gown."

"Is that what this is?" Jane said, her fist clenched tightly. "A business opportunity? A political statement?"

Her aunt grabbed her arm, gripping it tightly. "I'd watch your mouth, girl. I'm doing this for you. This is all in your best interest." Her eyes were wild, her face inches away from Jane's. "You always were a little, ungrateful-"

"Beatrice. That is enough." Her mother stood a few feet from them. "Leave her be."

Her aunt was still for moment, then dropped Jane's arm. "At least you have your weak-willed mother here," she said, looking between the two.

"I said that's enough," her mother repeated. She moved towards Jane and began ushering her away.

Jane felt her aunt's eyes on her as they made her way to her room.

"Are you alright?" Her mother asked as soon as they got inside.

"Yeah," She said, rubbing her arm from where her aunt had grabbed it. "Thank you."

"You're still my daughter." The words were small, but they made Jane look at her. "And I'm sorry I haven't been much of a mother."

"What do you mean?"

Her mother sat on Jane's bed, patting the seat next to her. As Jane sat, her mother sighed.

"This whole thing has been... conflicting. Months ago, when you first had gone to the train station, your father had convinced me that this is what was best for you. When we heard you had... done what you'd done, we didn't know what to think." A piece of her long, brown hair had escaped from the bun it was in. Jane missed when she was little, she would always wear it down. She could let Jane play with it.

"Pa said you sold everything of mine."

A surprised expression rested on her face. "What? I never... of course, I was angry, but I was more worried than anything."

"I'm sorry that I worried you. But if I'm being honest, I'm not sorry that I left," Jane hesitated, looking at her hands. "And I would leave again if I could."

Her mother smiled sadly. "I know. The more I've been here, and seen how things are here, I... I don't know if this is what's best for you."

A spark of hope was struck in Jane.

Her mother continued. "And I... I think you should leave. Before the wedding. Not that I won't miss you, but I think you'll be happier."

"I can't," she said, the spark within her dulling a bit.

"Why not?"

"She has something I can't leave without. It's the only reason I didn't leave as soon as I got here."

Her mother looked up and shook her head. "God have mercy on that woman," she muttered. "What is it really? I doubt it's a plant accelerant."

"It's kind of a long story."

"Well, I'm willing to skip out on time with your lovely aunt to listen."

Jane chuckled, but then the smile faded away when she began to talk. "Well, after I... jumped off the train, I fell in with a gang. They're robbers and killers, but some of the best people I know. I got close to one in particular. But Arthur, he- he got Tuberculosis. I found this scientist lady, and she made a cure. That's was Aunt Beatrice has. And I can't leave without it, or he'll die." After she finished her speech, she wasn't quite sure what her mother was going to said.

"She's a sour wretch," She said, which Jane was inclined to agree with. "This Arthur- is a good man?"

"The best I've ever met," Jane said. That was one of the only things she was sure about. "He actually asked to marry me before I got kidnapped, and I think I'm going to," she said, a slight blush creeping on her cheeks.

Her mother had a large smile on her face. "Honey, I..." she trailed off, then took on a strange expression. "Wait, kidnapped?"

"Yeah..." Jane said, almost like a question.

"Your aunt told me she found you on the street, beginning for food, and took you in."

"What? No." Jane's dislike for her aunt grew even more. "I was with the gang, and another family kidnapped me and a young boy I was with. They gave us to Mr. Bronte, and then she found me."

She shook her head, muttering under her breath. There was more darkness in her blue eyes than Jane had ever seen in brown ones. "She is unbelievable," her mother said.

Jane nodded, and they were quiet for a moment. She was elated to know that her mother was on her side.

"Jane," she said, grabbing her hand, "If you need to go, go. I'll help you in any way I can. I just want to meet my grandbabies."

Jane chuckled, looking at their clasped hands. "Thank you, Ma. And if I do, you'll be the first to know." She thought quietly for a moment. With Matteo and her mother on her side, maybe there was a way she could get out of here. "I think there may be a way you could help."


"Okay," Arthur said, following Trelawny through the hallways off the riverboat. He was in fancy attire again, and felt even more ridiculous this time.

"You seem unsure?"

"Robbing a heavily-armed riverboat without a gun usually tends to bring out the self-doubt in me."

Trelawny stopped in front of the door. "These people are virtually idiots. This is simple stuff."

Arthur just sighed as they pushed the door open, entering the lively room.

"Now have a good time," Trelawny said loudly, putting on a show. "But don't loose too much money or your wife is going to kill me!"

"Whatever you say," he said, chuckling. It was a mere fantasy to think that anyone would have him.

Trelawny made his way off to do God knows what, leaving Arthur to make his way to the poker table.

Just as planned, Herr Strauss sat across from where Arthur sat down.

"Good evening, gentlemen, Arthur Callahan. Sorry I was late. I had some, uh, unfinished business at the bar."

"Desmond Blythe," said a man across the table. He kind of resembled Dutch.

"Not to worry," said the dealer. "Welcome to the game, Mr. Callahan. Gentlemen, let's play." He began to shuffle and deal cards, and Arthur hoped that he really was a friend of Trelawny's, like he'd said.

"I hope you're a player," said Blythe. "Been too many cowards at this table recently. Nothing less dignified than a man afraid to loose a little money."

Arthur just nodded. "Look at this- all my chips stacked up and waiting for me. I like this joint already."

"We aim to please, sir." The dealer had this mischievous look in his eyes, as if the words had more meaning than he let on.

With a small sense of security, Arthur kept up his act. "So, how are we all faring?"

"Some better than others," said a man at the table.

"If we all fared the same in life, how little fun would that be?"

"Ain't that the truth," said another man. "My wife told me I'm to buy a fine China set for Bronte's son's wedding later this week, but I always manage to end up here instead."

Arthur tried to stay in character at the surprise mention of Jane. "Bronte's son's getting married? To who?"

The man took his turn as continued. "Beatrice O'Hare's niece. My wife met her at the garden party last evening, and said she seems to have ideas miles above her station. Said Bronte's a fool for letting his son marry her."

Arthur rubbed his jaw. "I see." Behind Blythe, he saw Strauss telling Arthur to fold, which he , tossing his cards to the center of the table. "Wait, you're not Desmond Blythe, the Hosiery King? I should have brought my other wallet."

"Not my preferred title, but yes... you should have."

This made the whole table chuckle a bit as the dealer laid out cards.

Blythe put all of his chips in, then the man next to him did the same, saying, "We'll see about that."

The rest of the men put their chips in, muttering.

"Mr. Blythe wins with three queens."

He laughed. "Goodbye, gentlemen." He looked to Arthur, who was the only other one that still had money. "Guess it's just you and me now, friend."

"Guess so."

The dealer reshuffled and dealer the cards again, and Arthur got a good hand. Strauss motioned for him put chips in.

Blythe put chips in, and then Arthur put all of his chips in.

During his turn, Blythe put all of his chips in, which seemed foolish. Maybe it was out of wanting to seem like a big man.

The dealer put the cards out, and Arthur won the whole loot.

"No!" Blythe yelled.

"Seems like your luck ran out, friend," Arthur said, standing up. "Now, where might I find my winnings?"

"Sit you ass back down!" Blythe yelled. For wanting to seem like a masculine man, he was sure losing like a young boy. "I mean, we are not finished."

"You ain't have nothing left to play with," Arthur said.

"I have a watch."

"Look at you."

"It's a nice watch. Worth more than you."

After a quiet moment, Arthur sat back down. "Alright, then."

The dealer, yet again, dealt them cards. And once more, Arthur won.

"Now, where might I find this watch?"

Blythe was nearly foaming at the mouth. "Why, you little-"

"It's upstairs in the safe," the dealer said calmly. I believe that the pit boss will guide you there."

As if on cue, the pit boss appeared by Arthur's side. "Yes, Mr. Callahan. Come this way, I'll bring you to your winnings."

He led to a door, where a guard and Javier stood, in a uniform.

Clever, clever.

"Would one of you gentlemen accompany me and Mr. Callahan to the safe?"

"Yes sir," Javier said before the other one said anything.

The pit boss hesitated, looking at Javier. "Are you new? I don't recognize you."

"I- I started last week," he answered quickly.

"Alright, then."

They made their way outside, then up a flight of stairs. All the while, the pit boss was saying racist things that were making Arthur uncomfortable.

"But, don't worry," the pit boss said after saying that he didn't trust "greasers" with guns. "I've got my old 'law-keeper' right here." He held up a gun, which Arthur knew he would have to get off of him.

They entered the room, and it was just the three of them.

"Now, I think you're going to love this watch," the pit boss said, opening the safe. "It's a Reutlinger.  Worth a small fortune."

The safe popped open, and on cue, Javier jumped the pit boss. Arthur grabbed his gun off of him as he struggled and yelled.

Once Arthur had the gun, Javier released him. "Get everything you can, Arthur. Looks to be a good amount in there."

Before he could even move, the pit boss had pulled out another gun and began to fire at the two.

Before Arthur could even blink, he shot him dead with one shot.

"Someone's bound to have heard that," Javier said. "We best be getting out of here if this place goes to hell."

"You mean when this placed goes to hell." Arthur grabbed the money and watch out of the safe, then the two rushed to leave. "Just act natural, alright?"

The pair made their way out of the room and were about halfway back to the door when a group of guards rushed underneath them.

"Were those gunshots?" One of them said.

Arthur put a finger to his mouth as they moved on, finally reaching the door. They immediately put their fake personas back on, Arthur making a big entrance.

"Thank you for this assistance," he said loudly to Javier. "Now, I've got to find my way to the bar. Perhaps you could accompany me?"

"Of course, sir," Javier replied.

They made their way to the bar, passing tables of tipsy poker players.

At the bar, Trelawny sat in front of a drunk Blythe. He was yelling about the poker game. "You and- your friend.... your friend is a cheatin' piece of... of shit!" He slurred, nearly falling out of his chair by waving his arms.

"Oh, dear gentlemen," Trelawny said, standing up at the sight of Arthur. "I can assure you that we did nothing of the sorts. Was merely a spout of luck."

"Trelawny, we best be moving on," Arthur said in a low voice. "How we getting out of here?"

Before Trelawny could open his usual blabbering mouth, a man with long Johns on ran into the room. "There he is!" He yelled, pointing at Javier.

Then chaos ensued.

Javier tossed Arthur a gun, and he jumped the bar, knocking out the bartender.

The guards were rushing in now. Arthur shot one, two, three men down.

"This way!" Trelawny yelled.

He shot another as he followed the three other men down the hallway, then off the side of the boat into the deep, vast water.

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