The Neko, Hybrid, and Renegad...

By Animefansetitoff

2K 29 21

Rias and her peerage always thought that Great Red was the most powerful Dragon God there is. They were prove... More

Chapter 1: The Devils meets the Renegade Dragon God

2K 29 21
By Animefansetitoff

The picture above is your appearance in human form outside the Distortion World and without the Griseous Orb. I might or might not attempt a lemon. But I will have this take place some point after Asia joins Rias peerage.

   Every faction knew about the existence of the Dragon Gods Great Red and Ophis. They even knew about the power the two Dragon Gods were completely capable. When the Great War between the Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils began, the world of humans was caught in the crossfire and thrown into turmoil. Even the Heavenly Dragons became involved in the war and fought each other for supremacy. The war didn't just affect the human world, but a world unknown to the warring sides as well. The Distortion World. The result of the war created toxic clouds in the Distortion World, which resulted in the beautiful realm being marred, much to its only resident and Ruler. Unwittingly, the factions and the dragon's invoked the wrath of the Renegade Dragon God; Giratina. Leaving his realm, Giratina appeared within the human world in his altered true form, where the two Heavenly Dragons were fighting. Upon entering the human world, the warring factions, the Heavenly Dragons, Dragon Gods, and other mythological communities immediately felt the tremendous power of Giratina and his burning anger. The warring factions and other communities trembled in fear at the presence of the Renegade Dragon God. Even the Beast 666 Trihexa trembled in fear. But the dragons took this as a challenge and attacked Giratina. Their attacks did nothing to the Renegade Dragon God. Upon killing the Heavenly Dragons and nearly killing Great Red, Ophis attempted to claim Giratina as her mate but was quickly defeated. Once the dragons were taken cared of, Giratina turned it's attention to the factions and wrecked havoc. After killing the original Four Great Satans and God, the factions convinced Giratina to spare them in exchange they would end the war. The destruction caused by Giratina were never forgotten and are even used as a reminder of what would happen if he is ever angered again. Since then, no one heard of or seen the Renegade Dragon God again for centuries. But little did they know, Giratina was currently visiting in the human.

Y/n Anti-Matter POV

   I was currently in the human world, in my altered human form with my wings concealed, to see how humanity was doing. I can't lie, humans are an excellent source of entertainment before those worms nearly brought them to extinction. I was in a town by the name of Kouh. The rate humanity replenished their loss in population after that was truly astonishing to me. As I was walking among the structures the humans lived in, I didn't notice a short girl with short white hair rushing towards me. When I did, it was to late.
   She ran into me with enough force to knock me down. I was laying on my back with the girl on top of me. I quickly noticed something.

Y/n(thought): She's half devil and half Nekomata. Interesting.

   She sat up and got off of me. When I got up and finished dusting myself off. I looked at the short, white haired female. Suddenly I a thought popped into my head when I got a good look at her.

Y/n(thought): She's kinda cute for a devil nekomata.

Y/n: Are you okay?

Devil Nekomata: I'm fine.

   She replied with a monotone voice.

Y/n: That's good to know. You should really be careful where you're going.

   She nods and leaves. Curious, I decide to see if there's anymore devils around. I sensed a few. One was half fallen angel, another was a Gremory, another a Sitri, one hosted a dragon, the other hosted a Heavenly Dragon, and the rest were normal devils. They were all in the direction the half nekomata was heading. Wanting to make sure they weren't up to something that could create more toxic clouds in my Distortion World, I decided to follow the nekomata.
   Forming my altered wings, I launched off into the sky. I then used Shadow Force to become invisible so the half neko couldn't notice me. I was amazed by the metal contraptions humans used to move around as I saw one pass by me below.
   After a while of flying and following the half neko. We approached a large building swarming with a bunch of small humans scurrying around and/or merging into groups.

Y/n: Quite impressive how far human architecture has come.

   I saw an old looking building and decided to stay there until the devils were the only ones left to do their activities. Since I was still in Shadow Force, I was able to go through its walls as if it wasn't there.
   Inside gave me the impression of the rooms rich devil worshipers met in. Concluding that this would be where the devils probably meet, I concealed my wings left Shadow Force and lay down on one of the sofa and began taking a nap the became a slumber.

(time skip brought to you by chibi Y/n upper cutting regular sized Issei in the nuts with a lot of force)

3rd person POV

   Rias and her peerage were heading towards the ORC meeting room. They were chatting with each other. All of a sudden they could feel an astonishing amount of power coming from within the meeting room.

Issei: What the hell is in there?!

Kids: Don't know.

Akeno: Whatever it is, it's definitely strong.

Rias: Everyone, get ready for whatever I'd behind the doors.

   Kiba summoned his sword and Issei his sacred gear. Akeno got her magic ready while Koneko got ready to fight and Asia hide behind Issei. As soon as she opened the doors, Rias readied her destruction magic. They could see anything off in the room. The enter with caution. They then noticed someone on one of the sofas sleeping. Koneko recognized the guy as the one she ran into earlier.

Asia: Who is that?

Rias: I don't know, but let's find out.

   They approached they guy and Akeno began to shake him.


   I was sleeping peacefully when suddenly I felt myself being shaken. My eyes snapped open and I shut up, hitting my head. It didn't hurt me, but it did hurt the other person. I saw a beautiful busty girl with black hair tied in a ponytail. There was a blonde girl and guy, the half neko, and the host of a Heavenly Dragon. I turned my attention towards Rias Gremory, who I knew because I always kept tabs on who is who among the devils, angels, and fallen angels.

Rias: I demand to know who your are.

Y/n: Funny. A devil giving orders to its superiors. Why don't you just watch what you're saying before I decide to rip your tongue out.

Heavenly Dragon Host: Hey! don't talk to Rias like that!

Y/n: Or what?

   He was about to attack when suddenly I heard a voice I didn't hear since the day I wrecked havoc on the factions.

Ddraig: shut up you idiot! Forgive m-my host's idiotic b-b-behavior; My L-Lord.

   Everyone, including Ddraig's host, looked at his sacred gear shocked at Ddraig behavior and confused at the reason.

Ddraig's Host: Do you know him Ddraig?

Y/n: Go ahead Ddraig. Introduce me to them.

Ddraig: Allow me to introduce you to the Renegade Dragon God; Giratina.

   To say that everyone but Ddraig's Host and the blonde girl were shocked and scared would be an understatement. Rias suddenly seemed to tremble in fear.

Rias: That's impossible! Giratina hasn't been seen in centuries!

Y/n: Had no reason to destroy anything.

   Turing my attention to the half neko.

Y/n: Could you please stop hiding your tail and ears; nekomata. It's annoys me that your hiding who you are for some reason.

Rias: How did you know?!

Y/n: I can tell by here aura. Now do as I say before I get pissed and kill everyone here.

   Knowing that I wasn't kidding around, she did as told. I heard a gasp from Ddraig's Host and the blonde girl. I then noticed that the nekomata began to cry silently. I don't know why buy that struck my in the heart.  Moving faster then anyone could see, I went to the nekomata and pulled her into a protective hug. I don't know why I did it, but I did it nonetheless. She stiffened I'm my arms but just melted into it and began sobbing into my chest.

Y/n: I'm sorry if I hurt you making you do this. I just hate it when I see mortals forcing themselves to hide who they are because they're scared that others won't accept them. I didn't mean to upset your servant Gremory.

Rias: You didn't know. But...

   I interrupted her.

Y/n: Do you have any idea on how I could make it up to the nekomata.

Rias: Her name's Koneko and yes.

Y/n: Then I demand you tell me.

Rias: Why should I...

Ddraig: Do as he says if you don't want to die!

   Rias was taken aback by Ddraig again that she began to wonder if he was who Ddraig says he is.

Rias: Best way to make it up to her is probably by giving her a candy bar.

   When she said this, I pushed Koneko off of me a bit and bulled out a chocolate bar I had.

Y/n: Please forgive me for what I made you do, Koneko. Please accept this chocolate as an...

   I didn't get to finish when she suddenly snatched the chocolate bar from my hand and began to nibble it after removing the wrapper.

Koneko: I forgive you.

   I then went and sat back down on the sofa. But as soon as I did, Koneko sat on my lap. I gave her a confused look.

Y/n: Why are you sitting on my lap?

Koneko: This was my spot but you took it. So you're my new spot.

   I decided not to question it. As Rias was about to say something,  the room's doors opened.

(Mini time skip since I'm lazy)

   I was standing outside the building facing the wielder of Ddraig; Issei; and the wielder of the other dragon; Saji. A magic barrier was made around the place called school so we wouldn't need to hold back. Which I wasn't since those to really pissed me off, especially Issei.

Sona: Is everyone ready?

Saji: Ready as always.

Issei: Yeah! Bring it.

Y/n: Hurry already.

Sona: Okay. Start.

Issei: Boosted Gear!

Saji: Absorption Line!

   Saji fired a rope that wrapped around my wrist and I felt it failing to drain my power.

Ddraig: Boost 20x!

Issei: hear I come!

Y/n(thought): Really. Announcing your attack.

   Issei made contact with me and the shortwave that resulted created a dust cloud. The two idiots were celebrating thinking the lyrics beat me.  But it was cut short. As soon as the dust cleared. Everyone saw that I didn't even have a scratch on me. I sighed and transformed into my altered true for, earning shocked gasp from everyone watching.

   I could see that everyone was trembling in fear. I even heard Sona and Rias say "it's really him" at the same time. I glared down upon the desperate virgin and the desperate perverted brainless virgin. I saw that they literally pissed themselves. I unleashed a Draco Meteor. The Meteors began to fall and created clouds of dust after they impacted and exploded. After the clouds cleared, I saw that virgin 1 and virgin 2 were one the ground unconscious. Everyone else were.  Fine. I released a shriek of victory and satisfaction, making the ground shake.

I'm sorry for it being rushed. I'm just sleep deprived as I wrote. But I hope you liked it. Leave a comment in it wherever you want. I enjoy reading them. Till next time.

2019 words in total

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