HIDE || Park Junhee [ A.C.E ]...

By killersmile1010

21.4K 997 136

I don't need my face. I don't need the popularity. I don't need the attention. Let me free from those fake h... More

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By killersmile1010


Everyday feels so hard to go through. I can't imagine how my future will be. I was too hurt inside that most of the time I don't want to do anything in a day. However if I just act according to my feelings it'll become worse for me. I need to make myself busy to forget everything easier. For that, I got a job as a waiter at a fancy restaurant. The pay was nice and the working time match my after class time. One condition to work there, I can't wear this hairstyle as a waiter so everytime at work I style my hair in a different way so it won't cover my face. It's actually good for me because anyone can hardly recognize me outside my work.

The manager was hesitant to hire me at first so he gave me the condition. I showed him my different hairstyle and he agreed to hire me right away.

Wow, Jun. You suit the image as the waiter of our restaurant. Congratulation, you're hired.

Thank you Mr. Song. I'll do my best.

Yes you should. I'm keeping my eyes on you for the first month so make sure you did your job well.

Alright I will.

One personal question though, why do you have to hide your face behind the awful bangs?

This bangs is my life Mr Song. I can't live without it.

Oh that's a weird reason. I thought you'd say you do it so people can stop flirting with you because that's a very fine looking face, kid. I can die and live once again to have that gorgeous look.


Whatever kid, you can start next week

Thank you. I'm looking forward for it.

I'm not completely honest to Mr Song about it because I don't want him cringed hearing my true reason. I didn't expect him to guess my reason correctly afterwards. I'm laughing inside because of that while trying to keep my face straight when he's talking. Mr Song seems to be a nice man and I'm relieved because of it.

I didn't tell Donghun about me getting a job after class. I'm hardly at home since I started working. I couldn't stay at home mainly because it brings back the painful memory inside me. Memory of her. I don't talk to Donghun anymore. Not because I'm angry to him but just because I don't want to talk to anyone for some moment. I'm keeping a fierce face and attitude to my co-workers too. For that reason they don't have enough courage to approach me and be flirty. It doesn't matter if I don't have any friend there anyway since I go to work just for money and be busy.

I always went home at midnight and at the time usually Donghun was in his room already sleeping. I go home as usual today and didn't expect to see Donghun sitting at the couch with only the uplighter lamp was on. Donghun who is aware at my surprised face started talking.

Jun, are we even live in the same house? Are you the same Jun? I swear I didn't know you anymore.

Donghun please, I'm tired.

I don't even know where you came from so mind to explain what's going on?

Urghh fine. I work at X restaurant that's why I'm coming home late. Is that enough?

I can't understand why you can't tell me earlier. I'm having a bad thoughts about you all this while.

Okay now you think I'm a bad person too?

Too? Who else said that?

Whatever Donghun not important. I have class tomorrow and I'm damn tired. Goodnight.

Donghun went silent after I said goodnight. He surely can guess that I'm too tired to even talk that's why he didn't say anything further. His face looks like he had something to tell me. Something buried inside that he wants to let out it out for me.

Nevermind. I'll ask him next time.


I wake up this morning rushing to go to class. It's currently 20 minutes late than I usually did so I just got to grab a piece of white bread for breakfast.

During the lecture I was hungry and cold. I barely eat this morning and the a/c feels very cold not like it used to. I bury both of my hands in the pocket of my jacket and sense there's something on the left pocket.

Envelope? A letter?

There's nothing written on it. Just a plain white envelope with a letter in it. As the lecture isn't over yet, I hold myself from open it.

Alright student that's all for today. You may dismiss.

Finally it was over and the lecturer step out of the lecture hall. Everyone goes out in a split second so the hall was empty in less than a minute. I instantly open the letter and read what it says.

Jun, it's me Donghun.

I have something to say to you last night but hearing you half-heartedly speaking to me, I told myself not to. I wrote everything I want to say here.

First, I want to say sorry to you. I don't know if you could forgive me after you know what I'm going to say so I'm saying it again. I am terribly sorry for what I've done.

Jun, I've known all along about you and Dahye. I know you like Dahye and Dahye likes you too. Yes she likes you more than she is aware. Even though you didn't tell me clearly that you liked her but I knew it just by seeing your eyes when you look at her.

Jun, I admit that I'm jealous seeing you so close to her. All this while I'm the only person that she loves the most and knowing that I had to share her love with someone else in her heart placed me in rage. I hate the fact that Dahye likes you. She is my only sister and I want to protect her from all sorts of heartbreak. Now I realize that I'm the biggest reason for her dreadful heartbreak.

Jun, I don't know what she said to you that caused you to be broken as well and changed 360° from your usual self. If she said anything bad to you, I'm apologizing on her behalf. She said those things to you because I made a fake revealing to her about you. I said that you hate her living together with us and you can't stand her presence since she's a female and you hate all female.

Now I believe that you are the only person who can bring back the cheerful, positive Dahye. Go and be happy together Jun. That's the last thing I ask from you as her moron, selfish, and possessive brother. And, she's definitely not taken. Byeongkwan is just a best friend or more like a twin brother figure to Dahye. I already blocked both of them from having more than friend feeling long ago so don't worry. I'm sure you're the only one for her even if she said otherwise.

I'm sorry for everything Jun. You don't have to forgive me now. You're my best friend and I want you to be happy too.



Out of all people why you Donghun? My one and only best friend ruin my chance to love... How could you?

Dongjun <3

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