The Rules | ✅ Completed

By Sammers

179K 5.1K 952

I have three basic rules to live by Don't draw attention to myself. Make it through another year. My brother'... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Author's Note
Alternate Epilogue
Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter 14

3K 91 22
By Sammers

"Someone's in a good mood," I said before taking a sip of the beer in my hand. Lucas sighed and lifted himself onto the open tailgate. He cradled the bottle in his hands and picked at the label with his thumb.

"Yeah," he looked up to his sister, "We'll see how long it lasts."

"What do you mean?" I watched her dance with Joe. Unlike the other girls, she kept space between them and only touched him when he spun her around. The wild grin stretching across her face told me she was enjoying every minute out there.

"She's hooked on some guy, and I promised not to go after his sorry ass." A truck could have plowed into me and I wouldn't have felt it.

"You really think you'll need to?"

"If he's stupid, yeah." He took another sip and I tore my eyes from the beauty's silhouette as the flames glowed behind her. "I want her to be happy, but I've heard the idiots at our school. All they ever see is a piece of tail they want for a weekend. She shouldn't have to endure that."

"Do you know who it is?" He clearly didn't know if he was strangling the bottle instead of me.

"Not yet. She mentioned something about telling me, but not when." Lucas took a moment to scan the male population surrounding us. He had to be trying to pinpoint the guy she was hiding.

"Maybe you'll like the guy." A dry chuckle left him before he took another sip.


Joe was carrying Blaine on his back as they returned to us. She was giggling like a mad woman as Joe set her down. It had been a while since I saw her this relaxed. She wasn't putting on a show or being reckless.

"Some guys are saying you're losing your edge," Joe thumbed to a crowd of soccer players. Owen was part of the mix looking over at us. Blaine gave him a disgusted once over before looking at her brother.

"No fighting tonight, Luke," Blaine begged stepping up to him.

"No fighting," he agreed finishing his beer. He nodded toward Joe and they headed for round two.

"Your brother pretty much just called me a sorry ass," I looked at Blaine as she jumped up onto the tailgate. She picked up the still unopened drink and fought with the cap. I took it from her and twisted it off.

"Did he," she took a swig from the bottle after I handed it back to her.

"Yeah, then he stared down all the guys within sight."

"So much for easy going," she sighed looking up to the sky.

"When do you want to tell him?"

"I wanted to tonight, so we could actually hang out. Instead of awkwardly tip toeing around."

"Here he comes," I smiled at her, leaning a little closer. "Ready?"

"Ready," she returned my smile. Lucas was walking toward us alone with two bottle in one hand and one more in the other. "So, Luke."

"So, Laine."

"Have you met Finn," she gestured to the me as I shifted closer to her then normal. Lucas eyed her confused. Then I watched with concern as his eyes widened and his mouth formed a tight line.

"You're kidding, right?"

"I'm not," Blaine shifted on the tailgate.

"This is the guy," Lucas pointed to me as if I was across the field and not a foot away.

"Yes," she nodded.

"Jesus," he growled.

"Look, man, we didn't want to keep lying," I jumped in to draw his focus. I inched closer to her, but slightly toward her brother at the same time. I was preparing for blow back. The gentle touch of her hand on my back told me she noticed.

"Keep lying," his eyes shot to me. "How long have you been lying exactly?"

"It doesn't matter."

"You said you'd ease up, Luke." His eyes darted to his sister and they looked cold.

"This wasn't a part of the agreement."

"Yes it was. No repercussions, remember?"

"What's going on," Shane slurred as he playfully shoved our friend. Lucas swatted at his arm, keeping his stare on her. Shane sobered up and muttered a curse under his breath. "Lucas. Come on, let's walk it off."

"Walk what off," Lucas spat through gritted teeth.

"You have to walk away, man." He spun to face his best friend and Blaine slipped off the tailgate.

"Why?" Shane hung his head before looking to Blaine. Lucas looked between the three of us before throwing out his arms. "Did everyone fucking know before me?"

"I told them to shut it down," Shane snapped in my direction.

"That's what you two were fighting about Saturday," Lucas' neck was reddening.

"Lucas," Blaine hissed. People were starting to stare. "Please, calm down."

"Calm down? How the hell am I supposed to calm down? You have been sneaking around behind my back with one of my friends. You were all keeping secrets."

"We didn't want this to happen," Shane jumped in, stepping between Blaine and Lucas. I grabbed Blaine's arm and pulled her behind me.

"Good call," Lucas spat. I felt Blaine flinch and saw what caused it. His hands flexed into fists at his side.

"Shane," she called to him. Wiggling free from my protective hold, she got up in her brother's face. Shoving at his chest to get his attention. "You're going to have to go through me."

"Lainy." Shane tried to pull her back, but she shrugged his hand off.

"Bring it on, Lucas. You want to hit someone hit me. I started all of this." I have never seen him so much as flick her. Given Shane's panicked expression, he was just as worried as I was about her taunting.

"You need to go home," he growled. "Now."

"Fine," she growled back. "After to back the fuck up."

Lucas took two more steps back. She looked over her shoulder at the us as we kept our eyes on her brother. She nodded to us before slowly walking away. She glanced over her shoulder as I passed between Shane and Lucas. Lucas took a step toward me and muttered under his breath, "This isn't over, Finn."

Shane grabbed hold of Lucas' arm and warned him off of following us. Blaine looked at me with worried eyes as I walked up to her. Knowing things were already bad, I reached out for her hand and held on tight. Those beautiful eyes looked like they were ready to cry for days.

"Shane's got him," I whispered to her. She let out a breath and my heart began to break for her.

"This wasn't supposed to happen."

"Hey," I pulled her to a stop as we neared our cars. "He needed to know. There wasn't going to be any easy way. At least here he can get it out of his system."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

"We've got you," I smiled, pushing some hair behind her ear. Joe and Shane would watch for her when I couldn't. "Let's get you home. It's been a long day and something tells me you really need to sleep."

"I need to talk to my brother."

"Let him sleep on it, Lainy. He needs space to process all of this." Using our joined hands, I gestured to her car. She rolled her eyes and let go of my hand. Opening the door, she paused then looked at me.

"You going to follow me home?"

"I was thinking about it," I smiled at her. Her fingers tapped the top of the door.

"Can you stay over?"

"Whatever you want, Lainy," I stepped forward and kissed the top of her head. "Now, let's go before Lucas realized we haven't left yet."


Blaine was asleep in my arms once again. She had on her sweatshirt and a pair of shorts. Curled up on her side, she had one arm tucked under her head while the other rested across my waist. We were facing each other and talking before sleep called to her.

The clock on her bedside table told me it was two in the morning. Lucas would be stumbling in soon. There was nothing from the guys after we left. No calls or messages to either of us. I glanced across the room to the door. Blaine had locked it after she changed.

Knowing nothing would happen, and that I would be sleeping on top of the blankets, didn't ease her conscience. She was right though. Even if the door was unlocked, the fact that I was in her bed wasn't going to simplify things. At least with the door locked he couldn't kill me in my sleep.

A thud from the hallway followed by a slurred hush told me Lucas was home and Shane was probably with him. My eyes drifted back to Blaine to make sure she was still asleep. Lucas was talking now while Shane attempted to keep him quiet.

"What the hell are they thinking? No, I want to know," he slurred. There was a thump against the wall.

"Tomorrow, Luke. Give them till tomorrow, okay. We all need some sleep before things that can't be taken back are said," Shane's voice grew softer as I'm sure they traveled down the hall to the room next door. The springs squeaked as a body fell onto the mattress in the other room. The door shut and tired footsteps passed the door again.

I moved Blaine's arm, kissed her cheek and slipped out of the room. Having crashed here most summer nights, I could find my way through the dark house. The silver glow from the picture window brightened the living room as I entered. My arms were crossed as I stared at my feet.

"So," I whispered.

"Tomorrow," Shane repeated again as he kicked his shoes off.

"I have to know what we're walking into. I won't sleep otherwise."

"We're," he scoffed. It was the first time Shane physically looked exhausted. "You and her are in for a rude awakening, Finn. He was ready to beat the crap out of you. Blaine stepping up and demanding he hit her instead has him rattled."

"Shit," I groaned.

"You fucked up. Why did you tell him?"

"Blaine said they had a talk and everything was good. I don't think he was expecting me to be on the other end."

"Clearly," Shane spat as he stretched out on the couch. "Go to bed."

I didn't argue with his command. It was too late and we were both drained to bother with another fight. Laying down beside Blaine again, I rested my chin on the top of her head as she snuggled closer.

"I'm sorry."

Her voice was so soft I thought I imagined it. The hand moving to my chest told me it was real. Her delicate fingers rested against my T-shirt.

"Go back to sleep," I whispered, nuzzling the top of her head.

"He promised-"

"Sleep, Lainy. We'll worry about it tomorrow." Shane's words left my lips and it made me fear for the encroaching sunrise.

With a weak huff, she relaxed as my arm wrapped around her. Tomorrow everyone would be sober, clear headed. It would be a new day with no surprises.

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