5 Years Later, A Promise & A...

By MissAlex89

846K 10K 365

Miles Danes always had the worst of luck when it came to men, for years she had gone through numerous Mr. Wro... More

5 Years Later, A Promise & A Potential Lesbian?-1
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31.4K 392 2
By MissAlex89

Chapter Eight-

As I sat on my black leather chair I spun around in circles over and over out of pure boredom. There wasn't one thing to do I had finished all my work for the day and the rest of the week besides scheduling and checking people in. Staring up at the ceiling I noticed the white paint was unevenly spread on, and was coming off in huge chunks. I'm sure no one else noticed but when you're bored and have nothing better to do then stare at the ceiling waiting for the time to pass by, you tend to notice the small meaningless things.

"Hello, I'm here for my six thirty With Lidia, and I need her to hurry I'm in a hurry I have a huge concert tonight." I held my breath wanting to give the lady a piece of my mind. Danielle Peterson another regular, she was one of our celebrities and very obnoxious too.

With her it's always I need this now, I have a concert, I better have that, she better do it right. Definitely annoying, she isn't even a real celebrity she sings at the Lincoln every once in a while, she went to Julliard and thinks she's god's gift to the world.

"Yes Miss Peterson, one moment."

I smiled my best fake smile to make it look real, I always had to try extra hard with her she made it very hard to be sincere with her attitude. I picked up the phone ringing Lidia's room.

"Yes Miles?" I heard her soft voice pick up from the other end. "I have Miss Peterson here for her six thirty she's in a hurry she has a concert tonight." I wanted so badly to tell her off and let her know that she really isn't all that and a bag of chips the way she thinks she is but once again I held my breath. "Ok send her in, thanks."

"Alright. bye." I turned to face Danielle as I hung the phone back up on the hook. "You can go on back." I said my smile widening, as she turned and walked away. As soon as she disappeared I loosened my cheeks bones removing the fake smile from my face. Man that girl needs a reality check. I rolled my eyes seeing Nadine coming towards me out of the corner of my eye. I quickly sat up straight "Hey Nadine." Nadine looked like a tornado had hit her.

Her hair was muffled, her eyes sunken in, even her outfit wasn't up to its normal standards. "Are you ok Nadine?" I asked unsure. "Just a long night is all, my sister was taken to the E.R, she had to have her appendix removed but the operation took hours and there were a few small complications. She's fine thank god but it was scary none the less."

"Oh I'm glad she's ok." Nadine nodded bringing her hand to her forehead taking in a deep breath of air. "Yeah, I'm just exhausted." I could tell Nadine needed to go home, she looked like she could fall asleep right in front of me if there were a couch bed or even chair. "Look Nadine why don't you go home and get some sleep, you look exhausted and I know how to run this place, I can handle it and I'll close up afterwards." Nadine tilted her head from one side to the other I could tell she was thinking about it.

"Well, I suppose you do know the routine pretty well and you have seen me close up a few times. I don't know Miles you think you can handle it?"

I knew she was worried by the tone of her voice, but I had complete faith in myself, it really wasn't a lot to do to run this place I knew the spa like the back of my hand, and besides everyone closed up their own areas all I had to do was the easy stuff like locking up counting the money putting it in the safe and a few filing turning on the security alarm and phone calls.

"Yes Nadine I'll be fine, I can definitely handle it. No problem at all. Now go home and get some sleep." She nodded hesitantly "Alright I'm counting on you Miles. There are three files on my desk with the manila ones get filed and in the dark tan one there are the numbers of the new clients for next week I need them entered into the computer and sent to the email on the paper attached to it. Alright I'm going, I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow Nadine, and again don't worry I have it all under control." I waved as Nadine walked out, it was time for me to get to work I now had a lot to do.


At exactly 9 O' clock I was nearly finished with the tasks Nadine had assigned me, all I had to do was lock up the money in the safe and I was out of there. I grabbed the lock box taking the money of it and walking to the room located behind Nadine's office.

I walked in going over to the large grey safe located in the back of the room. I turned the dial 6 11 43 25 89 90, until it clicked and I opened it up, there was already stacks in there from the whole week so far. Nadine always waited until the end of the week to take the money to the bank. I put the stack of money from the day into the safe shutting it.

"There we go, now I can finally lock up and go home." I said with a smile on my face. I shut the door behind me walking out locking the door and then the door to Nadine's office as well, then walking out shutting all the lights off and locking the double doors behind me that lead outside. I turned looking at the spa one more time a smile on my face as I hailed a cab.

I got inside the cab looking down at my phone 13 missed calls and 7 texts all from... "Oh shit! Ava!" I put my hand to my head remembering I was suppose to have lunch with Ava this afternoon to start planning the wedding. I had totally forgot, I had my phone on silent. I dialed Ava's number listening to it ring once and then go to voice mail. I hung up trying again.

Once again it rang twice this time and went to voicemail. I knew she was ignoring my call, which meant she was probably mad that I forgot about our lunch. I sighed listening to Ava's voice trail on and the heard the beep ."Ava I know your mad at me I'm soooo soo sorry! I had my phone on silent I didn't even take a lunch today I was busy and Nadine left early, long story. But I'm really sorry please call me back." I hung the phone up hoping she wasn't too mad at me, but who knows. I sighed leaning back against the seat of the taxi closing my eyes for a moment.

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