The Housekeeper(A Roc Royal/M...

By samfytb

1.3K 34 22

Hi my name is Serena. I'm 15 years old. I'm not the average girl. My life has been hell since the day I recei... More

The Housekeeper: Intro
My Life


279 9 6
By samfytb

Serena's POV

I walked to my first period, Chemistry. I made my way to sit next to my chemistry partner/best friend, Christina. On my way to sit down, Roc's dumbass tried to trip me.

Serena: Excuse me nigga can you please move your fake ass J's out the way.

Everyone laughed.

Roc: They ain't fake, unlike you bitch!

Serena: I ain't fake nigga all of this...

I said pointing at my self.

Serena: is real.

Roc: Get the fuck out my face with all that bullshit.

Serena: Gladly.

I said walking off.

Christina: Wassup my nigga!


Serena: Wassup girl!

Christina: Good but, this baby been bugging me.

She said rubbing her stomach.

Yes, Christina is pregnant. Don't worry though cause the father is her boyfriend and he is very loyal. She's actually 7 months. The babies are coming soon. Yes, I said babies. She's having twins. Don't judge her cause she is a smart girl. She gets all A's in every single one of her classes so she'll be able to provide for her babies.

Serena: Awww. Well it'll all be worth it when they come out and you see their beautiful faces.

Christina: They sure will be beautiful. Cause they got a beautiful mommy and daddy. Where is Caleb though?

Just then Caleb walked in with some Chinese food, hot fries, choclate chip cookies,and some mango juice.

Serena: Damn Caleb!

Caleb: Here you go baby.

He passed the food to Christina.

Serena: I want some.

I said pouting.

Caleb: Sorry only got enough for three.

Christina: Awwww. Thanks baby, but you know you can't have food inside the lab.

Just then the teacher, Mr.Kal, walked in.

Mr.Kal: I smell food!

He looked over to where we were sitting.

Mr.Kal: Caleb, you know what I say about food in class. I know that your girlfriend is in a certain condition right now, but that is no excuse to break the rules.

Caleb: Yes sir.

Caleb walked out to the teacher's lounge and put the food away and came back.

•1 hour later•

Mr.Kal: Okay, class dismissed.

I helped Christina gather her stuff and we went to our second period. As we walked in I accidentally dropped my books. As I bend over to get my books, I feel a sharp sting on my backside.

Serena: Oww!

Roc: That's what you get little bitch for...well...being a little bitch!

Serena: Ugh! I fucking hate you!

Roc: I feel the same way about you bitch. Nice ass though.

I rolled my eyes.

I got all my books from off the floor and went to my seat.

•Skipping to After School•

Tony: Hey! Rere! Baby!

I heard Tony yelling. I turned around to be met with a hug.

Tony: Hey. Where you heading to?

Serena: Hey and I told you. I'm going to go looking for a job.

Tony: Oh well. After you finish looking can we do something tonight.

He winked at me.

Serena: Yes baby, we can do all of that tonight. Meet me at my house at 9.

Tony: Alright. Bye babe.

Serena: Bye.

I kissed him then I got into my car.

As I was driving through the city, I saw a sign. It said: Housekeeper Job. Hiring. Has to be able to cook, clean, and care for kids. Call the number below for more information.

I called the number and thankfully, someone answered.

•Phone Convo•

???: Hello.

Serena: Hello. Um, I was wondering about the job opening for a housekeeping job.

???: Oh, why hello. My name is Trey August. You can call me Mr. August. What is your name and age ma'am?

Serena: My name is Serena, Serena Vern. I'm 15.

Mr. August: Well if you could please come to my home so I can make sure you are compatible for the job. I'll text you the address.

Serena: Thank you sir. I'll be there soon. Goodbye.

Mr.August: Goodbye.

•End of Phone Convo•

He texted me the address and I made my way to the house.

•6:07 pm•

I arrive at the house and knock on the door. Mr. August opens the door and let's me in.

Mr. August: Hello, Ms.Vern.

Serena: Hello, sir.

Mr. August: Sit down. I'd like to ask you a few questions. We'll start very general, then move on to more personal questions.

Serena: Ok.

Mr.August: What school do you go to?

Serena: Pinewood High.

Mr.August: Interesting. Actually, my son goes to that school.

Serena: Really? What's his name? Maybe I know him.

Mr.August: I'll be asking the questions here Ms.Vern.

Serena: Sorry, sir. Continue.

He went through all the general questions and began the personal ones.

Mr. August: Okay, where do you live?

Serena: I live in a house in the neighborhood, by the Pinewood Walmart .

Mr. August: Do you live with your parents?

Serena: Umm, no sir actually I-I-I-I live with my sister. Yes, my sister. She's 19.

Mr.August: Really? What's her name?

Serena: Uhhh, Jordyn.

Mr. August: Oh okay. Is she in town?

Serena: No, I'm actually taking care of the house while she's on a business trip.

Mr. August: Well you seem like you know what you're doing. Okay. I'm gonna give you a trial run today. Tomorrow, you'll come back and I'll tell you from there, where you stand. Okay?

Serena: Okay! Sounds great!

Mr.August: Yes, but first, I would like you to meet my kids. Kids! Come down here please!

A little girl came running down the stairs and jumped into her father's arms.

???: Hi, Daddy.

Mr.August: Hey, baby. This is Serena. Serena this is Lily.

Lily: Hi, Serena. I'm Lily and I'm 4.

Serena: Well hello Lily. I'm Serena and I'm 15.

I tickled her, she giggled.

Mr.August: Looks like you two get along. I don't know where my son is. Hold on. Son!

???: Coming Dad!

The boy came running down the stairs and as I clearly saw his face my jaw dropped.

Cliff Hanger!!

Who do you think it is?

Please add, follow, comment, vote, and support if you want me to keep on writing y'all. I need all the help I can get.


Whats your favorite color? Why?

Mine is green. Cause its such a calm and soothing color.

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