IKYL [I'll kill you later]

By Kit_TheCat

7 0 1

a dangerous, numb girl and a overly emotional girl. how could they possibly be a like? Kirai is a bit physco... More

Chp 2 Crazy

Chapter 1 pink polka dot dress

2 0 0
By Kit_TheCat


The damp, chilly air fills my lungs. The wind around me whistles and sings. The silver moon is the only light that is guiding me through the woods. I don't even know where I am, having gone off-trail. I sigh and sit on under a big oak tree, its long branches stretched out as if trying to grab something. I watch the cloud drift by through the curtain of leaves. It must be around 1 am.

"I have to head back" I mutter to my self

Thoughts clash in my mind like soldiers at war.
"Why not stay here? You could just run away."

"If I do that he would kill me"

"But what if he doesn't find you"

"He won't, but the police will"

"Why even go back? He doesn't even care for you. He is probably drunk and you don't want to be around him"

"But he is my father, and plus I left my laptop back in my room"

I sigh as I stand. I hate my father more than anything. He is always drunk and yelling at me, breaking stuff, or hitting me.

It is about a half an hour walk back to my house. I enjoy the fresh, crisp air while I can. The leaves crunch noisily under my feet. I hum to myself, a familiar tune, one my mom used to sing to me. I still remember her eyes, a soft blue, like mine. Her hair brown and curly, her lips big, soft, and always smiling at me. Her voice was so soothing and sweet, every word she said to me, she meant, the same with every promise. I still remember the last day I saw her, as clear as day like it was yesterday.

"Pink or blue?"

"Blue, it brings out your eyes"
My mother smiled at me as I switch between two dresses, a pink one and a blue one.

"Green or teal, for the belt?"


"Can you help me?"
My mother came over and tied the fabric belt in a bow at the back
I twirled around, the silky cloth of the knee-length dress twirling around and flowing outwards. I giggled.

My mom came out with some nude colored sandals

"Hold on I got something to complete this" she scrambled into the bathroom and searched around in her drawer. She came back holding this yellow delicate thing. She put the flower in my hair


She stood back to admire her work
Her yellow flower print dress matched the flower in my hair. She wore a teal bow in her hair, which matched my dress. Her black belt fit perfectly with her black sandals. We both laughed.

I carefully crept to the front door. I put up the hood of my black hoodie, which was a size too big. I tried my hardest to close the door as quietly as possible. All the lights were off. I sighed in relief, my dad was not home. I crept into the kitchen, and I spotted a great treasure. Cookies. I had bought them yesterday planning to bring them to my friend's house, but my dad wouldn't let me go. I grabbed them and opened the fridge. The light shined on a beauty that would be gone if I didn't get it now. I snatched the gallon of milk, taking a swig of it as I walked up

the stairs to my room.

I dropped off my loot and went to my dad's room. His gun was propped up against the wall, clothes and beer bottles scattered everywhere. His bed was messed up but he wasn't in it. Danmit. I would have to deal with him when he came home.

I noticed my moms closet open with her favorite pink dress on the floor. Why would he touch this? And leave it on the floor. My father is a disgrace.

"Kirai! How does this look?" My mother came out of the dressing room wearing a pink dress with black polka dots on the skirt part. A black belt separated the top from the bottom. The dress touched the floor and flowed behind her.

"Perfect. You look gorgeous"
My mom strikes a pose to mimic a model

"I am the hottest mom ever"

"Oh yeah! Strut it!"

We both broke into laughter

I fold the dress under my arm. I grab a picture of my mom off her nightstand. I notice a half-empty beer bottle. I chug the rest.
"I'm so sorry that this all happened" I whisper to the picture of my mom. She was holding me in her arms. I looked about 5 years old. Even her eyes smiled. I ran into my room.

I open up discord on my laptop. Some of my friends are still online

"Ay yo, who is still up?"

Edithislost starts typing.

"I am!"

[For changing writing style for discord chats T= Kiria E= Edith]

T: sooo... wyd?

E: dying

T: me too...

T: my dad isn't home yet

E: at the bar?

T: probably

E: he is awful smh

T: I know right

Planetinspace is typing [p]

P: can we like not be DEPPRESING

T: Sorry

E: Not sorry

P+t: Mood

P: we need to sleep

T: sleep? Whos she?


P: No duh

T:y u no slep?


T: We knowwww

P: just thinking bout crap

E: I'm talking to my GF

T: Kewl

Wiltedsunflower is typing... [w]

W: Edith u need sleep

E: nu

W: yes

E: nu

W: as your gf, I command u to sleep

E: y tho?

T: this is a show

W:  because

P: yep

E: because y??

W: because u my GF and u need sleep to stay strong

T: true

P: so true

W: see the agree

E: nuuu

P: my mom is coming up. I gtg gn

E: gn



Planetinspace is offline


W: if u don't then we r over

T: ooohhhhh this is getting serious

E: fine

W: I'm going to bed 2

T: night

Edithislost is offline

Wiltedsunflower is offline

T: I'm all allllonnneee

P: arent we all

T: I thought u were going to sleep

P: oh yeah...

Planetinspace is offline

T: gn then

Teacupinatrashcan is offline

I heard the door open and slam shut. Something made of glass was knocked to the floor, shattering. My dad was home

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