SuperHero Villain League Acad...

By Ashley_Krueger

21 0 0

What if every super hero and villain you ever knew had a child? What if these children went to the same schoo... More

The Event That Changed Everything..

21 0 0
By Ashley_Krueger

Ariel's POV~

It's a cold dark rainy windy night in Gotham and I'm all alone in my room grounded the perfect way to spend my summer vacation. It was my last day of course but still I had no responsibilities I wanted to enjoy myself but nope dad couldn't let that happen. He's sending me to a boarding school academy for superheroes/super villains. "Dad!!" I called from upstairs in my room. "When will dinner be done?!" I asked again for about the 5th time that hour. "In a few minutes!" I heard Alfred call up the stairs to reply to my question. I laid in bed and sighed softly. "One Two Three Four.. Five Six Seven Eight.. Nine Ten." I don't know why I was counting but I was it calmed me whenever I couldn't concentrate I had to write a resume for the Bruce Wayne Industrial Offices. We were quite low on stock marketing numbers so we just let go of it I promised my mother no matter what that I'd never let my father fall on his face again, that eventually resulted in me taking over the company after he was diagnosed with level 4 leukemia cancer and no cute known to man he didn't really have a choice. I inherited everything from his side including.. 'The Batman' I was so excited once my training ended and now I get to go to a school with all the other superhero kids or super villain kids but it'd still be nicer than no school at all. I ran downstairs once I heard the dinner meal bell chime through the mainly empty manor I immediately sat down at the table and began to eat. As soon as my father allowed himself to move his gaze from the floor to me and he began to speak. "Hey Ariel.. I'm dying kiddo there's no easy way to put it.. It could be months years days hours or it could even be within these next few minutes but Alfred is your guardian he will watch over you, Robin is your sidekick he has his Nightwing Transformation if you see necessary. He will abide your every single command and do exactly as you say. Treat him with respect because I know he will do the exact same for you. This is a desperate time for Gotham the joker just recently had a son and a daughter enter this world and they forced prenatal growth so they're more or less so your age. When you start school tomorrow at the 'SuperHeroVillain League Academy of Our Generation' I hope that you enter with all the pride and dignity just as I did when I first started schooling. I'll see you have proper maintenance and maintaining you need to be well trimmed and suited divinely. Your just as gorgeous as your mother so there's not a doubt in my mind, good luck Ari.." I gaped at the longing sadness in my fathers voice as he spoke to me with suck worry and fear as if he wasn't gonna live another day. "Father I promise to do you proud and none the less keep Gotham City safe and free from Joker and his families reign of Terror." I said with a confident nod as I finished my food went up to my room shut the door and laid back onto my bed and let out a soft sigh. "Oh daddy.. I promise it'll be okay.." I whispered softly as I closed my eyes and drifted into sleep.

Bruce's POV~

I didn't even want to think this to be a suggestion but it's clear to me, I need to do this so she'll be safe. It will drive her mad or taunt her, Joker could use this to stir up some sorta PTSD.. I don't want to hurt my little girl but I can't continue to suffer.. I am ending the suffering and the pain.. She'll inherit my genes quicker she'll kick in and jump start nearly immediately. This may be selfish but it's all I can do it's bound to happen anyways. "I'm sorry Ari.. I have to do this.." I pressed the needle of oxygen into my veins and pumped it into my veins making them practically explode on impact. I fell to the ground as my blood formed a puddle about ankle high around me the last thing I remember was seeing my little Ariel running in and screaming for an ambulance and wanting to have her daddy back. But then it all went black I faded in and out of consciousness as my leukemia started to counter react with the exploded veins in my body.

Ariel's POV~

It was such a grim sight to see I ran in to his room and fell to my knees immediately, I forced myself to crawl over to him and held him in my arms tightly. "DADDY!!!!! NOOOO!!!!" I screamed tears violently and angrily running down my face. "Alfred!!! CALL AN AMBULANCE!!!! SOMEONE CALL 911!!!" I screamed over and over again but eventually was silenced by the violent sobs escaping my body. "Daddy..." I began to calm down whimpering as the ambulance took him away I sat in the waiting room for 2 hours straight on edge until the doctor had told me that visitors were allowed now and I immediately ran to his room seeing a beat on the heart monitor made me overly happy and I talked to him he could hear me and he even smiled a bit but my smile quickly faded when he started to get a flatline. "D-d-daddy?.." I started tearing up gripping his hand tightly in my own a few tears streaming. "Please don't go.. I... I'm not ready yet..." I sobbed silently into his arm as the doctors no longer could revive him. I was furious that he had done this bit I was upset that he couldn't be brought back. Alfred drove me back home that night and I fell asleep on the couch instantaneously I had a long day at school tomorrow, and little did I know that the newspaper coverage was all over my dad's suicide story.

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