The Changed: Origins

By EnchantedHawke

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People are changing and the new abilities awakened in them could reshape the world, but can the changed survi... More

The New Me
Everybody Has Something
Breathing Room
The Good Guys?

Betrayed and Cheeseburgers

11 0 0
By EnchantedHawke

I spent some more time talking over details with Stacy and Colin and David. With Mel at his side again, Ben was back to his normal ambivalent self, grinning wickedly in his corner as he watched everyone. Eventually James stirred and sat up. He looked confused but Sunny and Dr. Hew sat with him talking quietly and I stayed away. He regained his happy composure quickly and began talking animatedly. He even joined us for lunch but refused to eat any of Fletch's food which he curled his nose at and declared gross, thankfully after Fletch left the room.

I didn't blame him really. Fletch must have been trying to impress the new crowd. His dishes were more elaborate and weirder than usual. There were little pies filled with some kind of meat and a dark hot jelly and a pudding that had both meat and fruit in the middle. I was losing hope of ever eating normal food again. But I saw James watching me out of the corner of his eye so I tried to eat as much as I could. The pies weren't too bad either, if you could get past the texture.

We were just finishing when Ben invaded my thoughts. Someone's here. I nearly dropped my glass in surprise. I shot him a dirty look. "You make a good guard dog." Everyone looked at me in confusion but Ben's grin slipped a bit so it was worth it. The front door bell rang before anyone could ask questions. Colin stood up.

"I think everyone should stay here while we retrieve the documents." He said to the room. But as he and I moved toward the door Ben and Sean came to join us.

I looked from one to the other. "What are you doing?"

Ben answered first. "I'm coming with you. If they want to pull one over on us, better I spot it before they leave." He snickered, "And I make a good guard dog."

Colin nodded. "That's a good idea Ben." I didn't agree but was in no mood to argue with them.

I turned to Sean. "And you?"

He shrugged. "Handsome prince, angel." I sighed. It would be good to have protection just in case. I looked to Colin who nodded.

"Fine. But you stay out of the way unless you're needed." He just grinned as we made our way out.

Colin opened the door to find a large group of people, some of whom I recognized. Bill Lucas stood at the front with Agent Knoll and presumably some of her team flanking him. Behind them I was surprised to see Dr. Whitney and another red haired man I did not recognize.

"Ah yes, hello." Bill Lucas looked out of place, his flabby jaw trembled and he looked pale. "I have brought the documents we discussed Ms. Johnson." He indicated a briefcase he was holding. He completely ignored Colin standing directly in front of him. Colin pretended not to notice the slight and politely invited them all in.

"He's terrified of us." Ben whispered to me.

"Yeah, I got that." We moved into the library.  The agents with Knoll took up places around the room. They seemed especially keen on watching Sean who was sitting in the corner of the room sipping a drink I hadn't seen him get. Bill Lucas took out the paperwork quickly.

"Yes...well...we will leave this here for you then. We will return in a few hours if..." Mr. Lucas was obviously in a hurry to leave.

"I would like you to stay please Mr. Lucas. It will not take us long to look over everything." Colin and Ben both looked at me in surprise. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

" We don't want to intrude. We will just..." He looked desperate.

"No, I insist. Just a moment and I will get you something. Colin, Ben, will you help me get drinks for everyone please?" They looked reluctant but followed me to the bar. I spoke quickly as I grabbed whatever I could find. "He is the one responsible for writing everything in that document. If there are any bad deals in it, he will know. If we can get him to stay while we read Ben can tell me what sets him off. When he gets nervous or anxious or whatever." They both agreed. I sat the drinks on the table.

"Colin, Ben, I would like you to meet Bill Lucas." He looked ready to vomit. "And this is Agent Mara Knoll and Dr. Whitney." Ben only sneered but Colin did his best to greet everyone cordially.

"Yes, thank you!" Dr. Whitney said excitedly.  "And this is Paul Sams." He indicated the thin ginger man. "He has taken over the Special Committee from Senator Palmer." He must have read the shock on my face correctly because he hurriedly assured us he had no part in Mr. Palmer's plans and condemned his actions fully. I still didn't trust him.

"If we are going to do the reading now, I would like to invite some others to join us." Colin left hurriedly and returned a few minutes later followed by Stacy and Dr. Hew. He introduced them to the group. Bill Lucas was not taking the addition of more changers to the room very well but Dr. Whitney engaged Dr. Hew almost immediately.

"Oh very good! Very good to meet you." He shook her hand vigorously. "I have many questions I would like to ask you. Surely you have done some of your own research, yes? I have been working with a large team. We have made some amazing progress but if I could get the ideas of someone who has seen it so to speak, I think it would open so many doors. I really don't have any input on this meeting. I was allowed to come in the hopes of furthering my research. I never thought I would be lucky enough to meet another researcher! Please, will you sit and talk with me?" Vivien Hew looked taken aback by the onslaught but, after a nervous glance to Stacy, shook her dark head in agreement. Dr. Whitney ushered her to the far corner of the library talking excitedly. The rest of us settled around a long table closely watched by Sean and the unnamed agents.

It was a bit uncomfortable, Colin, Stacy and I all reading from one set of papers but I wanted to be sure Ben knew when Bill Lucas gave any indication of misconduct. Ben sat beside me but only stared at poor Mr. Lucas, making him fidget and sweat. No more that five pages in, Ben tapped my leg and gave the slightest nod of his head. I stopped and re read the page, and again. Finally I found it. Just a slight miss wording but it could have easily led to much worse. Bill Lucas apologize profusely and corrected the mistake. But it wasn't his last. Every few pages Ben tipped me off and some small error had to be corrected. At one point I caught Agent Knoll staring at me, when I returned the stare she just smiled.

Stacy and Colin both objected to some points that I had either forgotten to explain or they just didn't like but they were eventually pacified. At one point Ben nudged me but I was completely unable to find the mistake. I read and reread until my eyes hurt but still nothing. I looked at Ben but I couldn't get across my delima. I looked at Mr. Lucas, hoping to find some clue and found him staring over my shoulder. I turned to find Sean standing there staring at him.

"What?" I hissed at him.

"Just making sure you didn't need anything angel." He smiled but never took his eyes off Lucas.

"No. Go sit down! Please." I tried to moderate my tone but he was infuriating. We finished in shorter time than I expected. Once I was sure Colin and Stacy were satisfied I prepared to sign. Ben didn't say anything but I still watched Bill Lucas closely. I didn't trust him and, from the numerous "mistakes" and "mis wordings", he deserved my mistrust. But all I could see on his timid, paunchy face was fear and fatigue. He let out an audible sigh when I finally signed my name. He seemed to gain some confidence now that the meeting was close to the end.

"Mr. Torrington. Ms. Cross. I would like your signatures as well seeing as your names are specifically mentioned as heads of your factions." After Colin and Stacy signed, Agent Knoll approached us.

"The details of this arrangement are already being made public. The changers currently in custody are being released and officials are asking for groups to make themselves known and put forward their own leaders. The government issued commanders are prepared to work with them in forming teams to combat any problems in their areas. Now we need to do the same here. I have been asked to lead this team, with Colin of course."

"You?" I realized how terrible that sounded as soon as it was out. "I mean that's great. But I didn't expect..."

"You didn't think I was the type?" She raised an eyebrow. "I have extensive tactical and combat training. Why do you think they sent me here to begin with? I am not the head of this operation though. I have those I must answer to and they answer to others still. But if we keep our noses clean and do the job they should stay out of our way. Your group," She turned to Stacy, "Will be led by an agent named Daniel Franon. I have worked with him, he's a good man."

"Will all the leaders be FBI then?" Colin looked unhappy about this development.

"No. I was chosen because I know some of you already and Franon because he has the training needed. I have heard there are leaders from the military and other law enforcement branches as well. To be honest, it was not easy finding the right kind of people who were willing to work with you." Ben curled his lip at that information. "Here." She produced a manila folder and handed it to Colin. "That is all the information we have been able to gather on the biggest band of changers of concern."

"You want to do this now?" I was really looking forward to a few days to breath.

"Yes, these people are terrorizing the city and gaining more power everyday. We are way behind already. I would like to meet the rest of the Phoenix as well." Bill Lucas jumped up and began gathering papers.

"I think things are done for me here Agent. I will return these to the proper people and see they are filled properly." His nerves could obviously not take the addition of any more changers. "Dr. Whitney, Mr. Sams, we need to be leaving now. Dr. Whitney!" Whitney was still talking intently with Vivien Hew. He left her reluctantly with many handshakes and excited gestures. Dr. Hew still looked somewhat overwhelmed by him even after hours of talking. After they left she joined us at the table.

"We need to plan. I'm sorry. I know you are probably all ready for a break but we can't take one yet. I need to know the strength of this team if we are going to be effective." Agent Knoll was not going to be deflected.

"Alright." Colin said. "You can meet everyone. But the planning will have to wait until tomorrow." She started to protest but he refused to hear. "We are tired agent. Most of us have been up through the night. We will review what you have given us and we can begin planning tomorrow. But tonight we need rest." It was obvious she didn't like the idea.

"Fine. But I will be back in the morning. We do not have time on our side Mr. Torrington."

Colin left and soon returned followed by the others. Introductions were made and more than one person looked nervous. Both Sean and Ben only shook hands grudgingly and James kept his distance all together. Anna approached with apprehension and fear on her beautiful face.

"Anna, you don't have to fight." It was her I had been thinking of when I told Deborah Pate not everyone would want to join. Anna looked at me confused. "This is all voluntary. If you don't want to, you don't have to."

"You think I'm a coward?" Her sudden anger surprised me.

"No. That's not what I meant. I know you wanted a normal life and this...this isn't it."

"Of course I want a normal life. But how could I have it when all my friends are out risking their lives and I'm what, sitting here watching TV?" I didn't know what to say. I was saved by Agent Knoll.

"I need to know what you can all do."

"No." Colin stepped up to her. "That is personal. If they want to share with you fine..."

"You can't be serious." She looked at me for help. I agreed with her but I wasn't willing to step on Colin's toes. He was the leader here. "How are we supposed to plan anything if I don't even know what weapons we have." She knew immediately she had said something offensive and backed down. "I'm sorry but we have a short time to do this. I don't want to see anyone get hurt and the best way to make sure that happens is to have a good plan of attack. That is hard to do without all the information." She looked at Colin. "Like it or not we have to work together. We're on the same side now." But it was obvious he was not going to budge. "Fine! Is anyone willing to tell me? I promise I will not tell a soul outside this house."

There was an uncomfortable silence. Finally Anna stepped up. Maybe she thought she had something to prove. "I can see in the dark, or at least very low light." She looked embarrassed for having spoke up.

"I can manipulate water. I don't know how much but I haven't seen an amount yet I couldn't handle." Colin said. Everyone took their turn, even Kennedy abashedly admitted he didn't know what he could do. The last one to answer was Ben and he did so reluctantly.

"I can read emotions." Was all he said. I gave him an exasperated look but didn't say anything. Agent Knoll spent some time just staring at all of us, then she turned to me.

"This..." She sputtered, "This is what you had? This is what you threatened to take down my entire team with!" I just stared at her with my mouth open. "I could have taken you!" She was laughing now but she didn't seem particularly amused. She pointed at Stacy, "I hope your lot has more to offer."  

"I told you what I had to." There was a little spite in my voice. "You may not be able to see it, but we are all strong, especially if we work together." She held up her hands.

"I didn't mean to offend. I'm sorry. I was just surprised. Be glad you can talk a good game Jemma Johnson." She turned to address Colin, "You said you wanted rest so I will leave you to it. But I will be back early." Colin showed her and her men to the door.

"Yeah, she's the best Jemma." Sean's comment was heavily laced with sarcasm.

"She has some right to be angry. I led her into this thinking we were much more than a handful. She probably staked a lot on that."

"Vivien, did you learn anything interesting?" Stacy asked. Dr. Hew had joined us at the table.

"Yes. It seems Dr. Whitney has learned quite a bit in his research." She narrowed her dark eyes. "I just wish I knew how exactly he conducted that research."

"You think he was experimenting on people?" I was appalled. Dr. Whitney seemed like a decent person.

She shook her head, "I don't know. I would like to know if his "subjects" wanted to be a part of his studies. I asked but he seemed reluctant to give a solid answer. He did tell me about something interesting. He said he had seen changers that were able to expand their abilities."

"What do you mean expand?" Colin had joined us in the hall.

She shook her head, "I'm not sure. He described it as "growing". Like we are only using a part of our abilities now. He says the growing usually happens in times of stress or great need. That's what made me wonder about his experiments. I've never seen anything like that happen have you?" I looked at Ben. That sounded exactly like what had happened to him.  He was watching me but remained silent both outloud and in my head.

Kennedy spoke up. "Well Stephen has been improving on his ability. He used to not be able to move at all when he was invisible but now he can a lot more." That made sense. Stephen was seemingly in a constant state of stress. But Dr. Hew looked unconvinced.

"He also gave me some interesting information on the Dynami Company." She put in.

David perked up. "Isn't that the pharmaceutical company that's been on the news? The one they said was working on a cure or something."

"Yes. From what he told me they had a pretty good reason to think they could make one too. There was a scientist that worked with the company for years, he's in his eighties now and long since retired, but when all this started happening he claimed responsibility. I guess he told some interesting stories about his work there before Dynami found him. He hasn't been seen in months. The government has put all kinds of pressure on them to produce him but they are still refusing."

"Well that's quite a story but I find it hard to believe one old scientist could know anything about this."

"Maybe not." She answered, "But if he didn't have anything legitimate to say, why lock him away?"

Colin walked back to the table and opened the folder Agent Knoll had left, spilling out its contents. "May be there are some answers in here. I don't suppose it will hurt to have a look at what we are up against before we go to bed." For a few minutes we were all lost in reading through the papers but they didn't help much. There were some names, some pictures, some abilities, but mostly it was vague descriptions of possibilities. The only thing that was clear was what these people had done. There were detailed descriptions of their crimes and I was shocked by the number and severity of them. This group was taking what they wanted and it seemed no one could stop them. There had been standoffs with the police, FBI, even citizen vigilante groups, and each time they had come out on top.

"Well at least we know where to find them." Cooper looked up from the paper he was reading, "Says here they took over some rich guy's estate south of the city and they're not trying to keep it secret. They're trying to recruit more people to them."

"And this looks like their leader." Colin passed around a picture with a few words at the bottom. "Says he is at the head in nearly every crime spree."

"Geez...guy looks like a serial killer." Kennedy said before handing me the paper. He was right. The head shot showed a youngish guy with greasy brown hair and a stringy brown beard. Underneath the beard he looked wiry and his small dark eyes were unnerving. I passed the picture on to David without reading.

"It says his name is Travis but he's taken to calling himself Haziel? What kind of name is that?" David asked.

"Haziel was an angel." We all turned to Stephen in astonishment. "In Hebrew it means vision of God or prophecy of God."

"How do you..." Sean began, "It doesn't matter. This guy sounds like a real nut which probably means he leading a bunch of other nuts. This is going to be a disaster." He flung the paper he was holding down, "They don't even know what he can do! And look at these other descriptions, "May be able to control fire, may be able to breath underwater, possibly able to possess people"? How do you not know if a guy can control fire? They have no clue! How are we supposed to go up against these people with this crap?"

"Well it's what we have so there is zero point in complaining." Nate said. "Besides, I'm sure Agent Knoll will have more to offer. We'll have her team with us too."

"Oh, yes, that's a great plan. Let's hope the feds can help us out. I'm sure they have some great plans that don't involve us getting killed by the supernatural religious cult!"

"Sean..." I started.

"No Jemma. I told you from the start this was a bad idea. You never should have set us against other changers."

"Lay off." Nate took a step toward Sean.

"Guys!" Sunny was sitting across the room with James. "If there is going to be fighting we'd better be to bed." She gave a significant look toward James. She had a tan arm around the big man. He was obviously frightened as he started from Nate to Sean.

"Of course Sunny." Colin stood up and began gathering the papers. "I will have Celia show you to your rooms and I'll have some food brought up shortly." He shot Nate and Sean a very readable look. "We should all get some food and get some rest. I am sure we will have an early start."

I stood at the table reading over the small bits of information there while the others milled around me. Sean was right. There was so little here. All we knew was there was a group of possibly deranged people with special abilities terrorizing the city and we were supposed to stop them. What had I gotten us in to?

"Don't let him get to you." Nate was standing over me. "Come on, you look exhausted again. Let's get some food and then some sleep." I nodded. I stuffed the last few loose pages into the big envelope and noticed for the first time that it had writing on the front: AF-17-P   UF-5

A few of us gathered for dinner. Sunny and James had gone to their rooms and Sean had disappeared. Ben and Mel had retired to the AV room to watch for updates on the news and probably get some alone time. As we sat down Stacy and Colin renewed what must have been an ongoing argument.

"You can stay here tonight at least." He said. "If you leave early..." But Stacy interrupted him.

"Thank you again for everything Colin but I need to be back now. I hadn't planned on being gone this long. We will have plans of our own to make."

"Then let me drive you back. I can get you there and be back before Agent Knoll gets here."

"And when do you plan on sleeping?" She laughed. "No Colin. You need to be here and you need to rest." She put a hand on his knee. "I will be fine. Promise." He didn't look at all satisfied but didn't say anything else. It was a quiet dinner. Even Kennedy was subdued by his fatigue. When we were finished Colin stood.

"I will have Fletch put on plenty of coffee in the morning. Stacy, I can show you to your car." I imagine he had some more arguing yet to do. I made my goodnights quickly. I was too tired to get caught up in anything else. I barely remembered to set an alarm before I fell asleep.

My alarm never had the chance to sound. I was shocked awake by loud banging on my door. It was still dark out as I stumbled to the door. Colin looked abashed when I flung open the door. It took me a second to realize it was because I was still in my underwear.

"Sorry!" I shut the door so only my face showed. "You scared me. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Agent Knoll is here."


"Yes, apparently when she said early, she meant it. I left her down stairs with Mel but I don't want to be gone long. Will you wake the others? Dr. Hew and the others have rooms at the end of the hall there." I assured him I would and he raced back down stairs. I dressed quickly and only took the time to brush my teeth before heading out to wake the others. I started with Kennedy's room. A very sleepy eyed Kennedy opened the door. I explained the situation to him and he agreed to be down quickly. Before he shut the door I noticed Stephen stirring in the room behind him, at least that was one less stop to make. I knocked on every door in turn. I had to knock four times on Cooper's door before he answered and he was not too happy about it.

I got to Nate's door and knocked hesitantly. I didn't mind seeing the others in various states of undress but he was different. I shouldn't have worried. When he finally did answer he was fully dressed and fully awake. He looked startled to see me.

"Hi. Sorry. Agent Knoll is here. Colin wants..." I stopped when I heard movement from inside his apartment. He looked nervous. Anna appeared at his side.

"What is going on? Is everything ok? Jemma?" I didn't even know she was talking, my brain was stuck. Nate was looking at me and starting to stutter.

"Come down stairs. Now." I walked to the next door without waiting for a response. I mumbled orders to the rest of the hall and started to make my way downstairs but I was stopped by Nate on the big landing. I could see the others downstairs waiting.

"I need to get down there." I said in a monotone.  

"Jemma. It's not what you think." He lowered his voice as someone walked past us. "She was scared with all the new people and the thought of what we have to do. She just came this morning to talk. That's all. I swear." I looked up at is sweet face, his perfectly too big nose and messy hair and my wheels started working again. Of course he was being honest. This was Nate. I had no right to think badly of him, again!

"It's ok Nate. Really." I smiled at him and was relieved to see him relax. "I was just tired and Colin had startled me." I reached up and kissed his cheek. "When will we ever get a break?" He laughed and ran a big hand down my arm and grabbed my hand.

"We will, eventually, one day. And I promise I will make it the most perfect day you've ever had."

Everyone looked bleary eyed when we made it down stairs. A few people were gathered around the big table in the library, James seemed to be asleep on one of the couches, and a few others paced around, Agent Knoll was one. I sat down at the table next to Kennedy and resisted the urge to lay my head down.

"I suppose you heard about what happened last night?" The agent was dressed all in black again today and evidently alone. She was walking briskly around the room. Everyone looked confused.

"You mean about the other group?" Ben asked. She gave a quick nod. "Yeah, I saw it. The ones we're supposed to be going after made a statement about our deal. Basically, they're not working for anyone and any changer that agrees to it will be enemy number one." Someone groaned.

"We should have waited to make the statement. At least then we could have taken them by surprise. Now they know we are coming."

"Then why didn't you?" Cooper quipped.

"Because I don't make those decisions!" Knoll snapped. "The higher ups were desperate to make it look like they were doing something. They didn't want to wait. Now we're screwed because they wanted to save face."

"Please tell me you have more on them than that garbage you left us?" Sean looked surlier than usual but at least he hadn't started drinking yet.

"That's it, and that wasn't easy to gather. UF-5 is a big group but they only use a few outside actors and those keep what they are doing as hidden as possible. You read about the big house they have? Yeah, well they have been fortifying it for a while but my informants tell me they ramped it up after last night's announcement. This is not going to be an easy fight"


    "What does that mean, UF-5?" I asked. "I saw that on the envelope too."

    She sighed. "I do suppose it hurts to tell you now. It's a designation. When we realized groups were forming we gave them designations to help keep track. AF 1, 2, 3 and so on. AF stands for Altered Faction. Then we gave different designation as we determined the threat; neutral, unknown, problematic, hostile. After the talks with you started we gave the worst groups, the ones we might have to go after, new designations. UF, undesirable faction."

"And you wondered why we were pissed." Ben muttered.

"What was our designation, before the talks I mean?" I was too curious not to ask.

"That's really not relevant." She looked uncomfortable which shocked me. She didn't strike me as a women who let much rattle her.  

"I'd like to know too." Ben was smiling at her the way he liked to when he knew more that he should.

"Fine! Your designation was AF-8-H. But that was before..."

"Hostile!" Now I knew why she didn't want to give up the information. "You considered us hostile but these asshats only problematic?"

"Yes, but that was before we knew better, ok? Now we are on the same side! Now it doesn't matter. Can we just drop it and move on to figuring out how we are going to bring UF-5 in?"

"She's right." Poor Colin looked as tired as he had on the first day I'd met him. "We have a job to do. The sooner we do it the sooner all of this can be put behind us. I think the first thing we need to do is determine what we have that will work against what we know they have. Is there anything else you can tell us about them. Anything at all?"

"There is a possibility one of them has night vision. But that is a big maybe, big enough we didn't put it in the report. Other than that, no. We have nothing besides what's there."

"Ok. We'll have to work with what we have. How many of your men will we have with us."

She looked surprised for a moment. "None."

"What do you mean none? The FBI isn't going to help?"

Cooper laughed. "Please tell me you're kidding?" But she didn't seem to understand our bewilderment.

"We made an agreement that this was your job. These people could kill us in a heartbeat..."

"As they could us!"

"My men would be out manned!"

"We're outnumbered!"

"What help would they be dead..."

"They have guns don't they!"

The argument went on and on. Eventually James became disturbed by the shooting and turned out the lights. Sunny had him subdued in a matter of minutes but it did little to stop the fighting. No one could believe we had to go with zero support from the government and Agent Knoll was convinced it would do no good anyway. It started to wear on my nerves.

"What if I talk to them!" Everyone stopped to stare at me.

"You can't talk your way out of everything." Sean sneered.

"I don't think that will work this time Jemma." Colin said.

"No, this Haziel guy is not going to be reasoned with." Well at least they agreed on something.

"No, I doubt he can but there must be changers with him that don't want to fight. Surely there are some people that only joined up because there was nowhere else to go. We might be able to weaken him from the inside without risking anyone."

Agent Knoll shook her head. "You think he's just going to let them walk out? No way. If there are some who want to leave they'd probably be too scared to say so."

"It wouldn't hurt to try though. We can make a plan of attack, fine, but I can go in first and at least give them a chance at walking away."

"You want to talk them into surrender?"

"Worked on you didn't it?"

"This isn't the same." She sneered.

"No, but still, they deserve a chance. And I can get the lay of land, right?" We'll need to know what kind of fighters we're up against. I can walk up to the front gates and find out."

"No." Colin was shaking his head. "You've done enough of putting yourself in harm's way..."

"But it's not, is it? They can't hurt me so it's not like I'm offering to sacrifice myself or anything."

"We still have no idea how your ability works. What if you can't heal from certain things?"

"That's a risk I'm willing to take."

Nate moved next to Colin, "Well, we're not. You can't do it all by yourself this time."

"Ok. Fine. Yes. But it makes sense, whatever our plan, for me to go in first."

"Maybe. But, seeing as we don't have a plan, that is moot." Agent Knoll sat down at the table and opened the envelope. "We need to work." But it was slow going. We couldn't agree on anything. Nearly everyone had an idea about how to take down UF-5, from Sean's guns blazing scenario (although we had no guns) to David's proposal that we just use Sunny to knock them all out (although he had no idea how to get Sunny close enough, or her reach far enough or pinpoint enough not to knock us all out too). Kennedy and James were the only two who had nothing to offer. Kennedy laughed and said he didn't have a head for these kind of things and James was still asleep.  

Slowly though, we began to formulate something of a strategy. It was flimsy and very little of it seemed to satisfy Knoll, but it was a plan nonetheless. The tricky part was not knowing exactly how many people we were up against. The records we had ranged from ten to fifteen people in UF-5 and very little was know about most of them. Regardless, we were outnumbered for sure. I was going to go in first. No one believed talking would do any good so my point was to draw as many people out as possible. Stephen was going to take Nate and Ben around the property unseen. They would be able tell us where they were concentrated in the house or on the grounds if I wasn't enough bait and, we hoped, spot any hidden threats. Dr. Hew was to go with them in case they needed protection.  

Duncan and Colin would disable as many as they could. According to the plans of the property UF-5 had taken over, there was a reflection pool, a fountain, and a pond on the property. Colin would have plenty to pull from and would try to take out as many as he could from afar. Of course the breathing underwater guy would have to be taken care of but Sean, David and Dr. Hue would be on hand to handle anyone that got past Colin's soak. Mel and Sunny would do clean up and make sure once everyone was down they stayed that way.  Cooper would stay in the van in case we needed backup or a quick getaway. We all agreed we wanted to keep injuries to a minimum. Well, most of us agreed anyway. Sean and Agent Knoll were the only two who didn't seem to have the same qualms about casualties the rest of us did.

    James, Anna, and Kennedy caused problems. James and Anna would have made a great team but everyone agreed that James was too unstable to go. Although Sunny agreed he should stay, she was also reluctant to leave him alone. The best choice to stay with him was Anna, since she was immune to the darkness he created, but she was completely against staying behind. Eventually Nate pulled her to the side while the rest of us debated some other point and when they returned she reluctantly agreed to stay behind.

    Kennedy on the other hand refused outright any idea of him staying. He had nothing to offer in the fight, as Sean was quick to point out, but he would not hear the argument.

    "What if I miss my chance." He argued. "I'm not staying behind and that's that."

    "We could have Sunny knock you out." I was only partly joking but he just laughed and shook his head.

    "Go ahead." He pointed to the papers on the table. "I know where you're going. I'll get there eventually." I believed he would try and follow if we left him behind. Colin relented in the end but only after he made Kennedy promise to stay with the van with Cooper.

    "Yeah, so when one of these jackass can, you know, kill us all with his brain or something, you can drag us all to the morgue." Sean laughed bitterly. "Or maybe fire dude just blows up the van with us in it, or we get possessed and just off ourselves. OR maybe one of the douches we know NOTHING about does something even worse that we have not way to predict..."

    "Sean, if you're too scared to go just say so." I had never heard Mel sound so sweet. It made the comment a slap in the face. Ben's snickering didn't help.

    "Why don't you come up stairs with me and show me what you can do with those muscles." Ben stood up and took a step toward Sean but Mel stopped him with a look.

    "I would but the last time I did I had to carry you to bed." She stretched her thin arms. "I'm a little too tired for putting babies to bed today." Sean looked like he had more to say and it wasn't going to be good. I could see where this was going.

    "Sean, let's have that drink, shall we?" I grabbed him by the arm but he pulled away and stared at Mel. "Sean!" Reluctantly he walked to the bar. I waited for him to get a drink and sit. "Why do you have to do this? We are all freaked out, we're all on edge, and you just have to push and make everything worse. Fine, what you say is the truth, but it doesn't do anyone any good. Just keep it to yourself for once."

    "No thanks. Not really my style." He had taken on a arrogant tone.

    "Well you need to change your style Sean. Like it or not, you are a part of this team now and you need to act like it. Picking fights is not helping anyone! If you don't have anything useful to say, just keep your mouth shut." I found the grin he gave me infuriating.

    "Oh Jemma, don't be jealous." He downed his drink and went around the bar to get another.

    "Stop Sean. This isn't funny anymore. You're pissing people off. We need to be able to trust each other." He emptied his glass again and poured more.

    "What? You don't trust me?" He laughed. "I don't give a shit if they trust me Jemma. And I'm not going to start sugar coating everything just so I don't hurt these idiots feelings." He drank more. His cheeks were starting to redden.

    "Those idiots took you in without question. They saved your life. You owe them some respect." I moved around the bar. "And you need to lay off. We don't know when we are going but it would be better if you weren't trashed when we get there." I reached for the glass in his hand but he took a long drink. When he put the glass down on the bar he turned and hooked his arm around my waist.

    "Come on Jemma, "He whispered, "Quit running away. Let's leave this mess." I struggled against him, trying to shove him off me. He was starting to slur. He never stopped grinning as I fought to get away from him. It was unsettling.

    "Stop Sean. Let go!" Suddenly a big hand reached over my shoulder and tangled in Sean's shirt, pulling him away from me. He stumbled a few steps back as Nate came to stand in front of me.

    "She said stop." Nate growled. I tried to get around Nate but he blocked me easily. I heard Sean snicker.

    "Yeah, but she doesn't mean it." He came back into view as he walked behind the bar and filled his glass again. Nate moved to keep himself between me and Sean.

    "I think you've had enough." Nate reached for the glass as Sean came out from behind the bar. Sean pulled back and drank again. He slammed the glass on the bar.

    "Sorry kid. You don't get to make that decision. Come on and move now like a good boy." He moved his eyes to me and then back to Nate. He was obviously having trouble focusing. "Don't worry big guy, she likes it rough." Nate was on him before I could even open my mouth. His full arm swing caught Sean in the jaw and dropped him to his knees. I was amazed when he stumbled to his feet again and charged. Nate grunted when Sean hit his middle at full speed, but that was all. He quickly threw Sean to the ground again.

    "Stop being an idiot Sean!" I stepped in front of Sean as he got up again. I could see when he met my eye that he wasn't really seeing me. He came out of his crouch and caught me by surprise. His back hand split my lip and threw me into the bar. I heard Nate roar behind me. "No, Nate!" I heard someone else yelling too but by the time I turned he was on top of Sean, but Nate flew off him and landed hard on the tile. He got up quickly and lunged at Sean again. "Sunny!" The others had run into the bar but Colin was the only one trying to stop Nate and he was having no luck. Sunny looked at me in confusion. "Stop them! Colin move!" Sunny seemed to understand what I was asking and moved closer to Nate. Nate had managed to stagger Sean with another punch. Sean's nose and mouth were bloody. Nate seemed to be struggling against an invisible wall but he had managed to get a hold on Sean's shirt and was trying to land another punch. "Nate! Please stop!" But he never looked at me. Sunny seemed afraid to get too close to either of the men. For a moment I didn't think it was going to work. I started to yell at her again when Nate collapsed on top of Sean. Sean seemed to be unconscious too but I wasn't sure if that was Sunny's doing or Nate's.

Everyone was silent. Anna ran and kneeled down next to Nate, rolling him off Sean and onto his back with a grunt. "Will he be ok?... Sunny?" But Sunny was just staring at me.

Finally she spoke. "What? Oh, yeah. He'll be fine. I just made him sleep is all." She never took her eyes off me. She pointed to my face. "Your lip..." I had been wiping away blood from my chin.

I waved her off. "Oh...he didn't hurt me. I'm fine."

"I mean, I knew, I heard...but that is incredible! That's why my stuff didn't work on you! When I got you with James. You should have slept for hours but you just shook it off."   

    "Um, yeah. I guess." I checked Nate's pulse and felt his stomach and head. Nothing seemed to be broken. He had obviously gotten the best of Sean even with his ability. I moved over to kneel next to Sean. His lip was bloody and swollen and his nose looked broken but he was breathing regularly. "We need to get him in a bed and make sure he stays on his side so he doesn't choke..."

    "HIM! What about Nate? You could have gotten him killed!" I looked at Ann in shock. She was crying. "Don't you care at all?"

    "Anna, of course I do, but Sean is hurt..."

    "Sean! Sean is hurt? Don't pretend like you care about Nate! I heard you! I heard you and Sean talking last night! I know what you've been doing!" She was close to hysterical.

"I haven't been doing anything..." I looked around the room. Everyone was silent. "Anna, I don't know what you heard, but it's not what you think."

"You don't care about him! And he loves you! I know it. He won't say it, but I know it!" She broke down sobbing on Nate's chest. I just sat stunned. Colin bent to put a hand on Anna's shoulder.

"Ok. I think you need some rest." He said gently. Mel, will you take Nate up to his room. Anna, would you stay with him? He will be confused when he wakes up." A part of me wanted to protest but I kept my mouth shut. Colin turned to me. "We can lay Sean on one of the couch's down here. I would rather we kept an eye on him." I just nodded.    

    No one spoke as Mel carried Nate's limp body upstairs closely followed by a shaking Anna. David and Cooper helped me get Sean situated on one of the couches in the library. Celia came in with a bowl of warm water and towels. I had no idea who'd fetched her. I had to spend a lot of time assuring her I was fine before she left me with a wet cloth and moved to Sean. I was scrubbing my face while I watched her. I saw Agent Knoll walk up and stand over them. She pursed her lips and turned to Colin.

    "This is just great. We are about to assault a force twice our size, possibly cement a deal that will gain you all your freedom, and set a precedent for every team to act after us. And what are we doing? Dealing with a damn love triangle!" She pointed  at me. "I seriously expected better from you!"

    "Me?! What the hell did I do? I was trying to help." But she just ignored me and turned back to Colin. "This is why I have a strict no relationship policy on my teams..."

    "Yes but we are not the FBI Ms. Knoll." Colin looked more sober than usual. "We are just a group of people doing the best we can in roles we didn't ask for."

    "Oh, but you did. Or rather Jemma did. You asked to be given this chance. And I say chance because that's what it is. What do you think happens to this deal if we can't do what you promised?"

    "But they'll wake up soon. I promise." Sunny pleaded.

    "Yes." Colin said. "We will be ready. I don't think we decided when we were going. Did you have a date in mind?"

    Agent Knoll shot him an exasperated look. "I had hoped tomorrow, early. But..."

    "Then we will be ready tomorrow. Just give us the time." He said firmly. She looked at him and then at each of us. Celia had finished with Sean but had not left. Her lined eyes were wide with fright. The others looked torn between a desire to be allowed to continue and fear at actually doing what had to be done. Finally Agent Knoll nodded.

    "Ok. But this," she gestured to Sean, "this needs fixed. We can't go in there carrying this baggage." She rubbed her temples. "Fine. I will be back here before dawn. Be ready this time." With that she showed herself out. I bent and checked Sean again. His face looked much better without all the blood but he would still be very swollen and sore in the morning. His face wouldn't be quite so pretty after this. I wanted to check on Nate as well but figured it was best to leave Anna alone. Maybe after he woke up I would try.

    "Thank you Celia. Do you have any ice packs? It will help with the swelling." She nodded at me and, after gathering her things, left. Everyone began moving around the room again, but no one spoke. Colin was still watching us. I looked back to Sean. "I don't think he can leave this behind Colin. We need him but...I don't know if we can trust him." That hurt to say. I liked Sean, no matter how flawed, but he had crossed a line that made me question if I really knew him.

    "I don't know Jemma. We'll wait until he wakes up. Stay with him until he does. I'm going to check on Nate." I watched him walk up the stairs and disappear. I stayed seated on the floor next to the couch. I was surprised when James joined me on the floor. For a while he just sat across from me watching Sean. Sunny was across the room watching him wearily. Finally he looked at me timidity.

"Did...did you get hurt?" He asked meekly.  

"No James. I'm ok. Really."

"He's bad?" There was fear in his question as he looked at Sean's unconscious face. I felt horrible. He must have been so frightened. Losing his home and most of his friends. Coming to live with a bunch of lunatics.

"No. He's...he's not bad. He's scared and tired and lonely I think. And he doesn't know how to deal with all of it. Sometimes people can't handle the way they feel so they are mean. He won't hurt you James." But even as I said it, I knew I couldn't be sure. I had no idea what Sean was capable of.

James nodded his head solemnly. "I get scared too. I don't like it," he gestured to himself, "I get sad too. But I'm not mean. Not mean like him. Right?"

"No James. You're not mean. It's ok to be scared sometimes. We all are. But we have each other. We will keep each other safe."

"I want to go." He looked me in the eye for the first time.

"Go where James?"

"With Sunny. To the bad people. fight." He looked terrified and defiant.

"No James." Sunny rushed across the room. James stood quickly. He was a big man with some grey in his short dark hair, but he looked like a child preparing to be chastised. I stood up next to him. "James you can't go with me. It will be too dangerous." She put a hand on his arm. There were tears in his eyes when he answered.

"I can help. I can help you. Like you help. I want to help you too." Sunny looked stunned. "I won't get too scared. Promise. I won't be mean. Promise Sunny. Don't leave me. I want to go." Tears were streaking his face now. Sunny hugged him. His bulk engulfed her smaller form but he seemed to take comfort in having her near. When she let go, she was crying too.

"I will talk to Colin. Ok, James. But no promises. Ok?" He smiled through his tears and nodded.

"Sunny..." I began.

"I know. I just...if he wants to help I will vote for him to go. He has been through so much and I don't think it is fair to tell him he has to stay if he wants to help." I knew Colin would never agree to letting someone like James be involved in what we were about to do, but it wasn't for me to say now. Let her try if she wanted.

"Listen, I know it has to be after lunch time. Is anyone else hungry?" James nodded his head vigorously.

"Not what grumpy man cooks though." He looked to Sunny. "Can I have pizza?" She looked at me questioningly.

"Um...I don't think we have pizza James. But let me go talk to Fletch. Maybe we can find something as good." I tried to sound hopeful but I didn't think I would have much luck. I looked around the room. "Anyone else?" Everyone but Ben and Mel agreed to join us. Everyone settled down at the big table while I went to find Fletch. Instead I found Celia flitting around the kitchen.

"Fletch prepared lunch but he had some other things to care for around the house. Don't worry. I will get everything ready."

"Um, what did Fletch cook exactly?"

She smiled at me. "Something very delightful."

"It's just that James doesn't really like delightful. Is there anything more simple I could fix up? Like pizza maybe?"

    She laughed. "Well it just so happens I keep some food for myself around here." She leaned in and lowered her voice. "My stomach can't take all that frilly stuff you know. Anyway," she said in a regular voice, "I think I might have a frozen pizza around here. Just don't tell Fletch I fed it to you ok?"

    "I promise! Thank you Celia!" She looked pleased. " don't happen to have any cheeseburgers hidden around here, do you?" She just laughed though.

    James was thrilled with his lunch and I was not the only to watch him with envy. Colin joined us as the meal was served. He raised an eyebrow at the pizza but didn't ask questions.

    "How is Nate?" Kennedy asked.

    "I don't think there was any real damage done. He is sleeping comfortably."

    "And Anna?"

    Colin shook his head. "She is tired and upset but she will be fine too, eventually."

    "Do you really think we will be ready to do this in the morning?" David sounded doubtful. "It wouldn't hurt to wait a day or two. They know we're coming. It's not like their going to be doing any harm until we get to them."

    "I think it best if we move as soon as possible. I agree with Agent Knoll on this..."

    He's awake. I just barely managed not to jump out of my seat when Ben's voice exploded in my head. I didn't think I would ever be used to having someone else's thoughts in my head.

    "I think I should check on Sean." I walked out before they could ask questions. When I entered the library Sean was sitting up on the side of the couch looking groggy or maybe still drunk. Ben and Mel were ignoring him completely. I gave them both a dirty look and went to sit next to Sean. "How do you feel?"

    "Like shit. Where's your boyfriend?"

    "If you mean Nate, he's upstairs sleeping off the same thing that hit you. Although his face looks better."

    "I'll fix that soon." He looked serious.

    "No, you need to drop it. Now! We have a job to do Sean. You acted like an idiot and you got what you deserved. Now you need to sober up and focus on what we are doing in the morning."

    "I'm getting real sick of you telling me what to do. If you remember Jemma, I didn't want to do any of this dumb shit. We are going to get ourselves killed, and what for? To stop a bunch of people from doing what we should have done. It's stupid. We should be joining with them, not playing lap dogs for the feds!" I stood up and looked down at him. I could still make out his beautiful face under the bruises and swelling, but I no longer felt drawn to him. I was angry and disappointed, that was it.

    "Then you should leave Sean."

    "What?" He looked up in surprise.

    "Leave. We don't want to be those people. We never have. You are the only one here who has ever thought that way. You are the only one jeopardizing everything."

Bad idea.

Shut up! I screamed in my head. I don't know if Ben heard me and I didn't care. "I'm sorry Sean, but if that is how you really feel, then you would be better off somewhere else." He looked hurt, or maybe I wanted to believe he was. He was still shaky when he stood up.

"You need me Jemma."

"You would be helpful to this plan, yes. But how can you be helpful if we can't trust you. No..."

"I don't mean them Jemma! You, you need me! Admit it. You want me here." He grabbed my the arm and tried to pull me closer. I shoved back hard. He was still weak enough that he sat down hard on the sofa.

"No Sean, I don't need you. Save us the trouble of having to tell you to leave. Don't make this embarrassing." I walked to the dark corner where Mel sat. "Watch him please. He will leave, make sure he does without causing trouble." She nodded.  "Don't try to stop him."

She smiled. "Why in the hell would I do that?" I joined the other's again in the dining room.

"How is he?" Colin asked.

"Fine." I know I sounded hard, I felt it. "I would like to discuss the plan again. Without him and with James and Anna. We are a team now Colin. Anyone who wants to go should be allowed." He argued but we talked it all out again. We planned again and this time we used everyone. Everyone but Sean. I looked to the dining room door a few times, wondering if he was gone yet. Eventually Ben and Mel joined us. Ben sat next to me smiling.

Is he gone? I tried to direct the thought at Ben. I had no idea if he would be able to hear me but I was very satisfied to see the grin slid from his face as he jumped. Not so fun? He narrowed his eyes at me.

No. He's gone. I felt a small loss. I hoped he didn't get into much trouble. I hoped he found some peace. I turned as the door to the big room opened and Nate walked in. He looked around wearily before taking a seat.

"Are you alright Nate?" Colin looked concerned.

"Fine. Just have a bit of a headache. Where's Sean?"

"Gone. He left." I told him.

"What?" Colin looked as surprised as Nate.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier Colin. But I didn't want you trying to stop him. I think...I think I was the only reason he was staying. We couldn't have taken him with us and we couldn't have left him here alone. We couldn't trust him. You know that."

"You should have talked to me Jemma."

"I know. I'm sorry. But we don't have time. We need to do this now before UF-5 gets stronger and dealing with Sean would have held us all back. Someone would have had to watch him no matter what and that would have taken away from what we have to do. He didn't really want to be a part of this Colin."

"But, is he ok?" Sunny looked troubled, "I gave them a strong dose. He's probably still weak. He could get hurt!"

"He'll be fine. I for one think you did us all a favor Jemma." David put in. "I never trusted him." Cooper grunted agreement.

"Yes, but now where is he going to go?" Colin asked him. "Where? I would bet anything he's headed to join UF-5. Better here, under watch, than there fighting against us. He is powerful."

David looked aghast. "Surely he wouldn't! I mean, yeah, he's kind of crazy, but they are criminals."

"I think Colin is probably right." They looked at me in surprise.

"And you told him to go anyway?" David asked.

"Yes. Either way we are better off without him. He would only cause problems here. Better him fighting us from out there than from the inside."

"I agree with Jemma." I was startled to hear Kennedy speak up. He didn't offer his opinions often. "After his behavior tonight, we are better off with him gone, wherever he goes."

"Well, it doesn't matter much now anyway," Cooper said matter of factly, "He's gone and we can't do anything about it. Best to just move on." Everyone seemed to be in agreement.

"Where's Anna?" Ben didn't address his question to anyone in particular but everyone looked to Nate for the answer. I was focused on Ben though. He had that look again, like he knew something and was enjoying it.

Nate looked uncomfortable. "She...she went to her room I think." Ben opened his mouth but I sent him a thought that made him shut it again and look at me in furry. I just smiled. Colin didn't appear to see anything.

"Well I will check on her." He stood up. "I need to fill her in on the new plan anyway. David, can I ask you to watch some news? I like to know if anything happens before Agent Knoll tells us about it. I will have someone relieve you in a little while." Everyone filled out slowly. I couldn't find the motivation to get up. There wasn't really much to do at the moment anyway. I was tired of having eventful days, everyday. I was just plain tired.

"I wonder if there is coffee?"

"Coffee would be good." I hadn't realized Nate was still in his seat. He still looked drowsy.

"I'll go see if I can find us some." I started toward the kitchen but he followed.

"I'll go with you. Walking might help." He didn't stumble but he wasn't moving fast either. I waited for him at the door. He sat at the island while I dug around the cabinets.

"Is there a system to this or something? I can never find anything."

"Check there." He pointed to a cupboard by the big refrigerator. In it I found everything I needed to start a pot of coffee. Nate was silent while I worked. I brought him a cup but he just sat it on the table. "Jemma. I'm sorry."

"What for? You don't have..."

"For acting like an idiot. Fighting with Sean. Causing all this trouble."

"You didn't cause anything! He did. I did."

His big shoulders slumped and he shook his head. "I just wanted to make him let go of you. But then he hit you and...I wanted to rip his head off. I've never been so angry." He looked ashamed.

"Nate. Nate look at me." He lifted his head, I saw so much emotion in his big brown eyes. I cupped his face in my hands. The affection I felt looking at him threatened to overwhelm me. "Thank you." It came out a hoarse whisper. I kissed him hesitantly. I was afraid he would pull away, but instead he pulled me closer, kissing me harder. I pulled back finally but didn't let go of him. I laid my head on his broad chest and closed my eyes. "I'm tired. Will you stay with me tonight?" I didn't want this to end. After everything that had happened I felt like his embrace was the only thing holding me together. He was quiet but I thought I could hear his heart beating faster.

"Yes." He stood up, more steady than he had been, and took my hand. We left without touching the coffee. It didn't matter. We found other ways to stay awake. That had not been my intention when asking, but once he was there, so close, holding me, I couldn't help myself and he reciprocated eagerly. It was the early hours of the morning before I finally fell asleep in his arms.

    We forgot to set the alarm and I woke suddenly to a heavy knock on the door. I jumped out of bed and threw on a robe. Nate was just stirring when I walked out of the bedroom. I found Cooper poised for another knock when I opened the door.

    "She's here. Have you seen Nate or Anna? They didn't answer when I went looking for them."

    "Yes. Nate and I will be down in a minute." He didn't look at all affected by the information that Nate was with me. "I haven't seen Anna though."

"Ok. I will see what the other's know. You better come down quick though. Agent Knoll is already pissed about the change in plans." He walked away. I grabbed the first thing I could find in the dresser and began throwing on clothes.

"Nate! Nate get up!" I yelled hopping on one foot to pull my socks on. He stumbled out of the bedroom hair a mess and completely bare.  

"Can't we have a shower first?" He barely covered a yawn.

"I wish we could." I ran up and kissed him quickly, running my hand over his bare chest. "I really wish we could, but Agent Knoll is waiting for us." He walked back to the bedroom. A few minutes later he returned fully dressed but still looking drowsy.

"When this is done we are coming right back here and getting back in that bed." He said.

"That sounds wonderful." My voice was muffled as I pulled a hooded sweatshirt over my head.  "I could probably sleep for a week!"

He grinned as he walked over and put an arm around my waist. "I have no intention of sleeping." We left together to join the others.

    The tension in the library was obvious. Agent Knoll and Colin had been talking quietly when we walked in but Colin left her quickly and approached Nate.

    "Have you seen Anna?" Nate looked surprised but only shook his head. Celia walked in from the dining room and Colin left us. "Celia, go open Anna's room and make sure she is alright. Please." Celia went to the stairs in a rush.

    "I tell you to handle your issues and you manage to lose two people, one of which we really needed!" Agent Knoll's low voice was bitter. "AND you've changed the plan! Added people who have no business being involved....This is NOT a game Colin! Do you have any idea what we are about to do. One mistake could get us killed!"

    Colin returned her fierce stare with one of his own. "I am well aware of what we are about to do Mara." He took a breath and continued more calmly if still with heat. "As I explained, the plan has not been altered that dramatically. Sean was a liability and needed to go. James is willing to help and should be able to, that frees up Anna to come with us as well. They will stay back and only be involved if absolutely needed...."

    "If you can even find her." Colin ignored her. Everyone was watching them with unease. No one looked willing to break in.

    "We will. But other than Sean not being with us, the plan has not changed. Jemma goes in first. Nate and Ben still go with Stephen and Dr. Hew, David can work with Duncan and me now and Mel and Sunny still have clean up with you. Kennedy, James, Cooper and Anna will stay with the van and come in as needed. We will be fine. We are ready." She didn't look convinced. Celia came back down the stairs hurriedly. She looked worried.

    "I'm sorry Mr. Colin. Ms. Anna's not in her room and some of her things are gone." Colin turned to Nate.

    "Did she say anything to you last night? Anything that would explain this?"

    Nate gave me a guarded look before addressing Colin. "We...we had a disagreement. She left and said she was going to her room. That's all. She never said she was leaving."

"Shit!" Agent Knoll threw her hands up but Colin stopped her.

"This doesn't change anything..."

David stepped up to him. "But we have to look for her. She could get hurt out there. We can't just let her leave."

Colin rub his eyes and sighed, "We can all look for her when we get back, but we have a job to do now. I would like someone to stay, she could come back or call here. Honestly we should have someone here just in case things go bad today. " He looked around the room.

"I'll stay." Cooper stepped up. "I'm not going to be much use on this deal anyway. At least here I can be useful."

"Thank you Cooper." Colin turned a wary eye on Agent Knoll. "This doesn't change anything. We go, now. We'll worry about Anna after."

"We'd better go now, before anyone else runs out on us."

The van she had brought for us was long, white, and windowless. She opened the back  for us. Long low benches lined the sides and a cage near the cab held a variety of guns and knives. She hopped up and unlocked the wire mesh doors.

"Do any of you have experience with firearms?" She pulled down a small pistol and looked at us still standing in the drive.

"I do." Ben climbed into the van with her. "At least I have handled guns before." She looked at him appraisingly before handing him the pistol.

"It's loaded." Was all she said. He looked it over before putting it in his waistband. He did seem to know what he was doing. Someday I was going to have to ask him about his past.

"Anyone else?" We all shuffled our feet but no one answered. "Well it's time to learn then. Some of you can't rely solely on your abilities. We have to be prepared for anything." She grabbed a couple of more pistols and moved to the doors of the van. She handed a gun each to Nate and Stephen. Nate took his without question but Stephen only relented when she pressed the gun in hand. Even then he looked loathed to even touch the weapon. "The safety is here. It's on now so the gun won't fire. Flip it like this before using it. Leave the safety on until you are ready to use it. It will keep you from shooting yourself in the foot." She turned to Mel. "I think this will work better for you." She handed her a large hunting knife. "With your ability that will be a more deadly weapon than a gun." Mel clipped the knife to her belt without a word but she looked rather satisfied as she jumped in the van to join Ben.

Agent Knoll moved back to the cage before approaching Colin and Duncan. "I know you both can protect yourself, but you can't use your abilities as quickly as I would like. You should be armed just in case. But Colin backed away when she offered him a small gun.

"No." She started to protest but he repeated himself firmly. "I will not use a gun. I don't blame anyone else for wanting one." He looked at Duncan who was holding the gun she had handed him gingerly, "But I don't want one."

She sighed heavily. "Fine. Kennedy..." But Kennedy looked frightened by the prospect of carrying a gun and waved her off.

"Besides," he said, "I'll be with the van. I'll have all the fire power I need if it comes to that."

"Jemma." She turned to me. "I know what you can do protects you but you may still need this." She held out a sleek black handgun.

I shook my head. "I don't think..."

She moved closer and lowered her voice. "Jemma, you can protect yourself but what about the others? What if you need to protect them?" I took the gun from her and listened as she gave a quick lesson in how to handle it. I tried putting it in my waistband like I had seen the others do, but it felt uncomfortable so I just held the gun at my side. She must have seen my reluctance. As we took our seats in the back she produced a hustler and showed me how to place it around my thigh. The gun felt heavy and out of place.

Colin, Kennedy, and Agent Knoll rode in the front of the van while the rest of us were packed in the back. Nate sat on one side of me and David on the other. No one wanted to talk. Sunny spoke quietly with James who was wide eyed with fear. I saw him eye my gun more than once. I hoped he could hold out. If everything went well we could do this without him ever needing to leave the van. I had no idea what I was going to say once we got there. I didn't really think I could do much good but I needed to lure them out at the very least.

It was a long and uncomfortable drive. Conversations were started but quickly forgotten. Nate grabbed my hand at one point, but when I looked at him he was just staring at the floor. David looked close to tears.

"David?" I said quietly. "David, are you alright." He just sat there for a moment staring through Duncan in the seat across from him. Finally he lowered his eyes.

"I don't want to do this. I don't want to hurt people."

"Maybe we won't have to. You don't have to do anything you don't want to David. Just do what you can, that will be enough." He gave his head a small shake but didn't raise his head or speak again. I hopped when this was done he could find a peaceful life, somehow.

The longer we drove the more nervous I got. My stomach was on fire by the time the van stopped. When it did, I had to fight back the acid rising in my throat. I heard the front doors close and sunlight burned my eyes when Agent Knoll opened the back doors. We were at the end of a short drive that ended in a tall white metal gate. Behind it the drive ended in a circle in front of a big two story brick house. It was nothing compared to Colin's, but it was still huge. Some of the green shutters on were hanging askew and I could see chunks missing from the white columns flanking the entryway.

Once we were all out, Agent Knoll passed out small handheld radios like the one I had seen her use before.  "This is as far as we take the van," she said, "They've seen us for sure but I'd rather not start trouble until I have to. Mel, I want you to open that gate for us, but nobody goes through until I say! As soon as she has it open, Stephen, you take Ben, Nate, and the doctor through. If you see trouble," She held up the radio, "Let us know. But try to keep the chat to a minimum. Mel, once you have the gate open, get back here. We'll wait for Jemma to draw some of them out, or at least see what they have in store, before we charge in. David, Duncan, Colin, be ready. We may need to go in fast. That's a big house, it might take us a while to flush them all out. The rest of us will move in behind and clean up anything needed. Kennedy if something happens to us, get out." Kennedy started to speak but she held up a hand to stop them. "If something happens to us we will need you to get help! Go back and contact Stacy's group. The agent there will know what to do. Now, is everyone ready?" She didn't wait for an answer.

"Wait!" Ben hissed. "You can't let Mel walk up to that gate. She will be completely exposed. It's not safe!"

"None of this is safe!" the agents fists clenched at her sides. I could see she was breathing hard under her thin black coat.

"Ben..." Mel started but David interrupted her.

"I can do it. I can open it from here I think." He seemed eager to do something useful that didn't involve striking down another person.

Agent Knoll nodded. "Then do it. Be ready Jemma." David took a hesitant step around the side of the van. I moved with him. I didn't see any movement around the house but there were small cameras posted on either side of the gate.

"David." I leaned closer to him. "See what you can do about those cameras too." He nodded. I felt movement in the air before I saw the burst of light from each camera. They were black and smoking in an instant. Next he hit the middle of the gate with a bright white flash, but the gate didn't give. I heard him mumbling under his breath but he just hit it again, and a third time. Finally, on the fourth strike, one side of the heavy gate swung out a few feet. "I guess that's my cue." I walked forward with more confidence than I felt.

The square metal piece David had hit was black and melted in places. I made sure not to touch it as I opened both sides of the gate. I heard movement beside me. Stephen must have been honing his skill because I saw nothing of the others with him. I walked up the concrete path expecting to see or hear anything at any moment. I stopped twenty feet from the front steps, my nerves already frayed from the short walk. I wanted to keep the majority of the house in view. I took some deep breaths to calm myself. I opened my mouth to yell out but nearly jumped out of my skin when the front door flew open and a thin man stepped out. I knew him from his picture. His thin beard was longer and he looked dirtier but this was Haziel. I was surprised, I figured half this fight would be trying to route him out. He was either braver or stupider than I had given him credit for.  Once I saw him, I lost every idea I had. I just stood there.

"You are not welcome here!" He pointed at me dramatically. His voice was gruff. "Leave or you will be forced from this property, traitor!" Well this was not an encouraging start.

"We are the Phoenix and we do not want to hurt anyone." I raised my voice hoping anyone within the house would here me too. "Come with us now, stop fighting, and you will not be hurt. We can find you places..."

"We do not want to be a part of your agreement." He spat the word. "WE did not agree to be subject to this! It is you who should join us! WE are more than them, we will rule! And you will join us, willingly or by force. The choice is yours."  Well, that was dramatic. I could see movement through the open door. Well, I hadn't really expected him to come peacefully, time to get as many of them out as possible.

"You have no idea what you are up against. WE will bring you to justice and I assure you, there is nothing you can do to stop that." I felt stupid saying it but I figured I better go big if I wanted them out.

He smiled and I felt a chill, he was obviously deranged. A small woman appeared behind him and he took something from her. He turned and raised a square barrel gun in my direction. I braced for a shot I never heard. Instead I grunted as something struck my shoulder. I looked down and saw a small silver dart protruding from my shirt. It burned my skin when I pulled it out and threw it down. The pain eases almost instantly but I started to feel woozy. Everything was blurry for a few seconds. I tried not to let Haziel see. My vision normalized quickly and I saw him grinning with satisfaction. The small woman had joined him on the porch and so had another, larger man. They thought I was going down from whatever was on that dart.

"That won't work Haziel." His face fell in a very satisfying manner. I stood up straighter. "You can not beat us." Haziel's companions stirred nervously beside him but his grin returned quickly.

"You will not win this." He said quietly. So quietly I almost didn't hear him. But I felt it. I felt the dread of our inevitable loss. "You will join us." Again he was speaking so quietly I had to strain to hear him. But I wanted to do what he said. I saw the logic in joining him. I knew how stupid it was to fight him. I took a hesitant step toward him.


I put all the will I had left into that thought. I took another step toward him, and another. I wanted to join him but another part of me was screaming at Ben for help.

I hear you. Calm down. Jemma. You are Jemma. You know what you have to do. Listen to me. He can't control you. Don't let him in.

Ben's voice in my head was like an anchor. I stopped moving forward and listened to him speak over and over, don't let him in, until my head cleared. I shot an angry look at the people on the porch.

"That won't work either. YOU CAN NOT BEAT US!" I screamed in defiance of what he was trying to do. I felt like he had tried to take my mind away from me. I felt more violated than I ever had. I hated him. He looked shocked but the two with him stared at me with terrified eyes. "Come with us now," I addressed them. "You will not be hurt if you come with us now." But Haziel just laughed.

"You think we are scared? We are not afraid of you or your skulking friends. You will not take us!" He raised a hand over his head and pointed to me. Shots rang out from every side. Some threw up concrete around my feet but at least three hit me. I stumbled backward as the first struck my chest and fell when the second and third hit my legs. Flat on my back I felt two more shoots hit my middle. The pain was sharp but much less than the first time I had been shot. I could see the holes in my shirt and jeans but very little blood. I growled low in my throat as I lay there. The house was silent now. They obviously though I was done.

"Jemma! Jemma! Are you ok?" It was Colin. I felt a moment of panic before I realized he wasn't there with me. It was the radio. I stood up. Haziel and his friends had covered half the distance between us but stopped in shock. I snatched the radio off my waist.

"I am fine." I made sure I said it loud enough for everyone to hear. "But it doesn't look like they want to do this nicely. Maybe you can convince them." Haziel didn't move but his companions turned and began running toward the house looking over their shoulders as they did.

"You don't scare me." His lips were peeled back from his teeth and I expected to see foam falling from his mouth at any moment. "This is what we are! We are gods, we are meant to rule! Finally a worthy adversary!" This guy was out of his freaking mind.

I heard a roar like thunder from behind the house. "Cover your ears!" It was the radio again. I did so quickly. A blast of noise loud enough to cover the roar hit me. Even with my hands over my ears, even expecting it, the sound dropped me to my knees. Most of the window of the house shattered. A huge wall of water rose over the house. Part of it broke away and plowed over Haziel and the two who had fallen, covering their ears on the steps of the house. They were tumbled over and over by the wave. The rest of the water hit the front of house with a crash.

The sound stopped and everything was eerily quiet after the noise. Haziel and the man and woman lay motionless in the drive. I couldn't see any movement within the house. I turned when I heard footsteps pounding behind me. Colin, Duncan, David, and Agent Knoll where running toward me. The radio blared suddenly. "Their moving to the back of the house. There's one on the roof still. Out front!." Nate yelled. I saw the group coming toward me stop and look up. I did too. I couldn't see anyone.

Suddenly fire burst from the top of the house. A huge elongated flame sped toward us. I started to run toward Colin and the others. I knew I would never make it in time. I heard the roar of water but that would never be fast enough. But the flame flashed over the group. At first I thought whoever was up there just missed us, but the bolt of flame hit the van setting it ablaze. I heard Colin's wall of water hit the roof behind me but I didn't look back. When I reached the gate James, Sunny, and Mel were there. Sunny was crying and Mel was holding her back with ease. She was straining toward the burning van. They were covered in soot but otherwise unhurt.  

"What happened?"

Mel looked over her shoulder. I was surprised to see tears on her face. "We came to the gate when the other's left, we were worried about them." She shook her head as more tears leaked from eyes. Sunny still silently strained against her arms. "Kennedy said someone should stay with the van." She looked back toward the bonfire that once was the white van.

"Kennedy!" I ran toward the van, Mel tried to grab me but she couldn't get to me without letting go of Sunny. I felt the heat before I made it close. I slowed but kept moving forward. The warmth became painful and didn't fade. I had no chance to heal here. I didn't care. I had to get to him. I was sobbing as I moved to the driver side and kicked at the door. A part of my jacket caught fire blistering my skin. I screamed and kicked harder. I thought I heard voices behind me but I couldn't hear over the rushing sound of the flames. The pain was unbearable but I tried to get closer. I had to get the door open. I grabbed the handle and pulled with all the strength I had. I felt the flesh melting off my hands. I couldn't stop. All I could think of was Kennedy. Kind sweet rosey cheek Kennedy. I felt the door move in my hands and stumbled back. The door slid open and Kennedy was there. He turned and looked at me in surprise.

"I couldn't get the door!" He yelled. He was completely unharmed. Most of his clothing had burnt away and the seat had melted under him, but he was untouched. I backed away further as he stepped out of the flames.  

"I don't...I" I fell to my knees just outside the heat, still staring in disbelief at Kennedy standing in the flames. He was watching the flames in wonder but when his eyes fell on me he gasp and ran to me.

"Jemma. Oh, Jemma. You're hurt!" He placed my arm around my shoulder and lifted me up, pulling me further from the flames. We reached the others and he sat me down. Colin's group was there now too. Everyone crowded around Kennedy talking at once. James took off his long coat and gave it to him as he was standing there in his well singed underwear. Sunny was laughing and so was Mel. Colin finally noticed me sitting against the fence and knelt next to me.

"Oh, god. Are you ok?" He ran a hand along my hair. I was pretty sure I was missing some. My hands no longer hurt but I was afraid to look at them. My clothes were smoking and black.

"I'm ok now. You remember telling me there might be things I couldn't beat." I laughed. "I think I just found one." Static burst from the radios. Ben voice sounded tense.

"These people are still moving around back here. There's at least four and one or two still up in the house too. Anybody going to come get them?"

"We still have a job to do people!" Agent Knoll snapped. "Sunny, follow Mel and make sure anyone who is down stays down. Mel, take care of anybody who's not down. Duncan, Colin, David, you're with me. We've got to stop those people from slipping away."

"What about the guy on the roof? I don't know if I got him." Colin asked.

"Fire guy?" Kennedy smiled. "I'll makes sure he's down. Seems I have a use now after all."

Agent Knoll nodded, "Ok, you get across the courtyard first. If he doesn't attack you we'll follow. Either way, get to the roof and make sure he doesn't cause trouble." Kennedy made quick steps past the big gate and we all moved to watch him.

"Wait! Don't leave me." James had been quiet through the fire but now he looked terrified. I didn't blame him. I didn't want to stay out here waiting either.

"You can't come with me James." Sunny looked torn.

"He can come with me." I staggered to my feet.

"No," Colin said. "You're hurt. You can stay here with him."

"No way! I'm fine now." I held up my hands for him to see. I was relieved to see they were in one piece. The skin on my palmes was pink but otherwise smooth and unbroken. "I'm not staying here. We can check the grounds out front. Make sure nobody gets out this way."

"Fine. But we need to move now!" Agent Knoll was already through the gates. Sunny gave one last look to James before following. He looked close to tears.

"Hey. We'll be ok. We're just going to take a walk around and make sure everything is ok. This is almost over." I patted him awkwardly on the arm. He didn't look much better but followed me through the gate without question.

I saw Sunny kneeling over the lifeless bodies in the drive. Mel stopped with her but kept her moving quickly toward the house. Kennedy must have already made it to the house, presumably to find a way to the roof. The other group jogged along the front of the house and disappeared around the side. I led James around the other side of the house. I opened a gate into a small garden. The paved walk was sunlit but everything was eerily quiet. The tall hedges and shaped bushes were big enough to hide a person. I imagined I heard footsteps behind us and kept turning to watch every direction.

"I don't like it." James whispered. We were close to the back edge of the house now. I stepped off the path and moved closer to the house. I itched to help the others but I couldn't risk taking James into that.

"Ok big guy. We'll turn around and head back to the front. Just give me a sec..." I wanted a peek around the back at what the others were doing. Gunshots boomed and echoed off the house. It was impossible to tell where they were coming from, but I assumed behind the house. I took a few steps closer to the edge but I heard James whimper behind me. I snarled in frustration. I turned and took a few steps back to him. I was almost back to the path when something hit me from behind, knocking me to the ground. I got up quickly but I had no idea what had happened. James was pale and shaking now. Another blow hit my middle. I grunted as it doubled me over and nearly knocked me to my knees. I heard movement and when I snapped my head up I saw Sean stepping out from behind a hedge.

"Never thought you were the kind to run away Jemma." He sneered at me.

"What are you doing Sean?"

"What I should have done a long time ago. Joining the winning side of course."

"You idiot..."

"Come on Jemma. Did you really expect different? This..." He waved a hand above his head. "This is what the changers need. These people have the right idea! We could rule. WE should rule!" The glint in his eye reminded me of Haziel. I felt disgust but sadness too, I had believed he was better, could be better at least than this. He moved a few steps closer still holding me with his hot gaze. "Have you seen what they can do Jemma?! I've been learning! Working! We are learning to combine our powers you know. Did you see what me and that pyro kid can do?"

"The fire...that was you? You could have killed someone Sean!"

"We didn't know anyone was in the stupid van!" He spat. "We just didn't want you to get away. Don't you get it? We have to work together! Look what we can do if we push ourselves. Nobody has to get hurt. You just have to give up this delusion that we are going to live among the normal people. We are meant to rule!"

I heard shouting from behind the house. I had forgotten about the others. Now what might be happening to them crashed down on me. "You are as big a nut job as Haziel. Give it up Sean." I heard movement behind me and I took a few steps back toward James, but I didn't dare take my eyes off Sean.

He grinned at me. "Last chance Jemma. I don't want to hurt you." I laughed. He glared at me and I felt something grip my middle and lift me a few feet in the air. James was talking quietly behind me but I couldn't turn to see him. When I looked down at Sean he was looking past me, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Now!" I heard a woman shout behind me and everything went dark. The fall knocked the wind out of me, but at least I was down. I couldn't see a thing. James' darkness shut out any hint of light. I raised to my hands and knees and felt around the inky blackness.

"James." An invisible blow hit my side and sent me tumbling into something hard. So Sean was stuck in this too. Damn. I needed to find James. I stiffened as I heard footsteps close to my head. I sat back on my heels but didn't dare move more.

"Shhhh." I jumped as I felt a hand on  my arm. "Hold on to me. I will get you out." Someone whispered in my ear.

"Anna!" I felt a rush of air over my head. She shushed me again but squeezed my shoulder and helped me up. She took my hand and started to drag me along. "Wait." I hissed. "James." Anna changed direction. I could hear someone walking behind us but Sean had no chance of finding us in this dark. I heard a grunt as he walked into something.

"Here..." she hissed in my ear and placed my hand. I felt soft cotton and heard James inhale sharply. I could feel him shaking under my touch.

"It's ok James." I breathed and took hold of his arm, he promptly placed a big hand around my upper arm.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" His voice was thunderous in the heavy dark. There was a crashing all around us, it sounded like the hedges were being ripped from the ground. Then a heavy wind began to tear at us. It was like a sudden tornado. I tightened my grip on Anna and James.  I had no idea how strong Sean really was.

"Anna. What's happening." I had to shout to be heard over the wind, small pieces of wood and dirt were pelting us now, stinging my skin. I kept a tight hold on James and Anna both.

"He's trying to block our way back! Building up a wall! I think I can get us out!" She struggled on for a few feet but stopped again. "I can't! We can't make it through!"

"Then go back! Pass him! He can't see us!" She slowly drug us back the way we had come. James' grip on my arm was becoming painful but I didn't try to shake him, his weight behind me was the only reason I was still moving forward. I silently willed him to stay quiet as we moved closer to where Sean must be and the noise from the wind behind us fell. We moved quicker the father we got from the wind storm but I was too afraid to run even with Anna leading. It felt like we went on forever in the dark.

I grunted as Anna stopped hard in front of me. James plowed into both of us, pushing me into the reason we had stopped, a low metal fence. Anna pulled us a few feet and stopped again. I heard her breathing hard and metal clanking together. My hand tightened over the thin, rough bars and James was whimpering beside me. The sound of the wind was less, and not just because we were further away from its source. Sean was slowing the storm. He must have assumed we stopped or got away. I winced at the squeal of metal but didn't have time to worry about Sean as Anna pulled me hard forward.

"Almost out." She panted. I heard the wind pick up again behind us, not surprising with all the noise we were making. Just as we broke through the dark cloud covering the garden a blast hit from behind. My eyes barely had time to hurt from the forgotten light before I was thrown forward and they closed again. I grunted and rolled to one side. James was already on his feet, or maybe he never left them,  looking around wildly. Anna was still down but stirring. There was no sign of Sean but I didn't trust the dark to hold him for long, he had heard where we were. He'd blunder his way out eventually.

I pulled James to the wall of the house. "James, I need you to make more dark. Can you make it go where you want? Can you make it dark where you want?" He looked confused.

"You want want me to do the dark? I don't like it in the dark."

"Not you in the dark James," I pointed back toward the dark cloud, "him. Can you keep him in the dark? If Anna tells you where he is, can you move the dark with him so he can't get out? Just until we find someone to get him?" He was staring at me wide eyed and obviously terrified of either Sean or the dark, or both. Anna joined us panting and holding her side. "Please James. I have to get back there and see what is happening but I can't do it with him following. He could hurt someone. He could hurt Sunny." I knew it was a risk. He could easily break down and not help at all, but I believed he was braver than any of us gave him credit for.

Tears ran down his cheeks. "Yes, I will help Sunny." He choked.

I turned back to Anna. "Are you alright?" I barely waited for her nod. "I need you to tell him where Sean is in the darkness. Keep your distance and keep quiet and he can't hurt you. Just keep him blind until we handle the rest and then we'll find a way to stop him." I didn't wait for her answer. I had to help the others, had to know what was going on. I ran around the side of the house and into mayhem.

The first thing I saw when I entered the open courtyard behind the house was a motionless body laying face down on the pavement.  I couldn't tell who it was from the distance. "No, no, no." I ran into the open from my hiding spot and the quiet erupted with noise.

"No Jemma!" Someone shouted from behind a low concrete wall to my left. There were small breaks in the top of the wall and I could see movement behind it.  Big chips of the concrete broke away and dust flew as someone from the upper terrace of the house opened fire at both the wall and me. I kept running but wasn't fast enough to avoid the bullets. I groaned as I felt one tear clean through my lower leg and another lodged itself in my shoulder. I slowed only to get my footing again, the ground was wet and muddy. I never took my eyes from the body. I heard shots coming from the wall now and heard the heavy thud, thud of bullets planting in the big wood beams of the balcony. I skidded to a stop a few feet from the man on the ground. I could see it was a large man now, with jeans and a bloody hole in his grey tee shirt over his shoulder. I didn't recognize his outline. Blood was pooling in the mud under him. I looked up at the balcony.

"You can't hurt me! Stop shooting. Everyone stop shooting! I want to help him! I can't if you just put more bullets in him!" I took a hesitant step forward, more afraid for the man on the ground than myself. When no one took a shot I took the last few steps quickly. I knelt beside him and, with an effort, got him on his back. I didn't recognize his long pale face. I sighed and sat back. The man had another wound in his chest, even caked with muck I could see the gaping hole.  He was already cold to the touch. There was nothing I could do for him.

Movement from the lower level of the house caught my eye. Most of the windows were broken and everything was soaked. Colin's doing. I could see glimpses of people moving around on the bottom floor of the house, frantically it looked like. So, Colin and his crew must have driven the ones from outside back in and now they were trapped between them and Sunny and Mel. Colin couldn't get closer or out of the yard because of the shooter and Haziel's people couldn't get out of the house from the front or the back. UF-5 was heavily armed, we knew that coming in, and Mel and Sunny were no match for them. Maybe they didn't know that though. They would figure it out eventually though. Something had to give soon. I wanted to stomp my foot in frustration. I didn't know how or even who to help.

I could just make out the shooter from the second floor. He was hiding behind one of the big cherry wood columns. I scanned down the rest of the balcony but couldn't see anyone else. If I could get rid of him, Colin and the others could cross the yard and work on the ones in the house. But I had no idea if he was alone. It would do no good to take him down if there was another shooter lurking around. I wondered why David hadn't taken the man up there out yet. I looked up again and saw water dripping from the top floors. The water. If David hit anywhere out here he risked electrocuting everyone. I knew he'd never risk that. Ok, so David was out. Colin must have been out of ammo, Duncan couldn't risk using his ability without knocking everyone out and James and Anna had their hands full.

"Ben? Ben can you hear me?" I held my breath and waited. I didn't even know if Ben was behind the wall.

"Yes. Where is Mel?"

"In the house. Where are you?"

"Is she alright?"

"I don't know. Where are you?"

"Garden. With Colin." I must have looked like an idiot standing there staring into space.

"How many shooters are covering you?"


"How many?"

"Just one. Maybe." Maybe? Great. But his though felt confident. He had only seen one, he was just being cynical. Hopefully.

"I am going to climb up and distract. When I say, you all run." Conversing like this was starting to make my head pound.

"Just shoot him." I didn't know what he meant for a moment until I remembered the gun strapped to my thigh. I looked down at it. I hadn't thought of it once since putting it on, even though it was uncomfortable and awkward. I could still see a sliver of the man's upper body behind the pillar, he moved to peer down at me every few seconds. It  would be a hard shoot for an expert and I wasn't. Even if he was out in the open, shooting him like that felt wrong. And if I tried the shot and missed it would just tip him off and he would move, possibly somewhere I couldn't find him.

"No."Be ready." I waited until the man peeked down at me again. As soon as his head disappeared I sprinted for the porch under him. I moved away from his position just in case he saw me, hopefully he would think I was running for the house. I ducted behind the railing of the lower porch. I could no longer see movement in the house but I could hear voices through the broken glass. It didn't matter. I had to get rid of this guy before anyone could help in there.

The lattice between the porch and balcony looked sturdy enough but it was covered in thin tendrils of ivy. I would make a lot of noise moving up it.

"I could use a distraction." I thought to Ben moving to the outside of the lattice. I jumped grabbing the highest point I could reach. The wood creaked under my weight but held. Wind suddenly whipped around me. I nearly let go in panic, assuming Sean must have gotten away from Anna and James. But the wind wasn't directed at me, it was blustering around the open balcony. The doctor! I had completely forgotten about her. She was obviously not as strong as Sean but the wind was doing its job. It hid the sounds of me struggling up the outside of the lattice. I was seriously regretting not making use of the hospital gym more.  The wind, although not directed at me still made the climbing harder. It died down a little as I got closer to the top, but I didn't know whether it was because of my stress or the doctor was getting tired.

When I finally made it to the top I was relieved to see the sniper still focused on the group below. But I wasn't sure what to do. I thought about the gun again but I hated the idea of shooting someone. I didn't see much choice though as this guy was obviously big enough I wouldn't be able to incapacitate him physical. I fumbled with holster while keeping one hand on the top of the banister and hoping he didn't turn around. I finally got the gun out and pulled myself up and over the top. He heard me drop but I raised the gun before he could react.

"Drop it now!"  He hesitated but I took a step closer and he finally put the gun at his feet and raised his hands in defeat.


I heard movement below me and raised voices but no more shooting at least. I wanted to know what was happening but I didn't dare take my eyes from the guy in front of me.

"Jemma?" It was Colin yelling up from the open yard below. I risk a glance down and saw him standing below. What was he doing? "You can come down now," was all he said. I motioned with the gun for the guy in front of me to move and we made our way into the house and downstairs.

When we made our way out we found two groups; Colin in the others standing to one side and a group of strangers milling around in the mud looking weary but at least not hostile. This must have been all that was left of UH-5. I didn't see Haziel among them.  I walked over to join the others.

"What happened?"

Colin was watching the group and didn't turn to me when he answered. "Once they realize the guy up there was done and they saw us rushing the house they stopped fighting. Guess they knew they were outnumbered."

"Where are..." but I stopped and sprinted to the side of the house. I had forgotten about Anna and James. I found Anna sitting on one of the long benches tending to James. He had a long cut under one eye. I skidded to a stop next to them. "Are you all right?"

She shook her head, "he finally figured out where we were and hit James with something, knocked him out for a second. Long enough to get away. I was worried about James. I'm sorry, I didn't see where he went."

"It's ok. I'm just glad you're alright."

James looked up at me wearily, "Is it over? Can we go home?"

I smiled weakly, "Yeah James, it's over. Let's go home."

The afternoon fall sun warmed my face as I sat outside reading. The few days since taking down UF-5 had been relatively peaceful and I decided it was high time to visit the garden. Agent Knoll stopped by everyday to plan more assaults but none of the known factions left were as much of a threat so there was more time to prepare. The sense of desperate urgency I'd felt since that first night Nate found me was finally gone. Haziel and Sean were both still missing but that was a problem for another day too.

"Good book?" I smiled up at Nate from the little bench. He was grinning that little boy grin again.

I smiled back "Yes. What are you up to?"

"Ugh..." He flopped down next to me in feigned disappointment. "You're getting to be as bad as Ben." I stuck my tongue out at him but he just went on. "I told you when this was all over I'd give you the best day to celebrate."

I reached up and touched his face, "being here, with you, is the best day."

"Oh, I don't know. I bet I could make it a little better." He dramatically brought the hand from behind his back to reveal a delicate white plate holding one very greasy cheeseburger.

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